Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1922, p. 1

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fSfSSffSK? The Timely Record of Community Everttt -â- â- â-  â- â€¢â€¢â- â- - •'•â- â- â- â-  â- .â- 'â- â- ---•^â- vMi--â€"^â€"^-------^^.l,^-:..^.,^^^~^~~~-~-~~â€" ,..,,.,.; :â-  . .:â- ,--â- :â- :....â- ,./;,;:.,.....-../.. ,- -V,..... ^ â- â- .-â- â- â- â-  - â- â- â- â- â- â- ..â- â- â-  â- â- â- â- â- â- â- ,â-  ,â-  ,r........-â- , ' , 1M ln.illlliil,il 'Wi , â-  - â- "in ' ,, ir' 'ilin' i'ii 111 n ^â€"â- Â«â- â€"â€"» |^Iy :Si^gi|. to;' Join: gun,. ;E^^I^H|^ msors Affair; Comihuntty O. K*s; "ISS Ve*tft Murray Watkins gH'; < In Recital Here Jan. 27 B©tt©rLihoia J^ be oiie Qg the miibl delightful musical ||;|::"%;SJBV.-TERP8ICHO.IiEfilllls 0 |Wi have an idea that a compara- tively small number of the 10,000 peo- ple of Wilmette aria immediate-;vieiii-: ity are aware ofr-tli#'iii«*fc:-:tff«d^':.ic3bttuft? aeter and good taste with which the Tuesday Community Bailees aire con- tcted* so we are suggesting to each of you to "horn in" .on the good times the regular attendants are having and enjoy yourself too. You are svure to Iflnd some of your friends and -nejgh- fTHMrs^tfiere^ver^^ sqr shine, at the Byron JLStoip school lassembly hallj4Pento? street and €en- tral aveiilie^SU-^^ iThe purposes of these dances i« to Realty Board Appoints II New Committee Chairmen K:^£-^^.,fk^^s^?^:-â- â€¢â-  -â-  •..- mmsmm:;tMfi':MSS.'^ ': 1(Mnm of the 'N^th Shore Real Estate board were ep- pointed at a meeting of the board ex- ecutive f^^mjttftA^liiftllrt i^xiAa^--4imm^ Ihg/ Janua^-13^-i^^^^S^^S^P: bring the people of JSaimette-togethe^ ^V^^^-Staceyr was elected chairman 6 -'â-  â-  "' -"-'â- "â-  - - -- 0f the Publicity committee; C. S. Smith named chairman' of the Mem- bership committee, and Jotberfechalr- men named as follows^ M* J& Stone? Grievance committee; it. W. Butler^ Taxation committee; Clark T. Nor- throp, Municipal committee; L. C. Ayres, chairman in charge of the *Sko- ki«e road and MeCbrmick boulevard projects committee. It was announced at the executive committee session that the Real Estate board is prepared to make appraisal fo^jmrth^^shore^property owners at a 'every Tuesday evening for a good so- Icial time, under wholesbme surround- ings and conditions and good music, and increase the Communityspirit^ Iby^the get together method. I The admission fee of fifty cents a person is to cover the cost of the music and incidental expenses, in- cluding retention of a dancing in- fractor, who teaches in class from W :45 to 8:30 o'clock, the dance bje? ^nnlhg'WfjWai^^ o'clock. W^MM^^^^0^M0W0Mi^0% .....$b*.diiii^ iwrapi,and other. incedehtai serv " pre: all :$|^djd:::ih::^ admisfion^iee, _ --'*"â- 'â- "â-  -â- ...............-'""-......'W^wm^ fW^M&o^og: 'â- â-  â- : to the " repor% of â-  "Us tt B^creation^^ ^ Wilme % greatlyini heed of more varied means of recreatkmiaHere is one which i» m,-1tej«tive:::: serVicW -reaJdy^to- your ase where you, ^our iSlfenW^^ . people may ^-is^W^'-iaXL nenjoy them- _____ __ ______ _ lOUf. Education began its second semes- ter under encouraging circumstances . â- Â«Â»â-  Monday evening of this we^k at the Selves EVERY TUESDAY &IGHT. In cither words,,ii^^«»|l{^;^6o^mi!»lfeF ZTiaiiPiSS"'......': .. . field of recreation. 