Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Dec 1921, p. 4

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1921 Church should open his ledger for the New Year with the statement "I attended church service Sunday, January 1, 1922". The Week of Prayer will be ob- served by the Presbyterian church. Meetings will be held in the church Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fri- day evenings at 8 o'clock. On Wed- nesday evening this church will unite with other churches of the village in what has been termed a "New Year Rally." At 6:30 o'clock banquets will be held is the Congregational church for the women and in the Methodist church for the men, a speaker hav- ing been provided for each occasion. Following the banquets there is to be a special address by Dr. Howard Agnew Johnston, President of the Chicago Church Federation. This ad- dress is to be given in the auditorium of the Congregational church. Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Church Service 11 A. M. Junior C. E. 3:30 P. M. Senior C. E. 6 P. M. The church is located at the corner of Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue. The Young People's society of the church meets every^Sunday evening at 5:30 o'clock. Every young person who has been a regular attendant of these meetings for a month or more realizes the sound values that come from its associations. Practic- ally every member of the society is present every week together with a number of visitors. Regular services of the church: Bible school at 9:45. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Young People's meeting at 5:30 o'clock. Francis C. Stifler, minister. Resi- dence, 1028 Forest avenue. Telephone Wilmette 2235. ' SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School at 9:45. Preaching service at 11 o'clock. Vesper service at 5 o'clock. Epworth League at 6 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Junior choir rehearsal Saturday afternoon, December 31 at three o'clock. All members of the junior choir urged to come> First Vesper service at 5 o'clock next Sunday. The Week of Prayer, first week in January, will be observed in our church. Official Board meeting for week of Jannuary 1 is postponed one week. There are good reasons to believe that our church Avill have its own monthly publication in the near fu- ture. It may be called "The North Shore Methodist.* ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARISH The Christmas holiday was well observed at St. Augustine's. At 4 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, Christ- mas Eve, the church was filled with St. Augustine's boys and girls and their friends. The Girls' choir, in vestments, followed by the Primary school, marched into the church in procession. The service consisted of the well known Christmas carols and prayers and an address to the chil- dren'by the rector. After the address the children placed their Advent sav- ings in boxes at the foot of the great cross in the chancel, and their gifts for poor children in the Manger be- neath the pulpit. The stall with its thatched roof and floor of straw, con- taining figures of bhe CWrist-child and the Vjrgin Mother, St. Joseph, the Shepherds and their sheep, the Wise Men with their gifts, was illuminated | and was a source of great delight to the children. The church is open all day and many children and their friends have visited it during the week. It will remain in position for a fortnight. The Midnight servin. 11:30 o'clock was?r^*nnin 1 The church was beautiful and with the lighted Chrf the illuminated stall Nativity and the grea entrance to the Chancel J M suggestive of Christmas rl Ve hoir, under Mr. Fullerton's diT M sang the service beautiful T at 12 o'clock the ChrisL Exact5 flashed forth and the 3? II nam ion service began participated in this Cotninun;Lpeop, ice than has been the ca Augustine's was built. Thet c St- also celebrations at 8 and 11 on Christmas morning. clock There will be a party f0r th. c Augustine's choir boys tonight .A o clock in the Parish houlc,t games and refreshments. There was a very large atu„j t ^Xh^ Children's Movie^"ft I at St ENGLISH LUTHERAN Sunday Services Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. Morning Services, 11 o'clock. Holy Communion will be adminis- tered at the morning sevice and there will be special music under the direc- tion of Ed. P. Uhl Jr., and Miss Alice Schnauder, organist. Members of the Church Council will meet with Charles F. Brandt Tues-» day evening at 8 o'clock. The Woman's Missionary society will hold its\ regular monthly meeting Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. H. Homrig- haus, -2739 Broadway avenue, Evans- ton. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Next Sunday will be "Family Day" the day when entire families will be seated together in the family pews at the morning service. There will be Reception of New Members, the Administration of the Sacrament, and Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, ^who begins his fourth year as pastor of this church, will preach a New Year's sermon. Miss Mary Welch, will be the soloist. Morning service begins at 11 o'clock. The January Dinner, to be held Wednesday, January 4y ^.viW be^ a joint meeting of representatives from all the Protestant churches of Wi-1- mettet a certain number of tickets being allotted to each. The women will meet in the dining rooms of this church for supper but the men will be served at the Methodist Episcopal church and will laTer join the women in the auditorium of the Congrega- tional, church to hear the address of Howard Agnew Johnston, President of the Chicago Federation of churches. During the evening at the tables there will he several three minute speeches by men and