JEltM^lw,SwSS-f:,'S!.W»',: *"**^ss a^sr- -i**-"" â- 'â- â- -â- â- 'â- :i..........- StHE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4^4^^ Ratesâ€"10c per line for insertion. M^ Copy must be in by Wednesday j*-t-f^rMr^Rller for tne same advertisements in The rfcake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, ZOe^per low- Black Face type Charged Double Price. FOR gALRâ€"HQUSB foITsaleâ€"NEW 5 ,RO>OMmHOM5 $4,000, $750 cash, bal. $40 mo. inc. -^interest, includes fine well. 2 fla£«E r^hft„; lol 50x120; ^ur^ w 11 ......., irra1reB: - â€" â- pay itr KALBON USED TALKING MACHINES, taken In trade on our Brunswick, Edison and Sonora machines. We al- ways have good bargains on talking machines. We carry most ^11 th« ------ Easy iron ....giUfr- ATOTOMOBmBa ^f!!30P3^atterson* Bro£~S28 Davis/St. Evahs- REAL ESTATE â- ••".•"'â- 'â- -......WANTED "TO BIfY-«"HOMK WANTED TO BUYâ€"A FIVE TO EIGHT room home, reasonable, near trans- portation. on easy terms. Describe fully, give lowest _ terms. «-..-^ ,-.-3!&!&r. Bo* im Oak Pa^Vf _ „~J*M FRAME CoTo5iaTrtw"bj>aths; breakfast no6k; sleeping porch; taeniae*; _*»°* water, f Beat; fine wooded lo*; $17,500, _.â- Most substantial 8 room stucco home £-ta choice ea^tJB«c«onjSUji and sip ^large garage; fine wooded lot; $18,- 1i 000. Owner must sell; make offer; *â- reasonable terms. Attractive 6 room brick home on beau- tiful deep Sheridan â„¢ad lot; sun and sip. porches; parage; only $23,500. 86Hd brick 9 room home in very finest location; 3 baths; hot .water heat; -fBTCTTooT; extra well built double garage; huge wooded lot.. Owner go- Ing westTTnust sell; $30,000. Make •VACANTâ€"Near Lake and "L"; fine -^wooded corner; 50 or 100x124 at $5o i_p*r-foot. . • „ __ ME. BARKER &.CO. End of "L", 407 Linden Avenue "' 40? LTGlO-ltc SITUATION MISS FLORENCE J. BUTZ (TUTOR), ^^r^nlOT High School Subjects Tel Wll. 980-W.^â€"• -_LlO-ltp DRBSSMAKINpY THE DATlHOO. * Phone Evanston 3787. LlO-ltp fe%*##? 4 YOUR OWN HOME WE WILL BUILD AND FINANCE A fe home for you, as we have for four hundred others, Just as soon as you & liave paid for your selected home-. & eite.'â- ' â- '"'"~":"~ "•' KSl Iii North Evanston and South Wil- 5 inetter we have some new property. M twflL .blocks from lake and east of W"^*U' tracksr brest-transportation ;* our iS proposition includes both guaranteed l?f Investments as well ajjwond^ejrfuJLJOjs- € address, Lake Shore News E-38. L10-4tp H*OR SALE SEVEN ROOM STUCCO; hofTwater heat; sun room; sleeping porch; garage; big lot; $15,000; • 9 room stucco; brick trim; new; water ___Jtea t; 'en rq g»>^»M^<4wr-»iM<»r^ ^ORRElSTTâ€"Furnished; 7 room houses double garage; for 6 months or 1 year: per month $150. .' ' . â- â- . •. « iroont bungalow; garage; coal includ- ed*; per month $200. If your hous© is for sale, or for rent, fttrnlshe4^*-unf^ririslred,7tist it with ^rnmmm miss, kingis:'; v ;. - â- ,* "%00?'iSentrat Ave., Wilmette Phone 215. â- :>:: •â- â- â- â- â- LlO-ltc HELP 1TANTEPâ€"»F~EaiAl4E" four in family; 3-tfaufts. one 12 year old daughter;- good place for the right party. Tel. Kenilworth 198. LTlO-ltc general housework; WANTED (white); 506. â€" A COMPETENT MAID; no laundry. Phone Kenil. LTGlO-ltp situation