VMmtf' !f*;ww#wv â€"=5^- ThI EaKE SHORE NKM MipAY, MARCH 10. 1922 Only Mortal Man Speaks of Time; God Knows No Time, Says Science Speaker Here SCIENCE HELPED MANY if Salvation Belongs to Man; ^~ Feace Is Inherent" By â€" ....-.*â€" -^ ,. *,»..-«,,_..» power 0f the past and its destruction through Christian Science, we cite the or The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, â€"-â€"r~in -BoTitoiT^-Massv^ ^= A free le'ctufe on Christian Science, entitled, "Christian Science and .the Reparable Past" was delivered Mon« day evening March 6. by Rev. Andrew J. Graham, C. S. R., Member of The Board of Lectureship .._o.f the Mother Church, The First ChurcK~oT Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., under the auspices of the First Church of Christ, jScimitisJt^JSOlinfitte^Jllinois,â€"in-the edifice, JJeritral Avenue at church •Tenth Street ic The lecturer was introduced by Mrs. Campbell* second reader. Mr. Graham spoke in part as follows: ^â€"Ma*yBaker Eddy, theâ€"Dteeoveier- and Founder of Christian Science, and the Author_of_Jts textbook, "Science .and Health with Key^jto the Scrip- rte'riii,w-give^"'~MrWN|e 595 of that volume, a definition of the word time. as understood in Christian Science. Only mortal man speaks of time, and â- he divides^ it_ into past^j>resent and future. But when he considers the matter carefully he realizes that most of the time, he is living, that is, is thinking, in either the Jpast or the future. There is the belief that the past is Irre- parable; that it has power to reach forward and blight the present; and that the future, like the sword of Damocles, is always threatening dis- aster. Troubles and discords ale chiefly in retrospeet-or-pTOspeetf-they are in the field of memory or tney are in the field of anticipation. Christian Science by inducing right thinking, and through its compassion- ate, healing ministry, releases the hu- man mind from fear of the past and in this way open the door to health, happiness and peace,--------------------*- The world needs this gospel, for __Ftais seem to have^»herited an op- pressive mental burden from some oz the thought of philosophy, poetry, theology and materia medica. betrays. He who betrayed Jesus, need not have committed suicide. The repar- able past belonged to him on this plane of existence, that is, In so-called life. He might have knelt at the foot case of thVProdlgal SonT The Prodigal's disease is a belief of wasted opportunity. The religious teaching to which he has been accus tomed-promtsi jMaJifeJmLjioiLjrenewed^opportuiiity. He sees the past as irreparable ^^He^hjasJLostMs^opportunlt grievous burden of discouraging thought, fetters him as with iron chains. There ia^o^a«t^that^s=lrreparabie7 but let no one think he can lie supine- ly-jdown in the far country and with- out any hunger or striving of his own, be brought back to the land of re- newed: opportunity and peace. He jnust-himself arise.