^^fii'^W^r^-k thr T^Kfe SHORE NEWS;%RIDAY, JANUARY 13 THE LAKE SHORE ^Established 1912 l^^l^vlth which la combined THE WII^METTB LOCAli NEWS -â- â- -â- -. _. Established 1598^ ?|£ISMIED...JmmAY ^OF...... BACH WEEK LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPA *Y §':- 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, III. S#TeIepli«»e Wilmette 1920 SUBSCRIPTION .S2.00 A YEAR All communications must be ac- companied by the name and addieff of i the writer. Articles for publication %%hould reach- the-edit<>i^4>y Wednesday iinoon to insure appearance in current ^>;]tssuev.'. '_____ â- T^o„i»H^„fl »f >fttidoiftnce. cards or thanks, obituary poetry, notices of rtainments or other affairs where |an admittance charge will be matte-^ II mm^K^: collection tafcen, wiJJ be charged for II |lptei%t regular advertising rates. ______ ii Enteped-aX-theâ„¢postolIicfi at Wilmette, Illinois, as mall matter of the secpnd Ijclass, under the act of March 3, 1879. The Year's History 1 Students of history formerly used {to learn names and dates and lists of battles. JSfcwthey investigate social sand economic tendencies affecting jtlie life~of fhe wopler ^ Andso^--the jmere list of events that: happened in |1921 does not throw much light on h«r progress the" world made inithat period. The^real question"IsT What truths did the people learn ? * W& Jact that the leading -nations jsent delegates ^^^^eag^coM^ence jfffW^^^ifm^REE^ as onFof"the over the country is inof"the tosl ^p| the money these thieves are getting. The worst of it is the existenc of a body of meti and womercwho have no sense of decency, honor or gratitude. Thircoontry^ offer^education and fair opportunities in life under a democratic^ for nv^ of ^governments And then having received' these bless- ings, these thieves, like slimy and stinging vipers, turn around and bite the hands that"feed them and which have opened the doors of opportunity to'them... They take money from hard working people, "who accumulated savings 4>y toil and self-denial, and spend it on foul juid j:oarse dissi- pations. ^" ~ fortunately" the number of men and women, with such a dirty and yel- low streak is not large in proportion to population.:^Mb]fcviop\?^^rtr. ceive blessiugtt haW some desire to be worthy- of thei%_:â- ; ,V:.;;.;$§;;v HSfiitoNG MAN CiETS JOB _^ Jim ("Sailor"). White, the strong roln of the Navy,.irm the habit of pulling loaded freight cag with his between his thumb and forefinger. WheThe entered State, headquarter, of the American Region, he offered to lift 4esks andthings with jne^hand, he wanted to tear up ra^rf .JJ their roots, he wanted to mash m the front of iron safes. -•"' . .>. He was out of a job, and his -***%&* with no outlet, was becoming: ternflc. The Legion-succeeded m placing mm -opening and closing doors in_a club Buy and Sell via , Our "For Sale" Ads SaleXhT j Singer Sewing Machines j Used Machines $8.00 up. j l_JleL Home Service Guarantee. j PRICES AS LOW OR LO^Â¥R7 ^pp?p|greatr:ev«nts--of^:liistoryvV^ It .may be "IlllfSifso. Many .such .conferences, have been §!§|§f|§|held: before, but" they .blew .""up . in s Ifog of ..polite speeches^ and nothing giillAnoreJit\pparently â- â- :better..;re|ults^.;wiH-. |flow"ironi<;tlfl!is^ mmmmm ?f:>;Th^.;mere.:"hieeting-;of - these dele- [gates did not mean much, if they i>roughtlwith thehllall the hostility wm§iii§JtSfand;;selfishnessCof â- previous relatibns. ^--nations have birgun I perceive that the awful burden of war Icould be done away with, thena land J ojut tk ,<ui Jib t'j.Q v._ pA^ji 'kfrl L-j -}â- --M-. p^Another " landmaW'lias^^apparently ftpSg|ili||:^^«n-"erect'edIn JRussia. That unfor- p|^^6®:ltunate"country'undertook, to- make-an;. te^S^I lexperiment Which fanatics and visions '^SiMcW^ abuses' of wealth, they took' away the land save,, to se^g^nien^ would notjhe l^iSPtoTiav^all thmgsjhr common. FromTh^^depThT^f their miser^ the 4a-now-see^th»t°4t=pays- to reward industry' and efficiency and iene rgys 5 u Th e World should have •learned therefrom during 1921 a les- son^that^wW-endure for centuries. 