Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Feb 1922, p. 15

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Ratesâ€"10c per line for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednes- day at 1 p. m. Rates for the same advertisements in The take Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. «Black Face type Charged Double Price, FOR RENT-HOUSE FOR RENTâ€"3 ROOM COTTAGE WITH glassed porch, at rear of 1631 Wash* tngton Ave. Good garage with proper- • ty, I .year., lease or longer from Feb. 1. Price $35.0d per month. Phone Wilmette 8?4-R L.18-ltc FOR ReNT^ROOMS FOR RENTâ€"LARGE FRONT ROOM, four sunny windows, couch, big closet _ with lavatory; private family, good lo- cation. Tel. Wil.721-M. I/TG13-lt<* REAL ESTATE FOR SALEâ€"W1LMETTE 5 rm. stucco and shingle, about 3 years old, Al con- dition, water heat, galzed frt. por- - and slpg. por. good street. $9,800. Easy terms. . • <â-  . 8 rm. stucco house, two blocks from the 'L', 5 bedrms and tile bath; two porches. A real-bay at H4r50Qr~only $1,500 rarehr required. Beaut, new brick, solid, water heat, sun and sleeping porches enclosed, S bedrmsr 2 baths with tile walls and shower, choice lot, beautifully decorated,' ma- hogany and ivory trim, garage, can't >be equalled at the price, $15,500. 7 room solid brick, built by present owner for his own home, unusual construction throughout, brick on steel, library, liv- ing room, din, room, kitchen, three, hed rms, tile bath, fourenclosed porches, -â€"Will flnishHt>ed rm and bath on third floor if desired. $17,500. Don't fail to see this. For Sale Glencoe: Very fine wooded cor- ner lot on Sheridan Rd. 100x200 ft. in excellent location. Will make attractive proposition to buyer.. HILL AND WHEELER "Homes for particular people." 401 Linden Ave. 743 Elm St. Wilmette 93 awl 364. ~ WTnnetka T42 LTG13-ltc FOR SALEâ€"SUBSTANTIAL-~7â€"ROOM home, convenient" to North Western steam station and the electric road. Large living room with fireplace; good 50 foot lot With* garage and drive. The -â€"best value in town at the pricer $8,000. Terms. -Beautiful 6 room bungalow in' North "^"Evanstonr east of â„¢Nothwestern tracks. Tile bath, hot water heat, garage, lot ^-50x150; only $10,750. Modern 6 room stucco on fine corner east; 3 fine porches, 2 glassed and heated. Hot water heat, tile bath, weather- strips, 2 fireplaces; price $15,500. Attractive 8 room stucco in North Ev- anstoh, 2 heated and 3 screened porches, extra large living room, tile bath, hot water heat instantaneous heateivJJ car garage, lot 53x180, a genuine bargain i_at $17,000. 7 BARGAINS IN VACANT Fine Sheridan road lot with view of lake, 50x200 at $110 per ft. Greenleaf Ave. near Canal at $92.50 per ft. 55 foot lot in South East Winnetka, $67.10 per ft.-...... 200 feet in East Winnetka; will divide, at $60 per ft. Fine lot 50x200 in good West location at $40 per ft, r§?rt*tu< FOR RENTâ€"FURN. ROOMS; HOT AND cold water. 629 West Railroad avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1080. LTG7-tfc FW RENTâ€"SPACE FOR RENTâ€"STORE SPACE OR DESK space for rent in an up-to-date office. Address Lake Shore News A-12. . LTG-lSltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE. WANTED TORRENT â€" HOUSE FOR IZSjnnnieKiriaras't Have^fouf bedroomsr two baths, two maid's rooms. â-  -........ ...... â-  .........W. A.-.-C.-â„¢ =.â€" -7=zz==zx=r'-^---.....---......â- â- " 540 S. Wells Stif- .â- â- â- -.• .-â- -â- .â-  â-  Chicagor-" __^r_-^â€"„-^â€":-^_, - .-.....-, LTG13-ltc WANTED TO BENTâ€"6 OR house unfurnished,, betwee and Highland Park. Phone MidwayT" Wilmette 1253. 