Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Feb 1922, p. 8

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tfff! !&&££ THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY M.^fr ^ ^mmtemsmg CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSTT-REAL- EST, Ratesâ€"10c per line for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednes- day at 1 p. m. , Rates for the same advertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c line^^BlackJace^JEype^ Chatged Double Price. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR SALEâ€"REAL ESTATE i S^rBARLT NEW STUCCO HOME V*l S deepr- beautifully wooded ,lot» 8. lge' S=s^^msvr-fc^^ W&$3 tion and decorations, all rrosTisanvassed, garage. $15,500. , v . Colonial home in very choice sec, not »S0 ^r. ht., 7 lge. rms., firepl., sun prch., S S Si extra deep wooded lot. Great bargain l|Sil at $16,500. Owner must sell. Make p&:'-r: offer... : , â-  ., ^ Prand new 6 rm. stucco home, extra w«ll ?Si builti convenient to "W and "C&NW, #j#g aplendld finish and decorations, ht. wtr. yyH4 TC ~Wiie w6^oÂ¥ar~T6t7T ^ednce«==t» W0l» $16,000. ' " > ' ' '„, ^^%eartog completionâ€"Artistic 7 rm. TaP- WM estry Brick Colonial on beautifully ifl^ wooded lot in Bas^ section for only iS New 6 rm. stucco in ideal East toe, n, ifip W. ht., tile bath, extrj% toilet and lav., W&m.-sun and sip. prchs., garage. Wonder- Si ful value. $18,500. -, „â- /,.> - ^#|I6W~8â€"nn. stucco in ideal finished, 2 #lif baths, h. w. ht., immense liv. rm. flre- i^«&pl.imahog. finish, best value ever at S»«#Sr $21,500. ' H Solid brick 9 rm. home in finest N. E. UK: * loc., h. w. ht., 3 baths, immense wood- iif§P ed lot. double gar. Going west. Must isxlll? sell at once. Make offer. - Ilti---M.-' E. BAKER .& GO. RSti.-Brid' of "L" 407 Linden. Tel.Wil. 407. $§§M':-cY:iâ- .:â-  ';.â- ;:â- :,â-  ;.a::v:;-.r:-•^.:- :.'\' â- ' ' Ltgl6-ltc FOR RENTâ€"PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, suitable for two. Four sunny win- dows," couch â-  and window seat, large closet with lavatory, private family. Ten minutes walk from "L" andNorth Shore elect.- Breakfasts. TeL- "wil. 721-M. Ltgl6-ltc FOR RENTâ€"FURN. ROOMS; HOT AND cold water. 629 West Railroad avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1080. Lt7-tfc WANTEDâ€"ROOMS; APARTMENTS WANTED TO^^ housekeeping rooms for family of 3 in Wilmette May 1st. Phone, Kenwood 7699. â- ___________________Llfr-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"HOUSES WANTED TO BUYâ€"6 OR 7 ROOM home in Wilmette under $13,000.00. â€"Have $5^000 Gash.- Address, Lake Shore News, '"Atitr12^-____________ Ltgl6-ltc WANTED FROM OWNER IN WIL- mette or N. EvanstorH=5tr-toâ€"i00 foot lot, either east or west side. Will pay cash. Address, Lake Shore News, A-35. ?> Ltgl6-ltc HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE OR FEMALE BOOKKEEPER WANTED TO ASSIST ~=a;"r^w^jevenings---eaeh~"WeekJ Kiddie- Nook. â-  ________________L16-ltc HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE RM. STUC- heat inclos. p§ FOR SALEâ€"WILMETTE, jji^lcowliouse,; 8 yTBT-gldT-wg ... mma <im^"- i\r& <"", "j" r"â„¢f*er $ioTooo.oo-^$ §?»;:â€"" .to $^0Q:;»«J«^- - : ":â-  r ':.:....:'.......â-  /â- ,--"' '.„.':,_â„¢. m$Beautifully located 6 rm. stucco, jiii*L aim &lpl§' slper. porches, gar., w. heat, all rms. Itiii light and sunny, location can't be beat Win- WHmette, $15,000.00..