Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1922, p. 10

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10 g||g^;*:^;;^l|l â- |jn ip#^P- f HIV -j"'1" â- ."".•'* Established 1912 â- with which In combine ijPHB WILMETTE LOCAL. NEWS Established 1.898 ISSUED FRIDAY OV EACH WEEK by LAKH SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY^ 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111. All communications must/be ac- companied by the name andMdress of the writer. Articles foo^pjlbllcatlon should reach the editor bV JWtefliifiSOay oTSff^oTnsuTe appear^nc^TJii current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards or thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. 1 Entered at the postolrice at Wilmette,-------TffErHOSFITAL ANNEX Illinois, as mail "Shatter of the second -jj^gi^-;iiitidw-ttt-c.-act-of-March 3. 187U. | TllgnQpfffir'g OI the doors OI *1 addition to-the-Evanstea pital marks the beginning of ser- vice to the community for which there has^ long been need and glad expectation. More and more pea are realizing the advantage of hos pital__care-lor__gatienJsMw.hQ have THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY/JANUARY 30,1922 the traditions which they have ^e- st aad anti-climax were failure'to follow the long struggle for the recognition of their na- tionality that has finally been achieved. It remained to be seen whether the enthusiasm of the Irish for their independencejwa£ iFTisuirorT real longing For meet the requirements of the high standard- for service*1 that has been set and is being maintained. self-government, in th#^name^as= _ well as in fact, or resentment in- cident to the opposition which has been, maintained against them. Something worth while must come out of Ireland to justify ; the sorrow and suffering th have been endured to afford t opportunity for its growth. President Harding is fulfilling through an enlightened budget «ystem and discriminating eco- nomics, the promise of a substan- rjal_reduction of Government ex penses HONOR BTUPENTtS Dorothy Scharf, New Trier Bfifcool '20. otWlnnetka, is High for last year; gTo hare one's name. this list timliiudeat H«i*t hire malar tained a very high standard of scholarship for the nrat year. • ,OURQNJ-Y HOPE Christianity is the hope of world, the onTvti^^Without it every- thing, that, to us, makes life sweet pass away. All that is desirable, in what we Call our civilization, would be swept' from the face of the earth. The Church is organized^ChTistian- fryT^Surelyr^ there are reasons enough for the most active and faithful support of the church. Benjamin Harrison, President of othe United ^tate&rranks among the greatest men who have given Mster Oto our national history. In a great speech in New York City, April 2, 1900, he said: "Upon what con- servative element is it that the se- curity and Pgace^ of our community depends F~DuT oty what do those maxims of life come that make jt^ -^decSht, that cufhrpissionT^hMTimit selfishness, and that bind men to- gether in common purposes, for the S^cufTty^n^niappiness^bf communi- ties? It is, inde^drin and out of this sabred Word of God that a system of morality has come that are utilizing the institution with its better facilities for care of the sick, with the nurse who has the train- ing wmch the average home woman does no^^ossess^and cannot^secu except in the hard school of ex- perience in which the patient pays the always high tuition. Everything is as it should be in the new hospital annex. There is and comfortâ€"combined, ;ience~ ^killful nursing and adequate medi cal advice and service. .The people have to thank the genefous^atizen who made the hospital possible and themselves that they have added to' the^fund in sufficient measure to AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-jR. Continental Motor â€"â€"• *169S F. O. B., FACTORY----- C. H. BRIGGS Evanston 140 Shipment of Household Goods A great many people contemplate moving to an- other city and are under- cided ^jvthat to do. with rurnltureTTJestis to consult us- We will give prices on crating, packing and shipping. Then we will keep it in storage until you find a home in your future city, or we wtlf"sell your goods for you. STORAGE U FURNITURE CO 32 T^^Wsk^ Why "Station to Station" Long- Distance €alls Cost You l^m ~r You can save about twenty per cent on your toll billsby using our "Station to Station" long-distance service. To complete a call for a telephone number or for a listed telephone rather than[for a particular per; son r^qnirea Ipss time and avoids holding the line at the distant point while search is made for the person jHtanieiL_______^__--------------------------â€"â€"-- .