W&%W!fm^*&$W"yxxWiS: mm mm ffif&fl&Ns ^-lii mim< mjir t AT^fIwn^ NEWS. FRIDAY/ MARCH JO,!^ Kenilworth Happenings R. and Mrs. Frank Watt of 338 ^se _„avenue*__ annouBice the engagement of their daughter. Ruth Bthfngstone, to Ralph Emerson Brown of Evanston. Miss Watt attended Na- tional Park seminary at Washington, D C, and Mr. Brown is a graduate of Northwestern university. The wed- ding, will take place in June. i Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cole have purchased the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gardener. 315 Essex road. Mr. and Mrs. Gardener will summer at 'H Piano,.III, and take an apartment to A Fvanston for the winter. would reach from the earth to. the moon and more than half way back- To set the type contained in the listings of these directories would occupy one man's time at a linotype machine for nearly forty years and if the directories were printed on an _„_ ordinary cylinder press, running eight T3eair TrCTClark noHhe-tfniversitr flours per day, it -would-re«ulr*;^frV" - * enty-five years to complete the run. Mr and Mrs. Leroy Woodland left Thursday last for California where they will remain for a month. Mrs. Amos Miller of E'anston, formerly of Kenilworth, was a lunch- eon hostess Thursday last. The first of a series of talks by An- thony French Merrill was held Wed- nesday morning at the home of Mrs. George Dryden of Evanston. His sub- ject was 'The Best Sellers." Mrs. Charles Meyer returned from *the East, Thursday last." Her daugh- ter, Elizabeth, accompanied her as fshe is taking a rest. She has been at- yje^dlng^mith college.^----------------_ Mr. Roy Jarrett, who underwent an operation in the Evanston hospital, is improving rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Foresman left ♦Tuesday for New Orleans, La., to be gone two weeks. Mr. Horace Carver of the Kenil- worth Inn spent ' the week-end at Madison, Wis...._ Miss Helen Rathbone, who has been for the past twee weeKs, has re covered. •» 'BMj"Mrs. Ernest Fleishmann of Leicester --#Ti>ad~-hr1eaving for-New York ta jonv her mother, Mrs. Sara D. Anderson, MaM to visit J^ Jistfir, Mrs. Joseph fRegness. - The Kenilworth Union Church has "purchased the home of Mr. and Mrs. iFrank C Nason, 319 Richmond roao% Ifor the rectory. "~~~ ~; ,~ " """ .. â- i Mr. Ogden Cook of the Kenilworth |nn spent last week-end in Kansas Icity, Mo., a* the guest of Mr. Hovey Mr. and Mrs. Leon Allen eHTftrglTOtt Ithe Evening Bridge club at dinner at ^he North Shore hotel Monday eve- M Mr. and Mrs George Benson and children returned from Pasadena, Cai., jFriday last, after a two months' so- p^ourn:------r ~" „____ of Illinois was the speaker at the Neighbors Thursday last. £**Mr. and Mrs. A. Bodine Southworth are leaving today for a short visit in Minneapolis, Minn. *'North Shore Soccerite* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Phelps enter- tained at tea Sunday evening. Mr. Warren Pease entertained at bridge Saturday evening,_____ Mrs. Frederick D'Aix entertained at bridge Friday evening. Printing Telephone Directories Big Job r._ Some-^artlmg-statisiics.jwliich re- veal the lievelopment^an^^widespread use of the 'telephone, have been com piled by a Chicago printing house, which prints telephone directories for ~^~Ummy cities; â€" This printing establishment an- noutieeg tfaat^inrl^gO-it^printed-^Tes^ 000 telephone ~~ directories, using iii,- 350,420 pounds of paper, whichre- quired 459 freight cars to transport it i^pttTthe" mills. These directories if placed end to end would