â€"Tie-renewal of opportunity, through Christian Science, that is, salvation, is not some- thing tackedlontxrt^ â- â- '-Time, mortal measurements^ limits, ! in which are summed up all human sacts, thoughts, beliefs, tpinions, knowledge; matter; error; that which begins before__and___jc^ -What isJerfngfl fleathJ_Ji^ disappears and spiritual perfection ap- pears. ristian Science that Go< neither-^me nor the so-called history Qt Jime^i He inhabits eternity. Eter- llfllnity is llie never-ending NOW. '«^ Friday Jt^-March 10 Saturday Eye-March 11 |iMINSTREt«i^ Ouilmette Country Club Ickets o ^B:15 P. It, Tt is a well of life springing up from within. _ Through. Christian Science, many men, happy and blessed today, have come up out of a bitter past into their Father's house. We would note ardifference between the cafe of the prodigal son and that of the straying pilgrim. The prodigal son made a deliberate break. He openly spoke of his departure from the parental home. On the other hand the straying pilgrim -does not openly repudiate; he of the crowr,-a-Hredeemed man, with peace fThls heart. The example of the betrayer of Jesus is a forever- warning to all of us. Mary Baker Eddy, through years of patient activity, learned such a meas- ure of obedience to God,, good, that she became the Discoverer and Found- er of Christian Science. She appears to have been so single-minded in her search for truth that self-will, self- importance, self-love, and self-interest were markedly ellmihiatedfromy her daily life; Mrs. Eddy was driven through deep waters by the betrayal of men and women" whom she had befriended, healed, trusted; and honored. It wiH always be true that for the disobedient, strayingTrilgrim, there is an open door for ;rettlnlr'-Fplf"ail«etlt~ willed, disobedient students there is a healing, but each straying pilgrim must seek the blotting out of the past and the renewal oj gmi&mte*^ the right way.;:^vPa^y* â- â- mMtMsii;' â- %. Time, mortal mind and its history,, the past with Its mistakes, rejected opportuhTtles, sins and sicknesses should goâ€"and go now, for they are unreal. All that is good, true, and beautiful is imperishable. It has al- ways belonged to us. Only discord can: 'be.....destroyed^ Christian Science teaches' with logical and spiritual exactness that it is utterly impossible for any child of God to be lost eternally; that peace (Continued on page five) I^NG^TIRE^TORE tJIXANK^NGK accessories MMkEILY.SPRINGFIELD^= TIR ES^md^FVB&S SrVahDeuW Grocery Telephones 510, 511, 512 & 513 Meat Telephone 514 SELLER OSGOOD FOOD Wilmette-Central Ave. and 12th St. '% CASH ^DISCOUNT Cuh and Carry - - - - 5% Discount <^*and Delmred- - - - 2%DUc«mt On orders of $1.00 or more of normal Tkeoe do not apply to Meat Department -----------Profit Good**â€"--------:-------â€"-l,1_......;_::.r±r:.......-.....^-.......-.....â€"-^â€"~~ â- .......:-------.....-:â- '......