Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1922, p. 8

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f^'^tP^'^f^^f, !'v;f'$l$$f *^^*'%$I!KK'*"' urday for Isfew York. THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY* JANUARY 20,1922 â- ^ll^^^l^ Mr. and Mrs. Hugtf Foresman and daughter, Patty, left Monday for Phil- 4*ttelphia to enter their daughter In St Mary's school, at Burlington, N. Mr. and Mrs. B. Dwinell Slater enter- tained their Bridge club Thursday evening. v£f-f;^!;W^ '"'---6â€"; Mr^ and Mrs. Roy SHu|b^rjt Jr^re di|ier Jcr||^;i,PrWay last..)(-';H||g|f;||, Mrt and Mrs. Henry Taylor ehier- taiued afc bridge last flfttni^ay eyafr ing., W^-o^r-^;-.'^______^;iy-..:j.y^: ;â- â-  ME anlT&frsvMarjc Grosaj^ lefTSaF aWlBrs. Loomis Hypes, Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Frederick Willis entertained at tea Friday afternoon in honor of the Misses Harney. Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone has as her guests her sisters, the Misses Harney of Milwaukee. ; Mr. and Mrs; Georg^ Benson and children left Sunday for California, to be gone until May. ______ Mr. and Mrs. J. V. as their guests, over Mr^jtncL Wash. Rathbone had the week-end, Burnell of Seattle, I332H"Mtic1r^-interest' is attached to the forthcoming musical evening to Ti>e held at the Wilmette Methodist Epis- copal church Friday, January 27, when Mrs. Vesta Murray Watkins, soprano, and Miss Ethel Woodstock Porter, dramatic reader, will appear in special recital under auspices of the Young Woman's Mission society of the church. Both Mrs. Watkins and Miss Porter are well known on the north shore and have established remarkable reputations as entertainersrâ€"-â€"â€" -- Their appearance here next Friday evening is expected to attract large numbers of north shore music lov- ers. "r~\ -:;\ /?""- '--;:-...... Proceeds lrom_ the recital are to be applied to mission work._________:*.. Mr. George Dryden, „ formerlyof Kenliworth, has been made president of-Jthe Chicago- Athletic Association. Miss Miriam Shattuck" was a hostess at tea Sunday last.â€"- Those from Kenliworth who afc tended the dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Van Pope of Glencoe were Mr. Dwinell Slater and Mr, and Mrs. Reed Mr; and Mrs. Frank Ketchum left Saturday for a twa weeks' sojurn in New York."., --:â- â- â- â- .: Mrs. P. D. Rathbone sailed Wednes- day on the S. S. Paris, and expects to be abroad a year. Mrs. Bentiy McCloud entertained at luncheon Friday in honor of her moth- er. Mrs. Olmstead of Omaha, Neb. Mrs. Frank Nellis, formerly of Kenil- worth, now of Evanston, left Wed- nesday for California ta visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Post. -------- Mr. and um^f^M^mmmt^^ entertained . at luntjheon :*nd.v J>ridgf|§j| j Saturday Ub%^ V -: i-i|i«iaiHi^^^6i Mrs, O. C. -Owen .^asv^a'Ju^cheoii-:^! Essex road. :g^p^^^^W| Mrs. -Frederick iyAix who has-beeir^lt in Pasadena for the.past...^wo ;||^y^;:J,i| Mrs. (pmt lidgway^ Tuesday"^3fernlt^^ ,...,„, luncheow,Tuejday last,;,,.,;,,,,oS^P^Jlil Mr. and MrsT Leon Billsenferliilef""^ their Bridge club Thursday «venilng.^ Mr. Clive Taylor entertained toformi ||J ally Saturday evening in honor of Dri|p|§§ and Mr8.'.Donald':Ga11ie^^^|^|^p^t^ Mrs. Charles Blackwood has pur- | chased a bungalow~tir Pasadenar Calj^*^|i The Currents Class met Wednesday morninig at the Kenliworth club, the subject under discussion being, "The Irish Question" -...-â- :..._.___ Mrs. Albert Schmus was a luncheon hostess Saturday. . > Mrs. WinianTH^^vTnsh^ luncheon hostess Friday lasf. ^^,;;,_- Mrs Frank Young entertafaiect her Bridge club at luncheon Thursday^ Mrs. Harry V. Crooks has a$ her guest, Mrs. Conine of Cleveland, O. . â€"-oâ€"- ..,. '::.v;Tâ- "â- _7r\m :..... . The Wednesday Afternoon Reading"" Class met at the home of ,;JJMrs. 