3 During 1921, America^ steadily re- feovefed irom the shock of wary | ^28 DwU Jtreet Evan"^.!!!.^ And eitrcmcly gopd sweaters ihey are, too. Be^e^i^ ^ reduction, many of them were sellm* at ,$15i>0^;^'^^^ There are warm, heavy-ribbed slipovers and some|||| block^weave ones-excellent for »k«M»«r ***^^^gk wear.' ' '-y^;-: ' •':,"""'i'^v:"^;^9*^i§' Then there are Kghter-weight mesh-weave Tuxedos|| with brushed wool collars; yon1 are sure to find --youifgl favorite color hereâ€"black, navy blue, taupe, to%^|| blue, jade, rose, pink, lavender and peach. ^ Light-weight mesh-weave slipovers, too, of Vicima^ari^iirhlackirnavyblue^bumt orange-or^] This group has been specially ^>riced^t- $9.95 Other sweaters, all reduced, are Surxipe^fettered by ^ldljostiliyes and ^^Sl^ousic*Sand^|*cias^ viapp^plag:ged;:'behindv;;'."':B that :;saw; ?|littttfiS|fl«w-peaee----:hope«^eTeated-^nd â- false, ^||||l|M;|.ideas of economics, exploded,.will go ^||!||iftlf|down to,history as a .notable epoch of fefgfifflKf^ 'rr"'"""......'"â- â- "-":: ~r:> -â€":.--â€"--- Combining the Hou»ewiV«it^- Reductions are also m Women's Winter Coatst*-<Bath -Robeap^ Blouses, and Children's Coats and DressiSf SILK SALE NEXT WEEK ^i^The'^stiggeslion: i$ often. made tME the housewives 9 should ; combine .^^^^^..^i^ltamst high pricesj and refuse to fftjjfflljl Pay them-jifltjl: the': same get down to |(j||i|||li|;;:a;-'..rea that .runs ||^Jf|^.up";::against' â- thP^it^h*^ ^majojit^lo±DcetaitJtea1ers^^|l..;. on a '"^na.rroVV': margin. ' V::M^'W^0§IM9^^:' ' ^he;;t<sisentiat: 'troi^^^ilfe^Selrc. ^e~lqrttt1ir^ the ^ouaewivei& can on^ influence ^ MmmmmMl*'" ' ' "' ' ...... high because many combinations of manufacturers unite to control their ^profits;f and in^iome lines combina- tions of labor unite tO; secure high wages.||The hou^wiye^ca^ affect it fefusing to uutrouue ^ __...^.^. ,...w . :r4alnl*€i^Ieipi€ld^^ ^^^^^^;^ut..:when' it comes to food, people; "'tnttst ;pay ;,.the-^rtce|d^^^ ^Fhls^iidea ot Causing tQ?u <m llensiyely use^T^^i^ * [ |of handling business and selling to distant! Icustomers^- It saves both time and money*.! -A larger use of this service will expands z^r^ucts^r^a^gfb^ mm this Iine.f3 sr^- \|^iid::.":«!*f- -;ar ^rtie success in the building industry^ ~reiiijce^:p rlc e^^BF ............?moveine'%^that~;:wil|^p^ ^ :S^m "TfcTil^miaiS^^HPl ^our business and Widgnypttr sales territory.^ Wi oseL ^__...iCost,;.. use â- :.Beir;|c"Station Iserviie, whieJh^ineaiiiliasking ior.anyone..;atg^ fth^StstSnt^Qel^ |ticuiar_|>er^n^ ,^g^.^,|gfc.:^|||.gg, .......,.....„__ .,...........„3^L_, service saves you T^ie riio^t; disturbml feature in all ^K^puti3|^enj^per, cen t orv..your: long-dbtan«e| ^Ka^ges^^^^^ by ta^n^o^nta^e W the reduced ej^fenini " In charge of this work is an expert diagnostician of elec- trical and ignition troubles. He is thoroughly conversant with every make of car and all the apparatus that any car..|i^|jjjj^^^' .niay^iise^ The re-wiring of every make of ::®|"r""" ""i!^'w" """"*-* carâ€"repairs on Magnetos, Gen- erators and Starting Motors ^^^C^jw bulk business. ^g arid- nighC-rates Iplaic^ii^ ||^p|:||^.;If "you are experiencing minor ^f#iissmgMniQ|oi»««com^ before it is too late, and hlli;;M^^^M? ition 723-25 Oak Street Phone 1565 f&:> W1NNLTKA, ILLINOIf ~^»"T-'