wANTRi^afALE _ WINNETKA LANDSCAPB-eOrâ€"-"LET .us, submit estimates on your land- escape work; trees shrubs and per- ennials for sale'; pruning, trimminer â€"and grading; trees and stumps re- moved; also driveways put in: can furnish house-man experienced anfl competent. M. J. Sullivan, Mgr.. 882 jQg J£0nroe EXPERIENCED HANDY MAN; Wiu- do construction, altering or repairs. Walt Page, 1485 Scott avenue. Hub- bard Woods. Phone Win. 104L EXPERIENED WHITE MAN WANTS house cleaning and working around houses; 65c per hour. Oliver Hertz- berger. Phone Wilmette 906-M ton USED-WASHING MACHINES, rebuilt. Molo $65.00; Thor $65.00; Thor |75.00, Thor $80.00; Thor $45.00; Eden $70.00; Judd $60.00. Easy Payments. _^ Patterson Bros-.-mDavls^Bvans- ton 654. ____ _______ JLTG10-3tc FOR SALE â€" >URNITaJRE, RUGS, piano, fixtures. \ plumbing, lumber, stoves, (anything boughjt, sold and exchanged. Pony-carts); v.-SM Oa* Street. Phone Win. 1212. LTGl-tfc ATTENTION â€" OWNERS OF wThave Tnumber of steel tanks, suitable for storage and supply of oil-burning heating plants in 1000- 2000 and 3000 gal. sizes. These tanks are complete with fittings for in- stallation. We will install same at a minimum cost; a- large tank will simplify your fuel problems and en- able you to buy in larger quantities which means a saving in the price of fuel. If several, parties interested could arrange for purchase and in- stallation at the same time they would effect a consideraj^le^saving in the cost of installation. : CONTINENTAL TANK W'KS. St., Chicago, HI. Phone Dearborn 1388. Mr. Nichols. * LTG10 3tc UPHOLSTERING. L4^E SHADES, draperies, "slip covers. Formerly with Mandel Bros. 1922 Maple Aye.,' Evanston. Phone Evanston 3352-W. ^ JA&ES B. MACFARLANE Interiori_Decorator j^ â- -â- :â€".....:"â€"..:..-_-â€"-------- .....â€" ;L,TG9-4tc HAPPY NEW YEARrTOtJtt village ts-r^^^mm prospects brighter than ham ever- beenthe lot of the village. One item that will bring satisfac- THREE BAlM*4lNj* tttht 1920 WtLLYS-KNIGHT SBDA^T JUST nast the T,000 mile mark. Tms car Ska It is in exceptionally fine *^S?*Afc^S2g-SS^ST teen enabled to pay o« $1953059 o? «a«fi*neer in excellent condition 662 Lincoln Ave. n LTG10-ltc FOR^A^LE^^MSCELLA^EO^^ ^L^^AT^WiST^ enamel wei^ngrjcale. wlg^gg ^wfr^rir5k0?r^er ^SSloA/c â€"TT-----z:' SALlB AT \ SACRIFICE C(rtpiaced0?y %^*^£JTmE Call at 800 Oakwood ayenue, w u mette, or phone Harrison 5853^ Uc «OR SALEâ€"BABi--CARRIAGE, FUR FOR. SA*ftt tSovcle baby pen and robe, cart, tricycie, m»»j T/PGlO-ltc gate. Phone Win. 1598. i/K**w- ij* LOST AND FatTND . Tf^Tâ€"A VALUABLE CJAMEO^ PIN; ^on^wldnlsday, January 11. {TJJj m0tto Woman s Club or D§iw*;e" SSe and So Sixteenth street. Finder please retury^same^^ewagll^^ 77)STâ€"WHITE PERSIAN CAT . male) one blue and one brown ey6; SS of sick child; reward of equal valu? if returned to 1316 Hill street. Phone Wil. *««• LlO-ltc SITUATION WANTED â€" ELDERLY man. tend-furnace; clean car; hanay *4-nlaceT"btjar Address Lake L10-3tp SITUATION WANTEDâ€"A CHAUF- tenr, long expeViehce on high-grade carl careful driver, best references. Call Kenilworth IS?9'-. LTGlO-ltc ^S^CTRIC IRONS AN© _ -. repaired, vases wired, etcâ€"-R-~--i. --SSThbne Wil. 2345. LlO-tfc â- clean car; nanay WANTED TOJtllYg^lIlSCEfcfcANEOlJS. tH-p^lace^"bt»aTd^rnTrrWAjjTED TO BUY â€" SECOND HAND .