Ratesâ€"10c per line for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednes- day at 12 p. m. Rates for the same advertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. « Black Face type Charged Double Price. REAL ESTATE A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. UNEXCELLED SEJRVICE TO BUYERS AND SELLERS OP REAL ESTATE UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM .stucco bungalow, like new, choice neighborhood, garage, bargain; only $8,500. Easy terms. 5 room bungalow, 2 porches, large living room, good neighborhood, modern throughout; price, $8,750. 7 room stucco house, 3 porches, water heat, lot 50x176, east location, splendid value; price $12,000. Modern 7 room stucco house, Nokol heat, garage, lot 100x156, choice neighbor- hood; convenient to trans. $14,000. 7 room white colonial in high class "neigh- borhood of Glencoe. Wonderful large living room, breakfast and sleeping porches, large wooded lot with 2 car garage. Price of $20,000 is a bargain and includes living" room carpet, stair runner and kitchen linoleum. 1157 Wilmette Ave. ; vr Phones 640-1417-2066 l_â€"â€"-----W41me4te,â€"Illinois^ Ltg20-ltc COMFORTABLE 9 ROOM FRAME ON A beautiful deep wooded lot in attractive east location. Only $9,000. Reasonable , terms. Attractive 9 room stucco, on finely wooded lot in north east section. All rooms canvassed; tile bath; slpg and breakfast porches. Only $16,500. Substantial $ room-stucco between~steanr and "L'\ Large light airy rooms; 2 :; baths and shower; sun and slpg. prchs.; large garage, splendid lot; hot" wtr. ht. A bargain at $18,000. Make offer New 6 room stucco, in ideal east location; h. wtr. ht.; tile bath; extra toilet and "lav.; sun and sip. prchs; garage; Won- derful value at $18,500. New 8 room stucco nearly finished; 2 baths; h. wtr. ht.; immense liv. rm.; fireplace; mahogany finish; best value ever at $21,500. Riparian right lot at 'ib'i per foot in cnoicest northeast JARKER CO. End of "L" 407 Linden. Ph. Wil. 407 ------ •â- â- â- â- .--â- -- Ltg20-ltc FOR SALEâ€"WILMETTE, MODERN 7 room stucco, water heat, 4 bed rooms, 1 bath, sun, slpg and brkfst porches, â€".garage, good lot, $12,000. 7 room frame, 3 blocks to "L", 100 feet _ of ground ;-$13,500.â€"Ground alone-wortfr $9,000. Can also be bought with 50 feet. 9 room brick and stucco, vapor heat, 6 bed rooms, 2 baths, billiard rm., sun, New ____ .. inne^M^HHrafer! ~E; water heatr^-inev prehs, large^ attic, garage. $13,500. White colonial, S. E., sun and slpg __1 _ d.Cheatedgarage. 60 foot lot, 3 bed roimis, grtile^ baths. TJPrice, $20,500. HILL & WHEELER 743-Emv-St---------------:-------A0J^JjPdej^Ave^: -Tel. Wll. 9ft FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED ^JODEKN-^ ^FOR SALEâ€"HAND CARVED. room apartment and months Or longer. Tel. garage for 6 Vinnetka 1657. _____________________________ . Ltg20-ltc FOR RENTâ€"6 ROOM APARTMENT, 16th-and^ Central Ave, Tel, WftV 1468, •.'â- .â- . L20-ltc FOR RENT-^COTTAQE FOR RENTâ€"COTTAGE AT PELICAN lake, furnished complete for 8; ref. required. Tel. Winn. 533-T. L20-ltc FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED MODERN 6 room house; can be seen evenings and Sundays. 916 Cherry Street, Winnetka. ' â- â- â- â- • V--V. â- : -:â- â- 'â- -:':- .â- .-â- :: . 