12 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, i922 ^TOsâ€"I0c~ line for each 3 lines. per insertion. Minimum Copy must be in by Wednes- day at 1 p. jiL^JRates for-the same advertisements in The Lakeâ€"Shore^ News, Winnetksr Talk- arid Glencae News, 20c per line. Black Face type Charged Double Price. ^,--^..â- -â- . HELP W AN ThiDâ€"MOTHER'H girl for general housework, either morn- ings or all time. Tel. Wil. 1663. _____________________________Militc WANTED â€" GIRL. FOR GENERAL. - • housework, no washing. Fleshan, 1380 Scott Ave., Hubbard Woods. Tel., Win. •1574. L.tgl4-ltc REAL ESTATE. FOR SAIiBâ€"MODERN^IROOM STUCCO on lot 53x180, 2 large porches, 2 car garage. East of N. W. Railroad and convenient to transportation. Price â€"$Sf25Oi©0râ€"Easy terms._______â- _ _ Modern 8 room stucco, very good con- dition throughout; large living room with fireplace, sleeping porch, beautiful tot with quantities of large and small "li^rro^es, fulipsT^etc: Price $13,500r 8 room home in splendid condition, north- east section^. 4 bedrooms on 2nd floor, 2 on 3rd. Completely redecorated thru- out; corner lot. Price $15,000. Northeast Evanston near the lake, beau- tiful modern 7 room stucco, glassed and heated sun and sleeping porches, hot "water system thermostatically eon- trolled, garage and drive. Owner leav- ing,...ottsxajat J22.6QD. SITUATION WANTED-â€"MALE. WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. T.WT-Jia submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for safe; .pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man experienced and competent. M. J. Sutti-- van, Mgr., 882 Pine street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1549. . LTG9-tfc EXPERIENCED MAN IN CONCRETE and cement work, desires to make con- nections with a contractor. Am ex- perienced in handling men. References . ©anâ€" fee-burnished^__J, ^ ShortridgeL £44 Maple avenue, Kenilworth, HI. _____ LTG12-3tp LETTER WRITER----- EXCELLENT; â€"social, business* friendship* good cheer, advice, help, etc. - William Price, 1157 N. LaSalle St., Chicago. Phone Superior 7097-J. LTG14-2tp Northeast .Wilmette, modern 7 room stuc- co, hot water heat, tiled bath, shower, deep lot, garage. Price $25,000. Specials: Pine vacant property with view of-lake in Wilmette for sale at $90 and - $92.50 per footv Beautiful buildt of 150 feet in northeast Glencoe at â€"$60 per foot. * R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. 340 Linden Ave. \_^ Phone Wilmette 68 â€",-- _________ L14-ltc BEST BARGAIN IN WILMETEâ€"NEAR new •stucco home on deep, beautifully â€"wooded lot. 8 large rms, 3 porches, ex- ceptional construction and decorations; , garage; $15,500. . Colonial home in very choicest section; hot water heat; 7 large rooms, fireplace, sun porch, tile bath, extra deep wooded lot. Great bargain at $16,500. Brand new 6 room stucco home; extra .well built; convenient to *'L" and C^ & Splendid 'nnishHHldrdeGorationg; hot water heat. Pin© wooded.