^^------ T»i,o, furniture and other household good^s. Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, 111, Tel. 189. LTG19-tfc WANTEDâ€"BRIEF CASE -â- ^â€"«™««o cycle; in good condition. T'OASTEBS.â€"j^ â€" >ji<i ,,, mX ROOM STUCCO. GOOD LOCATIONS liilfc^eaey^^ernT*^ â- 'â- â- "â- ,... ,.'â- alflli room Stueco bungalow, hot j^vater heat fireplace; $11,500. room1 Stucco. 3 bed rooms, hot water heat,; rt*»sira.hjft locat(on;U ' " "»»fn-^»v>-h• M"""T-tr^gEfas t..:.lLiid „sh.%^V&^.±r3:Â¥tr EXPERIENCED WHITE MAN WANTS housework; references, ^hone Wil. 977-M. : LlO-ltc -PIANOS TUNED. REGULATED. KK; paired: expert:"best references. Ffr- »pr Phnm> Win. 509-.T. LTGSO-t EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR4 (MAK- ried), American, desires, position in nrivate" family; handy around^house^ ^>k^v^ ^i*iw^ \Tt^â€" LTG10- ltc1^ 3TmAN""FO*R BANK HELP WANTEU^^IALB WANTEDâ€"YOUNG STRATED GRSTOLEN=^A "LARGE St Bernard dog; brown and white; (femaleyf notify E. R, JBostrom. AND BI- Phone Wil. JUOatc' LOSTâ€"AN ACACIA FRATERNITY PIN in form of triangle. Return to Congregational Church office. LlO-ltc Give your Dath tub a surpriseâ€"bathe with Blue Devil and le^^Hngs.^ tion to the taxpayers of the village ja^ili found ra^n annovn««senr by^ yiflagei||| Fredderit Zipf^ ar Ttiei4ao^illage| old public benefit vouchers, some ofl which are not due until'some yearsl in the future,-thus realizing a: savings |li|^ to I the taxpayers of 5 per .cent,or ap.||gp§|. proximately $1,000 a year. . ^^.-.^.^pfl' Efficient administration of the btt^m^,. ness affairs of the yjllaj^_ajrA4n-ectly:;^^^^^ to members of the Village board, *^ AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-jR. Continentat JMbf«rlg v $169SF.O.B.,FACTpllY CHSRIGGSl Evanston 140 1S49 Sherman Avrno* Sport and Weel End Skirts THE SKIRT SHOP "made with your own materia?* «| Suite 1418 Stevens Building N«lliSt»i« CHICAGO JfNrtrfi W.bwh EE UB ABOUT VACANT, WE HAVE SOME CHOICE PIECES. 1WILMETTE REALTY CO. w A. J. WOODCOCK* Prop. HEJLP WAITEDâ€"MALE MALE AND __J© avenue, N. E. Winnetka; tm- mediate possession; pricemccording: to amount of cash paid. $9800- #1600 cash, price $9,500; $4500 cash, price $9000. Buy before sprinier rush. Edw. Vail, owner, Tel Wabash 3*20. LTGlO-ltc __. _____ _ J»T V.6MPLKTKD, beautiful 6 room and heated din- , ,„ ... tnir porch, brick and stucco resi- |^f-aencelrh:rw. heat, 115 Sixth St., Wil-: ' *' mette. 1ChoJc^_east-4ocatio»--^»t>nB- â€"â€"â€" ^Wrainefte^lt^^^^ LTG4-tfc FOR YOUNG MEN, WOMEN, OVER 17, DK- Plrine government ^positions. . $130 monthly, write for free list of po- sitions now^>p^ikJLJ-epjiaj^jU|orm^ ~~^ivTFBeWice=r€^wnineT>-590 EQUit- abJeJld^-TCashinj^^ for saleâ€"hovsbholu _goods._ fobTsale used'sewing* machines Domestic $8.00; New. Home $15.00, White $15.00; Rotary White $22.00; * Sinjeer $18.00; Sinj?er $22.00; Singrer $25.00; Standard ,$18.00: WHcoy Electrteâ€"sewings machines, portable, $38,00 to $50.00. , «^ ^T Patterson Bros., &28 Davis St. Evans- ton 654. LTG10-3tc IS _______, TO PURCHASEâ€"HOME for May l or can tel^^nxjaseasjten mti^4^rHfc-to&3t^^ 2" ibaths, I or. 1 and olacA to Install second. Ad- dresa Lake Shore News C-39. - LlO-ltc "ROOM 1 pos- News %A^T1SI> TO BTJT- .,_______.