Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1922, p. 14

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ll§"'/-:'.'":'iltiM T.AKE 5?: BOOB THE T.AKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. MARCH 34, J988 â- ",-. â-  . '$$&â- â- ' WILMETTE CHURCH a xTxrnirMr.F.MRNTS PARISH-NEWS CHURCH | Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, pastor, will speak next Sunday on "Morality," as one of the plantsT in thenPIatform or the Christian Religion. Morning Ser- vice begins at eleven o'clock.-For Iflfteen minutes preceding the opening ot the service, Mrs, Von Bitter, pr- ganist, gives an Organ Recital as a IflBggifll Lftnte" feature. Memherti-Of the Church School have been particu- larly interested in this new feature, land have attended in groups. v?i §§!&. .-â-  Sunday afternoon at 3:45, the Cove- U||nant Class meets in the Church Parlor. iC iThe Young People's Discussion Group 'MM meets at 4:30, and will take as their S ^subject this week, "What I Would |JiJLike to Know About the Church"-â€" ||ft|haking a pilgrimage into the church lllltor study of this subject. All young ^Ipeople in the church and church |||Ischool are cordially invited to these pv^meetings7;,;"^^ . '. -;.'"?' ', ^ T The North End Circle, Mrs. W. H. "^March 27, at the church.â€"Box lunch- eon at 12:30. Mrs. J. W. Cullen and \: Mrs. Stalham Williams will be the fit hostesses. .The work for^the day-wilt Diocese of Milwaukee at the Cathe- dral,in Milwaukee, and on Tuesday evening! the Episcopal students, of the University at Madison, Wisconsin. Wednesday evening he will preach at St. Paul's by the Lake, Chicago. On Wednesday the Rector conducted the funeral of the late Mr. F. C. Van Ness, one of the early parishioners of St. Augustine's, in Wilmette. Mr. Van Ness died in Arizona Sunday last. ATramber of ladies of St. Augustine's Parish attended the Quiet Day for the women of the Diocese under the aus- pices of the Daughters of the King at the Church of Our Saviour all day Tuesday; â€"^ _ .->-v*â€" be for Arden Shore. W; "The Wolf Cubs," a new and very interesting group recently organized by Mr. Gilmore, Director of Religious Education, for boys ten and eleven years of age, meets at 3:30 Monday afternoons, j Headquarters are at the Cnurcn...,y^i-i':-:.V^ . â- â- .. -:..•' -^ -,â-  r-^:--^ f Each Tuesday morningiluring Lent, ^Mrr Lloyd Is conducting a Book Ke view blithe New Testament, to a large and interested group. He has been discussing for the past two weeks, Paul's Letters, taking last Tuesday, his Letters to the Corinthi- ans. Next week he will discuss the Synoptic Gospels. • Class lasts from- 10:30. to' ll^^^i^g^SSliS^.;'; ifMid=Weeic Service-£%ili^%e-*hield- Wednesday efening at 7:45 in the church parlorliiMr. Lloyd will lead, and Mr. E. S. Band will i>pen the discussion on ^PThy I Believe In the Church." . ,,,M,.. :l,C-.v - .^'-^-.v- Thursday^ March 30 at 4:00 o'clock. Marjory Pardee and June Germer Win Ueiiff charge of the plansfer the â-  ceremoni8X':^;;:-v;L;;'^ i? The Washington Avenue^ Circle, mi^S^^llrWa^7"w1Trmia. an all-day meeting at the church, Fri- day, March 31. Box luncheon at 12:30. The work for the 4ay will be for infant Welfare. • f The Roosevelt Troop of Boy Scouts* Wilmette Troop No. 2r will meet, Fri- day -at the church. ^Company^^'A" will meet at 4:00, and Company "B" at 7:30. Harold Gilmore, Scoutmaster, J; W. Dobbin, Arthur and Ewart Cook and Lloyd Tresize, Assistant Scout- masters. GUSTINE'S PARISI On Monday evening last a second meeting was held in the Parish House to perfect the organization of a Chap- ter at St. Augustine's of the Daugh- ters' of the. King.