-lotâ€" Re^ EXPERIENCED WHITE MAN WANTS house cleaning and working around houses. Oliver Hertzberger. Phone Wil. 906-M. LT14-tfc PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired • expert; best references. Foster. Phone ""Win. 509-J. LTG50-tfc t VUtU- MOVM K6CIT& €UftSCaiiPT\Ovte NEMttX EK~ vwtwout wmtiug xujl W ] SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE. s^^ducfld^tasjl^M^ 'New 6 room stucco in ideal East location; h. w. heat, tile bath, â- extra toilet and lavatory, sun and sleeping porches, ga- rage; Wonderful value. $18,500. New 8 roam stucco nearly finished; 2 „_^baths, h. w. heat; immense living room; fireplace; mahogany finish; best value ever at $21,500. - . â- ._ . .-., Solid brick-9~room home In niiesl uuuh- east location; h. w. heat, 3 baths, im- mense wooded lot, double garage. Go- ^ing-west; must sell at once. Make offer. End of **L" 407 Linden; Tel. Wil. 407 L.tgl4-ltc EOR SAIjE^-Wilmette, practically new 6 room stucco near "U*\ attractive layout; good sized living room; $11,000. Eastern Europe."-rHrn that problem Germany, England and France" are equally interested, if in different ways, and an understanding as to the neces* sary collaboration must be reached. Professor Hoetzch (the leader of the German "Disraelian" Tories)â€" The whole world now recognizes that Germany cannot carry the financial burdens imposed on it, arid that the reconstruction of Europe can only be achieved through the transformation of those burdens. A three-land agree- ment which achieved that end would be nowhere more warmly greeted than in Germany, which, within the limits of its paying capacity, is ready to make reparations and to rebuild the destroyed area in Northern Prance. Urbana, 111.,â€"-Piv^ men were dropped from the state university and " placed on probation for* over-cutting, according to action taken by the coun- cil of administration at their meeting this week; Gambling and refusal to attend the course in military science caused the dismissal of one man from the "University. -. ?' Onionr Found To Kill ELECTRIC VASE LAMPS MADE OF your favorite vases are beautiful as weli-as useful. I ally oh Teakwood bases. Wired com- plete for $4.50' to $7.50. Phone R.il. Adams, Wil. 2345. L14-tfc HELP WANTEP--MALE. SALESMENâ€"YOUNG MEN LIVING IN North Shore suburbs preferred; expe- rience not necessary, to handle high grade article" for well established or- ganization, mechanically inclined pre- ferred; good opportunity. Address Lake Shore News A-20. L14-ltc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS. FOR SAXE^FURNITURE,, INCLUDING piano, oriental rug 8x10; Saxo 11.3x14.6; also small rugs, draperi T7rsiiitr.z4iarlor furniture, chairs, brass bed, gas range* refrigerator, cut -glass, 'â- '-â€"-â€"â€".....~â€"-"-â€"-..... ^ptj, mette. Phone Wilmette 1253. LTH-lte FOR SALE â€" FURNITURE, RUGS piano, fixtures, plumbing, lumber, stoves â€"(anything bought, -suifl and exchanged. Ponycarts) Win. 1212. 808 Oak Street. Phone LTGl-tfc I FOR SALE â€" EARLY VICTORIAN sterling silver tea and coffee service with Sheffield tra#*. Heirloom. If in- terested phone Glencoe 69© for-appoint- JggnltgLsee. 1_^_„ MglAJAC- FOR SALEâ€"FRANZ-PREMIER VAC- uuiri cleaner. Tel. Kenilworth ^2653: 72- Warwick avenue, Winnetka. LTG14-ltc FOR SALEâ€"3 PIECES OVERSTU FFliU) taupe furniture. Loose cushions. $95. Tel. Kenil. 