ws$^ ISl WW 18 Ifl^^QRTIMHORE CLUBS ?$)•?&â- D. A. R. Convention i Attracts Local WomiSf lliiPii'Cliicago':is rHostess number of â- jSf|@i'i^ prominent north shore women, members of the I^f ItteTs 6T ^he Revolution, attended the an- riual^9taifi^eon,yentlon, which on^rFuesaay morning at the LaSalle hotel. •;â- â- • A reception in the rooms of the historical society took place Tuesday afternoon, and in the evening, there fcras a delightful address by Dr. Albert 3. McCartney. I^dnesday morning's session- included reports of the state committees, and commemoration ser- vices in honor of deceased members, _w»j»^condueted in the afternoon. Wednesday evening^ there was a re- ception and banquet at the hotel and Lord, Miss Coralie Schaeffer. Miss Miriam Heermans, Miss Marjorie Ber- becker, Miss Florence Evans, Miss Grace Griswold, Miss Georgiana Joiner, swiss 'judltft TjlTy^ ft^M W'SS Ruth "VirJlte'ffiloldP^?^^'^^^ Miss Rose Cox entertained the chil- dren's dancing classes .with masque parties at the Woman's club. Miss Cox will salt ^Mofd^for 1|luWi^ «SSPreI^ in June, returning in September to re- sume her xlassesr^â€" 7; s..... J^'WoluMJBli^oday' reco|nizel4l^;!1i»ct that school and college life has tailed to prepare them for the important pro- fession of motherhood. To meet this need they" axe gathering In small groups wherever there is a chance to satisfy their hunger for more knowl- edge concerning their children. ^|fe; The Home Department of the Evans- ton Woman'&-Club, the Department of Northwestern University, and the Child Thursday's sessions were devoted to hew business and to the election of officers,' â- ............ ;-•â- â- â- 'â- ', -" :-v". 0Weils" college alumnae of Chicago itird the suburbs opened a three »Tr quota fund for Of the $1,000,000 endowment their alma mater, with a banquet Wednesday evening :at the Chicago Athletic club. Graduates andâ€"forme M^ _ dents in Evanston and the hortlr|M6re who attended the affair included Mrs. George B. DrydenVMrs. Horace Daw- son, Mrs. Walter Pietsch, Mrs. Fenton Kelsey, Mrs. Albert Koch, Mrs. Frank Dakin, Mrs. Wilson Perrihe, Mrs. Sidney Ball, Mrs. Jamesfg Calhoun, Mrs. Carl Greene, Mrstâ€"George Groves, Mrs. fW. F. (Hopkins, Mrs. Landon Hoyitjr„£Mrs. A. S. Little^ field, Mrs. B. S. Main, Mrs. William P. Mann Mra ftpnryp MnPnrml^lr,- Mrs. William Pooley, Mrs. T. G. Rock- well, Mrs. W. R. Uhlemann, Mrs. Aubrey Whittemore^ Miss Eleanor Study club of the Evanston Elemen- tary school has been presenting a series or lectures by Miss Edna Dean Bof theexaet stateefi SyoUT finances^at^ft? rimes, if you use our service; Our simple system is an efficient one. GEO.E^WESTh^N 'I^Cert0^r^Puliie^eamniant^$l H^RISTRlJ^ffl)IlJ^l^^ Randolph 2097 WJImette 2270 Baker* the last of which took place on Wednesday of this week at the Evanston Woman's club auditorium. ^FREE-FOR-ALL .NOT A FIOH'tv'; What is characterised as ay*tree-for- air discussion is scheduled to be held at the Epworth League meeting at the First Methodist Episcopal church Sun- day evening, March - 26§:WM^MMM tROri SECRIST Alii AGRICULTURAL BOARD Prof. Horace Secrist of Northwest- ern university has returned from! Washington, D. C, where he met with I the Joint Advisory board of the Com* mittee on Agricultural Inquiry. This is a congressional committee investi- gating the causes and effects of agri- cultural depression. Prof. Secrist con-1 ferred with the board on the topic of transportation and distribution on which the board is preparing a report SANDSTONEIICAMP W££$$ Green Lake, Wis. The place where your daughter right kind of â- ummervacaUomHvelwuni^ofn Chicago. Three diviiions, ages 8 to 24. All water and land aportft, riding, dancing, arte, dramatic*, music, tutoring. Thirty couiwdow. Eleventh seawn. The camp where only the beat Mtisfies. T^or booklet .addreial||IMP^ §lg|/ ,Effli|^-a;;OOCHiUNE']lllr Tel. Graceland 8978 3722 Pine Grove Ave. m â- â- â- :," :â- .:;::..,:' â- .;.:;'â- ";. . "Insult not nature* with- absurd aafr«M»s.