Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1922, p. 10

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W:-:W> â- VM frl'-'i'/jf'^vi'V': U ^-t'-.u."!:'h-.-7,n:.i(-i - ..- ' '• _--------------- i. iâ€"M^â€"â€"â€"Sâ€"SJW^ â-  necessary to search for a maid^tt is ^eryj?roiraWe ffiat the first thing that occurs to her is to insert an ad in _theâ€"classified columns. And it is l^ery probable that satisfactoryâ€"re- «ults* are obtained without a great deal of delay. . "Please discontinue that ad I put in your paper last week. I had some furniture for sale and have beeii swamped by buyers." That is a fair sample of many telephone calls re- ceived by The Lake Shore Publishing Company from its classified adver- Trier, County of Cook, Illinois, that the Up ^isersv ^t goes to show that the class! Ifff^Tied ads work wonders. • WM- I These little want getters have de- US veloped wonderful pbssibilitieal ana; to- *^ "day are used for countless purposes 81a never thought of in the earlier days. Hi Many little human interest stories are 1 hidden away Iil those condensed t columns of six-pohtt type. There are *r often heart throhxand always several S laughs if one oaly looks for them. In these days of unemployment the ^ ^ clooojifiod columns arc Bcannod by | $â€" hundreds who are "up against it. '££&-'â-  The ads are often a life saver to these W^': men who are out of work. If it wasn t -& for the ads it would make the task W&. of finding work doubly difficult. Bar- ill^ gain hunters often confine themselves Site to the display advertisements bu^it il@ is a fact that they are passing by SW many good chances of obtaining what H§! they want by not reading the classi- Ifi0k fled.' â- 'â- .'â- â- '"' .. IIP m the "help wanted" column old till "General Housework" is perhaps the iii heaviest advertiser. He is always in PSQl^eed-of^-seore-or ^nore of maids. UK But laying all joking aside, have i§! you met Mr. Wan Tad? He's, a hustler 191 and a hail fellow well met. 7* lR£#RteERVEGETSlt|f SERVICE CERTIFICATE Jl^tJertiflcate of Service has H&een ^Hwarded to the Girls' Reserve of the New Trier township High school at Kenfifworth for the contribution of Lf&fc3&~-tow*xn^^vjng Jth^Jtefift^f being the first Tuesday in said month.^^IX-^^^^ K p M Standard Central Time'in the places designated^ The Election will begin at the hour of 7 A.-M. and close at 5 follOWS! _-......::.;.=â€" :.:;-. .^....".. â€"District -lrâ€"Commencing- af the Intersection-nf the County line and Lake Michigan, thence run- ning southeasterly along shore line of Lake Michi- gan to Park Avenue; thence Southwesterly along center line of Park Avenue to South Avenue; thence West along center line South Avenue to the cen- ter line of Section 12 f thence north along the> cen- ter line of Section 12 to the South line of Section 1: thence West along the South line of Section 1 to the West line of Section 1; thence North along the West line of Section 1 to the County line. w .iiage of W»™ft**6;- -*h»n«» southeasterly along-^ the center line of Lake Avenue to the center line of Michigan Avenue; thence northwesterly along the center line of Michigan Avenue to the center line of Forest Avenue; thence southwesterly and west along the center line of Forest Avenue to the center line of Ninth Street; thence south along the-oenter line of^Ninth Street to a P°£&J°S$^ the center line of Lots 9 and 10 in Block~23~in Wilmette Village Subdivision; thence west through the Main Entrance to the North Building on^ the lirsent to Miss-Phyllis Bileene Barry iiof-filencoe, Jt»amr^r__ot^the_mrls_^ fSSgeserve, by the Illinois office of Near Sii Bast Relief at 19 South La Salle street, 111? Chicago, and signed by