- m^Mk'g-^- Mr. Herbert E., Minor took charge of the Boys' Bible Class last Sunday in the absence from Wilmette of the regular leader. Mr. W. W. White. There was the usual large attend- ance of boys and girls at the three showings" yesterday^at thr Children's Moviesâ€"atâ€"St:â€"Augustine'sâ€"Parish; House. The concluding reels of the long story oL"The„Chosen_Pr!nce!!_de=: pieting the life of David, the shepherd boy, prince and kingr^w^e^hown. followed bT^Tfie^a|Tbf ^imuel" and "The Good Samaritan." At the Children's Movie next Thurs- day in St. Augustine's Parish House, free to all boys and girls in Wilmette, yin h» «bown "Joseph and His Breth- ren." This story of Joseph, the Dream- err^bo~hatt suchr^anromantlc^career; w411-4>e--sh^w4i-4n-H5ted^^ 4:15 and '7:30;W;/. '.';g^?^: The three showingr%ill be provided by Mr. and Mrs.E. W. PJidmore.^3M Oak Circle, and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Read, 901 Central Avenue, Wilmette. Parentsrraatichildren 4and ^adults in general are invited especially to the 7:30 p. m. showing each Thursday. Most of the children come to the two afternoon showings and there is always room at 7:30 p. m. tot^0^^g^£? 'come.' -â- ':â-  >â- â- ';â- â- â- â-  â-  'â- MSMSkkiiMMii^: BAPTIST CHURCH The third ^sermon in the series of pre-Easter themes will be given by the pastor at the morning service Sunday, March 26 on the theme, "Believe On The Lord Jesus Christ." The service commences at 11 o'clock. Las^ Sunday's Young People's ser- vice, addressed by "Dad" Elliottn>rov- ed to be one of the most helpful in the records of the Young People's Union. In spite of the bad weather the room was crowded. Another such y Wilmette Baptist church, Forest ^nd Wilmette avenues, Wilmette 2235. Rev. Francis Carr Stifler, pastor, Wil- mette 1675. /Sunday morning wor- ship 11 o'clock. Bible school 9.45 o'clock. Young People's meetings, Junior and Intermediate at 4 o'clock. Seniors at 5:30 o'clock. Wednesday evening Prayer meeting at 8 o'clock. The Wednesday Night dinners at the church continue to grow in popu- larity. The guests will be served at 6 o'clook. Committee, Board and other group meetings will be held at 7 o'clock and the Weekly Prayer meet- ing at 8 o'clock. Dinner reservations should be made by Tuesday noon with Miss Annie Beach, Wilmette 1619. meeting is expected oil Sunday even- ing, which will be addressed by Dr. Hubert Carlton; rector of St^ Afujfc tine's church. - ^^m^m^m^Mk^ t!^r'ltn^ermeiliatto vind Junior B. Y" P. u. meeting will be held at 4 o'clock! on Sunday afternoon at the church. ^ UMore Church News on Page 15) || "isiujSBiii PURCHASES STEIN HO^E "f George T. French of Chicago, gen- eral agent of the Aetna Lifo Insur- ance Company, has purchased the George T. Stein home at 233 Essex road, Winnetka, and will take posses- sion about May 1. Hill and Wheeler were the brokers in the transaction. WhikL^cixmr^ ueeessien-as troolden under the! foot qi democ- is one no is more Sunday services. , #Sundayr«cho61 -at 9:45. ifiPreaching services 11 o'clock. M Junior Choir rehearsal 3:30. *w If Vesper Service 5 o'clock. ^EpVortii Tfft*gWft atid^ Intermediate 1 Next Sunday morttlhg, March 26, the fjftrYJ^B w»l ppngja* of Holy Com- munion at 8 a. m., Church school at mm 9:45 and Morning PrjByejr wj^th Sermon |^_at-4l- â- â- â- o'clockfeys^^l^ S*"* Tomatr&w^ Saturday, March :*;:25, !$£ being the Festival of the Annuncia- ^ tiojci of the Blessed Virgin Mary, there IP will be Holy Communion at St. Au- J||. gustine's at'8 A.- M.?^/:.,-:-7?'