,,,*£>, / THE LAKE'SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY24, 1932 --------â- ^â€"-»"'**mm*">ii*m"mim'"'"'"â„¢^>iiw^"i'""^"'m||M|1'1111*^ " *"....."ljw"2' **.....""".......... OWEN COMPANY GIVES 'SERVANT INTHE HOUSE' Tlie William' Owen Company will appear at New Trier High school au- ditorium Friday evening, March 10, in "The Servant In The Housed by Charles Rann Kennedy. ••" "The Servant In The House" does not concern the present day* servant problem, as might be expected<Qn ^he other hand, It is a play ef highly dramatic incidents, coupled with rare bits of humor, brought in quite fre- quently to relieve the tenseness of the action. • Ralph R. Bellamy, formerly of the Northâ€"Shore Players, will have a prominent role, playing Sanson, an East Indian butler. Wr. Bellamys work will be remembered for tne many parts he has taken with the .North Shore Players and also Ms standing in local dramatics for some time. „ ^ Mr. William • Owen, the owner of the company, has twelve successful years on Broadway to his credit. The company will go out tor the spring and summer season with a rep- >e At the termination of the contract nexMall^lhfty will haVe a list of some twenty plays, including such authors as Shakespeare^ Ibsen, Shaw and Maeterlink. Quite a large-audience is expected to witness the performance at the New Trier auditorium Friday, March id._____________ of U, S. Leads the World In Water Power Development The United States leads the world In the development of water power. â€"Fortyrper cent of the working water power ef the world is in t£is country, where a total capacity of 9,243,000 horse power has been installed, #ac- cording to a jreport^ of^the Ilnitea States Geological survey issued re- cently. New York leads the states with |L300,001S horsepower developedâ€"by water power and California comes second with 141M0& borse power. The largest single water power plant THTfirworld is at Niagra Falls, with 4W,dW horsepower capacity, but the major part of this development is on the Canadian side. Europe has one-third of the devel- oped water power qf the world. Franeer Italy, Germany*, Norway^Swe- deh and Switzerland have each more than 1,000,000 horsepower working. '-?â- With Ms water power and steam generating laams^the^rmited^^tater furnishes its people with the cheap- est and most efficient electrical power rt^rInAmericanLegion JRanks "I think Chat I am 32 years of age. I am five feet, nine, and weight 130 pounds. My eyes are gray and I have blond hair. I believe I was a soldier. If anyone can tell me who I am or â€"anything ahou|,mx_pastt please tate phone the polijjfc" it This is wha^a clean-cut young man- told attendants in a Los Angeles, Cal., hospital. He wore an American Le- rfon button, and Los Angeles posts of "IneTEfegionare. helpingJrfmjin^him- THE POWER OF PROGRESS Electricity represents the power progress. In the early days of America in- dustry, mills were built on the banks of streams that water power could be utilized. Next came the age of steam and factories were built near the rail- roadr~that~coal could be"delivered to the plant. Then came the present age of electricity and the greatest in- dustrial development the world has ~everIkhown.Iâ€"CS'\")^ -.