Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1922, p. 1

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ELABORATE 'SETS' Donald Robertson to Direct Second Big North Shore I? Theatre Guild Prp«ductipn ^UIEFaSiY POPULAR In Harmony With Fast <Srow- ing^Little Theatre" Grace Lutheran church, Omaha, Ne- braska. Mr. Soholm came to Wilmette in March of 1921 to effect a permanent urea-organization in all its depart- ments.; Under his aggressiveministry a sturdy congregation was organized including in its activities a Woman's society , a well developed Sunday school and well established Bible class. Prior to effecting a permanent organi- zation Mr. Soholm conducted a thorough canvass ofâ€"the community. His was tjie role of a^ or^nijtejr^and ers of the North Shore Theatre Guild, will take place at the Woman's ctab on" Monday eveningT January 30:. There- will be other performances_ at the KenilworthT club, Tuesday*_ January Evanston, Wednesday, BVeDruary 1, and in Durand Hall, Lake Forest, on Sat- urday, February 4. _;'"„___'.'__________ J, The aiforta of _ ttie_JN_rth_Shore heatre" Guild are meeting With en- thusiastic co-operation up and down the north shore, as the project is-in all respects in harmony with the "Little Theatre" movement which is sweeping the country in response to the demand for entertainment on a somewhat higher level than the aver- age so-called musical comedies or ^ed^EbOT"^aiices ^tha^ara^e^tere _ at gull ~ nibrethan average â€" perience, including many most of our metropolitan theaters. The is made up of amateur players of training and ex- been at some time on the professional stage, Professional coaching is em- ployed whenever necessary^Thepye^-^p^e,.^^ of Chicago, will entnroduction-of Shaw's ^Pygmallon_ internretation _f the "Son* t ent production is under the personal ^direction coaching of Donald Robertson. ^ and -"-^Vfr- ^Fhe-Guttd m»e__»52S,5S is^ operated on a purely ion-commercial basis, any profit de- rived being held in thr treasury to defray the expenses of the next pro- duction. NO salaties^ph^yer ate ssssSst The "sta, _______ . _ __ ..^ ment upon the elaborateness of the set.'* "Pygmalion" is being produced LOCAL TOR OR CALLED SOMAHA PULPIT Wilmette since its Spring of next week to assume tor of the English Lutheran church organization earlfe*n-the 1921, will leave Wilmette the pastorate of aving completed that important task he is preparing to enter other fields in need of similar attention. Mr. Soholm will preach his farewell sermon next Sunday morning at the services in the Wilmette Woman's club building p~it-of-the localHBnglisiriiU eran church will be supplied by the Illinois Synod of the United Lutheran Boys Who Received Training At North Shore Comp Com- I ing Back For Reunion |i{ BIGGEST DAYXWSEJmm i DRIVERS'STRIKE FAILS» Wilmette coal dealers *Were not seriously affected by tne=walk^oWof teamsters this week by which two Ev- anston coal concerns were forced to suspend operations for two days. Prior to January 1 the coal dealers and drivers _ad an- agreement stipu- latingthat the men were to receive ten hours' pay"for nine hours' work. The agreement ^plu^ when the men were Informed they would be expected to give ten hours' work for ten hours' pay. This, it is Saturday January„__8^_wlli be _he biggest day of the winter at the Arden Shore Camp at Lake Bluff. On that day the Camp welcomes back John and Tony and Mike and all the other 250 boys who have gone from its hospitable doors to take their places business world.7 "" : :." The came to the Camp first thin and unhappy, many of them with scarcely Chujrch ^ and with Noted Divine to Give Inter pretation of "Song of Songs" -Dr. Theodore G. Soares, member of the faculty of the