Cleveland H. Hil Dodge, National treasurer, C. V. vicK- ^®i^ley7 Chirman of tlle NaSbi^â€"Jnu*. Itifhrattoiral^^ . . ilill School children all over the state, SMsm: wftU fl* ft11^r the cottntry^JMgejPJ&L ifeSported to be taking a great interest ®iiin this effort to raise funds to relieve 8iS%he suffering among the children^jM fe##*%he jjearEa^t.SflThe school cdttmou- lliitions are a parfof the general ^ cam- illiipaign in the state which is designed lliilo care for $0,000 orphan children for ilildne year. Bach $60 raisedjn the state pp|^p^^'"-;aii';:^drphan child for||pne sS:"r^Vear. ^:i;-..... • "â- "â- â- . ». » i&A ' Thr^campaign through the schools illi^4mfr-oc-wiih: the npprov^aM^P^er ^Rhe' cwperaSoST 61 FraBcls^TSnsIaJrT ^8^6 ^P?^yndennt^tV<mTi^in^ IBSMviscry..board..for Near EastJReUel usi â- >zm WWusVo memory coNTesr; *New Trier and Deerfleld High school students will engage in a Music Mem- ory contest, winners of which are to ijoin^ in the contest for the students ^^Jii the "In and About Chicago" High ifiHschool and Grammar school Music â- ^aSKMemory contest at Orchestra Hall, Chicago/ on April 15V f|aiSJi|||if||-. -thence east along the County line to the P^00 of beginning. . " Polling Place: Glencoe Union Church, Gien- coe, 'HI. District 2. Commencing at the intersection of the Western boundary line of Lake Michigan ana Park Avenue; thence southwesterly along the cen-^ ter line of Park-Avenue to the center line o£.South * Avenue; thence west along the Center line or -Soutlr^^eTfrae^criaye*WesT^lifie"oTl^^ ship; thence South along the West line of^Iew. Trier Township to the southwest corner of/Oae South East one-quarter of Section 12; thence East along the South line of the South East one-quarter; of Section 12 and said line produced easterly in Jackson Avenue to the center line of Grove Street; - thence North along the center line of Grove Street, to the Center line of Madison Avenue; thence East alongn the center line Of Madison Avenue to the ^center line of Lake Street; thence Southâ- . along] the center line of Lake Street to the center line of; Harbor Street; thence Northeasterly along the ? S center line of Harbor Street to the Western boundary line of Lake Michigan; thence along the Western boundary line of Lake Michigan, to the jnlnrr nf hpginhinff.:-';i^-:â€" --:i- 'â- '- â- '^â- â€¢â€¢- -"'^ ;â€"--"v'Jl1'w'fe- t Polling Place: Village Hall. Glencoe, 111. ' District 3. Commencing at the intersection of the Western boundary line of Lake Michigan and sHarbor Street f thence Southwesterly along the center line of Harbor Street to the center line of Lake Street; thence Northerly along the center of Sections-lTanu-20-to-the center iifce of; Street; thence east along the center line_of^ini Street to the shore line of Lake MichlganjTHeW northwesterly along the shore line of Lake Michigan to the point of beginning. All in Township 42, Polfing Place: George Gonsalves' Office, Central St., Winnetka, 111. - ' District 7. beginning at the intersection uf Ihe Chicago and Northwestern R. R. and the center__________________ ____ Hn^ «f wttn fjt^at; thence west, along the center 3lj10U| p,....^.iv <â- â-  iiiw i.miiuv Uiih of TenULStreeU ? line of Elm Street to the! west line of Sectionft20; -. tftence south along the center line of Tenth Street^ o _--..*w -,-----»>..â„¢.