:i#f!;5< SI38&' THlg JbAKE SHORE NM^r^^^AVr^ARCH 3, 19ga NORTH SHORE HIYS New Trier High ^fco°^ Uni| om * Tentative plans for the Hi-Y North ihore Older Boys' conference to be held at Evanston on March .25 and 26 sfe have been arranged. Thi& confer- ^n<Je will include the Hi-Y clubs of all the north shore, including the^ club &ii^at New Trier High school. >, The conference will hold its dpen- WfiHg iesston at the -First Presbyterian -Church. The theme of the whole !^conference"Will be^Yoilr Ofe Work; U^andV4n-this-SPiritJ;he meetings will ^addressed by Dr. Charles, E. JJHkey JSflof Chicago t>n the subject 3*rjgciples_ mm- Choosing a Life Work?1" During s Ithis first meeting there wilL also__be ^^IheldriL song service under the very â- &iSable direction of E. T. Clissold; whose Stabilities as a song leader are well J ^%nxrv^ f^-Bjgatloh. AT!fro~xoTtfCTCiicw^fl^ " ^ther addressed by men of ability on ^-^io-suf»jectsr"ehoosin^^tisife^Wx>rkiIt "*â- â- : "Hi-Y Clubs and Programs," 'Organ- ized Sunday Schools," "Service Call- ings," "Business and Its Opportune ties," and "The Professional Callings." That evening, in the church,-the T~ club will Bold abanquet, at which __john^Timoth^^Stone^will^speak on "Your Life Work, and the World s ^ «Needs." '-, Sunday's program takes place at £2^1he Methodist Episcopal church 1 where the club will hold a period of ^^eWti6TriODrd~wtlt hear an address on I "The Investment of Life." -iix^-^ii/A Si 1 SOJOURN AT BILOXI ia -" Mr. and Mrs. Leland V. Pierson, left sS^Wilmette-this week ta enjoy a sojourn * at Biloxi, Miss. They will fetutM© ^ the village on March 19. Mr. Pierson i is New Trier Township .clerfc ^^^ Sap|SS LOGAN P. T. SESSION t The Logan School Earent-Teacher 3- association will meet Monday, March 6, W- at 3 o'clock, at Logan school. Miss mPayton of New Trier High school will ?S address the meeting, and brings a IS message of unusual interest to all lia mothers. ENTERS POUTICS Women of the North Shore Have Entered Her Name Iri County Commissioners^ I ~ EASTERN LlMITEBTTCWT NO. SHORE LINE TRAIN added to the-schedule-of the North Shore electric "line last week, makes -connection with the "Twentieth Cen* tury Limited" at the La Salle station in Chicago. This new accommodation ii~^dvWe^for peop*e"Tn Keribsha, Racine, Milwaukee, and other Wiscon- sin cities who are traveling east. The south bound train leaves Milwaukee at 9:55 a. m. and arrives in Chicago at 12:10 p: m., just 30 minutes before the "Twentieth Century" leaves the La Salle station^â€"Returning "Eastern Limited" leaves Chicago at 9:55 a. m.y ten minutes after the "Twentieth Century" arrives., and it arrives in Milwaukee at 2:10 p. m. £l« Mrs. Gertrude C. Lieber Swears Wall Street Firm__ ^Forces Anti-Benus Letters Discharged by a Wall street bank- ing-house for refusing, to write letters ^r» RL-ATH fcETES-SCHOLAftS Gwendolyn MilU and Eugenia Moore, graduates of New Trier High schools-are memberffTOf^the Preshmair basketball squad at B..... Marjorie Windes, another