Divinity School, the giver~ah interpretation of the "Song of Songs" before the Wil- mette iliSunday Sunday evening, January 29. Dr. Soares, who appears an- nually at Sun-r dayu~_Tv: eiff_ g on an even more pretentlbtis scale* It is felt thalrthe Guild is making a Teai-contribution to the pleasantness ot life in ihe_nortlL shore villages and deserving of the heartiest support Details regarding membership, which ii open to all, and which includes tick- ets to all productions, may be had by telephoning Emory C. Andrews, win- =_etka 255. Individual tlckelsjasx^ secured^t the~door7-^ Penfield Backers Hold t Political F*>wwow Here BoittieJl^te^ the Various villages in New Trier town- ship; who are endorsing the candidacy of Frederick Wl Penfield, Glencoe Village President, for election at the AprJLprinaaries to the office ef County Commissioner, met in conference Tuesday aT theTVilmette VillageTxall The conference was for the purpose of effecting an efficient organization in the forthcoming campaign. Another meeting is scheduled, for ^thenear- future at the Ouilmett« Country club, it was announced. NewlTner ^Tank Squad pi^ Captures 3 Dual Meets New Triers heavy and lightweight basketball teams are having a very strenuous se^asonr^~S^^aT^herTia^e suffered only^we^efeata^Sext^uesF dayr'Janu^rrJ^r^nt^rVi_oi*r*^- teams will meet Waukigan at the New Trier gym.----- â„¢ Waukegan has a very strong team Which defeated Evanston, although they were beateir ny^ the local heavies two weeks ago. "• Rockfod and Evanston are the only teams-ihat boast victories over the north shore lads. Rockford will be met in a return game on February 4, season is anticipated. Loans Expected to Aid Small Home Builders ^^WTtmettenEindr surrounding territory, has been selected by the Metropolitan Life Insurance company of New York as one of the sections7 where* a distri- ^Mtotion-vsiU-be:made-of-apart of the -$80,000,000 Home Building fund set aside by the company. -Loans- will be burnished for t buildings in sums not to, exceed $5,00JL the contract to furnish material for ^Slt is-jaid^w^th easy payments privl^the-^aving of Lake avenue west of coverteg-a term of 15 years. T_i_|^^ loans will be placed and the funds dis- tributed through the First§§^ational 'Bank of Wilmette^ a-sorry outlook for the future. After a few weeks or months of wholesome out-of-door life they went home strong and ambitious, with the will to work and agood fair chance td succeed. Now they come back from year to year with smiling faces, confident bearing, and good warm clpthesi bought-withtheir own well earned dollars. It is i deed a thrilling_jnoment^ on Horn looming" Day, wn^n^ai^ads get up one after another and tell where they are working and how - mucn. they earn. It is comething tolook forward to and to 'work for: ^ y^^-:^W^ic^/:~ ~ â- --â- â- â-  â- 'â- --.â- " â- 'â- : -, Follow-up Work......"""â- â€¢'â€""'•'â- â- .â-  This annual party is only a small part olrthe follo^up-work carriedron all the^time oy ^tfie Arden Shore Association. It is their aim to keep in touch, as far as possible, with every boy^whx]^Jeuigea^4he^=eanip^tb en- courage^him iff *iB^w«r1Pana"to^Ive further help if needed; > 5 f> ^Perhaps some readers Will refeember the homeless little chap for whom help was asked in these columns just before 250 "Graduates^ of Rest Camp to Relate Experiences -said, some of the drivers refused to do, with-the result that a strike ensued." Strikers places Were readily filled in all the yards, it was said, in the an- nouncement that^ the=dealersr-would not take back the men who quit their jobs. v ;-.â- â€¢ â- .~:-^-r-:.T="-^---ii-........â€"r- â- - â- ;: A conference late this week was to have decided upon a definite arrange- ment for the future.