Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1922, p. 12

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m,;iIT ^^^Sf: wmitâ- â- â- .-'- THE LAKE SHORE NEWS mv;-.-: with â-  which J»^^?r»blned^^__ ^fHB WILMBTTE5 LOCAL NB^|i5. FRIDAY OF lakbbhorb nm&am* O COJIPAJnr 182 J Central Ave., Wtlmette, * 111. Tele#*«e .Wtlmette *W« All communications must be^c- coraSanleTbF the name and add^a of th« writer. Articles for publication should reSh the editor by Wadnejjjj noon- jtoUnsurjMW«t««!P»ne* *% current issue. . ' . v â- "â- .:.' â-  ' â-  â-  â-  â-  -â-  i Resolutions erf comiolence;^cards cr thinks, obituary poetry, notices or SSertSlnSSts ?r o^eK^f^By^eve an admittance charge will ^ made or aTcollection taken, will be charged for ! at regular advertising^ rates. __ ptJS'tofl Entered at the postoflice at:WU»u«t| ^ class; under the act of March 8. 1*71.__ I FRIDAY, MiARCH. 24, 1922 | SWEET ADVERSITY II The southern farmer may be ISid to^^ hav^arrived~^niewhefe |in. the economic development of Ihis business when he has awak- fened to the value of a system oico- loperative marketing of his crops, i^otbing^nor^^loquentl^ tells^oi Ithe change which has come over Ithe industrial life of.the south Ithan the working out of the plan the small farmer may a market for his crop and Ifeminine finance ? The women with her bank book has been the subject of many a successful joke. From the fair possessed of a check-book who refused to credit the polite notice from her bank that her account was overdrawn because she had "a lot of checks left in her book," to the one who could see no harm in absent-mindedly writing her husband'sâ€"aame to her checks when the banks knew that her checks were blue and his pink, the feminine financier has afforded immense entertainment; ' ^ But the most "feminine of the women who fail to grasp the sys- tem behind the checking account is a creditable example of the ablp find ways in which to award the J futile effort upon wrric^Aey^ire ... . , .,, ..A al, w â-  «,a«o«?«rf tn exoend theiifestime soldiers' bonus without the ex- penditure of any of the public's money.^Ojtie wou^d think that for veryi shame theyâ€"woul4^acknowl» edge' their incompetence or their insincerity and cease from the managing to expend thei^me so fruitlessly. \ T^j Yankee ingenuity has developed ^Saehineior the writing €» poe^y, just when there seems to be n* particular use for such a "since'!7" most *':V$f ?i:i:athe~ dewfcP*' „._..,_.... . ..._,.,.,___ rhyming, metre, eyen sentiment. It 'is'a-mechanj^l^ge^i^^age.of the mediocre* riMSl*-^ ^MiMs^--- poetty-^^icl^^he ^ bears e^rery evidence of having beet*, &QW&.$ifc&^ financier .cAmp*â„¢** TO *he men who sit in Washington seeking to UFHsMimt Arch When you buy a pair of shoes, you tell the clerk, or he discovers, the length and width you ever have a *>- a -.1 «* ^t- h« rrnrt ana One of these makes, the leader find a market for his crop a^Hits-cias^^ lend it there under the bejrtnini=j^ ^_ ^ ^ ^ ^ |ial conditions for himself. i It requires some imagination to |ee4tt4he^aepredatiohs. that have t>een made in the cotton fields of the southern states by the boll weavil a blessing. Its disguise has been fairly perfect, even to those who have been most inti- mately concerned with it.l Per-; of your foot. Do j„» ~.„.____- chance to feel that the shoe is fitting exactly to the shape of your arch? ___ . ^^sually^otr^iaad yet th^Efch=& one of. the vital parts of your foot. Only a few makes of shoes are de- signed to fit particularly the arch o{ the foot. in The shank is flexible in this type of shoe, the arch is really arched just like the arch of your foot. Examine your foot and your shoe, and ^^j*. the shoe is shaped around the instep j |~ like-your...fjaot,,>i.K^.4r,st^,„<;.!,,^.. .„_:;^fe>. s more effective^there-than -lor those who see_ with a wider perspective arid heiice a ni°re Comprehensive viewiillil||:|lii| ^ The encroachment of the enemy ^s*.