- • ||UWooded 50' corner 3 blocks trans. $2,000. ^â- "â- :~"lf'you'"act"quick.â- ""â- : 'â- '-.' .-. â- -. W For Saleâ€"Winnetka, New 6 rm. English iS^s shape house, 2 IncL porches, gar,, S. Ifpli B. Win., near schools, trans, and lake. pi Is $14,000.00, owner leaving city.-â€" ft&Glencoe cor. 1 block lake on Sheridan i^4^ Rdvr^l00x200Hfto wonderful site for a ^^|:good;-rh6me,^'only:'-$85 per ft. •.-â- â- â€¢â- '. bm i^-:.?.,'HIL.L AND., WHEEi.ER.-S P^to43..E»m:st.".......... Y:-L....... 401 Linden Ave. l^^i#Phon^rTWmTir"l42^/"P«:a'SPhone Wil â-  83. f!$5%^' , â- â- '; â-  â-  : â-  â-  , - ^ : â- ' ' •" 'z2^f^ . â-  Ltgl6.1tc. NORTH SHORE REAL ESTATE FIRM a with»o44ces„ in Wilmetta„and Winnetka has opening for high grade~Salesman with automobilet Prefer experienced man, and only a high class man who can meet people who are looking for High grade property, will be consid- ered. Phone, for appointment Win. 142. 743 Elm St. HILL AND WHEELER HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"COMPETANT LAUNDRESS desires work on Thurs., Fri. and Sat, Can furnish references. Address, Lake Shore News A-33. Ltgl6-ltc wAivrrFTV â- -. SALES WOMAN IN OUR Shoe department, One with some ex- -serience preferred. Lords, _ Eyanston. â- . â-  ..'• ~ Ltgl6-ltc WANTED â€"EXPERIENCED STENOG- â€"rapher, ln_ a North Shoca Real Estates office. Preferably one living in Win- netka. Phone Win. 142, Evenings Win 96. ______________ ..... SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE FEMALE AND EXPERIENCED M3kN AND WIFE DE- sire to do housework. Can furnish good reference. Phone Calumet 2271. • rr Ltgl5-3tp ^SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE ftt^fggOO WILL BUY A MODERN SIX ROOM |ii frame house and garage. In good pfii locality. Lot 50x159. Three bed rooms, smttsp: i^»g^jfcont,,,pc>rlch1 All improvements. ^gli^-Keal^^ ^^-~js^- li IYJR SALE â€" JUST COMPLETED, ifefe-beatttiful^-jLtoonu,an<l heated dini; |*5fls! porch, brick and stucco residence; h llli w. h. 115 Sixth street, Wilmette. sSSi Choice east location. Phone Wilmette j|gl\1935>^:^---^--^^-^--^,,::-, ,-. Ltg-4-tfc â- l VACANM£ROPERT^pO[S« SiliW aW^oWeriNg^^ S^„ LY ALL THAT IS AVAILABLE AT WM PRICES THAT WILL APPRECIATE. ^EE US PROMPTLY FOR A^SAFE «TVESTMENT OR HOME SITE. i§!0 fV. J. WOODCOCK, PROP; Phone, Wil 1304 513-4th St. FOR home hwge good SALEâ€"SUBSTANTIAL convenienir 6 ROOM ^,^,'$8,000, ... gf?IM;tiractr» living room " adrOoms. 50 mm west locatiOR, with fireplace, foot;Jot, garage. rbdhi filine on beautiful House in excellent condt- and out»i strictly modern,; wood' |-"^tOli. :„. Modern £ room home, good east location, fe on iPrff» hrtght rooms, best conditidh, fine garden; an taeai *|gme^ MAN OF MATURE YEARS, ACTIVE> â-  g<?t>d C0Pdmnn - of good address, desires^ efflploymentr of ^f^f?"^1^ any nature where devotion to employer's vrtv> aAT.ir_T.Ai interest willâ€"be appreciated^ L16-lip EXPERIENCED MAN, WOULD LIKE general cleaning and gardening, Work by day or hour.-Very reasonable. Tel; "~'"'=«3tc ^mw^^^ttm0mmm*m^m 'q8Bg=%BHB&s&e&& FOR FRENCH HEMMING OF TABLE making dainty * eta" napkins. Address ~ Miss Coursen, expert needle woman. 