* «„» n* sep.Hft„ 20 to JJ the center line of Greenleaf Avenue; thence-^- ♦- east along the center Une of Greenleaf Avenue to the center line of 8th Street; thence north along the center line dTmiTStreet to the centerlinejol Central Avenue; thence east along the ceuteryHne of Central Avenue ta the center line 4>f Sheridan Road; thence southeasterly along the center line i<)f==Sh«r4dan-B©a€M£M*e=©«^ 'District 8. Beginning at the shore line or juane Channel; thence northeastexly «*long the wortn M^Mgan and the center line of Elm Street; thence shore Channel to the shore of Lake Michigan. line OI JLtUU ouoeir w ^"w. ""~* *â€"~-~£ • "Vi~" on *A thence south along the west line of Section 20 to the center line of Willow Street; thence east along the center line of Willow Street to the Center line of the Chicago and Northwestern R. R; thence northwesterly along the Chicago and Northwestern R. R. to the center line of Elm Street, the point tot beginning. All in Township 42, Range 18. Polling Place: Public Library, Winnetka,_IlL_ ^^t'alonFthe" center"line" of Elm Street to the thence northwesterly,^^^^^^,^^^5:1 Chicago and Northwestern R. R.; thence south- Michigan to the pomt-of-beginning. AlUn Tovm- westerlv along the Chicago and Northwestern shijo 42, Range 13; ,.-r---t- ^»«, ^ â„¢ R. R to the center^linlTof Willow Street; thenceâ€" ^flhg Pla^eT--CentraT-School, Wilmette, 111. east along the center line of Willow Street to the District 16. Beginning at the shore line of shore line of Lake Michigan; thence ^nortl^ along Lake Michigan and the center line of the "North the shore line of Lake Michigan to the center of Elm Street. All in Township 42, Range 13. ^»olling Place: Prouty Building, Winnetka, 111. M%>istrict 9. Beginning at ' the intersection of the Chicago and Northwestern R. R. and the center line of Willow Street; thence west along the center line of Willow Street to the west line center line of the. North Shore* Channel to the Shore Channel; thence southwesterly along the center line of Sheridan Road; thence northwesterly along the center line of Sheridan Road to the center line of Central Avenue; thence west along the center-line of Central Avenue to the center line of Fifth Street; thence south along the center of Section JtO: thence north alon^the^est line or^iine^t^fth-Streekto the south lin».of the Village-^ S£--g$M!mk^*^*r?--^zz^ Wilmette; thence east along the south Une of ^Secloir-IOrtoâ„¢tneâ„¢W5?ar West "Corner "^eridTT thence west along the north line of Section 19 to the North West Corner thereof; thence south along the west line of Section 19 to the South; West Corner of said Section 19; thence east along Hhe South line of Sections 19, 20 and 21 *£*&& center line of the Chicago and Northwestern R. «.; line of Lake Street to the center line of MadisonfSlthehee northwesterly along the center line^of the Avenue; thence Westerly_&lPJig.-the_^e^^ line of \fggChieago-and--Northwestern Rr-RiTto^th^center^Hno "^Madison Avenue to the^^ center line Of Grove Street; *|0f Willow Street, the point of beginning. AH in thence South! along the center line of Grove Street Ms Township 42, Range 13. fe-to JacksOn Avenue; thence Westerly along^Jackson â€" - - "Avenue to the Southwest corner of Section 7; thence . ^_^aQuth^^o^g-°th^^-^ew .Trier ^TownsbiPji line, tQw.we. the Village of Wilmette to the shore of Lake Michigan; thence northwesterly along the shore of- Lake Michigan to the point of beginning. All in?; Township 42, Range 13. * Polling Place: Barber Shop, 505 4th Street, Wil- mette, m. District 17. Beginning at the interjaection Of """"" " thence west <â-º' <â-º o o, o 0... UWll!9Ui|; •***» xvaugv *w- Polling Place: North Shore Country Day School, Winnetka, HI. _Plfth~Street and Central Avenue; ajnng the center line of Central Avenue to the center line of 8th Street; thence south along the center line of 8th Street and Woodbine Avenue to the center line_pf Isabella Street^jthflncj Village line; thence north along the East Glencoe tFettcelvesTliiong the^ center line of Willow Street center