14 ^fif'isfii ^gjj^^ ^n^^a^^w THE LAKE SHORE NEWS ^ Established 1912 â- "•"' with which is combined -~TBM WH.MB3TTESliOCAI* NHWS Established 1888 ^____, .fe ISSUED FRIDAY OF BACH WEEK by LAKE SHORE PtrBWSMMG COMPANX 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111. sHsssssaaaassasssssssssss Telephone ... •..... .Wilmette 1920 SUBSCRIPTION..,___. -ta.«0 A YEAR / AH communications must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach the editor by^Wednesday noon to insure appearance in current vissue. Resolutions of condolence, cards or thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for afc regular advertising rates._________ Entered at the postofflce at "Wilmette, Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of March 3. 1879. FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1922. should cancel Great Britain's war debt to us, they should make some mention of the vast and yet un- measured benefits accruing-to Great Britain from the war. â- â- â- ♦•» Pneumatic mail tube service in New York City is "about to be re- sumed after an interruption of sev- eral years. Jt willbe remembered that THE SOLDIERS'BONUS â€" ;â- §:•> Juggling with the proposition of |f^ the soldiers' bonus has broken put | ^once more in the federal congress, | a harbinger of the approaching elec- |-r-~^tten-season with the need for am-. | paign talking material and. the de- f sire for a supply of attractive look- | , i„g bait with which to secure votes | when the ballotting is done in the | - late summer._______ |: , Times are hard and there is much ls^^ affairs ff~: which the service men are being | : ? called upon to endure quite with- m: out consideration of any service that tfiC.they mav nave rendered their coun- llll try, or '-fnay have rendered. It §m- is like the rain, falling upon the if lust and the unjust alike; sparing- P^t none, favoring none, determined |f by the natural fitness of the indi- J|l vidual rather than by any external ISM condition. It is as logical result of US the war, the reaping^trfthe-whirl^ If!' wind that we should have known i^ij would follow th# sowing of the JlliS SeH pity is one of the commonest lilt of weaknesses. It is as natural for ill the human being to feel unappre- IHI dated, tftJhinkLthat others are be- jJJtJng;. treated more kindly or more HU generously, as it is to breathe. It iSITlonai'affairs"are concerned. It is | not at all remarkable that the body mm of the service men should have re- Kl^sponded so readily to the appeal liS made tol their self pity, their dis^. ^gl^pbint^'-^^'^e. millennium has pill tress in the cases of those who jflp-:haVc not been able to find employ- ^ftment Indeed it would have been ftij mo^trremarMbj^aJ:^r^Jje^fca^^ Sill other;result. It is natural enough, fill too, that politicians* should take Ifffe â- advantage -of --the â- - opportunity-:-to |Ji|j£intvotes ".for:'themselves by ah Up appearance "'â- .â- of concern for the ^^'.;financial"well being of the .service ^ " inenv-but that doesn't make it ex-^ ^^WeTTior^ftattering to the men who cheerfully accepted their call to ;ltt§K uMeitbok the danger and the „.__. "hardships: :"oi;;-wai^|:Ifr;' cheapens. ^^:theirjLservicfi,:.-suggests - that. . they. ^oj^i*aye been hi the? sla<ckaf class had they been able to find excuse, deprives them of the right e^-lxrexpect to beiooked^nfron as the ^^* material from which heroes are 5l Mr. Burle^nlooknEhe remarkable -view that it was cheaper and more efficient to transport first class mail in New York's crowded streets by truck than it was to shoot it through mail tubes beneath the surface. He even went so far in his campaign against the tubes as to prevail upon former President Wilson to veto a post office appropriation bill be- cause it contained an item for their operation. The joint post office committee of the Senate and House has made a thorough investigation -oi-the situation in New York and has authorized Postmastfr General Hays to enter into-jrten-year con- tract for the operation of the*tubes. It is thought similar action will be taken in_the near future with re- gard to the tubes in Boston, Chica- go, and St. Louis. ♦ «»---------- *__ To Be Picked With Care. "Pleasures," said Uncle Ezra, "am much like mushrooms. De right kind am fine, but you has to.be on de look" ouTfoh toadstools.""