NeW^Tr alumnus, is making an enviable record in scholarship at Rockford college. COURT RULb^THAT QUARANTINE MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED SpringflehL^ IH•--State,^e?artm®nJt of health rules in regard to Quaran- tining must be obeye^d by th^jper^ns qulrinTmW^nd^ the^ state supreme court which adjourned the February term here. The decision was handed down in the case of Mrs. Jennie'Baramore, lus owner of a rooming house in Chicago, the+wito-war found to have typhoiiHracttH and placed under quarantine. . She brought habeas corpus proceed- ings in the supreme court against John Dill Robertson, then health com- missioner of Chicago, and Dr. Bunde? son, theassistant health commission- er, to effect her release on the ground that she-4id not-have the: typhoid bacilli and that the authorities had tine her. MpTef _ _eâ„¢ supre^ couW; nowever, or- dered that she b^r#manded to quar- antine. KIDUIbNOOKWIWPOWrMy MECCA FOR GHILDRENf** Next time you wander to the village J to shoo on a Saturday, or most any jj day-of-the-week-around the-noon-fcoui or after school hours, and you are in- terested- atail In watchtn^ntor^ETPg^l dreiu jiiiit'"'noflce~JBatfiiaW'"w^w moat of them sjfcop_ and. look inuiongingiyH clamation* of "O, isn't that pretty," and "O, I like that one the best." Its sure to be the Kiddie TNoofc windows, that are the most attractive to chil- dren, of all ages, and most particular- ly of school age, for they all love pret^ ty~thtngsr~wh^ther itriie^clotlres, or dolls or playthings of various sorts. This store for children not only wel- comes practical suggestions for the requirements of all ages of young- sters, up to sixteen, but Jtjoffers the use of space as a- medium whereby timely questions and kindly advice, jmay be intercMn^d^^r the propex. clothing and diversion of youth. j*i^j^.^yÂ¥ ll d"^ "^ to "oui: younger set"1 and It is the concern of all who are interested in their wel- fare. to Congress attaching adjusted com pensation, an ex-service maa*^? lias turned to the American Legion at New York for finding another position. He was one of three, out of 250 em- ployes/who refused^ to sell his pen. The Legion secured^ his affidavit stating that typewritten forms Were passed out by the firm to all their workers with an order that each em- ploye hand in four unsealed letters, one to President Harding and three to Congressmen, and the remark that "you fellows had better write these letters tonight if you want to keep your jobs." FLORIDA_GRAPEFRUIT-^ **»'" '-"'v".'"" .|^^^||| ^i:"'!" ' ' ^'â- 'â- "i"*v--" ^=^^ GOOELJOOEL^ :^:^^^^^ Grocery Telephones 510, 511,512 & 513â€"~^^____ _ , Wilmette-Central Ave. and 12th St. Meat Telephone 514 â- â- ............._.........-...........-........â€"-------.......___:._aâ„¢..........._„=_„_â„¢ mOf PASH Cash«ndC«ry - - - -S% Dwcount Cash and Delivered - - - - 2%Discount C/0 >Aan On orders of $1.00 or more of normal These do not apply to Meat Department •^DISCOUNT-^â€"Profit Goods. SPECIAL PRICE DOWN SALE MARCH 3rd to MARCtfllth TOLEDO COUNTRY GENTLEMAN CORN â€"Try one can of this corn, and then buy all you ^ : can ?use ofit. It is splendid quality, at a ^crifice : ^Z "'"'ilL^i^..