WM5r0:%:^ >^f£ |||||| iil||i||pl||^l^iip 16 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1922 SQUABBLING ERECTS SPITE-WALL AGCIDEhTT: SAYS WARD Writer Pleads for Better Un- derstanding of Canada ~â€"---- F. W. FITZQERAt.^" It does seem rather strange that there should be those hereabout who "are inclined of late again to squab- ble and to erect commercial "spite" walls between Canada and this coun- try that Jxuve so much in common, in ancestty, in language, in the com- munications of daily life. The condi- dition that should obtain was splen- didly Epitomized by Senator Dan- durand of Canada in an address at Chicago some years ago. The Senator is one of Canada's ablest men ancLa profound thinker who has made a place for himself among the great statesmen of the -day* JL_ sentiment : expressed then may well be repeated today: "Tne true precept of perfect citizenship is that every' man should. so order his life that a portion of it be given to some work for the common goodW This is the. real test of public spirit and of true brotherhood. There is no other ideal which in - jny, judgment should be common to every citizen of North America and which Europe would in vain envy us; it is that larger brotherhood which makes for peace among nations. J " "I always cherished the hope that in-this-part of the American Conti nent where .we are moulding the soul of twa-nations^TiYJgQroiis^and^healthy T Charles W. Ward Points Out Thrift Lesson HARLES W..WARD Good credit is not an accident: 1H is an indication of a healthy mind and a strong character. Bad credit is not often an accident. Usually it is a symptom of an internal malady. As in the case of •some otherdisease, the patient always expects to get well as soon as the weather changes or some other external circumstance has righted itself. . Slow pay tends to develop into poor pay very quickly and the latter is a chronic and almost incurable dis- ease as is indisputably proven by the recordrof any credit bureau. It is a kind of auto-intoxication that saps the vitality of its victim and leaves him a-prey to all-sorts of un- happy ailments as worry, indecision, â€"new ethics. should be irrevocably established which would put to shame the rest of the world, and perhaps contribute to reform it, by simply maintaining that the code of honor which governs the individual shall itain in our international relations; that the golden rule, Tevered m pri- vate life by all good citizens, shall "not be set at naught by those same good citizens once they are clothed with responsibility as representa- tives of the nations.*. .. "_.__..,._^_ timidity and all^kinds of morbid af- flictions of the spirit. burden on society for his delinquency must be counterbalanced by an extra charge upon those who pay promptly. Only a change of mind and a heroic change of habit can affect a cure. With every improvement of financial circumstances the patient will find an even greater temptation to indulge in an abnormal apetite for things he cannot afford. Only a prolonged pe- riod during which all credit if) with- held from the patient and £e adheres *trictlyT6~aT prescription in the form of a carefully prepared budget can bring about total recovery. Even then he will not be immune from later attacka-of the disease but must oe on his guard always. To face frankly the fact that poor t tpgy"l3 an internar raalady^^ external circumstance^ is half the battle. I* ^ Avoid Being Irritant. Some folks are just plain irritants. Yon don't know why it is you don't like them. But you surely don't like them. By word and deed they get under your skin and you feel mean at ,being so touchy. But it can't be helpedâ€"th W^itwitk a -lot when 'you train yourself ~~~ In the end you may rind that to it. part of the irritation belongs to your- self. Come on. Be a sport. Buck upw--Orit. .â- â- • â- , ~â€"~~~....... That's Going Too Far. A woman may get up at a mother's convention and declare that she has the best husband on earth, but she never goes so far as to say she ex- pects tomeet him in heaven,â€"Chicago Daily News. TOBORK BEA«TÂ¥-SH^ $1698 F. O. B.t FACTORY CntBRIGGS JBvanston 140 1549 Sherman Avenu* f^R^AN Ask_any JQRDAN^OWner fiow^fie^ilceTliis carnhe will tell you it is one of the easiest running, easiest handled! caff on the road. It is seldojri ever in a repair v e r yâ€" e^oionii c a 1 o n Let us demonstrate deffulcarto won- Gage Motor Sale^C«K 1629 Orriiigton Ave. Phone Evanston, 111. Evans ton 5700 When there is jsometliing fslt^^^ilfe^ the ignition just any plaee^to-Jbe-re-^ paire«Jli*see^J:hat|tan ex*' â- ^mmm^s^r^^^-^^in^lnSJpay. ^^assaiKS^ 5-ss«Bjs; m 723-25 Oak Street ^â- Wm^^^^^Mt^MiA^ III Phone Winnetka 1565 I'g'i a^^-.*â- â- -.- iii ;â- â- !â- »!â- «»*-â- »â- «» â- ."â- "*'â- mm ' '" ' a";;"r-^-iii-»i"r; â- â- â- "jTj NORTH SHORE -*vt-?&2&&*$~^^ fO-JfitWAUKEE The ease and comfort attending a jour- recommended if to hundreds of men and i^meirwh^ ^nt trips to Milwaukee and other points. No le$s notew^ is the "on time" feature of this conven- ient route which has earned for it an enviable recordiorT^iattlity^ take this handy route? T-^^-^S^W^i Limited Trains for Milwaukee leave Wilmette ^LB^kM^r0L 5:48 'a. rmV' t6 12:4S â- a. '"ml Express Trains for WauTcegan leaver Witmettr Iev«iyii^f4io^i7irom 6:09^ m. to404O9-ar4arr then 1:19 a? m. and 1:49 al ml Wilmette Ticket Office «a«ttite.^imette -Av^ttt ^iiiiii^^^ilii^^^iSS W^pW^W^MS i^is^'S?' 18 IP ^i&iSMi&l M^:M