2190. LT13-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOMS. BUSINESS WOMAN WANTS ONE OR two rooms; has furniture for same; prefer board also. Address Lake Shore -News, A-5. ________Ll3-3tc WANTED TO RENTâ€"GARAGE WANTEDâ€"TO-----RENTâ€"GARAGE IN vicinity of 7th and Central streets. Tel. Wilmette 417*. L13-ltc HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE. WANTED^YOJING_-GIRI^JTO^ CARE ~ for~3 year old boy afternoons. Mrs. Holden. Tel. Kenil. 1007. L13-ltc WANTEDâ€"A YOUNG WOMAN IN OUR shoe, department. One with some ex- perience preferred. Xord's, Evanston^ • LTG13-ltc WAISH^T) â€" MATT*â€"B»Râ€"GENERAL housework; no washing, and plain cooking. 7 room house. Call Kenil. 507. LTG13-ltc WANTED â€" GOOD LAUNDRESS (white) for two days* weekly. Thor washer and mangle. Wil. 1378. Ad- dress 222 Woodbine. L13-ltp HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE. WANTEDâ€"CAPABLE YOUNG MAN TO work at ' real estate office. Splendid opportunity to learn business JTrom the ground up. Address The Lake Shore News A-14. L13-ltc WANTED â€" A DELIVERY BOY BE- , tween 13 and 17 years to work after school. Papageorge Bros., 344 Linden Avenue, Wilmette, VI. . ~ SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMAT-E. SITUATION WANTED â€" LAUNDRY work wanted by the day. Can give ref- erences. TeL Wil. 1110. LT13-ltc TWO BARGAINS 1919 MODEL 88-4 WILLYS KNIGHT 7 passenger'touring;, in the very best mechanical condition; a good set of tires; this ,car is Just out of our paint shop and is finished In beautiful Prus- sian blue with black running gear. It is honestly represented and is good for thousands of miles. Price $750.00 1916 5 PASSENGER CASE TOURING in very good condition throughout. This car is finished in a wonderful sea grass green with black running gears. It is equipped with a good set of tires; a very economical and reliable car. Price $350.00 WINNETKA MOTOR CO. ^ 562 Lincoln avenue. Phone Win. 165. LTG13-ltc FOR SALEâ€"OAKLAND 1916â€"6 CYL. Touring, 5 good tires, seat covers, spot light, shock absorbers, cheap for cash. Phone Wilmette 740-J Ll3-ltc FOR SALEâ€"COLE 8 AREO TOUR. 1921 _WesUnghousjei 7 P, Pjlhxe-iMmd^_sjpej[iiftU4_ 1-3 cost; phone" 965-R. FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS. FOR SALEâ€"FURNITURBi INCLUDING piano, oriental rug, 8x10; Saxony 11.3x -parlor furniture, chairs, brass bed; gas range, refrigerator, cut glass, lamps etc. 14.6; also small rugs, draperis, sun _____SALE=4>LD CASHMERE RUGf 8.6x10.6, beautiful colors but somewhat worn; price $65. Can be seen at 17261â€" Sherman Ave., Evanston. Mazarian Bros. â- * FOR SALE â€" FURNITURE, RUGS piano, fixtures, plumbing, lumber, stoves; (anything bought, sold and exchanged. Pony-carts) 808 Oak street. Phone Win. 1212. LTGl-tfc FOR SALE â€" $90.00 HOOSIER WHITE enamel^ ^itehen-^^blnMlr^ie^sl^-O^ =T5ignr perfect order; for^KWT Phone Glencoe 899. LTG13-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUYâ€"SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. "Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture. Store 1004-6 Emerson St., aj5vangtsn^l^3n^^ FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"BRAND NEW PHQNQ- grapK worth $100. Will sacrifice at $25 for quick sale. Phone - > Glencoe 458 or 600 Vernon Ave. LTG13-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUYâ€"USEEP FOLDING go-cart, good condition, reasonable. â€"*FeL WilV 2104. LIS-lte meicfs$AT^ r \S MQNttM* *V*M*D^\*AE<e»;* 1HPJ mtmmi^mBm^w^^^m^'-m^mi^j REAL VALUES! _-^ID-^BRICK DTJBTJ3X-;A^JBQQMSL each; lot 76x165; garage; only $8,500. l A great investment -for any one-willing- to spend $1 and make $2. .Attractive 8 room stucco; 2 baths; st. , ht; 2 car garage. Finely wooded lot 65x200. Only $15,000. Make, offer. New, attractive 6 r. istcv-oir-most beauti fully wooded lot ia-Ner-Bvanston; sun "^and^slp; "pchs; n. w."htr^built for home by owner, but adverse cimcumstances For Saleâ€"N. E. Wilmette, brand new 6 r. stc," sun and sip. pchs; h. w. ht; compel sacrifice at $15,000. 