'Ltg20-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOMS* AMERICAN GENTLEMAN WITH REF- erences, employed in loop, desires room In private home having very large grounds. Near R. R., elevated. Samuel Cushman, Rm* 525, 827 So. LaSalle* ~ Chicago. â- Ltg20-2tp BUSINESS WOMAN WANTS ONE large or two smaller connecting rooms; has furniture for same. Prefer board also. Address Lake Shore News A-62. â€"------â€"----â€"â€"r------â€"Tâ€""â- . Ltgl9-2tC WANTED â€" DRY BASEMENT ROOM unfurnished; Protestant family, center of town. Phonfl R. I., Wllmette 1920. .............;._......â- _.....-___ JilT-tfC HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"YOUNG GIRL AS MOTH- er's helper. Will consider party who can give time after school and Satur* days and Sundays. Tel. Wil. 566. Ltg20-ltc WANTED â€" GIRL FOR GENERAL housework (white): no washing., room "with bath. Reference; Tel. Wil. 14, 804 Forest Ave. .......L20-lte WANTEDâ€"YOUNG WOMAN (WHITE) for general housework. No washing. Small houses good homo $15.. 517 Cum- nor Rd., Kenilworth. * Lt20-ltc WANTED-^NURSERY GOVERNESS OR nurse (protestant) good sewer. Hamill, tel. Winn. 447. Ltg20-ltc MVANTEDâ€"GOOD--DRESSMAKER AT residence or at home. Address Lake Shore News A-72. L20-ltc WANTEDâ€"RELIABLE WOMAN, CARE of children, mother's helper Where cook is kept. "Tel. Wil; 2334. Ltg20-ltc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE LANDSCAPE SERVICE Attractive valu^ m evergreens Plans and estimates fcjrnished "Mail post card nt For appointments Route 1, Box 141, Morton Grove, 111. MARSHALL POTTINGER 16 years' nursery landscape experience ...... .'...... ,.^._1,,_._ ..:L_':._:j".-. . - . Ltg20-ltp_ WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US' submit estimates _ on„your landscape work; trees,' shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in:_... can . famish •â- house-man TelrWin. 142. Ltg20-lt© 7 ROOM STUCCO CANVASS WALLS and ceilings. Fine wooded, lot. De- sirable northeast location. Price $16,500. 9 room stucco. Beautiful 60x190 lot. Fine location. Price $18,O00^„^ ^ . ^_ 6 room brick. Finest east location, over- looking lake. Price $20,000. â€"WILMETTE REALTY COâ€" A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513 Fourth St. Phone Wilmette 1304 ----- -: Ltg20-ltc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"5 ROOM BUNGALOW ;_JL w. heat, 1 bath, large attic, reasonable terms. Inquire 706 Foxdale Ave, Winn. * Tel. Win. 631-J. , Lt20-ltc FOR SALE-^VAr.ANT- WANTEDâ€"NURSING OR SEWING BY Mrs. Lucy Robinson, 930% Elm St. Win. Phone 674-W. ____________ Ltgl7-ltfc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"BY A FIRST classâ€"colored laundress^ =RefereHees. Tel. Glen. 279. Lt20-ltc I pi RIPARIAN RIGHTS idan Road property with private beach facilities in a near suburb, into 70x150 "ft. lots at $7,500. Young protestant Couples Ijof^sta^ Lake Shore^News A-68, Ltg20-ltc FOR SALEâ€"4- LOTS, 75x300 ON WIL- mette Ave., Gross Point, 16 minutes' Qhvalk to Wilmette depot. $13.50 per front -?%t.. Address Lake Shore News^A-69. - Ltg20-3tp WANTED TO RENTâ€" HOUSE WANTED TO RENT ~- FURNISHED * house for few months. April 15 or May |j|st. 3 adults. References given. Tel ^WANTED TO RENTâ€"BY MAY ISTr 4 or 5 room house, on North Shore. n Two kdults. Tel. Glen. 805. Ltg20-ltc FOR BENT«-HOUSE j Ltgl9-2tc rFOR RENT-MAY 1ST TO SE?T- °* g|0ct 1st, pleasant 8 room fur.Jhouse. 