WMMm^iZSMS^Z'^ TWTiii^ Vol. IX, No. 16. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS^ ERIDAY^FEBRUARY 24k, 19&2 Divine and war <'0M%1 Eaton, Eminent Social Worker-. Address WAGE PROBLEM EXPERT INFItMS Burton Thatcher, Baritone To -Provide Special Music Americans ♦^Vage^tiBStiePi^**-t3^vital Importance to every citizen of the IJnited States, since ^til are directly or indirectly af- fected by the in- dustrial status &rffie country, will he the sub- €hildren'g Motion pictures, shown every week at St. Augustine's Parish house and provided by members of St. Augustine's Episcopal church, will take on unusual significance during the Lenten season, when stories of ^the^ Bible wilMbi^ p^^ye^d In place of the customary programs of child-lore films,.....--^^•---â- ^--=^:"":-"":'^""' Beginning Thursday- e afternoon, March 2, the program of Bible pic- _____tures will be shown each week ^JlZr^-throughout the Lenten period. "After the Pall," depicting events and inci- dents -of earliest Bible history, will comprise the program for next Thurs- day; the films to be provided by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zipf, 925 avenue.___ Other pictures to follow during the week of Lent lnetinte,~**The Chosen Prince," depicting the heroic and Tcunantic life of -David; Joseph and his Brethren"; "The Call of Samuel"; "A Good Samaritan," and "From The Manger_tQ_-theâ€"Cross." The films will be presented in sequence so that in their entirety, they will give the children a comprehensive idea of the ° ject^of isheâ€"ad- -©utst€HMHag-=: dress ilmette before the Sun- Evening February Charles eseatE iy editoV of Les- lie's Weekly and Uftny tf«««Mtig-all his' t spreadin Stations," will be the speaker. M^j^Eaten^s-^st^ememb^ the former pastor of the famous 'Eu- clid Avenue Baptist church in Cleve- land^ d^-where-Johir Bf-ftockefetter •a«j asiegttlar- member of* his^on^ gregation. He was, subsequefiflyT pastor of the Madison Avenue Baptist : church: in New York -â- C^yfelSSfm lilglllll Eminent 'Journal'at^'j|f||}jj li*-BrtKSaton,:":who stands in the"fore Anticipate Attractive Program at N. IJ. t^olrwert March l5 â€"shore patrons Pt music anticipating an evening of exceptional ^leasure^ Wednesday, March 15» the oc- casion of the Twenty-seventh concert of the Northwestern University School Ipflf'a^rltt^ tiinS he^ wis Sociological editor of the Toronto Globe and later* in Europe xeiffiesimtsd^^^ Boston Transcript and the New York Tfing thiTWorld war ^e was director of the NationaFService section of the United States Shipping board, in which capacity he went from coast to coast with Charles M. Schwab, enthusing the workmen in fhjs.". ftn|p- ,,yards .'-and./fMtoriesii^^ Dr. Eaton is now oevolffi^ hii en- tire time in work oWbaJL^aracter. Ff> i« frequently incited by Industrial organizations to spend a week with. W them in advisory relations as an. in-/ Hi duStriaK expert. He has had flatter-- "ii-irig offers to give his undivided afc 2^l4enMolhto^indivtduitl^ Hi j&eJs reebghlzed^S^nie of the ftnesfr speakers oh the dtn^wii^^ l^atfofm and his appearance here constitutes ^ssi one of the exceptional features of the "*"*' - " Evening club's season pro- __ iThatcjfcer^weli „.