â€"r-^ ^EQAl PRICE DOWN SALE MARC^ SUGARâ€"Standard Eastern cane grahulate&rr Thii fe Tibf beetr^ Sotrti^^fflTI^^ sugar. With any order of $1.50 of normal profit goods. ;„,,, â- - - â- ,â- :;.;^_^£^|Q^. No cash discount. 10 lbs..........;.. *... .â- *».. V.'................... • • • â- â- ••..... ..^•^V FLOURâ€"Pillsbury, Washburn and Ceresotai Tliis jprice applies only to my stpek CT^O â- j^ â- â- now on liand. â„¢Naj»sh discount.^, $&-bi ...i^|^^.. ^..*.......... .^ ..â- <*.$Mi&sJM*MMAm9 CREAMERY BUTTERâ€"Delicious flavor. Extra fancy quality, lb. bulk :»-t-taFg<F EGasliPpncy fresh oggs; ftvftry one guaranteed. Dozen APPLESâ€"Fine Canadian Northern Spy.."' -;.;.'_. :â- '--â- â- 114 ^_^^^^?.-;^^^'V ,J;For eating or .cooking, 10 lbs.... • •,.. .,1.,^.,^.;;-...... •..-.• ^ «,-..• •-• • v.r^-,..;.^:â€".-^,.,-;*^-^ FLORIDA GRAPEFRUITâ€"Choicest quality. ,„^„„„„-j~â„¢-™™ ^ size, 3 for. ..•....•....».-»•.•,»•â- ;•*•« ^ PTCFFT-TRTT ROLLEI^CIA! cleanest made; and look at the^pricc.-Xarge 3 Jb. 7 mz* PENNSYLVANIA GASOLINE MOBILE OILS :'«ii^^inaiisliip, it- is understood that your IKPBfF ^^^ When a garage guarantees its work- shop. I am not in ^ie^^ give the people of Wilmette dissatis- faction, just the understanding that ^iyou ":have ;;.a garage.jrf^L.the .• best ior ishe^as^yearahas^ M> aU makes of carsi, and I can frankly a that cannot be^^ut to^sticlass SN0^^Afctr#0PC0I0^^3--^ 1 lb. pkg. .................... V^9c SUNBEAM QUEEN OLIVESâ€" Fancy, large, 13% 02. bottle 35c REINA OLIV^E OIL^ure, delicious, oiie of Sprague, Warner & Co/s finest 'Quart vv**>>*>•>•>.... •. • • • •... •••••»»..... ....•••.. •»•...«• •«• • • • • *••'•• COFFEEâ€"^My own blend. A mild sweet pound Brisket Corned J5e« ..............vv.....2Sc hite^^lover.-Delicious. .^...T..........40c dinary coffee that pleases. Short Ribs of Beef; lb. . ~^4bsr-T^â€"rr... â- ••.,.*..... .$1.00 Bacon Squares; in piece; lb. .. 19jb Spare Ribs, lb. ................ .jgc RICHELIEU COFFEEâ€" This is one of Sprague, Warner T and Co.'s pets. They brag about it; 3 lb. can *>.....#«.....$1J9 BEECHNUT PEANUT BUTTER-^- There'is no finer made; large 10 .26c -twcrâ€"yar- OOLONG TEAâ€"3-A. ^Splendid quality; lb^ Breast of Lamb; lb. Sauer Kraut; qt. .. m ft i 4iie^ SUPERIOR FAMILY r- • •••wc LAUNDRY SOAPâ€" RICHELIEU MIDAS TEA, An excellent ^laundry soap at a The very finest quality^rflowery Orange Pekpe; % lb. ..-----45c MAZOLA CORN SALAD OILâ€" ^ Quart can ^*...*^*•........-..52c Dl£rpiacE*snp*^ BAKING PQJW^R^ Vsl^-^ 12 oz.- can............*;....22c WALTER BAKER'S COCOA^ very-reasonable-pi 100 bars in box .^......::..$3.75 . 10 -. iars^.« -. ^^^ii.-^iâ€". .38c CRYSTAL WHITE LAUNDRY SOAPâ€" --100bars-inJbox-^-*.^^ii^. 10 bars ................. AMMONlA^-Large;l-5 gal. -15c iUINGâ€"Large. l=^gaL_^ RINSOâ€"Pkg. .;......10c IMPORT YELLOW .FT, ...15cfe CLING PEACHESâ€" . :l • ;•.â- .â- • - â- ||i Very limited quantity, at a sacri- sssssssBSSS.£& fiCe pricer-Large-~No7-2%^ can. _poz; $3.25; ^:an ^.