4 £*$& 5 bedrooms; newly decorated^ large SSSirard and garden. Adults prf. ^m, Wllmette, 731 10th Lt20-ltp FOR RENTâ€"7 ROOM HOUSE, Z74 SO. ^Greenwood Ave., Glencoe. 1 block north pf Scott. TeL Glen. 945 after 7 p. m. FOR RENTâ€"NEW 2-STORY HOUSE, J ^wo «*,* wtert jmn JDarto^ m'.west â- M5J>mhflrtl. TeL WIL 830-W. LZO-ltc FOR BKN^-i" ROOM HOUSE, DOUBLE f^^t^Asa 1035 Willow St^WJn^ â- 5m-FGR BENT-ATTRACTIVE ROOM^DJ St'^ode^i home, Centrallooat^^Eia^ .ill 4ially suitable for business people.â„¢. H miL 844-J. „„. ^fe-t^TPgi'o p'rafT'iP'â€""ROOMS AT 512 CENTRAL IJflSenue, near aJl transportation^ flT^ 630 §i] FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOM,680 n«.nio!if Av«s*TeL Wil. 553. VCJ^auy Greenleaf Ave#uTeL Wil ^MO-ite2 located^_______j^iâ€"_-------------^^. .^^.-x i± RENT^^tlRNr ROOMS; HOT«*^ »* fcold" water. 629 West Railroad avenue, Wilmette. Phone WiL 1080. Lt7afe â„¢^tralAW Wllmrtte^r^tel^lSa-J. Wgfvf Phone Win. 1549. retr mneTEa. Ltg-tfc ELECTRIC IRON, VACUUM CLEAN- ers repaired; vases wired; all electrical appliances.....sold., „ PhPne.....B. L. Adams, Wil. 2345. L18-tfc EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS GAR- dener's job or housework- or working around house. Tel. Wil. 1729. Lt20-ltp M<^T»T^TM^M^WOTTLTV^3IKE--P^SM!ION. Capable of taking care of car (colored) Tel. Douglas 7453^----- â€" - Jbt2QJ.2tp PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired," expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-J. Ltgl5-tfc SITUATION WANTED^-FEMALE FIRST CLASS DRESS MAKING, RE- modeling; also children's clothes. Work - by dayr Address-Lake Shore News A-61^ ___^_Tg20-ltp WANTED â€" WASHING TO DO AT home; reliable work. Tel. Wil. 2398. L20-ltP FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES FOR SALEâ€"OAKLAND 5 PASSENGER dition, four good tires and spare: body fenders and top excellent. An econom icai little car at a bargain, 1914 CadiHaf. a pasaenger COUPe in very good condition. This car has been in constant care by private party. Re- cently painted. Tire equipment excel- â€"lenfcâ€"A bargain at $450. â- x Stuart one-ton truck, 1 year old, just overhauled and painted. It is in the very best condition and has been care- fully used by former owner. Its equp- ment consists of electric starter, and lights, cab, a platform body with re- movable sides. Will gladly give any â€"k-ind--of-aâ€"test-demonstration. ^WINNETKA MOTOR GO, 562 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winn. 165 ________________._:___ Ltg20-ltc MODEL 90 OVERLAND TOURING, ONE of the best- models ever built by the Overland Co. A very weU liked car by its owner. This particttlajt-car is in the very best of conditionrr^Just out of the paint shop. Has an excellent set of tires. In A-l mechanical ^jjondijtion, ="^extras; Price $450. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave, Tel^o-l?c WOO T^OTNGrT^ AVE YOU LIBERTY BONDS, OLD CHINES OR^ ANYTHING USEFUL TO TRADE ON \srpla: CHINES, VACUUM CLEAN- ^DgS^ZMMGLES OR3VASH- ING MACHINES. QUR GUAR- ANTEE JS: GOOB.^Patterson Brothers. B28 Davis IS walnut sofa, high back; also large ma- hogany finish sofa. TeL Wil. 1304.. J ., â- ,;- .-.......â€".......,â- :â- ;â- â- :-â- ;-: â- â- ;.-, .,„ ,^L2Q3lt<y FOR SALEâ€"FURNITURE, RUGS, CART, -"piano, Hxtures, plbg, lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and exchanged. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212. Ltgl-tfc FOR SALEâ€"BABY GRAND, PERFECT condition, beautiful tone, mahogany. Tel. TWnn 1686. Lt20-ltc LEâ€"DARK OAK BOOKCASE FOR" and china closet. Tel. Glen. 805. Ltg20-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"GARLAND HOT AIR FUR- nace in very good condition. Reason- able. Mrs. Jung. Tel. Wil. 450. . -r---^-...... • • Lt20-ltp FOR SALE â€" DUNTLEY VACUUM cleaner with attachments!! ;also_valxfe. trombone and coronet, (reasonable.) Tel. Win. 446. Ltg20-ltc FOR SALEâ€"PIANOLA PIANO, 7 PASS. Chandler, hand-carved mahogany set- tee, large hall tree, porch swing. TeL Wilmette 1992. L20-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY â€" SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store 1004*6 Emerson St. Evanston, 111. Phone 189. Ltgl7-tfc FIRST MORTGAGE 7$ ... »'ll;;ii'GOLD BONDS w<-^ ON ROGERS PARK TWO-FLAT apartments. These are investments of the highest^clasa^-_Incumbrance Js^ only- *60% - of the total value of the security. Matures in two to seven years. -•â- •-â€";--r7^ Denominations are $1,000, $500, $100. mit J«M. SCHAEFER;m$j, â- ^T-::?â„¢" ':"â- ' Investments : i.-*.^^*^; , 4 # Telephone Wilmette 434':S' p--':.^:>sl : P. J. GOLDBACH, â- 7?<^ttz* i: ::-:<-i---:^< Special Representative -. â- /â- â- -,;.S>{-K- Telephone Wilmette 1038 34 LOST AND FOUND tiO^T^-CAT, ALL BLACK: EXCEPT^ few white hairs on chest. Name Bert Williams. Return to 1610 Washington Ave. after 7 p. m. Liberal reward; : Tel. Wil. 579. â- :.â- ':â- ;â- â- '" ^p.. : -.-LaO-ltC LOSTâ€"PAIR OF GLASSES IN CASE .Tuesday afternoon between Wilmette State Bank and Northwestern Station, Finder please return to Miss Shinier"; LOSTâ€"BRINDLE BULL DOG, NAME >Buddy. Kindly phone Wil. 252 or D; M. Gallic Evans. 6966. Reward. â- â- ',L20-ltG •PRESBHERIAN CHURCH Dr. Magill's topic for the Sunday morning sermon will be "Have You sition?" This afternoon at the home of Mrsi J. G. Tawse, 121 Dupee Place, there will be a "Parent-Teachers" meeting In the interests of the Primary De- partin^nlrtrf^nte Suriaay'School. =3r=ffuTOB^norTrarToiiiig peopiy -wtn ^attena~tne Christian Endeavor Con- vention to be held in the Buena Presbyterian Church tomorrow after- noon and evening. There will be committee conferences^ in the after- nooa and an Inspirational Rally at 7^45 P. M. Supper will be served at ^o'clock. which time there will be an election irf-iifficersJt^XJimjieon ataiQott. Lake Forest, Tuesday evening, March 28. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M.; Church Service, 11:30 A. M, Junior C. E., 3:30 P. M.; Senior C. E., 5:30 P. M. Mid-week Serviceâ€"Wednesday 8:00 P. M. ::.....:~"-.....: The church is located at the corner of Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue. ^^OHNrtDTiffiRAir Linden and Prairie avenues, Wil mette. Herman W. Meyer, M. A., pastor. 406 Prairieavehue. Phone 1396, 9:15_A. M. Sunday school arid BiWe; class^at Library Hajl. . â- 11:00 A. M. Seryl@^nd_sermon at 'the. church. '--/L;"'"--. 4iflft P^M; every Monday and Trh nslruction of children at the church. .....-..........iâ€"......;-------:^--:::â€"-...... 