----------------r~---- ___v__&L_x_a__.__i___^^ Muratore and Malzenaur Will Be Two of Soloists Chorus rehearsals for the Four- teenth Annual Musical/ Festival will begin on the week of January 30- The festival will be presented this year on the evenings of May 25, 26, 27, 29 and SOf^Mvas^annjDun li^ufafore- antff^Matzenauer have been engaged as the leading artists. Peter^Christian Lutkin, musical di- rector of the Festival promises that the remaining artists' will be the very 76 Automobiles Consumed In Early Morning Blaze; Build* ing Cornpte^Ruinj CDVEfflEDBY i-aj|p|ja|;|^gH^ Advance 'Theory Jprf Was ;lnceiidBar3^i it Are ii^elSel in Wilmette early Saturday morning completely demolished tne ^ ail^ C garage at 7P W*^» 1?n«Trtiyd_ consuming; approximately 76 automo- biles and motor trucks, resulting in damage estimated conseCTa^ely^SlJfc ^moro â- â-  than" 200,00fc '^W®^®*^€mm< The blaze,/ of undetermined origin, was first discovered shortly before 6^ ^eloek-by-a-colored- watehman~sTwp! ihg in the~^gafage. Within a few moments after the alarm had been spread the building was enveloped in flames, the root had collopsed and numerous gasoline explosiotos^ ^ mented the quick destruction-pp^^^^ â-  ...Efficient:, work "by tne'. combined W_P'g Tnette and Winnetkafire departments preve:nted:: spread :;::o|^)|^;fi|||^jg,,^g joining structures. §0^^^^^miemM Within fifteen minutes after the alarm had been coundcd hundreds of scene offering ««-***: *US3 residents were on the =aid=^to^he^despOT Qasoline explosions coming in rapid succession shot the flames hundreds of ' feet in the air. The structureV-^i^^-^ reduced to ashes almost as xif3^l^-^$^-i^ if it had been a harvest-laden barn on_j^^ounirj?sic_^^ nothing but the charred, half v 'de_^^|p,':.-;v> ished walls remain>*-6f what had been f , Wlmete|s,.':bigges^utonio|^l§^ placer J .:;?•-';-;- -W" E^ery car in tne way^ippjc^^ known the coun- try over for his excellent drama- tic interpreta- tions of'biblical* subjects. He has irons en ted to ake a special______________ appearance this Miss Anna Nyberg Sunday in view of the inability of Dr,. George L. McKiitt; the scheduled speaker, to be here because of serious jBlnessshT-his fainilv. friends he had made at the camp he was amply provided with clothes,^a job was given him, and: best of ail be has found a good home where he is a big brother to two dear .little sis- _IInusual_iinterest attaches- toâ€"the Denefit __jters. -That.. bay-will-not-soon iorget Arden Shore. > And there are many others who have good cause to re- member. These boys are forming the nucleus of a great body of young business men who will have the in- terests of the camp atjieart and will iB-future- musical program of the evening which brings back the same artists who de- lighted the Sunday Evening club audience on the evening_of December i8gg^^5Bishopo_ndeiiion^ speaker. These artists are Clara Thurston, harpist; Anna a Nyberg^ violinist; S. Douglas Williams, tenor; and Mrs. JIajle_Edv_3Lrii__^ ergiqffistr- -^:M"% •'"' ~~^ W^%::'W-M--' =-The^orgah progranrvdtt^clu^er: Prelude: Processional March Romance .. X-*:*:»•*-.-,-. Offertoire: â-  ':-'.M,.M./i;y Ofiertoire . Postlude: March ____ . i i. .Barton ...';.'... Frime^ jmont-Ed wards . Biederman New Subdivision Opened If Near North Shore Links After months of negotiations A. ri* Kraus of the Lake Shore Realty com- pany has acquired from ten different owilefr nue, in Gross Point,iiorja_re $100,000. This is adjacent to other property acquired last year, and gives the company approximately seventy- five acres between Elmwood, Greeley and Linden avenues. Part of this wa* recently subdivided and sold. The balance is to be put on the market within thirty days, with lots 50 and 100 feet frontage and 122 feet deep. Of course, flats: ot^ethei^Btruig_lTfig^Doyir^7 .