W&mi'M; Kenilworth Happenings' "~ The Book Review class, comfiuctecT by Mrs. McClintock, met Wednesday afternon at the home of Mrs. Mark Cresap to discuss "Mendal" and "Around the Corner/' two ol Gilbert Cannon's books. The Wednesday morning lecture conducted by Mrs. Anthony French Merrill, was held at the home of Mrs. George Dryden, the subject being, ^l*oe|?3L*?^L -P*g»aatay." Mrs. Grant Ridgway and Mrs. Ed- - ward D. Parmelee attended the lunch- V eon Friday at the home of Mrs. Carl Latham of Bvanston for the Arden Shore Board. - Mrs. Charles Bent entertained her bridge club at luncheon Tuesday. 7 Mr. and Mrs: Sidney Ball have been in Cleveland, O., for the past two weeks, -â- â- ;. ^TessEllsBabeth Stolp, daughter Qt br. and* Mrs. Rufus Stolp, is spending her_sjprin^jvac^Uonjwith_Miss Lpvey Morris at Casper, Wyoming. Mr. Alexander Warden of the Kenil- worth Inn, has returned after a" six- weeks' business trip through the south. Dr. College gave an informal talk at the meeting of the Union Church Guild. Monday on his experiences in Africa. â- â€"â€"------â€" Mrs" Alfred McDougla entertatnetf informally at luncheon on Thursday last. ;i/;j4;cj;-v; ' •' __Mrs, William Taylor entertained the Afternon Bridge club Tuesday last. Prominent Speakers At State "Hi-YM Sessions Plans for. the coming Hi-Y Con- ference at Bvanston March 25 and 26 are now complete. E. C. Wolcott, of Sioux City, Iowa* who made such an impression at the conference at De- catur, is on the program for the Bv- anston meetings. ^ • I_Another of. the many speakers is Dr. C. W. Gilkey, who is well known here. Edwin Thelts of Bvanston will act as song leader. Registrations for the conference are due on Monday, March 20.__________â€"â€"----- "T^ARMENIAN FUND^GROWS The fund for the relief of destitute Armenians, which has been sponsored by the Girls' Reserve club at New Trier High school, has made some rapid gains during the last week. The play, presented in the Chinese manner, calls forâ€"pi quaint effects. "Overtones" is jdistinct- tively novel in theme. "Two Slatterns and a King," by Edna St. Vincent Millay, is an interlude to be played in front of the curtain. fund now totals moreâ€"than s dollars. The contributions are made up- chiefly of pennies received in change at the cashier's counter and candy-stand in the lunch room of the school. ^2"Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap arrived hdme^^SundaT^after two weeks'â€"so- jura in Washington, D. C. Mrl and Mrs. Wendell Xlark of Ev- TlnitoirmteTtaTffe^^ Thttrgd^ipenlngT: Mrs J. E. Goold of Chicago is spend- ing the week-end as the guest of Mrs, Henry Everett. ---------- â€" • • . • â- â€"oâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D'Aix en- tertained at bridge Saturday even- ing. â€" Mr, and Mrs. Ward Starrett enter- Mwe4 „their_J^W evening. â„¢-" v,.-,â„¢,-^-......._. . â- â- â- --.â- - __ Above Y. M. C. A. conference Mm, Frodorick Colo entoi^ined^er|l~grottndgr"-WJonderfpt^g^g-Ql bridge last. club at luncheon Thursday #The- Kenilworth club gave a lunch eon and bridge party Friday. "PAVS^F REAL SPORT"â€" Every thing dear to the heart of the boy in the line of baseball supplies and other sporting goods and perapher- nalia, is to be found right now at the Wilmette Pharmacy, Wilmette and Central avenues. The display win- dows of the popular store are attrac- tively festooned in spring regalia sug- gestiw-of ^basebatt, "feennisr^olfp^ete*- Play Ball! PERFECT APPETITES ^^apoleon"was right! Fifty cakes, 40- cases of soft drinks, two bushels of peanuts, 20 gallons of ice cream, 4,000 sandwiches, and * a crate of oranges were consumed by 900 ex- soldlers (and friends) at an American Legion housewarming at Binghamp- ton, N. Y. Estes Park, Colorado snow mounains. 