7:46 P. M. every Wednesday even- ing> Lenten services at the church. Beginning Monday, April 3, Lenten services are to held every noon from 12:10 to 12:35 at Woods' Theatre, cor. WT]sjq| Randolph and Dearborn streets. Chi- cago. "^tortaddresses on the doctrines of the Bibfe"#ilFbTrgiviSffTiy promli Lutheran pastors from out of town. The public is asked to attend these services The regular meeting of the Sunday mW school teacher s and officers takes place on Monday evening, March £7, at the it* E^eryâ„¢ mem Dfir _________ is rMuested to be.,jr6a§p| liife UtL M, %SMJ&^U$3$i What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? is-a-Question which many have repeated after Pilate. Can there be such a thing as Netttral^ ity on the matter? Can anyone evade the question? Can anybody evade ari answer? Many like Pilate have tried itâ€"and failed. Have any succeeded? These questions %ill be dealt with in the pastor*! sermon next Sunday morn- ing at 11: Trying to Evade a Dfr cision for, or Against Christ. Matt 27, 22|;|You are .Invited. MiMMmM&MM: P The fourth of the midweek Lenteii services will be held on Wednesday evening March 29 ip which the pas- tor will preach on the subject: The End and Aim of the World's Re- demption. ITextt 2 Con 5, 15. He died for all; that which live should but unto Him which died for them and rose, again. mm '" County Board Presidftiill Second Floor of Briggs House; :Bj«|S;s-':: dolph and Wells, Aged cfcn>e*» Kitchen ..;;Table.ttSjiittoojna;;::OlpnewTB^^ papers to save the antique carpet. At; nnf h«nfi*fnrth live nntiLJtheinselves^ ^aMe, man in ^harge ^earin^ Mm velour hat cocked at a sharp angle Men sitting around on kitchenr^airsl 0therâ€"men going in and out ?con| M On Sunday morning, April 2, the children who have been preparing for confirmation during the past years will be publicly examined in the main doctrines of the Bible. This exami- nation takes place in the regular fore- noon service at 11 o'clock. Parents and friends of catectiumens are urged to come early so as to assure them* eelves of a seat. The, conflrmation of catechumens will follow- -^^ Bund^y^, March^J^n,^ * Immediately following Easter,"!-itte# pupils will be taken into the class lot the Christian education of children which meets at St. John's every Mon| day and Friday afternoon. Instruct tion in the Bible and the Catechism i# ofered freely tCall. TKese hours &fW conducted by the pastor and will be continued until the elose of the school >,,il. . ... t. -^. 1907 he was chosen president d|the3li|S Children ^ight years -old or [ ^ra|§a#i â- :y^m^m:::\ 'i<'^i-M0^^^ term above are acceptable. Realty^^r^erftLeads Field ,;^m â- For-; Treasurer's Job gmmi Deneen and Brundage factions fSSAt rtorney-e^eneral-^rundagefls^nuttfog^ -four^-yeaVs- all his energy into gaining for Charles Ringerâ€"the^nomlna*ron"~fdrm~cxiunty treasurer. The Brundage men had a big banquet at Hotel Morrison Friday night, March 10.|||lt was a Ringer &lBlie£di^ej^i^^ banquet hall they carried away"^ffie picture of Charlie and Ed squaring off against each other in as pretty a pug- ilistic encounter as any professional fighters ever .<mes^d-^ia^^T;^'?^0:i" And now they're out *!W get the County Treasurershlp^ ^for Charles Ringer. -If Ringer is elected the Brundage wing of the G. O. P. will stick a ieather_in_its, capi and be The Yankee Doodle Dandy of Cook County. Next year Charles Ringer will be ^f^Fl^ars^oldr^^^r=tli©=paTSt=^^ -The^Women's society will hold its regular meeting Tuesday, March 28. The morning Jiours will be devoted to sewing. Beginning at 2 R M. wiU^^ ^ G_years he has been in the real the Annual Meeting of the society aTTL.