T,i'm Wi-Mi^M-' \;&>*Â¥f.^t*?3;; THE LAICE SHORE NEVV^! FRIDAY^ Subject Brought Up At Meet- ing 43ut Deferred For Dis^ ^~' cussion at Future Session "â„¢~7HOLIJ^r^BUSY SESSION Endorse Action of Oak Park Bo^rd^n^u^a^Closin^_ Action of the OalTFargTieal instate board in securing the consent of its members to close their offices on Sunday and refrain from transacting business on that day of the Jf***â€" thus following the example *f tne **orth Shore Real Estate boardâ€"re- ceived hearty commendation from 'the North Shore boaTdrffigSSherjLM "their regTflaFmeeIIngr^onaayeVening of this week. Resolutions commend- ing the action of the Oak Park hoard -were adoptedJMJ^!LJSS£^iSSu^^ Hear "Foreclosure" Report ^Important businessJbrouj^LJ^iM Attention of the board members at the Monday meeting included a report by the Taxation committee relative to the proposed course of action to be taken on jtfce^Qrecicjm^^ ia New Trier^owflaMp-J^Eieited be- cause of non-payment ofTaxes The determination, of the board to insti- tute foreclosure proceedings in tne ? Courts recently was endorsed by repr Tesehtatives of the various taxing I bodies in the, township at a general MM meefihg^hilffiran^^ ^-^â- â- -Trier High school auditorium. afe^^^Ths-propositio^to^eic^^ fe" 0f the Realâ€"Fft****^1*^*1 tor-nse by Remembers, brought up at the meet- Mm: ^g wnff firf***flrt ftrr ftirthnr disriis- j^ .-.â- .-; I § Meet Again February 27 'â- ...:, ?nt"rt^r«enioard heard the first reading of the revised Constitution and By- laws at the Monday^ jmeeting,_ Be- cause^f^e^mnattai^amoont^f^^ ness now before the board the mem* bers elected to adjourn the meeting until Monday, Februai y 27, at~fr o'clock. The session-^will be held in the offices of Clark T J Northrop, 556 Center street, Winfieika.. **â- PLAN VETS' HOSPITAL â€" San Francis©©,- CaLâ€"The nation- wide drift of tubercular ex-soldiers into the Southwest haa led the gov- ernment to carry through plans for the consTruclioh of a large hospital for tuberculars at Livermore, near hereii The purchase of 200 acres of land mas been completed, and a $2,* 000,000 edifice will be erected, the TJ. S. Veterans' Bureau has announced. -JTroat yourself today-â€"buy^Hfr 13e pack- age of Blue Devil Cleanser. Adv. L,tgl5-ltc Music Treat Promised In "Pfrtinn •finrifrn" Pro< A delightful evening of music is jfnragftTt in the special program to be given at The First Congregational church of Wilmette Tuesday evening, February 21, by* a group of dis- tinguished artists. The program wiU be_inauguratea with an organ recital by Mrs. Marie Edwards Von Ritter, organist of the First Congregational church. â€"Parts-of the^ong cyele from "In a. Persian Garden," will be presented by a quartet including Anna Burmeister, .soprano; Mary Welch, contralto; Arthur Kraft; tenor, and Arthur Ranous, bass. - _i!In a Persian Garden'* is bejng re- peated by request, having been pr®- senred before . a packe^dr^udltoTiuiir last November. Naturally, those who see this i§43heading expect-to^r^adlJtho^t ^ui^i!baby-^eii!^i)f^J^Ajnftr^ Spring Cleaning Time Arrange this year, to have aA your rugs and drapes^ cleanecfas tney sEouIcTl)e. mmnmimimminiinmiii w~ s Orientals and domestics are our specialty. MimnHHIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIU Phone ua - we will call ior them and return them to you brighter and cleaner than ever before. Aram K. Mestjian Wh W. Railroad Avenue W$m: Mark for1922 How much.fc»ve you planned to save for yourself during this year? , ' â- -â- â- â- â- â- '-----....... - r - +-^f^0T'^^S§ Unless you set a goal, or have a plan, the chances are that your progress will not be satisfactory^ r:/:^J^:^^mS Set a mark for your ability as a ^oney^e^^i^^ ^mounT whichyou think you can acquire ^the end oithe year by regular weekly or monthly deposits ma SavingsAc- count. Start now and don't allow anything to mte^r^e w||| .your plan. % ' _*.. ;--^^:--^^:-Vv^l®I $1,00 or more will open an account at A NICKEL BANK FURNISHED WITH EACH AOT)UOT Wilmette, 111 mmmmmmbww^^ Announcing t^ Febi^i^llilMii pit Bill' SSSSt':-- mltr. HHH tan ^hutti^llionaire and they- will be surprised ta l«arn that such & 4eacriptidn applies to a 'w_._____ ' mw .rrhear -prevent^ â„¢ ative tooth and mouth: prepara- tion, and they will doubtless wonder ti«w «u«h a product jever kme to he wo^mW^^^^^ lion dollar baby". So the story nuiBt be told. Over three years ago, the Research Department ©1 the Rexall Company, in con- ^iats, ,begani:.aMi|e^a^av«' ^ ^Pyorrhea,: and it* proper ttreat-.: tjlnent,. and in their .characteristic;: fperiflBT' tiiorpu^i! way spent :oter j Btwo â- years heforei -flie^^erfec^;: S||ed a compound i*hich answered Bjeyeryr-tesfe^ccording-, ta%their : l§ii*hltaM^ Ithat they hmve named it "the Million Dollar Baby^ ?rooaWy |np prep^ration^bA^J^d^vj^ lior use^ra^geTOrcomblSte^ foiind ho efficacious in preyent- |lng all contagious diseaseiMha^ lenter the %stem through the Xcowlrt^T/Sieiii®" :ail vittaps; ^©t the flu when.sd/p^alent.fest. jjjyear.; This ItexaU product ^ ^be:^:purcbAse4-:'in, 2Bc. ^SS^S^'. r!lsnec1al" toilet' bottles ^'^'^^ •.:"'.;, â- "!'.; â- â- -' 'r'""'-:'^ly!^pnngn^^Tires^ PENNA GfASOLINE MOBILE OILS. VULCANIZING ACCESSORIES GROSS POINT, H-L. im, mm;?:. WM. THE REXALL %3& mmtm^we^tPi Wilmette AnnouncingiNewrnces IjlNIL -##*♦* "GOOD MjOtWEQ^ Roadster .... $885.00 Seoan .......•â- .....».,••. •'•.•'• >t«:».^ .._i._.ij.;jL,jLj»â- :»..*...^*www%Sjp The Good Maxwell meiite your closest inspection. g|t Touring, 5-Pass. .; 1 . V ^vtvf^Wi. . ' ... $1295.00 Roadster ............ ............ .. 1245.0a Touring, 7-Pass........... ----- ;â- . y. •â- . 1395.00 Coupe, 4-Pass. ......... --------....... 1995.00 Sedan ...... ^ w rv^^^w^ ^t^t^t^^ Disc steel wheelsâ€"Oversize cord tiresâ€"Alemite grease system------Genuine leather upholsteryâ€" l-.i^^7^'^):y\......Standard ^uinineii€;^g^y^^;f^^^ Get the truth about the*&WaWii*:aWd- ii organization manufacturing same. lEvJi^ibt^mBr PETER ILJANS Phonr JEvanston 425(hzi yARL J.- LAMK1 "?V??* "^ffi~:5:ff/y ®F 'it'.^"'•'pf^Wlv'-S^t0 mm in. J^fi-gsg ;'-:>":K^§mSM":;i^M' *^??SiS?pBiHl^Prf