reach ' from Chicago to Jacksonville, Fla., and the paper stock if made into a strip one-foot-^widfr Lose Peel Cup Encounter The North Shores, crack soccer out- fit, comprising players from the vari- ous villages and towns in this vicinity, dropped the first round of the Peel Cup series to the fast Canadian club crew Sunday at Foster field, Evans- ton. The final score was 4 to i). The Cannucks started wi£b a rush and in five minutes had two goals, both being headed through. The North Shore came back strong- ly and bombarded the Canadian goal, but were kept from scoring. Play in the second half was all in the territory of the North Shores goal. The North Shores team comprises: Allardyce, Leys, Holland, Denny, Cur- rie, Woods, Brown, Duff, Carroll Kirk- aldy and McNaughton. CANDY, SMOKES FOR DISABLED The Wilmette Legion auxiliary is preparing to send another ,box- of candy, cookies and smokes to the tubercular ex-soldiers at Fort Bayard, New Mexico. Members are requested to bring donations for this box to Mrs. .Kurtz, 1225 WMmette avenue, not later than Saturday, March 11. llllllllllllllllllllllllltlMIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinillinillllllllllllNHIIIIIIi: =_____________________________________,____________________________________________SE. DOAPT FORGET THESE DATES MMCHMO-ll MIN, OW OUILMETTE COUNTRY CLUB | 8il5 p. m. Tickets $1^00 | THIS shop has gained a remarkable reputation for the artistry of its merchandise. WE invite you to in^ sped our exhibit of new Springer roc%s* W- *iiiiiHiiMiiiiiiiiinMiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiimiHiiiniiiimiiiiimirriTiiiiiiiiiiMi?; TSSSS This is -a good time to plan for JSfoillHjjiejLJ^^ some excellent weaves for cushions and new silks for lamp shades and other decorative uses. new luxurious fcdytMj^ jcich^lor$-~harmmi^ ouslyj)lended^i^xjoill de- Hall Be Proud of ,illlL ~SiS$r-: oloniai L/raperiei here *s# yic^^ finish in golgni^ 'ۤâ- ^^ifc^ich goes:% long way Aa giving a room ||§|eto ' ^fcro^^l^Msf to select y^ur new Draperies earlyy §||So T^ari featuring "Drapery Week,rnowjilEspeGi-. §§|§ilr^ een secured in cvcry^-sort-ofHDrapery fealgriat^r ^^enial things which ate-v^^ry^^^^^^^^M ClbsTONNEMiV nice assortment of many colors; Usually when new' araperies are being hung it is preferable tp'put up new "curtain rods also, ^e have a full stock of JS3rJBh^jgtait ^itote^i^Oitegbb.- ____^ hjS|shades of Mue and golden Jownpinnfast colors, priced item $135 to^$1.6£ ^IfRTAIN NETS^N^fflatterwh^ |>e in:-;xairiain^et^bJ!^ |frora: Wc to $li5 yar«^| ^np • Inmmmgs |i||Cretonne braids^ (turMiiili edges,; ^sliade pulls, 'etc., are here in- a-good »££ifeSIIligS£Ss -*s4* ^fc variety* These finishing touches^add much to your curtains or draperies. â- -':â- :â- <â- â- â- â- â- â- ',:\j.: .â- «.-'â- â- â- . ,•'â- .'â- â- â- :'.. â- ^â- •"aR^^^^tii-^'r":^â- â- â- â- â- -.â- â- -.;•'•â- â- Window ades ;?The effect of ne^ draperies is often lost if the sEadW^afe discolored or ,worn. We have standard sizes in ' .. ... - a stock, and will make: up any special'-1â€"1 fsiie'Br style for you. â- ;i^t^W^^T^A i^^^^^J^gJ^^^ â- •tp#IS-K Our pretty littie Jer- l^gy frocks have hem a great success* They ^maybi Jh&d in henna, brown* reindeert and _ygpyj, with- ing collars and cuffs We ham a number of very attractive after- n 6"6ft.~anA evening dresses by Mme* Flandersâ€"These jLmss£S. come in crepe Zof caniofTlrrepe. ihme~and~gewg&te~â€" jmrf are strikingly in- Ladies' Dresses and Sports Apparel f 606 Chicago Acenue Opposite North Shore Hotel :1§s8