__ tone, and Mrs. Marie Edwards Bitter, Sunday Evening club organist, WS$miL i>rov&€Lthe^ program of-music igfAlleg*o^noderato W^'mCmlw^M- ^0, ........" Preiude^po~miP^ : j^arch â- ffo^.i.LM^M^^.. • .Bflgar Oftertoireâ€"Berceuse .......Frysinger ilfi postluder-Postiude in* B,:;Mfe-King llSi.: oneo^taa^ larfsm^^ ifil cm-rent - /season: ' last; â- - Sunday heard ^S^mk^rM^^^Wm"^- remarkable l||f .eltur! 04 "&oo?b Out-Doors," the story ^^-oj/the ^ great Northwest, WISWMMB "â- - W MMv« broadened inter gleeful grins? 9§§§R Here& the prPteOueSfreason. ^Pw fgtlOa^eria management this week an-. i^Sho1inced:-.a reversion' to "normalcy", ^^,th|tv|s>ao:,i>re-war Prices £f ^uahs. if^^I^st Everything on the Welch biu- ^Mof^are'"hits been taken, down a notch in price. That's worth a gleeful grin, Mary Rickson, Harlan Ware, ^SfeElizabeth Duffy jyead .-.Cast|f in free Bible To Under a complete reorganization Sidney Spiegel this weefcwae placed ihlactive charge of the. North £hora Players, a group of amateur actors, in this vicinity. Spiegel, a student at New Trier High school, was designat- ed "business manager" and "general director of production" at a-meeting ...--------.__ _ of the Players early this week. >fâ€" development râ€"with~the -anno history. Thermograms are all children of Wilmette. iMill MM Miss EllzabethJDSiB^nCa^lan W^re. l3aB^o^%he-4H*s^irec^^ cal programs for many amateur pro- jiirti,n^B 111 fofp ^trtntfy httn hnen named lEd have charge of that de- , ^artmenl-for v0ie- Flayers^ -""Tgap^ 'â- To"Pr©»ent:: "Sham"--^^:^^ ' The next effort ot the Players is designated aa^Taried entertainment, including Several jmacialty/-jnumbers. and a one-act jiLay entitled "Sham.' This venture is arranged under the yiiaiug eighi^-^»la3iers» The/ S«^, ....., is W be gweÂ¥^t Patteh gymnaattim, Sheridan road at Nbyes street, Evans- ton. V .1The..,;^cer|^|^/..b|^i%,:^ ^ctbcU^'^^^ii^^^^^^^f^S^M^ These sympnony^ o^ concerts â- BI5 shore, in view of the fact that many-ot . o ftl -t thfcplayer&direrresidents in this victa-^16-0* saie ai ity. The orchestra personnel is aug- mented by Weveral.soloists of the Chi- cago Symphony orchestra. As usual the orchestra is to! be conducted j£yj>|0. Harold ,'Everard / Knapp|lf/|paf||||« . A feature of thisjrsa£iy^ceri j?ill be the appearance of Master William Carver Williams, the youthful 'dellist. The concert program follows: Sipf;^P*i,o„.__.,,,,,. x^^m-mciiiaM- aiemlicfc/Japgsam^dbeDnatt^ 'Romania" -w:0^iSM$ Scherzo ( Lebhaft) -||fyj|^tl Langsauiâ€"Lebhaft '»m's^^il p . ^ Intermission Si% Concerto for Violoncello in A pp. 14â€"Golterman minor, Von W§ Allegro moderato Cantilena (Andante) «4&jfe|fe§^ii|P^i/;iSl Danse Macabre, Pdeme Symphonique, Op. 40â€"Saint-Saens. -p^mtFi0n^~^Ciretti 3CM-Elgar. iNORMM^^^z/ft^ Aie tihijBH contented smiles of tE§ AaB8tmBtt, uanwuci ww. -»v*>-~ -- p^r^a «* ^rw^h'fl rftfotftria^baer^sd- & 8pecial program, that promises to Royal Arch Masons Present Attractive Entertainment ^IwJimeJ&Cclb^^ Arch Masons^ has planned att unusual attractive entertainment for Tuesday evening, February 28, JA Jones hall, wnenMiwrIngridlJfetrefsetti jsoprano^l Miss Elofse Bedlaii* pianist; Miss Nina Winans. reader; and Mr. Louis Kunstman, baritone^ will appear in Amateur TOeatrica|C|r^ffe lects A^imetka Youth to Di- rect "Business" Affairs ][HEER^ilrf inw^^ Petitions were circulated this week by candidates for New Trier Township offices,, to be voted upon in the forth- coming Spring election. i The principal tcwhshifiN^olnces are? to voted upon^ in this^^^e^T^ balloting with the following candidates named on tfie petitions; ; Gertrude M. Thurston, supervisor; Herbert H. Sherer, Highway Commis- sioner; Leland V. Plerson, clerk; George R. Harbaugh, assessor; Hoyt King, collector; Frederick B. Crossley, Justice of the Peace (to fill vacancy, left T5y himself at the last election, because of inability to qualify); John W. Selzer, constable; Sherman M, Booth, George W. Gordon and Max W. Zabel, committee to fill vacancies. A separate petition is circulated by j.