3fl£ii^and Cornell ail- ojt;wto^;|[pi^te thefr services. >': W&i0^sSs^^MiWMX^ > ;^The Citizens* "oommittee'*^ Mr. arid Mrs. George E. ^est, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Pruden, Mr^. ancLJMrs. €teorgez^fcr^Hnhbard;^M^sfcra Arthur H. Howard,|||Mr, and Mrs. George Turner, Mr. aid Mrs. Harry M. Bachman* Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B; Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Brower, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tfnche|, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas S. S. Hardwicfc; Mr. and Mrs* Norman M^ Stineman, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick ». Gnrtler, I Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Stark, Mr. I *nd Mrs. Howard Ehrlich, Mr. and M Rolahd^GT^Millen, Mr. and Mrs. A. Htf;i;RlSmith^nY^hd MrsSam A:Hall; MT^-and Mrsr Ernest C. CazeL Mr. l^i|p.and.;-Mrs..â- 'PraiikvR.-.Adams. .,.. ^m^ 1'llliil|";::;-Atf^;.:surplus'^at^the^closevof, ;each fiilpi^:'8easoh>::teures' to the benefit of WU- ^'S^^^'nie^^/puWUc; :,.schools§§i| Last;: season, ^iti, «Q7Q jo wuq tornait nver'to the ParePt Teacher association and was used for || a jaew drop curtain and_ emiipment Jtor ;,;i»||Jp I i*i» stage of the assembly roonu W^lb&t '-you do .not -care".for dancing your- llfV tell your friendft ipliii^Sabout it, so that we* .. iPStpSone. in' Wilmette^sdllx^know.....ahout^it;. i^liisilaid have a; chance to ^get ^elr, .fair. ^slare of Me good times, and will not ibe deprived through not knowing iajbout these enjoyable affairs. . .; â- i_ ^ Arus' well known orchestra wmnreF ftsume operations beginning with next "Irneeday^jA^c^ K. OF C. INDOOR GAME Knighto i^umbns Indoor players, will meet the ii«fi^^r^c©tt^ell;7'-teiam"' ^ThursdayJievening, ;^^&anuary;19»'-ta â- the-'first game, of .the. ^* ^^ecohd round of the Knights of Co- (iiinjhus Ihdoer league seasem ftrfinfj\fi um^^^.^mHIQU9L^:tLL............ Robert Barker, small son o^Mr* ««K» rs; i&; m Barkerr 832 Foi^t^veniies , aim seriously ilL^ JM^lSym^PJL liospftal. The child has shown_no improvement during the past weelt, B ^was reported at the Evanston hospl- entertainments of the season. It will be -a real treat-â€"for everybody, its sponsors say, for on that evening Murray Watkins, whoao reputa* tion as- a-^topMtno uvflrrQS&m^ is nav tion-wide, and Ethel Woodstock Por- ter, a noted dramatic reader, will ap- pear in a recital of unusual merit at the Wilmette Methodist Episcopal church, Lake and Wilmette avenues. The affair will be under auspices orfthe^Yiouaf Woman's Missionary society of the church, and the funds realized will be used in behalf of mis- sions. lt§The late ^David Bisphamâ€"the ta> mous singer, said of Vesta Murray Watkins: «4She has one of the finest voices I ever heard. Anywhere in 'Europe, she would -.have jjjgen ;,a jttar Jn llfThe committee expects to have a packed auditorium^lillllli^:;^^'^ cellars, ireat >mes Under ^Ich^al^n^ PRIMA _^___________w______ enroll- ment has ndr^en^ompieted, tt w«» estimated by leaders in the movement that this semester would find many fltudents^amohrâ€"theâ€"Sunday school teachers and parents of Sun- day school children, than the Jttrst ';......, tich^cifffli# lal^-in^^o^ bep-=Trfterâ„¢uâ„¢BTicc«8Bttilâ„¢ "^ Under the direction of expert work* ers in the field of religious instruc- tum the school is rapidly gaining to pofltaarity, and already it te cohsid- ere^one of ttie mojLe^cieJit schools of W type in this vicinity. The school is conducted under auspices of the Wilmette Church Council. |S|^^:^ MO^ Mbtio^plc^^ informative value will be shown at the Wilmel*e Ba^tis>ch------ ing. The films are to be exhibited by W- D.O'Neii director of Pictorial Publicity. di*the Bureau of American MrsaGeprge BJgcItona, Mrrai^||r«7 ^^^.