^â„¢L^1.-.^ft 1^^'price;:-can...lie, dozen. **. «^:,..-----K .. .>^:a>„;,»_•_r'^^ilijiij^^^^^^j^r__*** •tiV SUGARâ€"Standard cane granulated. Not southern. With a cash or charge order of $1.50, No cash discount.- 10 lbs...... ........ •. .\».............J..:. -.-. -. -v -i-j -.'. FLOURâ€"Pillsbury, Washburn and Ceresota. This price applies only to mjr stock ^ now-on-4aand;â€"lie GSLsh-6isGounf^^^}^-bl.^^^^ REPUBLIC PRESERVESâ€"Pure^ Strawberry and-JJaspberry^on^^ I ^ They will lasfc'only-ar^hort time at this price." Jar 23c; dozen..;'>,-........., ANTONINI OLIVE Oll^Pure Italian olive oil of the^ .(^uart can ;»;. • •....••••..»•.•$..... •...».......;.;.. v....._... .^>> ....... »^ •».« COFFEEâ€"Roast, Santos, mild, sweet blend. Excellent quality for this very low fe;vv^;Pr*ce^ lb. ........ ' 59c $1.29 $If50 gjsEggasa^^^^^^ss^^B^s ':-*i:«t;*-»"..«..; :«v-» - •"-- CREAMERY BUTTERâ€"Extra fancy quality, bulk, _ ,^ to d^ manufacture of the^est cement ^ experience and modern methods and machinery can produce* jlljjand to develop so personal a relationshipLiia^_ I|||the1^ istsl ma frhia^gn'melnrlMt â- fe^.1%,. w Fancy, large. 64 size, '3 for. ,25c FLORIDA ORANGE^â€" ^ | Heavy, sweet fnrit, 150 size, ^Q?«i$Qc; 176 size, doz., S5c; ^ 21^ size, doz.. A....... ..*-«. ~45c MEAT DEPARTMENT T" Home Made Pork Sausage Meat, lb.........................32c Lamb Patties, lb. .............30c Native Rump Corned Beef, lb. 32c Lean Beef &U^^ RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN SLICED PINEAPPLE^ Extra grade. It could\iot be finer, No. 2 can, doz. $3.35; Shoulder Lamb Chops, lb..... .32c Pickled Pigs' Feet, 2 Jbj^|^ 25c JOGHELmi^eQttS&Atr Good fruit at a very cheap pricjei^^^^^^,^^ PRESH COCOANUTS-r- ^^ Extra large "bars, ~66 in box, ^^0 JLarge, each .................J.PC ;g |q bars ............. ..60c BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-^ ^ No cash discount! '\^^_^va -l -:Pure, old fashioned, 5 lbs.... .30c ^ FAIRY FLO^AW RICHELIEU ENTIRE WHEATfl SOAPâ€" ^^ GREEN ASPARAGUS TIPSâ€" f ^Finest quahty> No. 1 square can. FLOURâ€" 5 lb. bag., ... ..v...38ci GRAHAM FLOUR-^lIiilp^l| 5 lbs. v.. *.................JT23CI RICHELIEU PASTRY FLOUg '""S' lbs. *,...... y i. .:y.....,::;.t.t?56$ YELLOW CORN MEALâ€"iS^ 5 lbs. ^.....................-13c SKINNER'S MACARONI AND SPAGHETTIâ€", ^flfllilllliill 7-oz. pkg. v,|.^v.^&.'.'.;'.:.....!.9c cereal . mIalâ€"i%0i§iiii; The makers claim is a cure for- Battle Creek Corn Flakesâ€" ^,j Pkg. ...v..... ,.... vTvtri 25c QUAKER INSTANT ROLLED OATSâ€" â- .â- â- â- '•.. Gook in 3 to 5 minutes; 1 lb. 4 oz. pkg. ....................12c SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT Pkg. .......................14c DUFF'S MOLASSESâ€" Finest quality,' light color, No. 2% can i i *. ^it^.j.. ^...... 