2 baths; instant water heater; garage; deep wooded lot; $18,500; reas. terms. Q«ly $82 pfir/font for ftp^ndidly wooded, lot in bestJN^E-JBiction of Wilmette. $57 per foot for finely wooded corner 100x124 in attractive east location. ^â€"tm: e. BARKER & CO. : End "L" 407 Linden Ave. Ph. Wil. 407 '::...US- â- .' â- -.-- - LTGia^ltc â€"f7r250^0^BUYS Ar 5- BOOM HOUSE ON .,....; wooded lot in desirable neighborhood. ; With a little paint, this house would â€"#-«a9HyHt)e wortli IftftOOvOO^â€"Now rented â-  -â- i for $65.00 per month. Terms easy. $9,800.00-^At 1516 Elmwood, 7 R. frame, water heat. cohyenient^Jtffi-JaauuBa^orJa^- ~ ~ tion....... V'*:7:vr:';\ ; .;.â- â- â- â-  ; â€" $10,500.00â€"At 1285 Elmwobd, 7 R. frame, splendid East location, and wooded lot. $12,500.00â€"At 1514 Forest Ave., 7 R. stuc- co and frame. Good home, also first class Investment. ==We^Shave" a very desirable list of homea from $10*000 to $30,000. __^„ UNEXCELLED SERVICE TO BUYERS AND SELLERS OF REAL ESTATE. LTG18-ltc I WANTFD JKSL^ COLORED_^SEQMAfcL nursink^Mrhousework by the day. Good references^ Haymarket 8451. LTG13-ltp WANTED â€"CHILDREN'S DRESSMAK- ing. Miss Porter. Tel. 3787 Evans. - L13-ltp -SITUATION WAttTEPâ€"MALEv WU^ETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET TJS subnirt^^estfmates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man experienced and competent. M. J. Sulli- â€" van, Mgr.^-882 Pine Blrebl, WmiielKa. Phone Win. 1549. LTG9-tfC EXPERIENCED MAN IN CONCRETE and cement work, desires to make con- nections with a contractor. Am ex- perienced in handling men. References can be turnlshed^- Jâ€" ^hortridge, 544 -. Maple ^avenue^ KeMlwJOTyStJl^^-^^^ - ~7~~ -*â€"^â€"- â€" _^ I.TGl2-3tp EXPERIENCED WHITE MAN WANTS â€"houseâ€"cleaningâ€"andâ€"working, arounfr houses; 65c per hour. Oliver Hferts?- berger. Phone Wilmette 906-M. â- â-  . â- â- â- â-  feu--. L13-lt« m^SL. 1157 Wilmette Aves." Phones 640-1417-2066. YOUR OWN HOMEâ€"WE WILL BUILD ANDf home for you, as we have for four hundred others, just as soon as you have paid for your selected homesite. In North Evanston and South Wil- mette we have some new property two blocks from the lake and east of L tracks; best transportation; our prop- osition includes both guaranteed in- â- vestments~asâ„¢w«ll^-ag~ wonderf uHw--- tion for a homei; For particulars ad dress. Lake Shor^^ewj^J^SI^^^^.^^ PRACTICALLY NEW BRICK COLONl- *al residence. Large living room,. din- Sing room, sun parlor and breakfast Iroom, four large chambers and two ftile batha.â€" All decorations andjtx^res, -•:f'the best and latest: Two carnSrlck: ^garajgex_heatedJrom Jiot_water system 3BT i^aencer"T5ot 77""ft bT 150 Tl- :i?iFlne exposure and -views from-^&lt jljwlndows and porches. For appoint- SWILMETTE REALTY GO. A. J. WOODCOCK^Prop. , , S13 4th St. J*el. Wil. 1304 LBIOR SALE: i^ JTUST J30MPXETED.. L_ beatutiful 6 room and heated dining Klltoorch, brick and stucco residence Li. mmv, Ix. -H& Sixth street, Wilmette. iSChoice east location. Phone Wtaaette ^1936. -___JLTQa-ll mm^jpan SALE^AN BIGHT ROOM, MOEr- * ame house , in Wilmette; very Address, Lake Shore NewaAgyr ^FOR SALE^-1224 ELMWjOOD room mod. special,. $12,000; -~^iT18- street, AVE., 8 ______, 623 11th roqmmod. T7350 for tewai. Rw ELECTRIC IRONS AND TOASTERS repaired, vases'wired, etc. _R. - I.. Adams. Phone Wil. 2345. Llp-tfc PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. _JEboae_WJii.JQ9=X^ _^ LTG50-tfc £Mk 989 Cherry St.