________-6 OR 7 -w,,,. house in Wilmette for May PlilliSâ- •ewton'i,".. .Address Lake Shore 'Wm& â- -' >â- * *" :Sfe:l .SJB898SSSSS ml'- -â€" .. â- ..........â€"Tgiaf--RENTâ€"HOUSF; â- -.:.- ' ^#OR RENTâ€"FTTRNrSHED HOURK TN __________ eastâ€"ofâ€"tracks, 3 blocks Sfrom station; seven rooms on first ,,«„?jiand second floors: maid's 'quarters g||pf§wlth-bath on third floor/ Handsome- '00$$y tu'r^ilshe**: •â- . Hot wnte«. heat -.with; ISl®|*,No Kol" "burner. Double garage, large grounds. From Feb. l-4*»-Mav~l~ %rith possession January 20th. An- »t»«i»itment by telephone; Lake View ^ftMi â- :.:'â- â- â- <:â- â- '$$' LTG9-3tc vifSf SifOR RENTâ€"THREE ROOMTCOTTAGE iJ| with glass porch; 1 car garaget-tww^ Bl »e««!on Feb^J^t^jrental-fSS-per .__._. KS^TffTlotigeirV"Phone Wil. *S dur- Jheiday. : -^^^â€"-LlO-ltc _ OR PWVTâ€"-IN GLENCOE; UNTIL May 1923, unfurnished. «siafcffi room ttt- wio4ei»n home; $80; po^e»6io1l"Witn-" 0 "$*â- â- â- â- ^UurtSP'toAjrar^^Plione' Glencoe :«99. m*:i-â- 'â- â- â- :-..â- â- V-..v.K â- 'â- ,; â- > -v-.^r:::': â- â- - •â- â- â- â- •.â- •â- â- ' LTGlO-ltc FOR nEXT-AFARTMEKT kKNT- ~ V€flt RUNTâ€"FIRST FLOOR M..W»f«rnli»hed. apartment; nriya, I Jkttcifcen^tte^^t^^ei^ienleo^^ack ^norcft; »Hvat* veranda; heat, ran. electric* Ity. Hot w-ater heat included. Oc- IH eupancv Feb. 1st. Wilmette Inn, 726 11th street. „„ SALE USED PIANOS. OVER- hauled. Decker $90.00; Cable f 110.0.0; Smith andJonsJ^12JJftl^oJLJajB4^m; =$^3^fi=^0^SlW^llTn1ftoTf^^TTo^00; Bauer $195.00.'Come in and se^e our new Cable^Nelson pianos. Easy payments. Patterson Bros, 828 Davis ft- Evans- ton «li4. ^ LTGiPjjtc FOR*^SALEâ€"SEVERAL PIECES OF furniture to be sold â- at, very _ Jow ^iprice»^«Gu*tav Stickley" fumed oak library table with two terge^drawera a; one piano bench; three-quarter"Whtte rsehamel bed and springs; one fu«-s»e mahogany finish iron w Aana .Springs. Phone Win- 1697. LTGlO-ltc MICKIE SAYS NWUKT UAvS BECOME Op nVf -tO «RmG 1V1 *tU\MGS "NDHeLJ* boss vuox Rovmwtf m e«**A«,i iaaje> m&o m^iiS^ FOR RENTâ€"-OFFICE ' ...„;Hf ^^faetnr4ng-- <>r^s^rerTT59 Wilmette avenue. Phone Wll. 2399. LlO-ltp • •â€"â€"'â- ' â- ' ir^' 'ii ""...... '- .'â- : :":m^ FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE •ISSirterage::r|5.«07" 110-3rd street Wil- =^lmette. ,-,-;â- ;â- . -. â- „â- â- â- .. '. =.-. ; ^LlO-ltc â- dpOR RBNT-iOARAGB «€ WOOD* INT^^ARAGBJ CALL WIST "r LlO-ltc RBNT-^-FTTRN. R<K)MSf HOT AND- â- ^^gir^ater**.. 629 W. Railroad avenue, â- mWilmette Phone W». 1080. LT047-tfc W&R REN*--FURRn iFRONT ROOMT" near tran*.portat«on. 854 L«nden ave- ^wtei^^H^fljbard >- Wooa»» i^rn^^ ^PO^-J?BNT-^5»Jti^iM^ROOMA Can Win. it$$. â- â- â- â- â- 'â- â- :; v :IflMii-.itc| mmmM S There's a certain satisfaction in know- ing that you will arrive at your destin- ation at the time set. Your appoint- ments can be kept without a hitch. When time is limited and moments precious you will appreciate the de pendability of the North Shore ^f^^^MM1' â€".-----_ . .^«w for Milwaukee leave Wilmette every hour from 5:48 A. M. m 12:48 A. Wbrm â€" ^^^.ty^aaygfea^ia r^--S^#SSÂ¥