â- â- -._ â- i;/^-;^ lllij: The 'preac*ter: :at '.the Wednesday 111 evening Service at St. Augustine's H# Church next Wednesday, March 29, ill S+» Paul's by the Lake, Chicago, League.meetings at 6:15. "" The Epworth League will have a free-for-all discussion, at their meet- ing Sunday night, on some important popular subject, with severaLleaders In the discussion^^prlme^i,4ofeJthe,oc£ ^casion.-x3^^y-n;:1:;vjS/r, :-;/w:{;^ms^SM^^ W Sunday^ icBbol board meeting in tne church Monday night March 27. Note the change. This meeting will be iMBld; ojbMo|iday night heieafie^ ^Wednesday night-Marchi'-W, dinner at 6:30 followed by Workers' Confer- Conference, all during one evening. SuptV Clark will be present and all memboret of the Quarterly^ 43onforence - W^^SeW^wlii'be "a celebration 'of "the ^ Holy Communion this morning, Fri- c^ 4ay; March 24th, ^rt; 10 A. M. aft«& « which, there will be an all-day session ^^^WS^PIEiai^Sweffies^^ p|, (^at^ Guilda withJtancheon at 12:30. |^i|;,W^nesday,..„J!ffarch.-...29,......the women pi Sf the Aasdciated Guilds will hold a Rummage Sale In the Parish House ||§rat~-gt.; A^gustine'sr-jParishionenr are ^^JttSked1toi look thrcmgh their a£ticl fdr materials suitable, which should be are expected. The following persons were received into membership in ouT^^hjH^^n Sunday TlSJafchX: * Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Holden and children, William, Gertrude and Don- ald, 939 Ash street, Winnetka, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis F. Kunstman, 2715 Woodbine avenue, Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. E. Irving Belote, 915 Ash street, Winnetka. â- "'â-  %M^^i^^^^^^" .The attendance at the five o'clock service Sunday afternoon is Increas- ing. Good preaching by_the pastor, a soloist whom everyone loves to hear, Mr. Lewis F. Kunstman, and a Junior Choir that has fulfilled a lot of prom- ises, ought to be sufficient to attract an " audience - even though a charge were^ made ^ftt the^ dboiCn^hiF^ae^t time you get tired of yourself Sunday afternoon try the MethodJst ,ajt 5 .o/clockfisspss....................... racy, entrenched an4whos% Here is bis invitation to all men 4< will be mm tor if a phone message- m!^l<WlPmS,8 ClUb* ^6nth ^ a^d he sent to Mrs. F. Z. Favor, 1021 CenAj trreenleat am tral avenue, phone Wilmette 1231, or' l&e Parish House, Wilmette 17g. »; ?i ;p The Rector of S.t Augustine's will address the members of the Young .... . .......w_^^_^-^____^-_ People's Union of the Baptist church. ^^^§^S^M^^S^S^IS« Wilmette, hexl : ^Pfradna^S^rvite^ 1^1:30^011 '&*£&â- Â£)£&* iingw.-uarietoii^wllf address the members of Chapters of fSunday School at 9:45 A. M. lehurch services at 11 A. M. Mm-week" lenteh s'ervlees^ We^nes- Mueller, 619 atogory^«ve|i§| ^Aflenaithe^jr^wlng ffrinday^^ehopl P'JU-F; "^Mueller/' superintendent. Attend thezadultiJlhiii^aaa Come urito^me allj^e that labor and are heav5ftiaden||and I will||give you is an invitation to er pppors jj£Sjji^riiiSi' wii ii m i n i i i"""i>i m i gj"n~.....11JJ â- iH ilmli" !*â-  â-  || " f'Hiill'i "m "' iij" "1 n ' 11 ' m â- ! "m i"T~ 1'1 I."" '" ' ....... ~i 111 " in tm rTii'i'""n 1 1" m â- ^i#«*miiliil ii<ii 1 m----- ' ' '*-----..... fltumtifes^^ n^yto jhe ^n joyp ?Forfi|f|^ SKinfi^^ sei^icesikt theBWilmettfe Ghurehesl >rmng#^^^B^^^B^^^^^B Reo. Gilbert Stanscll :fftmS^SS3f^ C .Slifur^g^^^:^^i, M Congregational Church .Stephen A. Lloyd -%sm llSHII«.fcJi St. Augustine's Episcopal Church St. Johns Lutheran -•X-"; Rev. Hubert Carletonrjj^ Lutheran 7777777^/.vv'-":.;T^~a ^r:'~ i.-ti-*^-* â- .>.â- â€¢ â-  â- "â- â- - 'â- " ' ^â- V^l?-'(--Vif'^'.*-»*»**"-" . .'â-  Sv^^fK:*\7?i~ • V,.:^^?^^â- Jlâ- ,"'>'-JL:•.-^iâ- C•,^.v^^';'•:^ ^6 *^^:^Wiji/;f'^- ^T^^T^^^^T^Sr^S^^^^^^^^S^S^^^^^^^^ "*"" 0i. -m- m ^0}±yX?*±'--~*

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