28c GLEN WILD MOLASSESâ€" Dark, No. 2% can...^... ..18c "TtWOc Price reduced, 10 bars.^;Â¥ij57c jyORY' SOAPjI^ft,,;,^,^;;;,,^ â- *|tl0 oz. bar, 10 bars;^Â¥iWW .$1.29 |||6 oz. bar, 10 bars.....___...79c PAJM OLIÂ¥R^TOIT^lT SOAIfcâ€" !f|Cake||v. ..;â- .>,.......â- ....-.. .^..A.|fc,; ARMOUR'S START. RITE BUI SOAP CHIPSâ€"111 ' ' Ipii |§1 lb. pkg.:;â- ;â- ...v...y;.........il8c AMERICAN FAMILY SOAPlS x^tipsâ€" â- 'mmmmm&ssBm ......-1 â- lb. pkg:-""^;;t^;f.:i^;3 KITCHEN KLENZERâ€" lOJaa ^LIQUID vENEE^mmmm^ Large 12 oz; bottled.i..0. .^Ic BROOMSâ€" -i."^mm0â- ' '^®iii h. Knoxall, 4-seWeai well each ................... JOHNSONS FLOOR WAXâ€" 1 I lb. can ...............;....75<* £PAILSâ€" ~0m /-v";. :S'wM- 'â- £ ^Galvanized Jron^l2 quart!^v25c| PRUNESâ€" Santa Clara, 40, 50 size, JbMgcl ^FIOS-i^ ' ' •*'â- :â- â- . ^â- â- !-,V1-^J___j doz7^4:80; can ..... ........ 40c RICHELIEU LITTLE KERNAL m The finest quality of tende^.^1 p sweet, sugar corn, doz[J^A^E^ m can .. .v.. .w........... -.'.â- ;â- . .18c DEARBORN CLUB SIFTED SWEET PEASâ€" # 1|; Exceptionally fine and very *ea- gssonable; doz^ $2.60; can ..>.22c "RICHELIEU SIFTED SWEET WRINKLED PEASâ€"I made, .. 80ct .........Thece are just ,1Mre'"trlliP-;p^as?'"^il Kf Doz. $3.25; can ......... .^. .28c | MONSOON TOMATOES^ im l§ .Fancy^quality, large No. .3 can,M ..|| doz. .$2.00; can.:.:.:.^^....,^...;.,,^,!^ HEINZ BAKED â- BEANS-fiSftlt 8f| With tomato sauce, or plain,_No. |||3 can, 24c; No. 2 can...i^i.15c ,;^No.:l can ..;...•,;,.,:m*.M+i& 10c ^PLY ,:fBEETSâ€".............J ]Lm Large Nb; 3; can1*%oz|^l.65|M^ ;J||fCan. ...;,;. ,'.v;i;-..% .;, .., # .y«^>«-i.*-,.-l4c MONSOON[ PUMPKIN-- Largei Nov 3 can, doz. "~&Mpm Tpimiento peppers-8K^ â- Imported, can .........,..., ,15c :ySUN|BAY,APRIGOTy5^i§|fKT' RICHELIEU PURE MAPLE" SYRUPâ€" c^a^jnuch reduced price; qfc^^ " â- ---â- Gm-^^:irhri^i^^."".. . ......,..: ♦ . .80C OLD MANSE MAPLE AND 1 CANE SYRUPâ€" S^f Ncu2j6 can vy/v.............55c RICHELIEU CATSUP-^flf^ The most delicibusly flavored catsup made; large 17 oz. bottle .......;--------„.......27!4c ^Smyrna,-7^-erown. The 1l finest flat figs grown, lb....V;3be |ENGLISH WALNUTS^S 'sM Calilbrnia, budded, the finest |§ , flavored English walnut grown,- ml SUN-MAID SEEDED RAISINS â- § 15 oz. pkg^.. *... .77...... .23c ,„, - , syrup; large No. |2% can; doz. $2.75, can ...,24c |tk)LDEN EAGLE PEACHESâ€" m ^gjlowr^feeeirdelicious peaches; ;-,JJ»»l quality, Helvysyrup.ll No. &M can; doz. $3.85; can .tT*5c |tt RED ALASKA SALMON- NO. 1 tall can, doz. $3.75; can 32c PHEASANT CORNED BEEFâ€" No. 1 can...................23c WALTER BAKER'S PREMIUM CHOCOLATE- "*«*""* v| ID. ........................ ... .'SfjCJ' RICHELIEU UMA BEANS- 11 l| Medium, green, extra quality. Si g Doz. $325; can *y?^TTr^^ff*/fc s§- Quart call ..V..7...........,30c IfRIGHBLIEU^SHRlttPS-i fe i% packed, No. lean, doz. I§! g| ?2.40; can .......;..........22c Canada kippered mmmm HERRINGâ€" ;.:..,:;../:^^!ili.: ^-;La"rge-oval- can, first qualil^^ igrHScotch cured, can ...........23c