^^^"a .'Boost Chicago" wiU comment gram, children included^ |p:ftl6l; $300 Fl REV. DAMAGt^'^S- *â-  SSipire causing damage of approximate- ly $300 Sunday partially destroyed the>roof of the Joseph Rau residence at «12 Fifteenth itreet^r The blaze DEADLINE ^iM^W^Wkome-St&^essB^ establish an absolujfr news i^wnsj^ll; â-  Classihed â- :â-  AdsllSg "IlillMI' rurfiff."ftSS; "$WL LAKE SHORE NEW6 of the week of publu ^ppssiblir be handled for ^e current â- isstle.'^^BS- ~i:-^Sa Appear January 'll^^Si ft __ .Satty Sellars,iworid fain^d^rganist- composer of the Queen's Hall London concerts and Crystal Palace festival, will appear in special concert at the First Congregational cburoh of W% mette, Tuesday evenihg^nuary 24, at 8 o'clock, under auspices" of the Wil mette ,jDhurch Conncil. te Agency New Location â€" .^WF^'jOw \ ,:^lmette:^;N6ws. Fre^ti^iiicWpi'oitt^ten the pjrcjverbiaii ^'ace'^ of not â- â€¢â€¢t(ieir:-'-'^Simd^f:!i papers â- ; last within getting „ ...„„„„. ,r,.T_._TW,.,., ,„^^,-. . _â€": rr\n- â-  :jtetel»iiM^>^oiiPitiii^:;'. 99iiitteNs» ^^-'lun^Bowah. Ig*i5-1 J rlgin Saturday night completely do s i^f^:i^;:i^^i. of the agency on '] Uectric place, burning up thousands (i red hot Sunday editions. The total damage was estimated at $l,000.s Rice phoned the Chicago newspaper offices rbeforexthe^r fire was out imdi as a consequence, received sufficient additional copies to supply his cus* Head^|uart«rs^o1^iAe^e^ are^h the building adjoin former location on the nbrth. JbastSwoek; by ;the ^a^ week for Rice. The combination of a lighted match and the "no freeze" solution in the radiator of his automo- bile started a small conflagration which, fortunately, resulted in only slight damage. wilr'^bf prima donna j|^tt^||i|j||r|;. fssilfe^'W^SigJii5 soprano w sExxmxmirmm ^llars I Kenilworth Plans Park Plans for beautifying the territory lying immtediately "west of the Chi- cago and Northwestern railroad right- Pf-way in Kenilworth were presehted before Ithe Wilmette VHlage board TTiiesday^ evening by special repre- sentatives of the Village of Kenil- worth.::.;_. â- .â- ;â- â- ;:;/2_' â-  â- . -^h^^^M&^M:^. ^M: t Utider the" proposed plin Welt Rail- road ayenue is to be close4 in that viHa|^ a^^oinmOTcTa^ ments west of " all making room for a large and at- tractively landscaped park with wind- ing «i»adw«^;**^^ - The plan was presented informal- ly following the executive session of Jthjijaojupd-Sj President To Attend and commodious scl ^^ll^bdeM-'iwd^-c^mhlo^^ building, with adjoining community playgrounds that will 'aer^e;f£j£^jiIrec- :te*tioji;v-ceiiter'rst^ â- will';::'be' â-  :e*ecte&'vbldt'Tllv^ side In the near future,^i:£Mi'efli& leiveir^b^^lhe :^1!v11n^teA?|Hani5Goiii-' mission -andtlBndor1iett#b^fM^ JoJ. ;EdHeatieniiind:ii!l^v!OT^i 'â- 'of: < Truste^^iieet;:witb^^^ of the voters in the Spring elections. :t"';'Thei*iite^liM*r^;w structure and playground comprises 12 or ta :acresiM."