â€"-. .T^27l4c SUNBEAM FRUIT SALADâ€" â€"Delicious-^mxedâ€"n^t-for-^alaiL -2%-van; doz. ..$5.7S~ ./,: Can .. . •V'v,:^.li^^;^j,».?„«_*,r^.r..^0C; GOLDEN EAGLE APRICOTSâ€" Heavy syrup. Fancy, tender fruit. Large. No. 2% can. )oz^$4.20ri£aiF7TT........., 35x EAGLE BLUEBERRIESâ€" M No. 2 can. Do. $3.50; can ..32c 15câ€"MONSOON ASPARAGU POINTSâ€" RICHELIEU MACARONI h AND SPAGHETTI-^ ^ â€"This^is Richelieu grade, which ts ll^g^Mifti, ^2^LUST8E SANITARY ?...;...7^c O'CEDAR •OII^-?;"-V-:^-^i^^ â- .':-', Latge 12 oz. "bottle ::p0J^. £45cT REAL EGG NOODLES-- â€"Wide or medium; % lb. pkg. fcjfc. SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOURS 2% lb. pkg. ..,&.,.^.......^^ â- AUNT JEMIMAp^^lJlf^ll PANCAKE FLOURâ€" ^^^% - Package ..â- â- ...♦♦♦..♦ v*....l€c DROMEDARY DATES® Small individual package i.. 10c FIGSâ€"Smyrna;' lb. ,....'.:.v.'-. .30c Extra fancy, large, 7 crown. FLOOR#OPSâ€" Each SHELF PAPERâ€" r^vVTirter24x36TTD7 $1.35 Selected stallcs, tender from tip s| to end^ NOiJL s^iare^can^jiQZ^ I $4:50; can ......:..........37J4c SUNBEAM SWEET CORNâ€" m Is a wonderful seller. It pleases ^everyone; doz. $2.10; caiL^jtetlSc, v.l8c AMERICAN FAMILY ^ SOAP-. CHIPS^* 2,m^MiM^':-^ "...lib. pkg. .................20c SAHARA TOILET JRAPERâ€" Crepe. Large roll; doz. ......$L10 ADIRONDACKS TOILET WM -paper-' '.-â- â- "-mmm^'^f:- .,. 4% oz. rollrdoz. ^^vii*vw;^«60c BABY STUART SIFTED s EARLY JUNE PEASâ€" Tender sweet peas at a v^ry low I price. Doz. $1.90, can.....rvlje RICHELIEU TOMATOES-^11 f $ TWithout a doubt, the finest quajf-, 11 ity packed. Large No. 2% can,|li l| doz. $2.30, can............ *•• .20b TURNSTILE TOMATOES-i lr 1 Extra standard, No. 2 can, doz^s £ $1.50; 2 cans..";-.:v".ii. ...v.<,i. .25c PEANUTS^In-^hell^-~Zâ€"â€"; -J^resh roasted; lb. ....•......16£ PEANUTSâ€"Jumbo. Salted; lb. 25c ALMONDSâ€" s: _____i.- Jordan. Shelled; lb. ..>.A!J.96c ENGLISH WALNUTSâ€" ; California, budded, the finest flavored English lyalniit, lb. ....,.-" " TOBEY FURNITURE POLISHâ€"Large 12 oz."bottle 41c* pl^COCK SILVER POLISH-T .Jeweler's Paste; 8 oz. jar ... .22c PIERRETTE BONELESS 115 SARDINESâ€" ^n3$4::X^::-; 5r;-;In pure 6live;";..bil; '%s^-^iwi:; '-s -Large can ..................31c CAMPBELLS BAKED BEANS â- f. With tomato sauce, No. 2 can, ffi doz. $1.35, can..............-12c PLYMOUTH ROCK RED IS KIDNEY BEANSâ€" _ JIII gl^^Xcaa^ddzr$1.15, can....10c PLYMOUTH ROCK BLOOD IS BEETSâ€" ^PLOjOUTH ROCK SALMON iM^s;Nd^--^:::€a^FT7^v^ =cafr Not 3-can. doz. ^$1.65 j . . . » t!t III 1. 1 PLYMOIJTH^ROGK^TUNA^ SFISHâ€" No. 1 caii 38c| No. % cih i i; .20c FRENCH MUSHROOMSâ€" f i 1 gi Ron4el FirslIXIhlMce, can.. * .49c COLLEGE^ QUEEN OLIVESâ€" _jQ«iart, 1 lb./oz. »w«™ • ft â- *»• »65c ss WELCH CONCORD GRA^Fi JTTTrTiL fe^uarjfer^.,.,. JIMMAItrg HOMINY^â€"d No.;2^ can, doz. $1.65; can... 14c j|,!lBBy$ CHILI CON CARNEâ€" 'BttK, >»;.'....!"»;«,.i.»"«'»',,Vii"lrmPS ".r*"i-i'*QC" RICHELIEU LIMA BEi Tn^^fiiaest quality oiT^edmnf sized .green fagJ^nttlfiSa V*M