323 So. Marshfleld Ave., Chicago. Tel. Seeley 7622. Ltgl6-ltp WANTED DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN sewing-4>y dayâ€"$4.00^per day. Phone, Evanston 5877. L15-2tc SIT. WANTED BY^ HIGH CLASS dressmaker. Work done by the day. Tel. Wil. 794-W. , L16-ltc WANTEDâ€"NURSING OR SEWING BY Mrs. Lucy Rohinson, 930% Elm St., Win, pTvohe 674^W: ^^â€"^â€"~- Ltgl5-3tc deep--lot; $14,600. S .. room stucco! in North" Evanston^"hot •wat«r heat; tile bath^-2 heated and 8 screened porches, lot 53 by 180, â-º & Car garage, $17,000. -â- <â- &' ^^ilMbdefn 8 rbom stucco, hot water hea^ I^PV'glassed -'sun' and sleeping porches, ex- |il&l tra lavatory^ good east location, mim ROBERT ili^i JQHNSTQIf FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES II j THREE BARGAINS ^917 Chalmers five passenger touring. In Very best of cOndltlOHB. New cast iroir4 pistons and re-ground cylinders. This ^car^lias^been used by private party. 4^% had the gest of eare^ Price, $250r< 1919 Ford touring with starter block. The motor has been completely over- hauled. It runs like new. If you are looking for a good Ford, take advan- tageof thi^ offer. Ifs welLworth the pilcu-"$275.00. MISCELLANEOUS Ha\x Your Own PersohalSet of Books, Kept In Your Own Home With the aid of our simplified system, and our expert personal help, you can be sure of the -exact state of your finances at anv time during the year, This keeping of a set of personal books, or rather a personal book, may mean an appreciable saving to you on yout next year's income tax returns. The system is posted at regular intervals, ^~and"chaTifer ts"^nmd^ ax;cording"to- the amount of work necessary. GEO. E. WEST AND SON Certified Public Accountants, 814 Harris Trust Bldg., Chicago, 111. Ran- dolph 2037. Can be reached in the evening at Wilmette 2270. Ltglff-ltc TRAYEI^ SEE THE PASSION PLAY AT ^ERAMMERGAU and visit eight countries of Europe under an experienced leader. Excellent steamship accommodations. Members of party are to stay at the home of Anton Lang the Christus. Write for itinerary. Miss Lascelles, 602 Lake -Ave^ Wilmette, Ilk-_Tek 802-M. _, sA; Ltgl6-ltC XEEP USJKHIND- WE DO NOT ONLY CLEAN LADIES' and gents' garments, but we also clean rugs, and draperies, furniture and seat covers and automobile upholstering. We call for and deliver or clean at your home." LAKE SHORE CLEANERS 1650 Maple Ave., Evanston. Tel. Evans. 5721. ' Ltl3-4tc WINNETKA-LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landspape work; trees, shrubs and perennials fofr sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can Turnish house-man experienced and competent. M. "J. Sulli- van, Mgr., 882 Pine street, Winnetka. _______â€",__Ltgfl-t.fp. I "March. 29: The End and Aim of Our Redemption, 2 Cor. 5:16. April 5: Faith's Testimony, Acts "la conjunction with these subjects the truths expressed in the, second article of the Lutheran Catechisnrwill be brought out. The solemnity of the Lenten services will be increased by the choir of children which is to sing at every service,..