-Eo^ard-l®Ki8i, cahdfdate tor Town- . sli^p,. School,, ifa*te&*S^.^~^-r<^ lection of an-experienced manager the Players further arranged to place the actual production work in charge of a group Jncluding.Misa JlaryiBickson, and IpT Spiegel; In the^ cast wift ap- pear such_ welK-^^^__ are^isriaary Rickaon> for several years prominent in north shore amateur theatricals, anji who has had valuable professional experience; Miss Eliza- beth Duify, best remembered for her stellar work in f'Suj^ressjed^jesi^ amateur theatricals; James; G^soni and Charlea Rnmmler' Ji%^ *£$mM±M§ The entei^hirient is tot^bergiveh at the* Winnetka Wbtopi's club on March ,8r- and at. the tWilmytte Won^ an's club on March 4. /Tickets are to all drug stores^ Burglars Get Jewelry Haul? -At 0iv CI. Blake Residence Four hundred dollars in Jewelry and $7(Mn currency wejecJ»ken^fromAtM residence of Dr. C.B. Blake, ; 1009 Chestnut avenue, Wednesday night of last week by^ burglars who, being. •igbJbenedWaway^^ -^om-^e--paP€miges„ left behind a large Quanptyjof cToth- tng^ey^hysecured In^irbTinaTcas-a pari of the> loot."";;sszz:s21z:ei::z iur«laT^^was-4iscoverett wnen the Blakes returned home late Wed- â- nesdayrirfghtr-: ..â- uS :â- â- :. Trftces of burglar ravages were notteftdvin the G. Raymond Collins honW^at 1241 Ashland avenue the same night, but ho loss was sustained. It was thought the marauderssdhad been frightened^away. be one ot the outstanding features of tjhie north shpre social season. tfFollowing the program there will be dancing until 12 o'clock, the music to be provided by P. A- Bedlate^All members of the Masonic order and their families are invtted to attend â- the entertainment. '^Ǥ mMi Mm*rWe^ mMmm rHef^FTPoit N» « off^the American Legion desire* t© th«n|f Wilmette residents who reappointed^ ^ ^e ff»ilt call foj* ©loihWo to be ited by liejKlauartersL.t« J»L jielnfffi^ need. There is a demamP ^^^n3ori^jweoi^ijrui_io iocaljjoit Members, and if those who have Joseph Shantz, Religious Education School Holds Social Session Monday The Wilmette School of EJducatian_will ___ _.JOTfC"- . eading the Classified " |AlNr^Ss*BM^u;^ Among .t h^ diversified . things t» 1>e louiwi tbere^ttS^-- weejk Is the fqUowhig a^ver*y tismentâ€"a sure way out for|i ,^e^maa,ihai./:8eyer :kaiQWs& . just "how he stands^'-;---^ SONAL SKT OF BOOK^ KEPT IN YOUR OWN |p EOMB Religio -T^PJ^^girAlD..OF OtJ» plifled system, andâ€"our expert! • personal help, you %an be aureus. of the exact state of your flnan-||^ ce% at any time during the year.l|f , This keeping of_ajet ofja«rsoaal|^ books, or rather a personal book,fm nifty mean aft ai>i>r^iable waving i? to you on next year's income tax« i& returns. The system ia~ postetT ^at^rjeguiar intervals, and charg€ is-madp arcorflUng "~ ork necessai U Church Leaders ^y-MARTi*l_JrlAYES BICKHAM (Dean, Community Schpo], JleHgiP^^ ^M^ISIillPduca*ion); .HiSSiiiil â- â- The Wilmette- Community School of Religious