„,..., ___^_!^^jl^^ There will be a Wonderful time at the party with good fellowship, clever entertainment, and p__aty__f^delteious. ^eats" for the boys*- provided by the^ women of the Arden â€"Shores-board* Ms. Wililam E. Clow is hostess for the Home Coming Day and asisting her are Mrs. William G. Hibbard, Mrs. Otto Kreutzberg, Mrs. Bruce MacLeisb^lBfJ___e_^ Granh Bidgway, Mrs. Joseph Siddall, Mrs. George Shaw, Miss Gladys Spry. They will be glad to welcome any friends of the camp as well as the boys themselves, on Saturday after- noon fom 3 to 5 o'clock. arid the most excitinr encounter^^^^^barred; and tte minimum cost o? houses will be $5,000. Lots Will sell •at from $1,200 up to $2,000, the aver- age being $ 1,500. The new subdivisibn is just west of -the North Shore Golf club and south of Indian Hill Golf club, and is west of TCenilwortb and Wilmette. It will be called Lake Shore j_ghlands_-i-_:£o__^ orted 1 Parent-Teacher _ associations ^londay afternoon, February 6. at li o'clock The meeting will be held in the gym- nasium of the Byron C. Stolp school. Members of the associations ***<**" quested 16 noter the cbahge bT:We for this meetingi. ' ' ' , Sixth grade parents will serve_ fol- lowing the meeting. < It is hoped by the association to wilLJteiJ__«ejaJ.OO per cent attendance for this important^gatherin __ PAVE LAKE AVENUE S0GK â-  Edinger and company, Fuel -and- Building supply firm, at 1301 Lake_ new^yexnie^^iinTette bas been awarded to' Waukegan rroad in Glenview. Work on the new pavement Will begin as soon as weather condi- tions permit it is said State Parent-Teacher Iff As«n, HeaS on Mrs. William F Young; president of the Illinois Council of Parent-Teacher ftpciciations, will address ar joint meet- 1- and^-Lpga_-BC_jQoJ_ nary-~28;10T3trTÂ¥"o^cTblcTcr^n^ dayr January 28^ f:^0*8 o'clocfeâ- 9^^c Separate rehearsals for men and women will be held. Monday even- ings l^U^ha ^votedU^excluBively--4© tenors and *ases» Wednesdayâ€"afte! noons will be the regular-times for rehearsals of sopranos - and "lUtos. Then, on each Saturday evening, there will be a practice for women at 7:45*, and another for men at 8:15 o'clock. Tha Saturday ev^aing ret hearsai is arranged to provide for those who can not attend the regu- lar sessions, and those who may miss an individual practice, and desire to make up their attendance. Further- more, it will afford" an opportunity for inexperienced singers t^have^two rehearsals, each ' week*- U£MM-&^ AUTOMOBILE OWNERSf -...'â- â- :â- .,. ATTENTION :: -.-^:-:;;'. _ All vehicle licenses^were duer and payable January '1st, 1922. All persons using vehicles on t-^the *treet»T-0f ^^Wtt_w__E^B_Ha,r February 1, 1922, without a li- cense will be gllven a summons by the Police, which makes them â€"^Kibject^o a fine. A word to the wise Is suffK Clint. ' »:M:9 : .<&&. , ____H_: ...:DO^IT...-NOWpii#S|ii. 'm&^-e*- 0. SOHllLT^^^ilitS- lg£i' • .;â- ..:, VlllaaeJi:Ma!iaaii_^!. *3fli_T1BSBSi witb-distinctibn, unusual efforts for choral finish will be made this year. ntio the choosing of singers. Tenors of real value must be found, says Dean I__kin,_if-the chorus-isJux-perfornv satisfactorally. :^T^:^r:- Examination of candidates^ for chorus membership will be held at music Hall, University place, on the following dates: Monday, January 23, 7:S0_:30 o'clock: Wednesday. Janu- total loss for Wb -p>opi|(B^Np|2Ji Weber and Arthur HHallstrom, surance. Most of the machines were protected by insurance, it _^ 3Q-6^^1oekj::SjtttaTday', Jan aatur. f im?er Coal company^ Practtcatt^ _,_ mm il_____i_iem._iRa_^ pie, it was stated. The aggregate loss in machines