____;_;___________^ CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Friday, Marc&>f, is the Interdenomi- nation Wof Prayer for Missionsr Service will be held at 2 o'clock at the Congregational church, Mrs. George P. Magill, presiding. Mrs. Stella Tuthill, of Exanston, who has recently returned from a trip abroadr where she visited the mission sta- tions, will speak, and Mrs. C. Russell SmalV will- be^ the soloist Women of all the churches of Wilmette are invited to Participate^ in this meet- Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, pastor, will use as Ms subject next Sunday, "It a Man Die Shall He Live Again?" This is the last of Mr. Lloyd's series of sermons on "Thoughtful Questions for Thinking Folks." Morning service begins at 11 o'clock. Miss Mary Welch, soloist. ,----------------â€"â€"------- Phone Win. 1549. ELECTRIC VASE LAMPS MADE OF your favorite vases are beautiful as well as useful. I mount them artisti- "~cally'"on^TeakWdod Tsases.â€"Wired tcokcp plete for $4.50 to $7,50; -Phone R, I. Adams. Wil. 2345. L14 tfc I-PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Poster. Phone Win. 509-J. LtglS.tfc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALEâ€"GAS STOVE, REASON- able, good cooker and ' baker. Tel. Winn. 129. Ltgl6-ltc FO^SALE-^ICE BOX, GAS RANGE, mahogany liabrary table and chair In Tri. Win. »38 T,tglfi-1tc FOR SALEâ€"LARGE ICE BOX, IN GOOD conditlon^^Price t5.00. Tel. Wil. 2289. L16-ltc FOR SALEâ€"SEVERAL ARTICLES OF furniture Including two rocking chairs, high chair, baby-bUggy, etc. Tel. Win. with box spring and mattress. Complete. Also two Navajo rugs. Call Glencoe Ltgl6-ltc FOR SALE â€" FURNITURE, RUGS, carts, piano, fixtures, •plumbing, lumber, stoves. Anything bought, sold and ex- changed. 808 Oak St., " Wihrtetka: Phone 1212. Ltgl-tfc FOR SALE PRACTICALLY' NEW French Wiiton~TUEr, 9x12^ ft. ;smaH^pata^ tern, $85.00; Velvet Wilton rug, 8 ft. 6 in. x 10 ft. 6 in, $65.00. To be seen at Iredale Warehouse, 560 Center St. Winnetka. Ltgl6-ltc FOR SALE=SOLID_MAHO( ving table; practically new; $25.00 cash. Call y'""ot1fa ^os Ltgl6-ltc ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN Linden Avenue, Phone Wilmette 68. APARTMENTS FOR RENT illplFOft"~RENT==FOUm-'-^OOM---^OP] i|S#5«*partmentf s|eam heat, near thansppr ^|||v^|tationK«Adults.;-:Only. . Tel. Iplg^^ 'â- â- â-  -s?®*â- - â-  '- -:-•-â- -' â- ' â- â- * â- â€¢ â- 'â- â- â-  Wil. 2399. 146-ltP WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES ^^â- WANTED,: TO '" RENT-ESTATE-FUR- ^Pl nlshed for June, July, and August, 10 WmA'â- 'â- vox"12 room home with large grounds, llSf for 5 master bed-rooms, 3 o> 4 baths. ^* Will $600 to $800 per month. Best hrYvk#^^reterencesi..>.;Address::,Lake Shore A32. â- ;â- :;â- :;^smm':^.;â- =>^c :-:-r ' ;,yj^-±--^-Ltg^i6-itc .;:i:z;,i::^l5urii»WlHsd for summer or term ol years. ss?wilmette aha Kenilworthi Address ^Kew»^A^36^^^^^Ul4-lte^ SEVEN WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE ^^teficttrveight rooms and garage, aftBir^day SSP^^st. â- â- â-  East-of C. & Vt< W. tracks pre^ Mil ferred. Phone, Wabash 4741. Ltl6-ltc W$B'WANTED TO RENTâ€"UNFURNISHED *ix or sevenjcooni-house,pr bungalow In^ North? :ShorÂ¥"lBT»^rtR?f ^Tnree adults, !t>eat references. *lFred C. Cahn^ 5011 BlackatoM;^Ay^.riP^PJie^l^^ Wanted -k modern house-, ^iust have „4 bedrooms, garage. Rental from Stuart one-ton truck, 1 year old, just overhauled and painted. It is in the Very best condition and has been care- fully used by former owner. Its equip- ment consists of electric starter and lights, cab, a platform body with re« movable sides. Will gladly give any kind of a test demonstration. flVINNETKA MOTOR Cp: I&2 Lincoln Ave. ssea^i Phone Winn. 165 Ltgl6-ltc Linden and Prairie avenues, Wilmette Herman W. Meyer, M. A., Pastor 406 Prairie avenue Phone 1396. ----OUR FATHTirRST FATTHâ€"OUT?