â-  - â- .&&**?â- *:* Here are some sample rorms for putting in "Station to Station" calls. Signal the operator in the usual way and ask her------ foFlong distance. When the long-dista'nce oper- ator answ%rs_say: ~ ._ ^Give me St. Louis; Main 1234. Will tallcto â€" anyone." '-.-'" "Give m6' Mttwaidcee, Wk;-SfliluV-BKW»=*= Company. Will talk to anyone." "Give me Louisville, Ky.; James Robinson's res- idence, 648 Mulberry St. Will talk to anyone." __JLn~ajrery_4j^a£jnajomy^ a call made in this way either reaches the particular person wanted or the person who answer's can take the message-er handle the business. __ ,__- Specimen rates for "Station to Station" and other classes of long-distahW«ervice may 1>e'fbund in the telephone directory. The manager will be glad to give additional information* ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY but of thought^â€"-----------" ^iJFarther along in the same ad- dress, speaking of the great social and economic difficulties that threat- en our civilizatiotij he said: "Agen- cies of man's devising may allevi- ate, but thev canri< tendency to division and strife, and substitute for it a drift to peace and -uin^^^risflfrfhe; heart and His tt-gospelof love and mim^iy in all the- S^acttvirW erf lif***^ the" only cure pIv^'v^Ah! my friends, not scholar- If^&hipjjioHr^^ ICnoHeanT^editable developments ll of our era-rrSOt to these, but to the II Word of God and the Gtech of ____jr^e^BrChr1sTinuW^eJ^^ lor hope that men may be delivered from this consuming greed and WV'^':*&'::b"*th of 'the ' Irish Ifree jiii State is an event of significance for outside the bdunds of that Httle island. No country in the world can escape being affected inâ€"one way or another 1^'-^|ta settlement ^&.$0&;Y '<mtt&f*$$ $& dyverniiMMit __,.... .^^ .„,._.. - -which'^as ^|fe^Kip5iy:under^the-rrela- tibnlTlniposed upon it. Ireland is il§a;'.romantic, land. Its people ap- ;:^ft:peal':to: the^unagihatiotl and cn^ ^Ifp^pbrtioh^of'^the pe ^^|:TcivHtzed...: worloliEven |^jj:pave~tBoUght- that the ot the those who state of inind^Tiich^a^jeen-^etier^l-ln ^e south of thg isJandAaiAeea the result oTlTledulousxultiva- *ion <A sl grievance many gehera- m ^n§y6WU l^ejSZfeiledJto feel a glow of satisfaction that a way -**a has rieeflF foUnd to recbricile the diflferences between the govern- ment of the empire and the revo- lutionary party of Ireland, lis | S *I1ie burden has now been trais- ferred to the head of the Irish Th© Smartest and Best Dressed Women in Chicago have their Sport and Week End Skirts â€"TCSUETXT THfe WILSON SKIRTLSHQE "Made with your own material".. Suitef 1418 Stevens Building Randolph 3219 17 N. State CHICAGO 16 N. Wabash <i!»HgTound more con- patriots to make successful the tlljnew %amzation^nic^Lfeexliaye :ig^paine^..-:;--^land..must. woricwith,. It zeal arid assrduity net^getieral* ^^ ^r jr^ianMrtiristic i of the race ^g Underground USanitary garbage disposal -â€"underground â€" is accom- plished with-^he^klajestie^yfK- derground Garbage Receiver. Dogs can't up"set it as they?" do th^^ordinary^ unsightly rp«i.r Flies and ver-- |il^fca|^# "get -to it.- It is odor proof. A MAJESTIC UNDER- GROUND GARBAGE M^ .RECEIVER! y^ Is Sanitary"^ | ^Convenient â€"; ^ Odor Proof _HPro< Dog7 i*roof #"â- â- """"' -t^and ?aves Moneyr Iet liis SHOW YOU / Frequent Semce Consider what this important factor of Fre- qneiitr^race^^aea^^ comfortâ€"of time §aved! â- - •', - -.' â-  ~ { ^Jburried-tFip" or an- extended~stop-over^ entails ntrfrantic^striiggle w A train is always due within the hour. Day in and day out, iirkll sort^of weather Th^steady stream of trains continue ^ give utmost in feliahie transportation. Are you acquainted with this convenient rouliE Limited Trains for Chicago leave Wil- ette^vei^htmrrirom^iM^m^ Express Trains for Chicago leave Wil- mette every"half-houf Trom 6:39 am. to 12:09a.m. i erT and ___#St@ SSli Shore &£

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