mi :"W% ""," WfflXXSl W^f "i "".a' TH&^AmdmQR&^ws^ â- mes&smsaesm provided, however, that wfiere this Or- dinance imposes a greater restriction upon the* use of buildings or premises or up- _,_.. _-_ __ . _ _ . _ "on~Tir£helghfOf T3iu1iaiHgsr"OT^reo:ulreB-j BOARgM^^OCAL larger open spaces than are imposed or requTreff~6y such oTaTnWce^meBrregiri lations, or permits or by easements, cove- nnntn, nr agi^ementg. the provisiona-o£ I this Ordinance shall control. SECTION 17â€"VIOLATION, PENALTY Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or re- fuses to comply with, or who resists the enforcement of. any of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00), nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation isLPermitted to ^xist shall constitute a separate offenw. ~" .-------__ SECTION laâ€"CONFLICT___ .„___ Wherever the provisions of this Or- dinance require larger open spaces, less height, or less area of the lot to be covered by building than the ^existing ordinances of the Village of Wilmette, this Ordinance shall govern. SECTION 19â€"VALIDITY Should any section or provision of this Ordinance be declared by the courts to* be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole, or any part thereof, other than the part so declareoLto be invalid, ___ ____ ^____ _ 1^1 SECTION 20â€"ENFORCEMENT â€" This^Ordinanee shall be enforced by: the Superintendent of Public Works of said Village of Wilmette. SECTION 21 After the adoption of this Ordinance, or any Zoning Ordinance for the entire Village of Wilmette, the Zoning Commis- sion shall cease to exist, any other ordi- nance, jor provisions j>r appointment....to the contrary notwithstanding; and the Village-of-W41mette-shallr-by ordinance^ provide for the creation of a Board of Appeals of not less than three (3) and not more than five (5) members, with all the power* and duties,- as provided for in An Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois entitled: â- "An Act to confer certain additional powers upon city councils in cities *nd presidents and boards of trustees in villages and in- corporated towns, concerning- building* and structures, the intensity of use of lot areas, the classification of trades, industries,DuIIaJhgs and structures, with respect to the location and regulation, the creation of districts of different classes, and the establishment of regu- lations and restrictions_appiIcable jtherer_ to," approved June, 1921,, in force July 1. 1921. SECTION 22â€"CONFLICTING PROVIS- IONS REPEALED. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with any of the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. â€"SECTION 23-^WHEN EFFECTIVE or proposals. Dated Kenilworth, Illinois, March 1, 1922. 2RQVEMBN_TJBL By JAMES O. MURRAY, â- â- â- ........---------.........- -........-......................-........President* ATTEST: ALFRED ROY HULBERT, â€"â€"-â€"^â- â€"â€"-"-â€"â€"......â- ;;"â- •-'â- â- "â€"'--secretary; ^ Adv. JL17-ltc VILLAGE OF KENILWORTH NOTtctrop-watte letti no SYSTEM OF VITRIFIED TILE PIPE^ SANITARY SEWERS, ETC., IN KENILWORTH, ILL. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 13 . JPubllc. noitce_Js hereby given, pusuant to law, that the Board of Local Improve- ments of the Village of Kenilworth. Cook County, Illinois, will receive sealed bids or proposals for the construction of a connected system of vitrified tile pipe sanitary sewers with man-holes, house connections, appurtenances, etc., as speci- fied in and by an ordinance describing, locating and defining the same, to be constructed in Drainage District No. 2 as designated in said ordiance and author- izing a special assessment to pay the cost thereof, which special assessment has been levied and confirmed in the County Court ofB Cook Countyy Illinois, -and- is there known as Special Assessment No. shall be in the hands of the President of said Board of Local Improvements, Mrv James C. Murray, Kenilworth, Illinois, or the Secretary of said Board of Local Improvements, Mr". Alfred Roy Hulbert, >.RCH~8, Kenilworth, Illinois, before 8 o'clock P.M. on Tuesday, March 1,4, A. D. 1922. Said Board of Local Improvements will there- upon open said bids at the Keniiworth Assembly Hall at the southwest, corner of Kenilworth Avenue and Cumnor Road, Kenilworth, Illinois at 8 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday^h«r^4thr^lay-of-Mareh A5 D. 1982. proposals must be made ~w~ ~~SaTonsiaÂ¥ _ _ Marsh, engineers, which are on out upon blanks furnished by " Marsh, engineers,- which are -,«. j *».