Education closed its first of Miss JJuiTy^jir^WW^ ^ear^f-woi*^h^ltfondaoiignrT ,cec.. *« u^.v.._______*â- ary 20. The^energetic committee-te^ well-&jo«n^^mat©u«Pas^ ^fhaTge^thÂ¥ scnool set out last Sep- â€"-- -â- - - â€" tejjabep^o enroll 100 members. The dean of the school reported at the session, Monday night, that 171 mem- bers had actually paid the enrollment K^frrds, fee and attended a ^majpritjr ot Coal, Building, Stone Yards, Wilmette'a nrospectiVe^ Z6jb1_„ _, dinance underwent a searching inves- tigation at the; hands of the Village / Board of Trustees !.:1^«id^^^";i!|ii'y"".;i week while a packed council chamber looked /on_^gi|h-^|^rn^^ and dismay as the various ^sectiphiiB^ of the proppsed law ;.^eji^'-^fli4r^i|l?^ cussed; / â- ":. and: z in*:' 'â- ., se wr^]^jujsia^eÂ¥: g amended. '^.Z-Z"ZZ. â- >'â- ' '^â- â- â- '^â- }â- z â- Jstf^ The session resolved itself ultimate- ly to a ^ght' in which^ T^ Hoffman fought valiantly lor what he considered the interests of his ^con« stituehcy«-^©://weijt iaidi^^thj^ /ioie^Bi^^ftwBS^........ ^;||eii||ac^||^| ^ ._,____._sion of the ordinance had been effected when the trustees elect- ed to adjourn shortly after midnight after four hours of interestingv ift times bitter, discussion. TStaii^iif^; nance Incite^cWtvj^ was adopted by the board at an ad- journed meeting Thursday evenint The ultimate outcome of Tuesday7)! discuasionwaa^n the natui^oTaTcom- promise on the Wet ^fds^ereoT areaTfostered by^President Zip! and / Trustee Hoffman,,who moved to k®ep^ out of the village â- enjtlrelyv:/;snph:rin*/r/ lustries as coal" yards, building ma- iirial yards, lumber yards, stone bottle worlw^ >8tc., w^ ^^^^^,-^M;';feveu^aJ^;^cw " Iper^/fin^ ^ye1*c^^ nearlyisevointy^flv© per cent jot im enrolled. This is very unusual JKhc school of this character M-bq pttny of the memhersr-: have s-:-cdnsflictlng cans iii business- or Iwnie duties. ^ ['no^faoulty- has been made up oj men and women from the higher in- stitutions of learning in and around Chicago, such as the University of Chicago, Northwestern university. Gar- rett Biblical institute and Chicago Theological seminary. This has guar- i^nteed tlie^eliair^^ tion and kept a vital and" sustained interest in the most essential problems of moral and religious educaWpn. WziM Aid in Child Tralrtlhg""'...... jn&lkJielilp _n...^pjSinjah^0?t': mpyed that,W&f£rt Railroad ivirijia^yxmim^ pf tho: 7(Mh block, be, zoned-(dnty;'/*£ Industrial; »H others-;to ibe zphe^ tCon^g^ .^niercial instead T^f"lndtafltritJy-'^Tliite:!^-~ motion '/was' lost- after â- ;constderaWe/;tg|v/ acrid disenssion. ^ % â- •-â€"â€"- Following a few: additiola* cnahges//!p and revisions of a minor . character, Z:l|pi the ordinance waa: ordered ^written S up as amended and the meeting was ^adJoujjnod^pgeJT^ the'.- jiuTpoBeT<&&t£o^^ â- ^klany west aiders appeared jubilant *** Pver the resiull of the:;eVen}hg's;:::ac^ complishments, asserting that thij/ Hoffman amendment had literally re«- gj|Phj~effects-^ seen in^earj^_eyery IS^th^vniage^ndlin scores of homes where both parents anOeaisngjg^have secured a hew comprehension of their duties in relation to child life and new ideas as to how most effectively to influence boys and girls and direct their attention and wills teard the highest moral ideals and^^igfoM truths. â- '.:':"^-&A ;â- -,..' |S^;/'|)®&^©,u$> -.»» The memberS*bf thif Ichdot^ c^ CZ*Jjng^as4hey^Ud^o ______ . ^^ cnurchesf of^ther"v"illage; have learned how much truth they hold in common and how much strength there is in co- opleraTive^fforl Insuch anTenlerprIse as Religious Education. The whole Christian community will be ready to mdve forward to larger achieve- hients next year ih *eti*to**W$^ tloh because ot tKe happy memPies and satisfaction derived "from the -co- operative Community #?hoot of Edu- cation of the last- six'months.