^f- the cotton over greater and Spinet greater territory of .the .south iil-l^as-worked the wonder that noth- lelse would liave^accom- ilished in the ^ame length of Bftpng turn«*iis attention to other crops ^ich~7were suitable to the-eh- matic and soil conditions that exr ist in his locality. *Mi_has devel- oped the varied farri industries of ^he south and made imperative msolidation e£ interests-that has taken the form of the co- -operative marketing society. "Sweet are the uses of adver* When you lacS a the flexible jshank- rises- anaVconforms to the'undercurve of your foot. When you walk, the muscles have freedom to exercise and strengthen. So you walk with increased enjoyment. Your feet, being free, do not tire so quickly." The circulation - being ~^tthrestTaine4r Irty," indeed, when the loss of the In crop, to which a whole seer tion of the tjhited States has been^evptedi productive if s^ nn.- iit "- ..,.!*,} yTu^f^Tlinfiealthful gloW^whicfi^ adds to;your/api>earance||||^^^||| If you have weak arches^ the nat- ural a*d^heakhfuVsuppor%«ffoi^e€t >0 v* v.w by the Cantilever Shoe, with its self- ole sec^- conforming arch*„jrftei^3tou^h^ beat " ' opportunity to strengthen the arch muscles, without resorting to artifi- cial â- â-  appliances. -§0MW0^^ ii Wmm IJIIllll SPRING: gf^^*1 r ifionsolaiibn, for thosl who eri^ joy-the making of gardens, Ues^n |he brightly printed cover of the p^-l5flbwer,eatalogtte.. -/.'.What j<^s ilL "^Anticipation of the beautiful ro^rs of plants heavily laden with â- gldom! What pleasure in seeing PP! In the mind's eye the stately stalks llfio^hoi^ gJ^h^4^se^Jlowe^fol^^ -â€"Sold: :bl' th!::^garden:wall!..; â-  ^->. p Spring may come with halting IJlread to those whd have-na^uch Uneans of anticipating ^ ^ie ^things-that Spring brings^ But to the student of the flower eata- l logue there is always the hint of the budding leaf and the unfold- ing flower, no matter how the ftlizzard, unjimejy tfoqgh ^ am?«a| loccj^rence,^i^;,,kow^^^ Ifinaet ih3w^clt t^^tchsmn^ :rsoTthe to^ trusting in the gen* ___ publkWWoulo! have to be K „ Ingenious^ tndeed^in Jts^prdopor-= IB! tions and omnipresence if it is to pS be effective to protect those who â- feieem ^lways_.itg,be;â- :waHmjg: for; a " l^ance t<J uunUibute their^ittle ^^-4|iitt^0^ae^vendo^ ^hat is being put forth to find the ^i^pJ'Porizis" in the eountr)% will be ^!-:so. :VittUcli ,.:gai%.: ProvioedJIqf :^*i^rse^,^m*p "done;:iprlth: i^phern- 46^d&courage others, who iiiee an easy, way to wealth in that :"Vi|a^i*aTeefir**^ Light arid flexible, comfortable and good looking^ the Gaiitilever Shoe Will please you as it has so many others. Sold on North Shore onlyvbyv^g^^ NORTH SHORE BOOTERY ==1^ 529 Davis St., cor. Chicago Ave. ; . EVANSTON ii^mr ;'..Phone"Ev. 6757 eoery_ primary is im, ieT5Tc3] JmpmtanLMcause, it means real rejwesentatum on the CoahV " Wi .................^p^i*"...... HESE problems are likely to come up for action by tke^ev^Goiinty Commissionerss«they-are-^t^ vital importance to every North Shore voter..;.^-^..-.,,v:.r^;^ Much needed repairs and improvements of our high- ways, extension ot the Forest Preserve and a Community wm ^,v„ vv_^,_________._ ofe liens, a township zoning law. ^This primary is our opportunity to expre^ our choice^ to get real representation in the County offices to which pe are heavy-contributors in taxes. We can depend on these men to give us reak Honest, eager representation. WffiHAMTCJSSE FREDERICK Wr^ENFIELD -S|-GE0RGE^. MILLER &;!M D. D, PIERSON WlLLIAmpcLEAN Mt m m â€"fe^f: W w MATfe FIRST p ^lyes,; it win;'soon be herl? JjBetter have us reserve iting- jL_move_ or r dates and ,.___.. „ __ __.„ _ are filk_ §ng up fast. Now is the jlime to have your fur- - liiture upliolstered and refinished. STORAGE ^FURNITURE CO. IllSS; â€"was established five years ago. Each year we have been adding to our list of satisfied custo- -^ -inersJirOtarworkiiiansl test grade materials are used. nntim i^ii^^lotSose^ wiip appreciate a good/lasting i|6bv rathe%gthan the flash of color and varnish Iwhicii^disiyS]^^ adequate, and is not to be^ompare^ ordinary small shop. Our dust-proof room, so ^nd j^f I^hted. sM'sMM. %«• «^^ suggestions are welcomed while your car is in our shop. an< "â- :,'::';.5i,.' 'ft:'^V';jWiM SBiiBSfi mm" iii fcSI4' loaesf 'a ^^-^i^^^a^ypgffr^^jfri \M& WMe.||^EHRSTEi)T,;;Pi| 562 Lincoln Avg.«Winn«»H«.

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