Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Feb 1922, p. 4

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tilr~* w^M00^&^^wi ww . pi«t«wfc Wc«n»nwi« â- , T."y"fj^v' lift: iflfl §5® THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MrUARY 3, 1922. Would Clear Up Forfeited Property the truant officer of these consolidated Tticacior QhfllAK NpPfl schools is coming to lead the life of l/l5a5lGI OllUWa I1UCU ~Tlie above e*ottP-"WflM>e-*ecogiUged~ as that of several New Trier Town- ship's civic leaders who met in con- ference Monday of this week to dis- cuss means of foreclosing New Trier township's numerous forfeited prop- exties„. xin^z3rMch__taxesy "general or special assessment, have hot heen paid over a period of twenty-five years or more. The group includes repre- sentatives of the various township taxing bodies, and members of the North Shore Real Estate board. school attendance. Ramy daysTlong distances, and muddy roads no longer make the district school look like a deserted village. Used now by moire than 12,000 con- solidated schools, the school-bus sys- tem is a simple and practical one,. Truant. Officer Now a Mere iHgureyHead Asserts Dealer universal adoption gtns a long period truant up on Ifrery-~moming^*lie=4ms^wi^^ provided by the school, drives up be- fore each farm house where there are children of school age. The sound of the horn is the signal for the children to come rushing out of the house, and they are oil their way ^to school. Stormy weather is now a feeble excuse for not attending. More and more, jQOtt ISSlrfSliiE I am now in-business for myself, conducting the ONLY undertaking estab- ishment inl Wilmette* Cbnscient^ my motto. us service is 1124 Central Avenue V W1LMETTE -m 'l. longer with ^Western* L the $3%v:gf Phone Wilmette 654 ease. General use of Dodge Brothers cars and Graham Brothers trucks with Dodge Brothers power plant shows how well they are fitted for this serv- ice, says C M. McDonald, local Dodge Brothers dealer. The proportion of Dodge Brothers cars among the 12,000 schools is high, and the reason may be found by taking particular in- stances where they are used. In Beck- ham County, Oklahoma, for example, three Dodge Brothers cars take the place of six smaller cars formerly used by the country school. To give some idea of the amount of walking the kids of that county save, the buses each travel 35 miles on their way to school every morning; and the same distance going home. 1* another case, that of Winnebago Community School near Rockford, 111., 30 or more children travel to school each morning in the comfortable, roomy interior of a Gra- ham Brothers school bus with Dodge Brothers power plant. By reason of their reliability and economical operation, Dodge Brothers cars and Graham Brothers School bus are admirably suited to the use of country schools. Of Expert Building- Work Supervision Licensing engineers and architects as, provided by laws enacted in many states within the past two years is an important factor in the protec- tion of the public from disasters such as the failure of the roof of the Knickerbocker Theatre in Washington, D. C. on the night of January 28, 1922 when more than 110 people were killed. The failure of the roof of this theater -was- due to a heavy snow load, but since no other large roofs in {Washington failed from this cause the disaster was'evidently due to either faulty design or construction, which would not have existed had licensed engineers or architects sup- ervised the work. ,.j. Laws licensing engineers and archi- tects who design and supervise the construction of buildings have been passed in the following