line of Fifth Street to the center - Hne of to the center line of the Chicago and Northwestern Village line to the Renter line^ of Harbor Street; wgg ^Vthence^south^ster^^ -thenceâ€"Eaet~<>n-JIari^r-Street-to^he-place-oi^De-^^ft^^ _.,-.._ . _ ... _. center une 01 ruin ouwi w «»= v««w» ««« Y* Central Avenue, the point of beginning. All in Polling Place: Hubbard Woods Lumber & Coal K3o. Office, corner Linden and Scott Avenue, Glen-; Jcoe, 111. District 4. Beginning at the intersection ^of Harbor Street and the.North and South center^ sline ^ol ^Section 8; thenCe south^along the' |^th line of Village of Glencoe; thence west along the south line of the Village of Glencoe to the west eiine of Section 18: thence south along the west â- ^Ine of Section 18 to the center line or isortn Northwestern R. R. to the south line'of the Temples Subdivision; thence east along the south line of Temple's Subdivision to the center^line of Essex sRoad; thence north on the center line of Essex; sRoad to the center line of Winnetka Avenue and % Winnetka Avenue produced northeasterly to the Lahore line of-Lake Michigan^ -thence north along the shore line of Lake Michigan â- â- to thexenter Hne of Wiliow Street, the point or beginning, aji in Township 42, Range 13. . Polling Place: Indiana Hill Inn, Whwaetkar-Blr ............" ~................. Kenll- 7th and Polling Place: Laurel School, Cor. Laurel Avenue, Wilmette, HI.* District 18. Beginning at the intersection of 8th Street and Greenleaf Avenue; thence west along the center line of Greenleaf Avenue to the center line of theCaiicago and Northwestern R. R.; thence southeasterly along the center iiner of the_:Chi^_ â- ^pislilui 11. south limits of the Village of Wllmprtft to theâ€"_, canter line of woodbine Avenue: thence north------ along the center line 01 woodbine Avenue and *,..« ^ --------:-. â€" --. ---.- - -- - .__..A - :.;.llworth and that part of the Northwest % of the iiimvenu^; thence east along ^the center line J*WkiloriheaLStllA of Section 28 lying west of the Chi- s^orth Avenue to the center line of Gordon^Ter-^ ^^ yNorthwestem R. k and north of the: &»race; thence; north.along the_center Mne of Gordon-^^ £»*th lhre ^ the vtna^e ^Keiiiiworm: AD^^^ -^Terrace to the center line uf^Gage Street; tnence EaiT^ns^ 42* Range 13^ - . * : $ north and easterly along .the center «ne <>r Gage m^mng Place: K^nilworth Store, Kenllworth, 111^ Street to the center line of the Chicago and North- ,m -SSS^i- TWiimine' at the intersection of the V^l^^S^ChicSo and NorSs^^^PcScaS^d N^rSs^a ^R 1nTc^h% iiu^ center-line of Ridge i^ott^ce^?&!lK^^ iiof 12th Street in the Village of Wilmette producedf; Avenue; thence south along ^ line of ^t? „w JhSeffiAK Avenue and^the iHsouth; thence northwesterly along the Chicago ^Ridge Avenue to the south limits of the ViUage of i^east along the cent** i^fj^/*0/^^^^ to^Lato ?®and Northwestern R. R. to its intersection with fwilmetfe; thence east along the south limits of the tcenter line of North Avenue^ if ^tended_to_LaKe <fe|a^ ^^"WL^S of ^e village -of~W4lmette4-^h^^f-WimtettB^^ of the Chi- 8th Street to the center line of Greenleaf Avenue, the point of beginning. . . : . . ' . â-  t \^, I ;pOliing„Place; Store, 524JBL JRalfcoad»Ave.r w^ "niette, 111. â-  ;- ' ')â- â- "â-  District 19^peginning at the intersection of the Chicago an«^f«rthwestern R. R. and Wilmette Avenue; thence southwesterly along the center ^.if^olS^w^S. ni^sn^westerr? felongthe SI East Une of Section 28j thence north along the «i««c tt,o n»ntfln n«« , ^§^s^^ast^JtpAinTf*m^^H/fPw ^>.T_"^. '"o'r^^^^'^^gfa^^Psection 27; thence east along said East and For the Le Primaries April 11 I of sound jtmgment and ex- I ecutiye ability. Thirty years {in real estate, andgvpnves^ inien^^;:b«sinessg^Ii__ ;;§in; reducing taxesjj Will co| opeTatewith" jyotpen ^xofexsj Advocates Oyil Service in public offices^^A good Re4 public^n^^rith no pplitica|j wmm ngkAll in TownsMp 42, ^nge^lj^-^ oiling Place: C. L. Wymatfs^Stote; Linden iAite., Hubbard 'Woods.