~~ -â- 'i About"PffcturW. '. • :'^sM Nearly all houses have too manf pictures. And yet, paradoxical as it may seem, the Introduction of a new picture mm m&MWQ^s_Btojmcellert plan. What is needed-is a drastic primlngr in most homes, in which pic- tures that have no real merit are sent to the limbo of the attic, while new and worth while studies In color or black and white are hung on the walls to give-a new- interest and a new beauty. â€" - "V KIPPV DANCE Dr. Watson's Alco Artists (5 pieces) Sundial SealTro* Littl* Ut#^ The sundial is nothing like so effi- cient as a watch. It never was very much of an aid to man as a time in- dicator. It never professed to do more than te|h^he time of day, because it could not tell the time of night, ami on old sundials, as well as on many new ones, is this sentence, often in Latin: "I mark none but sunny hours." So that on fog^y days, or on days of gloom and clnndy skies, the "gnomon^ which is that triangular piece whose shadow points out the time on the dial, casts no shadow. ^ :.-:V;>;,vo;;. Not Hi Real xif#sss- . .„ .. jud Tunkins says you can't elcpect « regular sleuth to stay awake all night following cities the same as a man does when feels reaftlpg a ^et*% ttve story*' .,;,^;,^,:|^ -:|ffeSSlr!'l'R'^ . FRANKLIN â- |I|1 Sales and Service -.:m-)'*^;i The car everyone would like to own Gage Motor Sales Go. Phone 5700 1629 Orrington Ave., Evjuwton WESTERN FUNERAL DIRECTORS made under stress. ^jsm~......:m-' t'» pipr^-The greatest undeveloped portion. MM- of the globe todays Africaâ€"great ItliJtt^oilrJiiin^ and fSflf varied climate.- As a result of â- the jgjp war,-' Great .Britain came into con- S81|j trol of a".sufficient area of Africa, â- !§Rte S&e: her practically abs^lute^cc^ ttbl M die f uture ihdus^ia|^ and -m^ i^st eontfocnt,llW^ .art: some portions of Hie ajntiiie^^HJt " under British amtrol^!^ tions are so small and disconnected _^ZLas_' wm Long Distance Hauling We are equipped with Packards and other fruclcs to take care of' anything within _5Q0 miles. Our- warehouse has more light and ventilation than other warehouses. No elevators to injur€ iurniture. STORAGE Id FURHJTURE CO. pjiongs: re- zz WE STRIVE TO Our constant desire when called is to render the - most EFFICIENT and COMPLETE SERVICE £ and to supply FINE FUNERAL rn/RNISHINGS at the very LOWEST COST. LADY ATTENDANT x.....:........- :."."......,..,. No charge^or^distancg _ __^ ^, 1022 Davis St. Evanston, 111. MANAGER Phone Evanston 98 Phone Wilmette 280 S&ki OMAN'S CLUB Tickets 75* areas lor ^leir^rosperity^ ^AH the | jinportaiir rau^ and practically all tht ocean trans- portation in and out of Africa will ppay tribute to Great Britain. This J Hinay be a good thing lor Airica, as ^we^as: for^reat^riteiaig We are not complaining of uie^lltibh of the- Versailles treaty -makers and League of Nations ill giving eat Britain control of^AirjcajJbut Si Majestic **'*! I Undergrowid ii â- ............-sjifeii^ ......'^m-.-' â- ^m^~+ Garbage Receiver Insanitary garbage disposal k Ir-r- underground â€" is accom- ? 1 plished with-the Majestic Un-ffe iffderground Garbage Receiver.^ ^jaogsocan't- -upset' JLJig^they^ i do the ordinary unsii^ivli „„„age can. Flies and ver-< m min cannot get to it. It is || sanitary ^andodor prooirâ€"«*= pThia under- Ifgtoundfeore- greet vet"- w :::|tpore con- &j\ venient. too* ^.Stepping-;oh i|a:handy;irij» ^opens the i|can..',; It is |S:economic-a1 Jlfbecause ;:it If^wifl-'ottdaat l^lthfe^ortjljia? A MAJESTIC UNDER- ' GROUND GARBAGE itfff-REOBIVER; Is:; Saiiitary^;'|:;||I|i|w rv^airCuV . - Odor Proof l^-:y%im Jfty ' Pro&mBmiM&M Bog Proof mM£M:i it and Saves Money; Last week there was a fire on the North Shore that totally destroyed 96 automobiles. Every car owner lost something SSSSM^KSsSilfeiiBisSji ^^l|5»i^^|^SIiiiPliSSIiS: Our garage is of fireproof construction, concrete and bricks It is^ heated b^Uiot water heat and there are ical ejdiin^uisher^ aceessiWy locatedr^Ploor Ean4 we s^ictly^confc^ for storage or repairsâ€"when your car is here it is safe. Cheap storage is always the most; expensive â€"• We sell automobile insurance at very 563 Lincoln Avenue 'i?.h&M^3.s-T&&&^ >l"<-;'^^::-.::,?"