1942. LT14-ltc IWWE PROBLEMS Emphasize Need For Under- standing With France, Britain Berlinâ€"-vThe need for: an understand- ing between Great Britain, Franceand Germany in the interest of the recon* iJjyiciy'finjjQlJ^ exf by Wijtston Churchill* Great Brit- an's Colonial ^cretary, brings forth interesting comment from prominent rman leaders. International News Service is here- with able to presen m&umm^Mmm^j^Ammi^m ffsteei beam construction; actually the best value in Wilmette at $17,500. Winnetka* very flii4 6 room .stuccp home, <3 bedrooms, 3 screened porches, large % $75 ft. lot and garage. * Specially priced it-*16*500 Phone -R. L14-ltc Beautiful Sheridan road corner, Glencoe. 100x200 high wooded ground,â€"Terms at 'Especial price of, $85 foot. £?;*: 743 Elm Sfe, Winn. â€" Tel.' Winn. 142 1....... Itgl4-ltc 401 Linden Ave. Tfil.lWtt, 93 FOR SALE â€" HUBBARD WOOJJB, â- beautiful white colonial home; 4 bed rtflrooms, 2 baths, 2 large enclosed porches, -^fearage. Lot beautifully landscaped. Fine section; $26,000. - ^^ Glencoeâ€"Attractive, well built home, -stucco oh hollow tile; 4 bed rooms, 3 large porches, hot water heat. Price L«lias just been reducedy^ m,MFRANK:A,._. REI0 â- .:&â- ,.â- . FOR SALEâ€"FOUR NAVAJO RUGS and one large leopard skin rug. Prices treasonable. Call -Glencoe 99. - '.: : '. '••____. Ltgl4-ltc FOR-^SALE=SrBIRCH MAHOGANY divan. Tel. W.inn. 96. ' L14-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"BOYS' USED 7 BOOKS-=- "Pony Rider Boys,'* "Boy. Allies," etc. Ten, fifteen and twenty-five cents. ^^Also^JBncylopedia Brittanica, 4idh. Call -Wilr 489r ^Address 611 Laurel Ave. for: L14-ltc SALE â€" PEDIGREED COLLIE pups, rough coated. Sable and white; price, $20 Ur~$50;â€"Phone Wil. 1370. LTG14-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"f WI98S. Linden ;Ave."g;S* HI'; Hubbard Woods, 111. Tel. Winn. 1300 Ltgl4-ltc llSBbUT- 113;«00^-WlLtx-JSUY-^A--SUB- &&*. etantial home; 4 chambers, 2 baths, »1 breakfast room, sleeping porch, heated §M: garagei- attached^'-, to "house; on fine pi^fwoo^ted^lot in. deslrable~~eaSt location. HIS Terms to responsible partyj quick SIS-'action." required. - .- y:$ ' â- ..'.:â- 'â- .:.."â- I^WILMETTE â- REALTY COp It â- .â- 'â- W- A." 'J.'. WOODCOCK, â- Prop, ^v-' aHH3':'sHth St.^:^:^«Bfmm -^s^Tel.- WU-'-lSO^ lp* ".'â- ' --â- m^M-^MM^%lfWM>' ':'."^;LTG14-ltc lis east corner of Park and Linden, Wil- Wi mette, 2 blocks from transportation. ill Immediate possession. 1st apartment. Sf Terms on payment. plan. ^Address gS:-:'Ijake::Shore NCWs A-21. â- -â- â- â- â- â- â- : LT14-ltc i#OR SAXiE~^=' Sis beautiful 6 room and heated dining porch, brick and stucco residence; h. w. h. 115 Sixth street, Wilmette. Choice east* location. Phone, Wilmette 1935. . LTG4-tfc WANTED TO BUYâ€"SECOND 'HAND furniture and other, household goods. Highest prices paid for same. Crosfc Furniture Store 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, 111. Fhone-lSk â€"â- ------LTG19»tfc the men approached gave expressions. They follow: ^ Field Marshal von Hindenburgâ€" Do^ not-ini,«nd tonexpress^any opiiiiOTi7 General Ludendorffâ€"My- previous utterances show that I share Mr. Churchill's views, but I fear the realization of the project in ciuestiOft^ seems almost hopeless. Pgr^HelffHch (Finance Minister under the Kaiser, and one of Ger- many's ablest Conservative leaders) â€"So long as Germany, through the Versailles Peace conditions, is eco- FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES. 3 BARGAINS 1S17â€"6 CYLINDER GRANT ROADSTER in very pood condition___throughout^ This car had excellentcare by private insive car in opera ^owner, " tioh^ „Just thes roadster lor as business man. Make an offer. Stuart lone-ton tfuckv_l yeaiL_©kV just overhauled and painted. It is in the nomically, _ financially^ politically and ^militarily bound hand and foot there will be no chance of the realization of the project referred . to by Mr. Churchill. A conciliation between two armed men and a chained slave is a chimera. Dr. Simons, the German Foreign Minister, who represented^ Germany at the London Reparations Conference earh^r^ln-llie-yeiff-^Hithertb the En Jcent of Home Brewer Bellaire, Ohio,â€"Home brewers are expected to erect a monument to a man whose discovery became public property when police raided his home, confiscating his- beer-making appara- tus. ' The mash was found to,contain both onions and sugar. ______ "Experts" said the onions would kill the odor of alcohol, thus prevent- ing the maker from being "given away." NOTICE. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Parties who had carsâ€"inâ€"WV & S. Garage fire are hereby notified that cars must be removed within 10 days or same will be disposed of. ^ +v T„ ICHTTEN BROS. Wilmette, 111.' - Feb. 10, 1922. Adv. L14-ltc FRANKLIN Sales" and Service Z;^'}2'-'.:\j The car everyone would like to own Gage Motor Sales Co. Phone 5700 1629 Orrington Ate., Enuutoo OR^I^At GAS LOG POWDER Changes the flames In the fireplace to an iridescence of red, blue, green and purple. Beautifies the home. Just sprinkle on the log. Comes in 3 sizes: 10c, 25c and 50c. Address Box 10. Cicero, HI./ ORIENTAL GA$ LOG POWDER CO. Each lone otoui^ Customers has a Credit account with us which enables purchases to be made of Eled Appliances On lEasy Payments Outstanding in this extensive family Washing; Machine â€"an addition to household equipment of great economic importanceâ€"a machine that takes over the hardest work Jn the home and does it thor- oughly at a cost of about 5 cents a week for current Ypu can buy the ills WANTED TQ-RENS^HOUSE. WANTBDâ€"MOOBRN HOUSE; MTJST ;r have 4 bedrooms, garage. Rental frqmi} ^ May 1st. Teli. Win. 1119. I/TGU-tfo gj|;.prrrT?.FOR. 'RE-NTâ€"-ROOMS. -:f _ â- - v.. P#6tl RtofcrtC-^LSiASANT HOOMTEAS'T â- side; good transportation; for lady ein^ aii ployed; no meals; 'J3O.Q0 per month. m ::Phone Jim jtf^,^-4f^^- ... â- â- iXJR RENTâ€"FVRN. ROOMS; HOT ANP mm- oold wafer*^ *Jf» West Ratlr^BdHBvenae/ ftl:Wumette.,. Phone Wil. 1080. LT7-tfc » WANTED TO RgWTp-ROOMS WOMAN WANTS OWT3 OR tuutB ImB ahunned attempting to reach a real understanding with Germany, preferring to attain its aims through, _____________ r______ _. „ .____dictatorship and sanctions. Thus at very best condition and has been care- the end of January last the conference fully used by former owner. Its equip- nf frmeria at TlrfiLolo w:>a K^vAn ««• ment consists^of^e^ee^ic-^tar4er^aml 0I £5Dews â- »* Brussels wasi .broken^ off ..... " * " " l«rdrwas^rrcceeded l>yffi(^al»fiil-Paris reparations decisions. And yet only a genuine agreement between the lead ing Powers of the Ententeâ€"England . u . „. , * open express bodv^Land Pranceâ€" and ftArmqny can torjnj. \ j A better used truck cannot be found1 «-«*-^â€" m^-jl ,.