3*F eon hostess Tuesday last. If Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Starrett enter lained^it tear Sunday evening Cabin to Rent for Season ^erefirffiofle^ For further information address S. D. Stone, Box 196, Glencoe, 111. NEW TRIER DRAMATISTS PLAN FINE PROGRAM Four jone-act nlays, areJtobe gjvM Saturday March~25, by the Dramatic elub of New Trier Township High school, according to an announcement this week by director Stanwood. Almost without exception the mem- bers of the oasts of three of the plays are new to high school dramatics. They are entering into the work with 'enthusiasm and interest, and intend to measure up to the high standard of acting set by the achievements of previous years. ^"Jlelejna^Husbajad^byPhilipJMoell- er, is a humorously satrical treat- ment of Helen of Troy, Menelaus, and Paris. This play demands a Greek in- terior. "The Turtle Dove," a Chinese Patronize == Merchants Who Advertise t^ook^ Call this experienced firm and get estimates on the rejuvenation of your estate. | Crushed Stone and Cement Driveways Made and Refinished ' ^reeFRembved, Grading, Pruning 100 Elm trees, 1 inch to 10 inches in diameter; 50 ^Blue-Bp^cH^s^^ formate* II FRANZ KRENN & CO. | 8Q4JBLM ST. Telephone 694-13fM I,,Hi«Hlimi|1IIIHIIIIIIIIHIIIMUIMMUIIinllllUll..lllimunmWIMIMIIHIIIIMIIIM««»'W^ *M. Wjlmette Ave. Saturday and Monday Only *M WW Special Release £ Four Victor i)ance JFtecj Is ". <Lr" Owing to thi tremendous demand these records Paul Whiteriiah and his Orchestra J6#l-^utie, Medley #o* Trot Lonesome Hours, Fox Trot ll^H^ViTfmta Bltiesv Venetian Love Boat, Fox Trot Chicago "lifpMylamrayKttOWSrte^^^ m--: ;â- ':â- ; ..5«sAhgel' Child,'-Fox .Trot)':-.â- mW- Chicago li8^J£Ten Little Fingers, and Ten II Benson Orchestra of --^^^-£ittl&-'^^ In Blue: Bird Land, FolcJJrpli mi ~!l||i£-5©i4dy^^ Chicago 66028â€"Sweet Peggr-e*Nctfa:;-vM â- â- .'â- M4a6-^M^-'V^ld...Iti^ 45055â€"-Irish Stories, Humorous Monologue lil|||\Talter Kelly 74336â€"Kathleen Mavourneen f John McCormack 18829â€"MoJly^^-fcove^^W^^ -^S^8^We^hi*T5f the Green (tMlrish§ p Wni: F; Hooley :mmmmm$:. to Philadelphia (Old Irish:Mefody)":ilp?iltit|T less 18848 W^BCl^la^Toli^^ :M^"Home TowfriSil^feiiiilii tmenean W8SS& Thafs^How I Believe In YoujppiiillHenry Burr. 1M^WTO=Jt_Want; You. Morning; Noc^t:..^J^ ^arles^I|aTri|on; !ItSI;tiand' Night Stilif. K^i;ffl^^^^l^^^^Kp^::^P^ 18854--Granny, You 're My Mammy's Mammy Yvette Rugel ^gg§gm*^ Brown, "Elliot Shaw; *m »mg lilp Q& ____ Iff^^!sg^:*.iuive:«-Man «a:' Hotfse.: He $t£m§M Marie Cahill RoyalDi ;i&Ste?^? rail Dadum 0$£. TALKING MACHINE CQ iffe gPliwinel Evanstoi S^ifeafc' l^r^hCTertworday^ March__--------.____,--------- literally hundreds of aprons at two extremely low prices. We grouped our buying with twenty-two other pro- ^LQT L aremade with appliqued designs. We suggest you make early selection. Special for these two days atâ€" LOT 2 This lot includes as many as eight ^ =~zlfiMreJ*«f«lB^^ distinct styles, each style having a pretty new styleMo make your se- , .': - " â- i i lection from. The patterns, as in largiMfartetrof patterns and colors, the other ,ot are varied and Sprillg. each one different^^Ma^By-of-these^^ -^ilre^ManjroHhese are made with scalloped bottoms, some with white organdie trimmings, others with tie fastenings, etc. Your choice, this lot atâ€" -:"':v Sina& JNewT Dresses fmtiv^Ev f7Xou can selectâ- garments here wilhthtabsotut? assurance that every dress is new,m This department ^^^f^^:^j^4l^J^^-'^ipz^...t^ weekragos and its success has elcceelfed^ourWexpe^c^ ~ we receive dresses^--~newy ones'â€"4o fill in bur stock. |'ll^^i?y|ww are % the capeBdresses"-we are Mowing. Thef^dre mader of silJ^cr^pe^nit^^d colored in the new sport shadest% The cape %s:separ^f._ ale, Wy^ ^Theâ€"pm& policy of qualit^ reflectour ierchandise at reasonable pricesM^ liilMii^^^rt^iii^i^^tt^gi^^^lM^