â€" -â€"^â€"â€" Today electricity brings the enor- mous resources of the country's coal mines and water power to the Indus- trial plants of the* nation. By the throwing of a switch, industry is as- sured instant and constant power whenever needed, even though the plant supplying the electrical power may be hundreds of miles away from the consumer. Co-ordinated research, engineering, manufacturing and com- mercial efforts have made possible this quick deliyery of -power at a cost which permits rapid and efficient de- velopment of industry. CHOIR CONCERT The choir of the Wilmette Methodist church is to appear in special concert general public is cordially invited K. OF C SESSION Ouilmette council Knights of Colum- bus, w'ilF hold a regular meeting at Jones Lodge hall, Tuesday evening, February" 28, beginning at^S o'clock. Several prominent speakers have been secured for the meeting, FUNDS FOR HOSPITALS A federal appropriation .of $16,400,- 000 for hospitals for founded ex- soldiers has been asked by the Amer- ican Legion in New York, where con- tinued investigation has revealed In- adequate facilities. McClure Renamed President of Big Advertising Council W. Frank Mc<3lure, 219 Broadway, Wilmette, has been re-elected head of theqadvertisingleouncil^t~the Chi- cago Association of Commerce, the largest advertising club in the world. This is the fourth time Mr. McClure has been chosen to head this council, which now numbers 1,800 members. Mr McClure is better known on the north shore as the energetic president of the Wilmette Sunday Evening club, one of the most splendid organiza- tions of its type in the United States. Dr. LESLIE W.JONES physicianâ€"chiropractorâ€"pctnasr Wilmette Office Room 27, Brown Building-Hours: W^ A-M. 2-5-7-9 P. M Telephone Wilmette 2557 Residence Phone Wilmette 2558 »,-,,-,â- â€",â- â- â- --__â- â€"â€"^ !!r^^?^-------„,.,M^^ *n»eaft^#e©V you cheaped you canTeat at Home t • - - â- We are going to make a leader ofour famous coffee and give it to^you for 5c if The Third Division of the Wilmette Methodist church will hold a "White TSIepTtant Z Party" Monday- evening, -March fit at the home pf Mr. and Mrs. -BL_£LJR*aiihflM5^^ MS* Bug your Spring Clothes K; 'IPS at a legitimate . :i| ^Ladies' andMisseyl Ready*to~ wwS: |Mjg|p~' ear UNIQUE STYLE^Hei ^ ; B. Copland Proprietor- :-Sii"'Tia»."Gemiil:: Avenue I ......'IllSSphone Wll. 2408] =111 wilmette $P?jti\t N£rhH<Hf<< Vegetable Soup... Chicken Okra...... Clam Chowder^^ • Cream of Tomato.. fe CONTRAaOR AND BUILDER mm. cheerfuUy furnbhed on New or Repair Work v*\S pruceSt.,Wrnne S Phone Winnetka 1055 SWI1J«ETTE sus Roast Prime Beef....... •. Roas^Spring Lamb.......... Roast Sugar Cured Ham----- S>o!rkT%Â¥rTRfl^ 7.6c .10c .10c .10c f30c 730c 30c Ragout^of Beef with Vegetables Pork Tenderloin Cream Gravy. Omelettes of different kindsTTT Macaroni..................... Baked Beans .....------. •. •---- Sirloin or Tenderloin Steak.... Spinach, 10c, with Egg. ..*. Cauliflower ............ â- r- Beef Tongue and Spinach... Com Beef and Cabbaged......'.. Salt Pork and Lima Beans.. • •. \ - v30c . .28c ...20c Roast Pork andLDressing... ttir Corn ......; String Beans Tomatoes .. Hot Slaw .. ..25c 7730^ ,25<r . 10c 10c ..35c .15c . 10c .7;$c~" .. 8c ...8c, Calves Liver and Bacon........... ...... mous Roast Beef Hash with Egg.. Pot Roast with Corn Fritter.. ----- • Potted Ox Joints»and Noodles.----- ^Veal Cutlets with Spaghetti...'; • • • •*•'â- «• *:.v ...25c ..........15c ........25c ........25c .......25c__ Mashed Potatoes..... Augratin Potatoes . . Sweet Potatoes ....... Baked Potatoes . French Fried Potatoes. ^rrSe- :..8c^ ..10c ..10c IStL Jgessii^ GENUINE a S Thursday and Friday t^BEST" MINCE PIE 15c and the portions liberal JDon'tw^orry about dinner we will assume all those troubles at les& cost than you can do it at Jnbme ; ^ „„^ ip^k^^^M^m^i^i ~'9 ^ *Jwim^ Rofisv Pies aS3rCaEesraiid welib^w have the fieil Cs^&rlertai Ghefkiiowtti **Good home coofc^llg,, is his Motto. Give us a chance to showryou^ ^KRJSUREL^DO APPREOLrVTl YOtm J^^ "â- m$MMM&MM- '^"^â- '^Kt-f&is&r';'^:' M$B^T£*t£l