«,.. icUm 4-1 lights, cab, a platform body with re- movable sides. Will gladly give any kind of a test demonstration. Ford, standard, 1-ton truck 3 years old, "the best~6f shape; overhauled and anywhere for the price we are asking. Come and see these ttjrucks for yourself or give us a ring. ^ •"â- â- : â- â- ..;; â- WI^JNTETKarMOTOR COM 662 Lincoln Ave> < ^ ^Pfaoh'e Win. 16£l Ltgl4-ltc BUSINESS SgN;wo rooms; has 0i prefer' board also SSl..NewSr A-S:â- â- â- ;.:;,, lrn Address Lake Shore • L18-3tc JSWTW^HULbi iAreBRlCAN^BORN) t wishes position as chaperone to young gliliay oip^as maid and companion to fWm woman or as maid in small family. :#ilAddreSM-. -Lake-â- -Shore ' News A-19, L14-lto iM^TS^-^mmJ^XINQ^SX -THE jsWdayi $4.00. Iflss Porter. Tel. Evans. ^Vm. .-.;---r.......:-.::......: â- '--C-. . ; L14-ltp M1SCE-LLANEOUS INCOME1 TAX RETURNSâ€"THIS IS^PHE time of year when many a smart man gets himself into inextricable mixups. Let us show you our simple system of personal bookkeeping. It will save you many dollars on your income tax alone, and keep your affairs straight through the year. Certified Public Accountants, 814 Harris .Trust Bldg., Chicago. I1L Ran- dolph 2037. _Can hft roanhArt tn *^a FEDERAL for $5 down and -!r^$&5(ha month Particulars at our nearest Salesroom ^ 11 EVANSTON 3i [ Of Northern 111. Buy YdWr EASTEK Wonderful Tone February Recordist Just Out 829 Davis Street Evanston 654 nate the political, financial and eco- nomic confusion sih'which those three countries and Europe generally are plunged.! An agreement between grjance_AdiuliTftrmany alone or hMwpen evening At Wilmette 2270* England and Germany alone would be politically ineffective, as the Wies- baden agreement has proved, and an agreement between England and France alone would riot be sufficient to overcome present difficulties. Both creditors can ruin their common debtor, Germany, but without Jier ebn; sent are hot al^to put her 6n a sound financial footing. On the other hand, a split between England and France will not save Qermany^romrruinr^nd Ltgl4-ltc w • KEEP US IN MIND wejap not only clean ladieg*-and gents' __rgarmen£s; but we-^aJso dean rugs, and draperies, furniture and seat covers and automobile upholstering. We call for andjaeliver or clean-at your home. L.AKB SHORE CUBANBRS LOST. LOST^ â€" YOUNG ^LlREI>Ai.E BOG; child's pet,-----------*â€" ------ - ""â- - l^eiiclt ls3£all©a:rthe- language of â€"Jt ^Pj^gggg^^^ the JM_fe called the langTiftge of mnalc as a matter of fact, every disp»^« tween the creditors has always result ed, at the debtor's cost, in agreements which proved to be incapable of ful- fillment and led only to new disputes. ..A^-.^wauIt hew disturbances, which affect all of Europe, have followed in UavtM a 1&itr *«___â€" - m • m m - ------ --------_â- â€" â- _"-_••â- -â- â€" â- â€" WESTERNsDNDERTAKWree^ ~M FUNERAL^ DIRECTORS^ m WESTOI\^TO Our constant desire when called is to render the most EFFICIENT and COMPLETE SERViCE and to supply FINE FUNERAL FURNISHINGS at ^he^very LOWEST COST. *%£*'**-Ave- ^Yaiutf0T)- ^Sa^ ^i*â„¢?^^ Were England and France Ito treat Qermmy las^^memb^r^ofltn^^cmfe child's pet,_answering name of NtekU_SS» °/ aatipns^nd=r*ere_ all three m^ravi^%m^mm avenue IllrW***tb**' to discuss and examine all _^__ M^itcl questions relating feo^hetr^ommon Ibj te-sald^that a welMmilt riUmney, :|1rwl^Slrf»S « hat,re^ the danger of falltog. LA!>Y ATTENDANT No charge for distance 1022 Davis St. Evanston, HIT: son BB Phone Wilmette 280