___ The March Chureli^ Nipt !>lnnerK will be served Wednesday, March 1, at 6:45 sharp. After the dinner, the original plan of a Church Night dinneru prQgmm,.^3y|tJhI_tgaBtmafltftr| will be carried out, Mr. George S.j Dalgety acting as toastmaster, and Ralph B. Dennis prominent on the Toast list. Tickets for the dinner will hft fifty cents. Oniy-250 places will There will be a meeting for the organization of the Covenant class and the Young People's class, Sunday afternoon, at 3:45 at the church. To this meeting are Invited; all members of the 1st Year Intermediate classes, who will make up the Covenant class, and will Lent, at meet 3:45^ aneTair Hlgh^sChool and older young people, who will make up the Young People's class meeting each Sunday afternoon at 4:30. Par- ents are asked to urge the young peo- ple to attend these classes, and are reminded that attendance does not necessarily commit them to become members of the church. Mr. LlOyd- will use as the general theme for the Covenant class, "Simple Truths of the Christian Life^â€"At the Young Peo- ple's meetings the following subjects^ will be tHscussed: _~..- - â€""What I Would Liketo Knov^about God."------------------ What I Would Like to Know about Pl*£lVP|* "What I Would Like to Know about the Church.' "What I Woiild Like to Know about! Joining the Church. f The North End Circle, Mrs. W. H. Hutson, chairman, wilfhold an "Bveryfe Member Come,',' Meting at the church,- Monday at 10 a. m. Box luncheon. Early luncheons will be served to children of members. A Missionary Barrel will be packed and there will be Infant Welfare and Hospital work. The hostess will be Mrs. Rossman, MrsrBerg, Mrs. Booke^ wicks. ': '7'*/";__^r-^3l;'vll^ be set and reservations must be in the Church office by Monday^ night ^ The Cozy Corner Circle, Mrs, F. C; Huffman, chairman, will hold an after- noonâ€"meeting. at«^e^ day.,*,,",.. â- â- !.'...,' ^â- â- â- ...^â- ^â- .â- tkrâ€"â€"- The Tatapodion Camp Fire ^Qupu will hold it's postponed Work Meet- ing, Thursday, at the home of Mrs. Duff, 530 Washingtqn avenue. JThe Central ^Avenue^Circle, iMfrs. E. B. Wheelock. chairman, will hold it's March meeting Friday, March 3, at the church. Luncheon at 12:30. Mrs. H. Russell Smith and Mrs. Arthur Taylor" hostesses.-â- â- â- YYjY':-*'~:^YYMWYYi The BQOseyettt^^Trogp^^^^ (Wilmette No. at the church. 2) meets each Friday Company A meets at efch:"BuMarnaurimr *«H^ttMlternooiL w^nTMf* Git more, Scoutmaster, in -charge, -and Company B meets in the evening, at 7:30, with Mr. Dobbin, Assistant Scout' master, in charge. ii ^n^ Wilmette Ice & T eami n g CQ.|l F* MEIER, Propr ---"•TJi^rnttEBrwATeR7 (cilip Blaek Soil Lawns fpr- Qradlng Lawn Fertilizer Orav< Cinders Building Material General Teaming We Build Drlve- JTfLLtNG^-REASONABLE 733 W. Railroad Ave. PhoneiAHker iringâ€"jF4n& ZO^^iscount on choice collecHon^ of Framed Pictures and Prints. 1613 Qrnngton Ave. &a&ston= FOR SALEâ€"LIBERTY 6-1921 MODBIt roadster. Prettiest car_ in its class condition excellent; 2 spare tffes;"Hart tord shock absorbers, lock, etc., |700.00. CaU Winn. 664-J. Ltgl«tltc -...;. .â- .;; '*â- â-  _........-........i.-'...............