^^ South front, line trees, shrubs, hedge " StueeolesiHehce^ dining room, kitchen ^ndsun^ porch on first -^floO£gzz_±^-zkts£r^^ m TOr^^e^^ooirtsrand l^tt|p^j| jS|fri,t hardwood trim ;| storm LOSTâ€"A FEMALE WIRE HAHIED FOX * terrier; white and black-marking: Re- ward. Address# 1381 Chestnut or call Wil. 2602. LlS-ltc MISCELLANEOUS INCOME TAX RETU ARE DUE, STARTING RIGHT NO* , We are well equipped to come to your home and handle your personal ^ac- counting individually. Our simple ^sys- tem may be the means of saving you many dollars every year. W GEO- fc-WEST AND SON Certified Public^^ AccOtttttahts, 814 Harris Trust Bldg., Chicago, 111. Randolph 2037. .Can be reached in the evening at Wilmette 2270. LTG13-itc KEEP US IN MIND We do not only clean ladies' and gents' garments, but we also clean rugs, and draperies, furniture and,, seat covers and automobile upnoistering. We call for and-deliver or clean at yourjwme^ -â- â€"-XaKE~SMOR»TCOJSNKElS^ 1650 Maple Ave., Evanston. Tel Evans. m21*.^*^.^^^:^^<<s**m LT13-4tc- mm^0w0k NOTICE liar YOUR HOUSES 'FOR SALE AN» rent with A. R. Eddinsrton St Co., 1157 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette. , I/TGlS-ltc * â- ii'W, â-  â-  â- â- â- â-  -.'â-  â-  â-  '"'â- .."'i'|,|.i'ci;,i.:i>i.w. â- i'i4riiiB Mrs. H. E. Moore, Piom __ lip Resident.....Called by Death: Funeral services tar MM. Persia & Moore, resident of Wilmette far forty years, and a prominent member of the First Congregational church, were held from the chjirch ^Wednesday, February 1, atrâ- Â»"o^c^6c^p;â- Â»ii^^"ll<•â- . at Rosehill. ':'. Mrs. Moore passed away^*at Stt Francis hospital, Evanston, after. an illness of four^ weelw. She was wtsII known; for her work in the Congrega- tional church. - ^ Mrs; Moore is survived by her hns- band^jfemry_J}^Jll05!^^^«^^^ street; a daughter, Mrs. Frank Wafe son, and '.JL_aoiUsdB43iP^ of, Rogers Vs^,:Mmks-MS&:: i^fi ortun for Progressive Business Mali -r^HBFBtg^vi..-;..^ ifeTneTQimifun^Qiis^^ 4^ The line <x>mprise&1^vociursf^^ Ml. all over the wr>rld4!OnertheT^^ ^bie, economicalj4€>w^ri€ed^€ar^t^ mm CThe sales of' botii'tblse 5Sars:â-  â- 'iSSif-'ffiffi^f '§m increase .from month .to nv>nthll^.^||p^ar^: gf|"right 'for-a: record .year ori>usiness.|^^^^^. <L The right type of tasmess^ s izing ability and moderate:.cajpjt^/will,£9^ 111 this an::TOUsii€^^f>|^l^ iPf .profitable bu^e88«f SSSSPSSSIS^fc^^^"'-' â-  S1222; €*Bliiii':-'»^2W«^^ w^s^SSM^^^^^SM' l'MJ.^i^'^%^ ['fe^^# %m.. ^^^Smmmm *sft ^^0^^0^,^ ^|-^|| -22-ttix^ TitW» P«MrH3dSiiit»«fc Magb agsypur-a^w^ 22-SIX-45 Five Pat: Tourlno 1395 22-Four-35 Five 22-3U.46 Three P»«*. Coupe 22-Six-47 Five Pass. Sedan 22-SIX-48 Four Pass. Coupe ;. 22-SIX-49 Seven paat. Touring a*sr ttoadtter f^war* ________________.. _ Pass. Teurling 838* 48SS 22- Four.36 Three Pa««. Coupe 12»» 2165 22- Four-37 Five Paw. Sedan . 1388 2075 An pri^s f. O. B. Flint, Mlohlgan 1585 S-Slx'oO aeveii laal Sedan " 2375^ A«k About the O. M, A. C- Plan J?!ree^iiemonstration and U^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I^^S^^^^^^^^^ffl^^^^P^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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