women of the various churches. The tickets allotted to this church are fifty for men, and sixty for women, and may be had at the --regularnprk^ from^the^deaconsi Mr. A. J. Coburn, chairman. The Tatapochon Camp Fire will not hold their regular meeting Thursday, January 5. V % The Boy Scouts will meet as usual at the church Friday at 4 o'clock. Mr. Harold M. Gilmore, scoutmaster. ___The Central Avenue Circle will post^ pone its January meeting to Friday,- Together with the other churches January 13, just prior to the Woman's of the village the Baptist church will Guild luncheon. . j ioin the great New Year Rally -- 'under the auspices of the Wilmette Mr. Lloyd has announced the fol- Church Council on Wednesday night, lowing series of sermons for January^: i sending its full quota of men to the January 1, "The Family of God",} banquet at the Methodist church and January 8, "A New Vision", January | its full quota of women to the ban Linden and Prairie avenues, Wil- mette, 111. Herman W. Meyer, M. A., Pastor. 406 Prairie avenue. Phone 1396. To wish you ancj your children a New Year of many blessings, spirit- ual and temporal, and to invite you and your children to our church and Sunday school. New Year's Eve services will b^e held on , Saturday, December 31 at 7:45 o'clock. Holy Communion will be celebrated, the preparatory serv- ice for conimunicants beginning at Subject of the sermon: "Memorial Thought! at the Year's Close." 1 Sam- uel 7:12. The services on New Year's Day will be as usual, the Sunday school and Bible class at Library Hall at 9:15. Holy Communion will be cele- brated in the first service at 9:45, the preparatory service for communni- cants beginning at 9:30. The second service begins at 11 o'clock: Subject of the sermon: "Jesus, a Superscrip- tion for the New Year." Phil. 2:9-11. In the second service on New Year's Day all the newly elected and there-elected officers of the congre- gation will be inducted into office. The pastor will also deliver a com- plete report on the affairs of the con- gregation, the pastoral work done, during the year 1921 and the results achieved. On Tuesday evening, January 3, the annual meeting of the congregation takes place. Every voter should be present. Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock the Ladies' Aid and Mission society meets at Library hall. All members present. Thursday evening at 8 the RuiTders hold their monthly business and so- cial meeting. All the young people and their friends are cordially re- quested to come. BAPTIST CHURCH The New Year service on Sunday morning will be a Communion service at which a large number of new mem- bers will be received into the church. Mr. Stifler will speak briefly but the central feature of the worship will be the Communion service and re- ception of new members. 15„ "A New Sacrifice", Jajuiary 22, Spirit". n quet at the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dr. M^giU announces as the topic of his sermon for Sunday morning "Our Assurance for the New Year." Wouldn't it be a great record if every- Christian and church member 2 o'clock. a4id supporting-in-even greater num- bers the open meeting at the Congre- gational church at 8 o'clock, which will be addressed by Dr. Howard Agnew. Johnston, president of the Chicago Church Federation. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's society will be held at the church on Friday, January 6. Sew- ing will begin at 1Q o'clock. Lunch- eon will be served at 12:30. and the program of the day will be given at The Modem Samaritan and His Automobile ATew yean here tivecrtn oufliappy village a dear old lady of nigh one hundred years. With the com- ing of the automobile, she with characteristic quaintness, persisted in making her way to her church afoot, though offers for a friendly lift were a plenty, AH advances, however, brought the saine amusing and facetious comment "I prefer to die a natural death." As her friends of more tender years one by one ac- quired a family car, it became less easy to resist these proffered lifts. So one day, supposedly unknown to any of her immediate family, she consented to be shown the comforts of an automobile. She actually arrived at her church steps without bodily injury! She had peeped into Pandora's Box. She pronounced the experience good. She had been converted-- to the place the auto had come to occupy with relation to her church life. There are many other timid grandmas in our midst. Their timidity possibly taking the form of hesitancy in asking for the lift that bespeaks unbroken church attend- ance. If you are a tired mother inwardly craving the re- consecration found in an hour of song and sermon, who would go to your church but. for the physical effort en- tailed, we ministerswant to know it. Or if your children would be i£Har~Sunday School class were it possible to get them there speedily and safely,: let us have some of our Sunday School workers run their car to your door. We ministers want the friendly spirit, so much a part of our Wilmette life, to be used for the Master even more abundantly. The Modern Samaritan recognizes his automobile as an instrtiment.for the furthering of The Kingdom. He is ready to help you. ^ Rev. George P. Magill, Wilmette 1898. The First Presbyterian Church. Rev. Albert O. Soholm, Wilmette 1938. Wilmette English Lutheran Church. Rev. Hubert Carleton, Wilmette 2378. St. Augustine's Episcopal Church. Rev. Francis C. Stifler, Wilmette 2235. The Wilmette Baptist Church. Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, Wilmette 1152. First Congregational Church. Rev. Herman W. Meyer, Wilmette 1396. St. John's Lutheran Church. Rev. Gilbert Stansell, Wilmette 2484. The First Methodist Church.

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