-i.i = FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS HOR SALEâ€"AIREDALE PUPPfflSS. (1 imo. old) Cheap. Tel. Winn. 537-R. $£%â- :â- â- &%%'- ^m^:i,::,::::&:::X. •â- â-  â-  -Ltl6-ltC FOR SALEâ€"ROYAL FURNACE AND casing. Call Wil. 20S. LtgliS-ltc FOR SALB^-SECOND HAND FURNACE tO** Are pot. Call Winn, FOR SALE-GROT'S iiiWli 1916. titâ€" 1030. Ltgl6-ltc BICYCLE. TI L16- Ltc BE-8TTRE AND READ H. B. WATSON'S advertisement on page five. A sure way of saving money on fruits and vegetables. â-  Adv. Ltgl6-ltc READ PAGE FIVE â„¢^B. • Watson's plan of gpregetahles â- .: to you • I^Jn^elyprf^Tyoifc.,.......... CAREFULLYâ€"-H. selling fruits and •direct will save Adv; Ltgl6-ltc TPRUITS, VEGETABLES AND ^^Sp^^^ WANTEDâ€"MODERN have 4 bedrooms. May 1st. •pm ________________________________________-gq WANTgDi TO' RENT^-7 TO 9 ROOM HOUSE, MUST trage, rental fro; IHMKII Ltgl4-ita Central 0444. Ltgl6-ltc ANTED TO RENTâ€"MAY side. . moderately priced, 7 IPwiitibnity rm. later. house, Phone, FRESH "BWE ',itrrom:~S6UtRl Watei: 4#Bv Watson's ad. on pagetllilAdv, ' ' Ltgl6-ltc teAa^i^ricesy^Tfacy believe fji getting back to the old prices. Note the "Ad ^4>a^pag»4=of^^thltf=papeg^ Adv. Ltgl6-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS ouBe, Between Kenilworth A Highland j^yANTEp tq b' ^-ii^^~r-«raK3r-sar * »«. afurnitur^i antf other^KousehoW goods. """"ighent prlea paid, for same. Crost Emerson St. Ltgl9-tfc 1ST, EAST ife«Furniture Store, 100^ Phone 189. Evanston. IB. i IS i COUNTRY'S LANGUAGE. Neit Sunday's services: 9:15 A. M. Sunday school and Bible class at Ldbxaryi Jiall.-__11- A^IWL- Serv ice and sermon at the church. Subject of sermon: "Why Jesus Went to Deathâ€" and What It Means To Us," Luke 18, $1-43. 4 P. M. every Monday and Fri- day, classes for the religious instruc- tibn of children.;at the churelfcf! On Monday evening^ February 27, at 8 o'clock, the^reguTar monthly meet- ing of the Sunday school teachers and Officers will he held.f IJt is of the ut- most importance* that every teacher and officer be present. The .meeitagL ^1 take |flac^,a^ On Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock the Building committee meets to consider further plans respecting the erection of the hew church. This meeting will also be held at-the-enurchi----|^lisS||^ The first of Ithe midweek LENTEN SERVICES will be held on Wednesday evening, March 1, at 7:45 P. M., and thereafter every Wednesday evening â- uuife-I!aiteig^^ in the spirit that the soulâ€"of the l-the devouX^c^ntettP plation of what Jesus, our Savior did for us, and that whatever we may do â€"Xrn HJUIll "I11UBI: 1.111(1 I Co motive, strength and reward at the S?rpss_j>f Jesus^_ Chri8tl===JEfei=^ftmo^ wilT preach a series of sermons on the^^ Atoning Sacrifice of Christ. The March 1: God the Father's Love for the World, John 3:16. March 8r The Lpgt wprld^s Only ope, Matth. 18:11. Telephoney iService MustiGo^ft The blizzards of winter and the cyclones and J thunderstorms of* summer are the inveterate; eneniie^ ^oftlte'-telephone-jeridce^^^ |||Experience covering many years has^ eiiabled the Htion and the best^weaporis^ldefensynJtJiis^warfaret loFtSy^oweve^lthe destroying elementsrsomjetjrn^ pferietiaes^®o~oSf oflervtceT Siich: ^instantly orr the job making repairs^ as quickly as period of interruption of service.,. mm, it i .r - -

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