-Ill. :.y{^l...:^-:^-^u^, rBietrict5^ Beglnnlngat the Intersection of Pros- pect Avenue and North Avenue; thence west along mtie cenler^imrtKr North Avenue to the center line %f the Chicago and Northwestern R. R.; thence northwesterly along the center line of the Chicago and Northwestern R. R. to the center Une of Gage Street; thence Southwesterly along the center line of Gage Street to the center line of Gordon Ter- race; thence south along the center line of Gordon Terrace to the center line of North Avenue; thence s>West along the center line of North Avenue to ^e liwest line of Section 18; thence south along the H%est line of Section 18 to the South West Corner ^%f Section 18; thence east along the south line^of iJjSection 18 to the South East Corner of Section 18; iifhence north along the east line of said Section 18 ilto the center line of Tig Street; thence east alow *the center line of Fig Street to the center line of >%ie Chicago and Northwestern R. R.; -thenee JWest center Une of Section 27 to the center line iggf 12th Street in the Village ol Wilmette; thence f^PsoUth"" along the^centeY-llfte or lztn street anc Ilsaid 12th Street produced to the Chicago and North-; ^western R. R., the points of begtonhlg. All in &i?Township 42, Range 18. _ â-  • &^, 1 PoUing Place: Village Hall, Wilmette, 111. ||||j mSl District 13. Beginning at the'North line of the?; â- MViUage of Wilmette and 10th Street; thence westu *5%long.the north Une of the Village of WUmette to J^the center line of 12th Street; thence south along •-'the center line of 12th Street and 12th Street proâ€" Educed south to the center Une of Greenleaf Avenue; aothence east along the center line of Greenleaf » Avenue to the center line of Tenth Street; thence ffnorth along the center line of Tenth Street to the iNorth line of the Village of WUmette. the point fKbf beginning. All in Township 42, Range 13.efit f •gf. Polling Place: Village Hall, Wilmette, HI. ? - SSI District 14. Beginning at the shore line^of Lake »MichlgaTr~"anaâ„¢t»w "NortH "Liniifs-of^ the VUlage of Wilmette; thence_west along the north limits thence northwesterly along the center line of the Chicago an&J&orjth-- wBstefn^lE=S^ to^tfie^Beiiter lifie~CMP wilmette Ave- nue, the point of beginning. All in Township 42, Range 13. SShorthwesterly along the Chicago and Northwestern ......_.-----„ â€"_._ ------ ------- _ _. *?R. R. to the center iincr of Eldorado Streetrthence g|bf the Village of Wilmette to the center line of northeasterly along the center line of Eldorado Street to the center line of Prospect Avenue; thence .northwesterly along the center line of Pros-* Sect Avenue to the point of beginning. All In 'ownship 42, Range 13. m PolUng Place: B. P. Maynard & Covi 1048 Gage St., Hubbard Woods, HL â- W$-- District 6, Beginning at thenihore line of Lake ^Michigan and theT Center line of North Avenue if extended; thence west along the center Une of HPZ"1 Av«"*<? tf extended and thfl Egn^L.TO^- Tdrfh Avenue to the center line of Prospect Ave- nue; thence southeasterly along the center^line of iTenth Street; thence south along the center line lot Tenth Street to a point opposite the Main Entrance to the Building oh the School Property being the East annd West center line of Lots 9 and 10 in Block 23, Village of Wilmette Subdi- vision; thence East on a line through the Main Entrance «to