1SS, ,F. ^ Snydacker. r"t^:ry^^0('ij_1i EVANSTON TANKERS iDEFEAT NEIMRIER STATES THAT PAY States which pay adjusted compen- sation tn-lheir PT-aBrvlpq mon, jiqW fa. iai Timil l lMO HATf^U elude: Minnesota, Maine, Michigan, lf|-+HKlfctlWfa IWAiVH^ M«ssaehusetts,^Hssourt^ew Jersey, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, Wisconsin and Washington, according ta -John Thomas Taylor, vice-chairman" of the American Le- gion's 'legislative committee. â- 'â- 'Xi_hev"i^taiston High School swim- mers defeated New Trier at the Ev- iǤlp§. anston "Y." 30 to 29, Saturday. 'â-  This is the first «*ime in five years that Evanston has won from New Trier and it is the first defeat for New Trier, which has held the suburban league championship four years.0 Captain gfrj of Evanston, who was ex pected to swhns, was beaten by his teammate, Tiavis. in the first event ftnfl lgBt the rOQ-.vkrd' swlfii fey six Tnemw-TO'&w' Sfejj&IMiM^^^.^SSgfl ST. FRANCIS STAFF BANQUET Members of St. Francis hospital north shore, held their annual banquet at the hospital Tuoaday-evenings Jatv^ of^gjg^^^^ Plunge for distanceâ€"Slater. Evans- ton* first; Atwood^New Trier, second; Wood, New Trier, ^hird. Distanceâ€" 60 feet in 0:45. 40-Yard Swim-^-Davis, Evanston, aton, second; Cor bettrNew Trier, third. Timeâ€"-0:21 1-5 ^O0-Yard-Rr«ast-Stroke--Goble, New "frier, first; McMakin, Evanston, sec-. F3Ia?ggFas«^ IllHiSiOO-yafd Swimâ€"Corbett New Trier, PIS"Irst ';â- â- .â-  Jefferson, Evanston, second; Davis, Evanston, ; â- â- lltf&^.JSpBQFr, a^^^^<^Ya>d-Ba^8tt^ka±=Efeil!^M!t New lI|iil#Trier,' first; Slater,. Evanston,. second? â- $M^ Jefferson, third. â-  Tim«F--0:45 2-6. ^ . .. • ItlM,-,:Fancy Diving^-Wattley, New. Trier, â- ^Rlfirstr:^:corbett,; New Trier^second;: lifeiSiSffiltfarkle. - Evanston, third..- â- â- ;â- â- >â- â-  _________ jejaY-^Evanston, Mills, Mc? Ilfakin DaYIsT^ Jeffef«*nt first^i •20: MB'&ftM ?0: ::t:r?iiiiig2llgSg|;^ pf^^llSi*"""iXPOSITIONS' ON BIBLE":"ivv:': liilS^|g»pypn«ltionB on. the Gospel Of St. ii^^pllJohn, given.before the Bible/class of Ifei^ift.the Wilmette English Lutheran church |^^^ by the:-Rev>-A..H.;Homrighaus,vare at^ kWliiltracting. wide attention, among. Bible ; iltpifstudents in the'village.' The class is i piillSli^open to all-residents of Wilmette^!||f )sInstroctor"--Piano. Voice and Harmony Miss Adelaide Graduate of the American Con- servatory of Music, Chicago fel. WiL 2558 1530 Centra* Ave. The Kenilworth ladies' are invited to attend the Lenten lectures con- rill at the home of , Mrs. George B. Dryden of Evanston, commencing on March -8, for the beenfit of Wells college. 3SJ^rsr^o^hjo--Gr-Ever^tt: entei ^â€"^v at luncheon Tuesday in honor oJHMrs. Houston and Miss Alice Houston of Evanston, who are leaving within the next few weeks |ot; CalUornia. puts in your hoiufi- •ny Electric or Gas nance "i?ai â€"â€" mm* â-  â-  •â-  â- - ** . Charles E. Geitfc PbooeWU.2052 1150 Wihaetto Are. :":pT earning -XM^ â-  ,1IS. F.:.MEIER,:,iVpp;^lii H DISTILLED WATER ICE Black Sol' fop Lawn*- :W0$Wm Oradlna .mtesfap Lawn FertTlljeer-^ Saittt and <to-a«0t Cinder! Buifdlng Material General Teaming We Build Drive- ..... '..Mfiya.,,,-.^..,; FlLLINQâ€"REASONABLg" 7SSW. Railroad Ave. Phone Wl Electric Wasters alone exceptedâ€"on these the initial payment is $5 the! balance of the cost being! . x~. ^^_f â€"â€" â€" â€"â-  â-  -\r ^^w ^ y~. . ^» i ii â- â-  m â- â-  mmmw ^. The articles comprised in Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chesterfield are of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in-any «ther cigarette at the price. CIGARETTES Lower Prices 20 now 18c„ ^afTarkish and Domestic l tt 10 now 9c (Two 10'sâ€" 18c) tfcilirll It payment are Vacuum Cleaners/ Elec- tric Irons, Toasters, Per- colators, Grills, Curling Irons, Heating Pads and many others together with Gas Ranges, Gas "ifc*ftr0_&fc SHeatelr^^^ Balance of cost of flllill •very appliance ,:i;^^ps?;« 1559 Sherman A?e. Wanstc^^i^ i||r'Store8::-:|J 1526 Greenleaf Ave. :*rim Phone Evanston 27201 Jgbf Veal - JT~f^%». â- 0m ^â- - W.:^P " "pli^'fclpipii8PW|g|M|^

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