was given as approximate- ly $100,000......:'" -:::"~ "â- â- â-  'â-  'l"€iÂ¥ Striving to Achieve Greatness by Pluck Dr. D. H. Cornell pastor of the Glen M:oe Union church addressed ihaiitu- dents-^-r^fi; school last Friday on subject 'Pluck â- veTBnB"lffl*.'TrTT~:^ttr^^-;-ii^ "Striving_ior a great ambition 1s like fishing," Dr. Cornell said. "The desired objective can be attained not though luck, as is popularly believed, but by plnck^by-good, solid appltca takes real work and tion tb= conquer/all_ the road clared. thorough applica- the dangers that fiTTae? heljde_ Declare Woman May^ &iter|£ County Commissioner Race The possibility that a woman will be entered in the Republican primaries _t____a»Ataftt<»^r tlfo office of^ Goun- ty^ Cdmmlssmnef was" hintMatTBis week at a meeting of nolrth shore po- litical leaders. netka^^ le^daP in north shore and state educational work, was mention- ed at the session, ae ^vng receiyei he endorsemnet 6t leading north shore women. It is understood that Mrs. Lieber has not as yet consented toper i_aflidftte^^^^^_^_i^^^^ _H_fs! BBB_as_.- nounced. ^.r,;^^^,:,:,;^y^, WWle/?th1^:estlma1iPoW e^nnmuer^npir^^^" cars stored in the garage was .piac;e(a.>-::::^« as:;highas'96, Hallstrom;WaB'.au:thority:P^^ for- the statement that the approximate number: would not exceed l<) care, 'lipff^p-^ eluding several huge trucks, three^cp':'^fei which were the property dfi Contrary to reports circulating about ;:>â- : the village Saturday, _MMtr_g£Jir' '-_i_fov|i_#^{Kitt tion that the = garageâ-  had 'been;vc<m>i^^ demned by the state fire niarshall andl|||| that the structure -.was -not -protecteifl6|:':;-i- by" insurance, Joseph Kitten, ^nei^ oTthenproperty^ n^ec1aTen^^__^wr ^^ that not only had the buildng not been condemned but it was completely covered by insurance. Any reportiSl^ to the contraryf ha insiatedf ware ab^AlIf^ solutely . -without foundation. i±Tk<|||M;:^ jS__<_.___Lji|iMbe^re1^ he declared, 4iut..: the- property, will be|;S^ .offered for,sale./â- â-  -_' ^^ --â- . â-  _ ..__J_JML^M"'!iA£ â€"^eperta"that:77thel^ away from the building; When the blaa»^;!ffjl startedj were branded as false by/Mrlilili|l Kutten.. He was on the Jdb;and^turn^^^ ed .in"the alarm, Kutten 'said., "â- ; , 1*il|ii| Replying io-the;:-sug^stibtt-tl_rt^theJi^^ origin, Mr. Kutten asserted that, while he was advancing no theories «s-toit»e^ possible cause of the blaze, he was inclined^ to' discredit::'.--that . theory.l|^| Gasolne flames spread rapidly, he said, and- there are,-a thousand, waye-^fltl which the _ro could have otarted from jtionJ_L overcoming the difftcultles that |entjrely natural causee. He scouted separate you from your desire. It the story that the watchman had been* .loafing*:;::,:.:.....:........-,.-:-,/ * >:::â€".-'" jiggfi - ' ' â- â-  """......~.......~.....~ihe~1iorJit^ Theories that the fire plausible by many residenitJji^vie of a pyromaniac Were considered e« 4fce^^any^4fclg_^ tively'-^recent:.- -date.:,: .not---pnly£-og~ t_SjS^I!f Kutten--premtserirartn"othef coai?an_^»p material,yards in ;the> village. At ;|easi§|^..;:: aix suchr fires occurred in t_#vtm-lttl^S %temate-'-vtetnlt3r'o^t_e^^ erties, three of which :':were).m- a^M_ dilapidated shed located :acr6|i^J|p|||ip alley from-the Kutten Parns.:|M^^»^S;; i It was reported' that:.:,an:"offiwr: olBffo^- Mrs^- Maurice M^ _4ebert_oJL^b^ 41,500 reward had bean made for 4a-*1 formation leading to the arrest conviction of an alleged fire-buy.~^|i_~ Kutten denied he had made such an offer, but admitted he had heard other property owners had suggested Iddk mediate action to run down certain suspect ^ijpi^'ji^ij-^t^^^^^ ^mmMSM^&SMS^^^S^^^^m^^^

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