the North Building on the School ^Property to the center line J>f...Ninth Street; thence %orth along the center line of Ninth Street to the center line of Forest f,Avenue; thence east and northeasterly along the* center Une of Forest .Ave- e t6 the" center line of Micnigan Avenue; tnence southwesterly along the center Une of Michigan Pxospect-Ave^ue-to"the- center Une of gdorado^^Yen^^ â- 4 â-º street; thence squthwesterly aI6ng-the center line /-of Eldorado Street to the center line of the Chicago and Northwestern R. R; thence^southeasterly along the center line of the Chicago and Northwestern R. R. to the center line of Fig Street; thence west ariong the center Hne-of-Flg~Street to the west line of Section 17, thence south alonr the west line ** District 20: Beginning at the intersection of the S Chicago and Northwestern R. R., and the center-- vljine of Charles Street; thence west along the cen- â- :% liter line of Charles Street to the center of Park ^ 'Avenue; thence northwesterly afong the center line Pof Park Avenue to the center Une of Lake Avenue; " thence west along the center Une of Lake Avenue^ to the west limits of the Village of Wilmette; thence south along the west limits of the VUlage-^fe < â-º of Wilmette to the center Une of Wilmette Avenue; ie thence east.and northeast along the center Une Of Wilmette Avenue to the center line of Jthe Ghi-«^ cago and Northwestern R. R.; thence northwesterly along the center line of the Chicago and North- ^rr western R. R. to the center line of Charles Street, -.: the point of beginning. AU in Township 42, Range ^ 13.' â-  "â- ' â- "'-"-5^.â- ---'......-......-------;......-â- /...... -M as PoUing Place: Public Library, Wilmette. %i K District 21. Beginning at the center line of the #g Chicago and Northwestern R. R.J and the south %m. limits of the ViUage of Kenllworth; thence west p along the south Umits of the ViUage of Kenil- m& worth to the north and south center Une of Sec- ^w tion 28; thence south along the north and south #5 center line of Section 28 to the center Une of Lake ^ Avenue; thence east along the center line of Lake a; Avenue to the center line of Park Aveauc; thenee -g southeasterly along the center^ line of Park Ave- ff? â€"nue^H»-the center line of Charles Street; thence s« northeasterly along the center line of Charles^fe| Street to theLpeMfjUfei.fif-thejDhlcajgoJ«<I NO] "r^jve^leiS"~irTtT""1EEence norm westerly along tue Chicago and Northwestern R. R. to the south limits of the ViUage of Kenllworth, ^hepotot ot^ â€"beginning; AU In Township 42, Range IS. _ Polling Plade: I'ire Station, Lake Avenue and westerly along shore of Lake Michigan, place of Jt-B. R. Co., Wilmette, HI . beginning. -â€" . <fe District 22. The west one-half of Section 28, aU Polling Place. Central School, WUmette, HI. of Sections 29, 30, 31 and 32, and the west one-half £ District ^K-HSeginninff at the shore t>f Lake of SectioniSS.- A*_in TownsWp_^~Range"18T Michigan and the center line, of Lake Avenue In PolUng Place: ViUage/HaU, Gross Point, al^ ^MIMMMMMMMMM*.....»MM»m P$M a _.... ..^bFifficeTlVDe^lIc^ ......,... IpHighways, one Justice of the Peace to fill vacancy, one Constable to fill vacancy, and one School Trustee.-^c^^m&MMAmm fciilThe Town'Meeting will open in Winnetka Community House at the hour of 2P. M., and after ^^^f^^f^^g^yff S^rooeed to hear and consider reports of officers, to appropriate money to defray the necessary exp|r^^^^^â€"â„¢ jti&^^ .......... MI:JGiven...under.jny^hand:this 20th day of March A. D. 1922. p;:I^^^^^^^fc^M^:â- XEI,ANE^,;Â¥^^^ERS0N,' ilSI!^^ Town Clerk. ;.^Mi â-  ^- if^isSfm -'â-  ' -â-  â-  mmmm mm

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