^^^^ ;emt ^ot-::Siep cer^TJvi^^^Tiaaglfe Schwall, Lauerman andr7|^K:traii^ 'n^nr:"'whtcbTt^ cured'"rah. option 'for 7;li|iwch^e"(7ip^K^ proximately |jy^^iaa:^#E^v^;^kiip*i& /^^Tbe^ne^isc'hb^^b^ild ing for a strictly modern Jtspsfeiiie ;^wit^tfe%tr^^eonJ^^ instruction and the care of the chil- ie â€".-----.__ village, was formalry dis- cussed ten days ago at a joint session df the Plan Commission, B. L. Scheld- enhelm, chairman, and the Wilmette :JBfQttr4^'^t'^J^ y illa^ge^t ,;PrOTiden#K2^^ called into the deliberations, stated that the Village board had considered the playground project, and expressed resent the interests of Wilmette at A meeting ^o^f^pres^tativ^sf^^ various taxing b©ales"td"7b1^^ ary 30 at Kew Trier High school, when the proposition of foreclosing H^^^^^^^^5^lS^^:-to^the^state-^^ $'&&-.$&^af^m^ taxes Of Gatty ^Hars it has been said, l *^ »«* ^- f j day evening '&$^?Miit&i^^ plans, -â-  as ouOined by i^;^an^<Gc*it mission, were carefully conside "What Paderwisky is to the piano, ognized as the world's greatest organist.iSin oyer -two^jy^iiSw^d- re- appeared on more organls; than any living organist, it is saidUpe plays entirely; from memory^ extemporizing oh any theme requested^ y^His organ compositions Sre^^ organists oTrepute in all countries^ ll^:.KTicket*--:.New •SellingiS^^^" Ticketfih^oiay be secured from the pastors of the various churches in- cluded in the Wilmette Church coun- cil, at the offices of the churches, or at „ „„ the RenneckarXfrug company, ^Wil- L^-^ -metteâ€"*baraa«eyj~- Winberg^s yhar- macy, Wilming*s Ph^rTnacK^rsTKo^ tional Bank of Wilmette and Wilmette State Bask. oT^tne north__s Will cdmmend the Church Council upon «rranging this notable,musicai 'event. ' â-  -' :^X' â- '.'.'.' v'Pii'i The Council has found i' placeSm Community Life that has brought to ^OT^ieWlFHie^taxlay^^ effecting a direct financial benefit to the villages of th^e township :J' KWheira^c!er^WthÂ¥^vTffiiette West- ern' UnionTelegraph ofl$ces in the Northwestern station quit work., one- night last weekthejfailed to lock ths office safe„ thus tempting the curiosity ofarprowler: sin Scenic-yiewsV a "Boost Chicago^ film, and picwes illustrating modern "Bread Makiflg" methods. Beautiful colored slides 1 will augment the en, 'tartainment. All residents of the vil-.â€"_.-------„.. ^- ia^^^vit^ ^^tend ^e^^^ indispe'nsable village institutions^ a distinct ittfiuence -for good, that is asserting itself forcibly^jn-^ezTfleyeii opmehV of ^ %*&â- â- : ':3^o^F;wlrih^'^ ♦?Tfie Council is sponsor ior th# iVfi- e School of Religious Education, ^BoW" in its second semester. With an encouraging enrollment increase. It instituted and is conducting^ in the second season, the united campaign of advertising through the cohij a^f The Lake Shore News, and has rec^t- ly launched id. greatr^campaign of evangelism; looking^toward a greatly increased membership in the Pro- testant churches of thervillage.~^ in the pa^st |i|en|yrfiys^ years^ wjll^be discussed, and called The session, sponsored by the North Shore Real Estate board, is for the purpose of^ transferriiig the mm Leaves Safe Unlocked; j Prowler Fii Since nothing of value is placed In Jhe safe, according to the manager of the office, the growler had^bJnjTbut satisfied^"""'" 1^^;^ pPOSTPONE ,Al-LEV;^IDENiN,G ? Si%illage Attorney^Wsllb^ reported li the Village board sessibn Thesdar evening the decision of the owners of tlie Schuettler subdivision at the west limits of the village to have the sewer and water ihstaUatto ^vate contract, it was reported also that the Board of Local Improvements had postponed action on the widening of the alley extending from Eleventh street to Wilmette avenue between Central and Greehleaf avenues, mi i^-v'^sV!