states: > Ari- zona, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Illi- nois, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Min- nesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon. *«»»â- **â-¼Â»*Ia.T«iHWi- ;pf€ see, Virginia, and West Virginia, in all 17 states. Such laws are no* jfcf fore the legislatures o^f^Centacky^ Mississippi, and .South Carolina. There is no licensing law for the protection of the public in the Dis- trict of Columbia*"': . ..77:MM:<r:::.7'-M.77 The movement for the enactment of adequate licensing laws for the pro- tection of the public front the ac-f tlvities of dabblers and quacks who' formerly had only to hang; out a shingle in order to qualify for busi- ness, has been actively supported by the American Association of En- gineers, an organization of 24,000 pro- fessional engineers. It is to the credit of professional engineers that they are seeking to purge the profession of incompetents and protect the public from engineers-for-a-day. It Always Costs Him a Stroke. Nothing is more disconcerting to a middle-aged golfer than,to_be asked by the young lady whO"ls^watch!ng him drive off whether he intends to enter the grandfather's tournament. M A. S. Van Deusen SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Wilmette-Central Ave. and 12th St. Grocery Telephonesl510, 511, 512, Jc 513 \ Meat Telephone 514 f-% CASH 3DI3COUNT Cash and Carry - - - On orders of $14)0 or Profit Good*. 5%Di»coarrt «f normal Cash and DeBrered ->T"~"- - 2% Discount These do not apply to Meat DepartaMut.. SPEaftttRICEDOWrSttE Feb.H>th to ^eb. 11th GRANULATED SUGARâ€"Pure white, Eastern cane granulated. : JanfL sugar that has been on the market for the past month. ^M^li-Sfc charged or cash. No cash discount. 10 lbs. ................. CQFFEEâ€"My own blend. Makes a mild, sweet drink. Our regular' : 238c value. 3 lbs. ^ ...___.: .,â- .._______... LiPTON'STEA Yellow Label. Ceylon and India* K H> can............ SUPERIOR FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAP- No cash discount. 10 bars............. This is not the dark Louis- With an order of 57c -Box, $3.75; 100 1% oz. bars in box. 38c I£^ PEACHESâ€"Large No. 2J4 can, doz. $3.60; Extra fancy qual- No, cash """ i^^^^j^^^^^g^Swawsaaaiiga BABY STUART SIFTED EARLY JUNE PEASâ€"No. 2 can, doz. $190: Very fine quality, at a very low price, can............. ^•r^:*, *^'ir,'-"«:-f*-^ii â-  ;*♦',*^^,»r^--^r ft^j*^-"^: CRACKERSâ€" ___ ^ # National Biscuit (jo. Premium __J5oda Crackers, lb ..*..;..... 18c Graham, tt>................18c T Ginger Snaps, lb___......7.18c1 Fig^Newtons, fl> ............22c Vanilla Wafrry\ ft> . . - -.....35f Marshmellow Pecans, lb ... .38c v Chocolate Graham Crackers, lb.........................35c QUI 15c packages, doz......$1.60 i^AlI 8c packages, doz. *....... 80c BALDWIN APPLES Hard, soand"ttuit, lxr iesr FLORIDA GRAPE FRUITâ€" Larg^64 size, 3 for . i^ryi-..^c RICHELIEU COFFEE-. ';W1~'~" Exclusive quality, and exception- al flavor, 1 lb. can..........45c BASKET FIRED JAPAN TEAâ€" Anchor No. 8, 75c quality, lb 60c l^MFORlyS^FHOSFHATE BAKING POWDERâ€" 16 ^oz. can...........°...v..30c 8 oz. can .....,...,..,,„.....18c CHELIEU ROLLED OATSâ€" There are m> finer made. Large 3 lb 7 oz; plcg. ~i........ .20c MEAT DEPARTMENT Armour's Star Ham, Whole or naif, lb..............____..30c Lean Short Ribs of Beef, lb, 1254H-1 Tresh Spare Ribs, lb .,*.. -16c Brisket Corned Beef, lb ....25c Breast of T.»Tnh, yf> ......., ,ac PALM OLIVE TOILET SOAP-* v^ake • ••••_••.«........... Oc. NIX RUB SOAP CHIPS^" Pkg- ••....................7J4c ^§TAR3ERITE .SOAP CHIPS-^ i lb pkg. ..............:...i8c AMMONIA------â€" 7. RICHELIEU SHRIMPSâ€" - ^ -â€"The finest grade, Dryâ€"paekedr^ No. 1 can, doz............ .$2.50 can........................ .22c RICHELIEN CRANBERRY SAUCE Delicious. Ready wholesale price to use. 6n fresfcr The lb. No.2 Can, 1 • j • â- â€¢-.........15c 1/5 gal.â€"tttv.. 77 rr.: 77^~r. VSc BLUINGâ€" 1/5 gal. . BROOMSâ€" Knoxall, 4 sewed. Fancy quality ^broonrcorn, not dyed, ea. ..80c WHISK BROOMSâ€" The very finest broom," corn, r-rir-f;-m .. . yy»35c ea. ATTLE CREEK CORN 'LAKES^':'r"!:?"S;:"W'v^::0:.|rW.-- pkg. -T7T .-:7TrT7.77v:7r::rT. -idc CREAM OF WHEATâ€" â€"Pkg. .............. ^vf^-^^Sc SHREDDED WHEAT BIS- ^CUITâ€" * " .:"-*"' • picg. .............^...v*.;..i4c APRICOTSâ€"' < ^ Fancy Blenhein^ H> |s^^ Santa Clara, Sweet, 40-50 size, RICHELIEU PURE MAPLE _ Quart can .... wT........"... .8Qc OLD MANSE CANE AND MAPLE SYRUPY r^T WAX CANDLES^T" All colors, Self fitting, 8 or 12 in â€" "OQXtt""im .'-,â€"j i „f r i rrii » â-  > ^ j"r-r >-"-, â-  . 45C .......32c ........oc 1.55c 2W. can KARO SYRUPY Blue Label No.^t^ can .. .ilOc Red Label No. 1)6 can • ...12c RICHELIEU MACARONI AND This ifr of Rkheiiea^^ quality which is always of the best and is_a, ^larger 12 oz. pkg., Pkg_ _ AW& BEECHNUT PEANUT^BU^^ TOMATOESe-i Kont finer. Try eae emtt pf theiei ^^KpjjJ_ejMr GOLD DUSTâ€" Large pkg. ..^ Small ........ , KITCHEN KLENZERâ€" 10 large cans............... .65c RICHELIEU MATCHESâ€" Non-poisonousr Safety strike anywhere. Processed to prevent afterglow. This is a new match |n5 J*****â„¢*km any you have' had; P%. 6 large boxes .I..40c COTTON MOPS-.**^^.,-.. tt> weight **.vvw^^v; LUSTRE SANITARY OIL FLOOR MOPSâ€" For dustSng floors, eacli^~^|I35 LIQUID VENEERâ€" â€"^^#^4^ â€"Large ^42-oz. hot P^CEDAR OIL=^- Large 12 oz. bot. ....^....48<: 3 IN 1 LimmCATINCSr OILâ€" .3 oz. handy, can............25c berries is 50c a lb.8 oz. net .... ^OTELIEff HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLEâ€"This is absolutely the finest quality pajcked. Perfect is^hxe^_H|ayy syrup. No*J2can, Doz. $3.35; can .............28c ANTONINi pure ITALIAN OLIVE OILâ€" â- TV-r-,-.-:-.-^:-â„¢-..^-;---^ Pt. can .... _^rr-,....;.... .85c Quart....................$1.50 MAZOLA SALAD OILâ€" ifc Quart can ...... is.... ..ii. .55c RICHELIEU LOGANBERRIE | jpelicipus large, red loganberries J\in heavy syrupPi No. % can, G&n â- â-  * ;::i,i-t..i'.i:'i',: IS..-. i>:.> i"*.i .-â- â€¢. .38c "FSSSSE111 ROCK BART- .LETT,PEARg^:::;ti;M^:n..,;M: ^apTTNo.^ can, Doz .$4.5© Can ..............;,...i...,..38c IMPORT-PEACHES** -!-^mi^ Yellow Qing; very finf" ^ruit; Doz. $3.00; can .. < â- Â«. - *.. *.>27c CAL-GRO APRICOTSâ€" - T^^-fancy fruit in rich syrupy No5 2% can, doz| $M; ^40c »OA€K-CREPB TOI^ LET PAPERâ€" Jt*arg^e roll, doz. PIMIENTO PEPPERS^. ^Imported, X oz* can ^.., I ISe^ PLYMOUTH R:OCK SALMON- No. %can........... .. to* LIBBY^S CORNED BEEF-"â„¢ and you will see what a distinc- Doz. J^.25; can ...>.....,^..19c 1 CASBACO SARDINES^ - rlfi-ouve zoa^LsBFg*=^ ^JSSA can .........:.....,..;..,-,:^;3254c MOKgOM ASPARAGUS mss ii^^L^ncy No, 1 square can, -fLtoz. $4.50; can 77.... i..., ,37Hic 'STOBEAM'XORNl-iilliiii^ .. Tender, sweet sugar corn. Every- body likes it, Doz. $2.10! can, 18c DEARBORN CLOT SIFTED SWEET PEASâ€" .-* 'onally fine^and very rea- ^sonaWet^^ RICHELIEU LIMA BEANSâ€"li Green, medium size, extra fancy at a bargain price. Noncash dis- count, No. 2 can, dozt $3.00; , can:'-*'•.'«'• v.i'^-^»'i•.'.'.'~;rtrr::vv: ,25c -^LOCb ^RICHELIEU SPINACHâ€" Qean, ready to use. Large No. 3 ==«an at a bargain price* No cawST discount. Dozen $2.70; can 22Htc RICHELIEU STRING BEANSâ€" Juttest M "r^vSl.|=

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