„* -,.-**-.i.1^ w,j„ „„ „„^^„„„»„ "» accordance with the provisions of Sec 13, and that«uch sealedI bids or- proposals ^ion-7frA^oT the Loeal Improvement Act file with Windes & on file with Mr. Aifred'Roy Hulbert, Secretary of said Board of Local Improvements, - Kenil- worth, Illinois, and at the office of Windes & Marsh, engineers, and at the office of Village Manager, Kenilworth, Illinois, where said blanks may be obtained. Said improvement must be constructed in accordance with plans and specifica- tions for vsame, on file with Alfred Roy Hulbert, Village Clerk of Kenilworth, Illi- nois, and the ordinance specifying the nature, locality and description of said improvement together with the detailed drawings, profile, plans and specifications are on file with said Village Clerk at Kenilworth, Illinois and may be there inspected. The contractors must bid with the un- derstanding that a contract, in the form generally used by the Village of Kenil- worth, must be entered into immediately after the expiratton-of ten days time^from the date-of the awardâ€"of^the contract, _ pursuantrib" IaW"n»dâ„¢a"bond shalHtm^ven^fâ„¢-Tweni of manufactured of 1897 and amendments thereto. Special assessment, so levied and con- firmed to provide for the cost of said im- provement, hari^been divided into ten in- stallments and will bear interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, pursu- ant to law. and the contractor to to be paid for such labor and material in bonds <and time warrants payable only out of the installments of said special assess- ment, pursuant to law, said bonds to draw 4ttieJrestâ€"at- the rate-of shc-per centum-fc .per annum. Each bid must be accompanied by cash or by a certified check, certified by a reputable bank for an amount that shall not be less than ten per centum of the aggregate of the bid or proposal and no bid or porposal will be considered unless accompanied by such cash or check. The board of Local Improvements re- serves the right to reject any or all bids or proposals. * Dated Kenilworth, Illinois, March 1, 1922. BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS By JAMBS C. MURRAY, Presidents ALFRED ROY HULBERT, Secretary. Adv/L17-ltc | States < have 4*,§55 miles of single ^ txmdk. '::â- â- \ â- â- 'â- . â- ±:.:â- â- :â- :â- â- r}-m> The public utilities of Illinois spent^r 160,000,000 In 1921 for new plants, extensions and other equipment. - " Ǥ' Warn ^y^u^-Sp«»ltJ6iM3i^^::IBRia^ from the telephone transmitter it lengtftlmÂ¥~tiir line 218 miles j^TWg iff inches away lengthens the line 128 miles. To get best results ATTEST: DO YOU KNOW THAT:z±|h There are 609,900 telephones in Chi- cago. The electric light and power con* panies of the United States used 38,- 000,000tonsof coal last year. the annual sales gas in the United States was 92,714,667*000 cubic feet, but today it is 325,000,000,000 cubic feet. _ â- ...M The electric railways of the United ^fc::»»?'« to your telephone.__._ _ ___ In 1872 the gas rate in Chicago was $4 per thousand cubic vteet, ^fiftf! ... â- - â- -" 'â- -- '-"'â- "â- ^>Mi^|pE? "ti TtEp FOR CHAMPIONSHlpi The New Ixier lightweight basket- ball team defeated the OeJt|^B^» lightweights, 18 to », last BTfday. *^g$gg NeV Trier team is ^[M&.-MWtf place in the Suburban league..