\pPSgii: 1JLIMJ,......... ____ mmOrE* westanp^^h jtfoaday-evening, Fslmiary-gZ^at-the p€ei*ifled rutni^T(CS5punant«; 814 home of Robert Stoddard, 524 Lake *4 tT"~,° avftmie. Br. Norman will be the eventog^ll^^:^ â- ..,,..,. :#K..:,, Dr. Richardson is dean of __________ lardlon e North ^w+arableâ€"ciothet will western university Department uf Re* Hgioue Education and^^ oneâ€"j-of^ ther principal instructq^sm-the Wilmette School of Religious Education. Harris Trust Bldg., Ohlcagoy HI. Randolph 2037. Can be reached I.ihe-»veolng.at, Wilmette^2270 Read the Want Acb. 3 #i Three mild cases of influenza were reported to the Wilmette Health de- partment within the past two weeks, according to a statement issued this week by Commissioner E. E, Mpore, who^ha* emphasized that every known or Suspected case discovered in the village must be reported immediately to the department found residents of the village have been eaiittdned to observe strictly the regulations of quarantine imposed in the Iwfl^iUfifl ofT^^ff fprm nf rnntnrinn. in the literest of p^eventlht spread of FILM NORTH 8HORE PLAYER Film service this week appeared tft a yerr cast^ to appear in am eariy^pro^u«*ioh :-by-.thai: dramatic- --croup. 'ft^lS:IZ, ^thje3Mth^^n^Ui«yM^^ ,„,.„ .Beelc'Better'-Reproee^^moi^S^|;;"/:|i;:: -^There--were, others, •.,ho^ve%pifeh'Oji^^^ foreaaw a continued hgnt to Keep the? sldeiil'clear of* industrial ^en- Tney had sought to west croachmehts?' have the term "industrial*' entirel elminated from the ordmance, Thwa; left the session emphasizing the fac that- the west side is^sbrelsFlii*he" of mpre complet%sre|pj»e8ehtjrtipJi ________;sphfee^tfuite~. to Tie elected this Spring, theypi called, a" tact significant in that would afford ah opportunity "to /ajg com^iish such an ehdV ^ ^ i ssfel William S. Doig, Pioneer Resident, Called; by Death ^t^efaifsei^i&sfor^ Wilmette pioneer, were held from the residence at 1104 Greenleaf avenue Wednesday .February:JSSi) Burial was private, away Sunday, l|| .d^58v: years:""fifi^,^^^ Mr. Doig fiM came to Wilmette fitff. yftftra ago with "hiW ^fath<gFf^«^ n~recent yearar^he has lived . part of- the" time to, St."JLffl Charles, 111., and in- LPS Angeles, Cal.jjiltg He- waa^^«ieTnijeT^5t^aie:- yirsr'vGo»>^^^ gregatiohal' churchr of". Yfilmette, .He^^p| Is; Survived by '"two sons, Leslie ^and:p^|y DonaJdKDoig^ both ot Los ^ Angeles^^p to .the depanmeniu_^|ii^^-/£|^^^4:^Mal..,/ .. â- /ajtr^_ir*l"X-s*JPM8Slw ^^WnTtB~^^rulentTl»3^ IVIan ti legion .rafr,^ District Representative The American Convention held in Bloonilngton^-111^ la«?wle*rioslBph~Shantz, weM Jehow* member of the local post, was elected a jmejhher--of the State Eeraaitive committee of the American Leiipii, department of Illinois. Ih3pr(^ntatlv^^tgetenie1^^ â€"Mrriffliahta represents the Seventh district, which ^ai|prl8ea uuilll shore, Rogers Park, Chicago's ;;;-." •" '* Qleneoe posts. The sUte ot IIUboIb ^ la divided into tweat3Mlti diitrte^ /