--.LAOtES»-NiGHT -Tuesday' evenini^ Jahua . be "Ladies' Nights for the- Ouilmette council, Knights of Columbus. A spe- cial program J)f interest to the *women guests ^ lhel^wioci| will feature the | evening's ^e^^:^^^^ HEW ...BU.tCIC^«iKEir'iT^S|.. ^45uicfc ^ales and service station has^^een estabuajled at $Qg Oak street, WinnetKa, the locaUon of-the Hostetter garage.-^IKle station willrbej ><at«.«A^ wrfth thai-5ffiifffBBMia^i*aA t affiliated , with ^Buick headqua REPORTING FIRES lil-ast ^eek^fjhre^J^oJs^ an east aide hdjmfe^^rii^^me the alarm over the telephone. â- i; ."What Is the street number?"^ inquired the operator. But the excited citizen h^d lefrthe with the result that the VUlage board voted M^lM&i$ffi bringing the project to a successful conclusion. It is probable the School Biard aad^iae VtUfii0^n^4ii^§ir r_^^e3oit^r^^r^m^:'61!'th"e; ahd, shonldj^ "^ _ iay^gr^u1nid»:?lirtllll^^ elections, one called .1ijjjp;;:!'iJ^?-^iifii^. and the other by the School District. It is thought the proposition will be given to the voters in the April elec- Htohs^^The ';:tote: calle#:^by^the1tllii"'"ra? is in accordance with a Pla Act passed in 1915. ^^lans,;,ioi^^^e^r--new^%chooi^sh^ facilities for a Community auditorium, a spacious .anaT^str^stiy ^v^ci^M'P gymnasium. The playgrounds would be designed to provld of the entire villa: The Fire department was;._ ready \r{an Instant, but wml.Jtft^t layed fuliy ten minutes because ithd excited citizens JjgtLfaHciL-^ Ito GIVE THE LOCATION of the fifire. It was necesaary to wait untIL a eecojidjUarm wafeae|___ ed th/ouoh the telepmnfe^ild the location jietermliiedir-liiMte:. in «aie of flraaiwaya fllvirtli^ ^WMinette;-© torv "there sSlBuppl and tell the opera- fc t„^ the street: -'Muiiibev^l Joe Howard, son of l«r, a>id ^.^ Arthur Howard, 1055 Wilmette avenut Wilmette, has recentlyâ- r^^^«iro*r^ii. -'Va^^uQKiaifl^Atl jersey for his services a» tackle 1 oh the3lfAll^mericah^; tean^^tne^slBconi strihg football men of Knox collt at Galesburg, Illinois. iThese white sweatfc. p, u*,m*m ed at Beecher chapel exercises .__, week. These:aivalii:;itt;recoghTO their". fa^hful,;.i||orkr.ih nbacking up ;the^*^ first team.,; - r^ir-^^ â-  Howard,^^^^sbMah1IM^M Knox, wai Schosen all-Cook â-  Cbuhty^M taeMr^st^ear^m^alrT^ -past.. fqur_.yeai^._^^the^iew^T^i^» HlglTSchooI.t(ftam.T:-^i^:';al5 â-  â- ^•>.v:g:: .tSSi^ :"wrxt-ThnTiada^aft^^ "â-  JuvenHe^i:$S comedy- entitled:.-"Out ^ia:;':the.-.Rala,"fiM ill provide additional antertainment§@llti fr' the^kMdjgjfeaThe fjlma^tor nexl^ii^ •eek are furnished^ by Mr. and iBHrslilli J. E. Maass. 822 Format avenne %m FAIRY TALE_ AT MOVIES ^Rumpelst«taihif tale, .will, be shown'at the, Children*iSI Movies at St. Augustine's Parish house mm children of the village are invited toj ^8vmo*iear--"'- ' *"" rm delegated to represents the convention of the ""^ latlve league, to be held at January

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