- The defeat of Tborhton on iici* Mond^M will net the north shore -hoy* vtwr* title. The playing of "Hubby" 1WH son of New Trier was the feature of Friday's tilt, and Whitsett missed but isa^nBuT-bTTEHrfree â- throws.i::|ii^«._.iy, A Spanish bull fight will be staged gf| in Madison Square Garden, New York, by an American Legion post. One stip- |§T ulation is that the bull shall not be hurt. 4-__ This ordinance shalTbe^n effect frpm and after its passage, approval, and due - puMicationxzjtogordlng to ^law._ â€" Passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, on the 23»d Day of February, A. D., 1922. and Deposited and Filed in the office of the-Village*Glerfe-of said- village, thisj 23rd day of February, A. D., 1922. EARL E. ORNER, . Village Clerk. Approved by the President of the Vil- lage of Wilmette, this 23rd Day- of Feb- ruary, A. D.. 1922. wv_.__ _TT,_, . EDWARD ZB?F, President of the Village of Wilmette. "pul»Httiey"uis*t^^ jthe 3rd Day of March, 1922. â€"- EARL E. ORNER, Village Clerk. VILLAGE OF KENILWORTH NOTICE OF l»UBLIC LETTING SYSTEM OF CAST IRON WATER PIPES, ETC., IN KENILWORTH, ILLINOIS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 12___ Public notice is hereby, given, pursuant to law, that the Board of Local Improve- joaents_QiJtheJpilag^ County, Illinois, will recelvesealed bids or proposals for the construction of a con- nected system of cast iron water pipes â€"with fittings,â€"ftre^ydrfrnts and appurtfcL describing, locating and denning the same, nances, as specified in and by.an ordinance to be constructed in Water District No. 2 as designated in laid ordinance and au- thorising «. special lassessment to pay the cost thereof, which special assessment " has been levied and confirmed in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, and is there known aB Special Assessment No. 12, and that such sealed bids orjiro-^ posals shall be In the hands of the Presi- dent of said-Board of Local Implements, Mr. James C. Murray, Kenilworth, â- .Dli- nois, or the Secretary pf said Board of _Lttt»L^Impja^nientsA^^;-^â„¢&£% Hulbert. Kenilworth, TmnoisT/hefore ~S ^~PclWsk k-M. on Tuesday, March 14 A. T/. 1922. Said Board of Local Improvements will thereupon open said bids at the-Ken- ilworth Assembly Hall at the southwest Road, Kenilworth, Illinois at 8 -o'clock P. M. on Tuesday the 14th day of March A. D. 1922. _g«M hMnor proposals must be made out upon^b^lanW furnished Dy wmaes^ Marsh, engineers,,which are on file with Mr; Alfred Roy Hulbert, Secretary of said Board of Local Improvements, Kenil- worth, Illinois, and at the office of Windes & Marsh, engineers, and at the office of the Vfllage Managerr Kenttworth, Illinois, where safd blanks may ^be; obtained. . Said improvement must be constructed in accordance with plans and specifica- tions for same, on Ale **«» „Alfr*d 5°7 Hulbert, Village Clerk of Kenilworth, Illi- nois, and the ordinance specifying the na- ture, locality and description of said im- provement together with the detailed drawings, profile, plans and specifica- tions aire on file with said Village Clerk at Kenilworth. Illinois and may be there inspected. The contractors must bid with -the un- .derstandlng^that a cj>ntractt^ntee^form generally used by the^ VUlage^T Kenil- worth. must be entered Into immediately after the expiration of ten days* time from _the date of the award of the contract", pursuant to law and a bond shall be given ^uT accordance with the provisions of Sec- tion 76 A of the Local Improvement Act of 1897 and amendments, thereto. Special assessment so levied and con- firmed to provide for the cost of said im- provement has been divided into ten in- stallments and wm bear toterest at^thft rate of six per centum per annum, pur- suant to law, and the^^ contractor to to be paid fnr*n*h lanor and inatftriaUn bonds -and time warrants payable omy onv-ox th« instalments of said special asseBS- -ment, pursuant to law, said bonds to draw -JA. -KZ When It k 3TO Ww:: YouNeed T elephone Wilmette 192© ^:H.|^*||P|$g -*& THE LAKE PUBLISHING CO. 4222^ENTRAL^AVE. WILMfiTTE :I1S W$m sin â- M!iW mteri^atJheJ»teJ?LsilURer«em^ annum. Bach bid must ne tPympsjaled-^y-cash or by a certified check, certified by a reputable bank for an amount that shaj not be.less than ten per centum of the aggregate of ttkh bid w moiysal and uu bid^OTporPosal wiU be conBldered unless accompanied by such cash or cnecK. â€" ^he board of Local improveimenw re- aw«« the right to rejact^aaE^iWbattJiag 'W$ii â- " 9!m um