-re:;x^4^ \':':'i:^;i/ :.-,.:, 'â- ;â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- Nor spoil her simple charms-â- with vainâ- pratense^^B^^-^--:^;^^^ •' ':.,-"â- .;" ; ; "WeHghwelT fNÂ¥ subject; be with caution bold^^sj§-^$^i^0^^^ -.:â- ;': Profuse of genius, not profuse of gold." tW^^rA^J^Mh^SA Here is the best advice that we can give the residents of Evanston who contemplate any sort of landscape work this spring: - -M^M§0t$fi, Since the planting season is not far off, consider what changes, j^gg r^iTt-ox-designing, of Jiew de velopment,.Tyouwish to carryLOUt^hisj|||g coming season.;' ;""". "" • v :'.; ; ';• ' •*â- il® ^? Do this nOw71^aus^anTearly deosionlneans ample time for||||f a conscientious study of your problem, and an excellent choice|||||l 'from the nurseries, which-is-impossible if you delay too long.|g||| -: By consulting us now you are assured of your planting being llflfl in the ground at the proper time, the result of which is a|S||§ A vigorous growth, and a profusion of colorful blossoms the ||||| £.%.first .season..,.,. y.^^^^-^-:.i^^S^S 1609 Sherman Ave* Telephone EvvJJjJjj wmm Efp â- â- m± â- c?^^% Sold in Wilmette W'-'M SNIDER fifCAZEL SCHUMACHER CANDY CO.. HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS La,K^^v..^v,,:.,..;a...,,,,^ m Coh rumor mmm umn The Store For Children Kghted^iwith thelllittiip DresseTwe lia^beei selling at HAI^F PRIC1|- for Spring House^itoJiig -*^t â- W§£' fifflT. Tmw ,vanston "::A. H. UIXRICH, Pres. â- j$im ..'?0fi0i$....... Director, w i National Bank" St Director, Albany Ice Company Member, G)ok County Wl and Chicago Real J l|^E8tate^BoittiA» 22 years in the Real Estate^ ^^BusiiiesrF~~ lAssessors^ SRewiblican Candidate s^rNOKUNATION 111! Ill â- mmi •Milt â- &m •^igCTrff StflfS >x~^Mum SHmi!S^0i r^Ti^pfrl^flmM fatiid spirit of Hbeait^ liave beerf taught and fixed in the high ^'iipewFrench.rt w» i^iere^is^ wia^ shades that will enable you to carry out anjjf desired eolor^eheme in yotH^O€NBis^I1ie^pi chatlfjbf any of theselrugs^^ mettikior they are-madetoiast^ JJ AMd, this being the seasoil ibr brightening ^pthe ^ pricls Which will prov illgliSIISI®* j\^mmf *% tv mmm?mmif^m:A asm* jjOLRtagi^ •This:ivSffi'.'vTO: ^4^ble-Ml of ciii^ mng Kompers an era, wMch^^ offered at just JJALF the â- to the wisefe'.fiSfficient.!^ m nght idea! linear;.....IOraEKNo<^:^;T^^ .morning I woke up and saw ^iiteide. Wi haven't had much snow this winter, but I wasn't glad to see it now, be|| ^jfesiii this week* Most of my win- ter clothes are getting kind of wornli You :â- fknow^ little girls wear ,Q|it their clothes pretry fast. So I am anxious to get some nice things for Spring, and hope yoii wiU have them ready, whether it "inows^or'not! ^iiliiililiiS^I ' .,...â- -^"V* WMStSS^S':£ III ..K^t;nW;ffi«l1^ to come in and select one of our smart Spring Coats rCloth of superior quality, weffl^ f-rug expert* Mr.MatiVa^(M Withe cleaning and $&akin^ el's Hair, and other ma- and color for this season. These coa^^r^i^^li^ gains, ranging from $6.00 up, and are of the mosti exchisive styles for young le. 18 At '•& .same;.tai#,;.you': can select a pretty Spring faneywtios^;-. .or ^SpckS|: iSfoesi^nd ever so many new thmga4» welcome Spring in fitting manner. 3fcu^an-ffei-4^^ Store Jk>r Children, ^ss 3&WW- r^£iili^t'" wherejguwSHt ceiver'-'^^"^^ re- :eous dervi£% Reasonable Price$ mt* ^W^"