***! u,.D<«««n a*.* u»a ««w fair estate business. to say that he has been remarkably ^fHCeessfuT^ Peftraps Irtriinosrirotabl^ ^natTTfte people wltit. ^Aitd by^ttie deal was the sale of the Windsor Golf. _ luJM3^ounds_as,Ja=:s ATBiburtistittr^^ Mr. Ringer has been very active in public Ij^farel movemehtsy He is largely responsible for the locating of a public hathing beach at Windsor Park and Cheltenham. It is due to his efforts mostly that 79th Street became an continuous east and west thoroughfare. S | .:';-^";M:;'^'W:"WWB He cooperates actively in all bene- ficial community enterprises, Roosevelt menâ€"and Cook County is blessed with many who honor his memory bf practicing his prmciplea-^ side in the campaign of 1912. He is today a progressive Republican. Who received the largest plurality ever given toa candidate for ajepunty office. Charles Rjn^eroyhen he was flrtt elecIed^lFthlrB^ird of Assessi This is proof of his ability as well as 4tis popularity. He is today serving his second term as an assessor, a fact which his ene- miesâ€"arer-nsmg-T^aiPstzJribBi^^Pfeej say that if Ringer is electeid county- treasurer his place on the board will liavM to be filled by sjteciatzeie this special election costing the tax- payers $200,000. But Ringer comes back fcy calling attepjUon^ to Jfie statute which provides that such a vacancy shall be filled by the board stantly. â- 1 enter, greet ther-manf$'; {i0^m ance at the table. He at once intrc duces- me to"his friendv-Bill^Willianif^ Busse, â- President of the Board. ot.:-Coinf mgt] .mis8mners-:oti:Cook:-.county-,and:^agaln1| standing for -hominatidn^ He Is .aj|fftf|; strongly^ JbuUt man ^^^p^ sixty years old. Nothing ianey-Ml;&i|| appearancer^looks just like v^t he|| is^^armeT^ town ^merchant, 4riH?a^ bank president.* I'd heeh: told M^ waelli a regular politician^|Vv"ell^^ iooljr"Iike one. Look at his picttireS ; in this' columiiiand $ee whati".^rou^to- think «f-ftfm'-44**r':-i:-~^-'.-£.^'â- - :"^-:-^ â- ;â- 'â- ':."I^S He's ::beeii'; on; thel County' .hoard ;;tor|^P over 20 years^ elected- first in 1900^^ While' on the board he' was chairman^lg. <if--the-4iaan€e^and-^^ He worked zealously and well; iM$mk , His^M|eHelct"-itf*puMic^"l^ beisn -:â- â- 'loitig'-ahd â- varied. â- â- 'â- 'â- â- For.-f tweiv^p^; years he has ;beeh. a. .member ;of^lieg^jl: Mount Prbspect school ooard. ^ Or^ ganized and now is president of tlie^ â- Mt." Prospecjt^ National.:â- pjaiik,;';J•>!(«).,JlHS'.ii now "serving his third" term::as;.:'Pre'si«:.:';;;. dent of the village board of Mt. fPr^s« .pect^:^^^||^S^ ^.. j||^ #tffi ^'pide'scinii^in^^ttl8^Bp^^ as he.. mentioned . the fact. that:-tne^» present splendid: county:.,building:^wa^^p comipleted-v durinr iiis presidency of^M the ' county..:board,..:as;: was â- â- 'also"â- the^S model' infirmary:' at' Oak Forest. '*'Botbfg|i| ^uildings^Jmill^-wiJthijiL^ jyh^ucontra^ti*1â„¢ aMMk^mah paying basis;;42,4Q(i0j>&^^ of- the' county's.-- :bonds> redeem^Bdr^nl^M """:'"' :|f^M He talked earnestly of what hewats|| planning' to do if- Elected.'ffCounty^^ roads and county . instituUojis,^yhe^M said, holding :up his hand: wlth^twb^M fingers eitended. .. ."They're . the..:%lmm&. Cook county that can't be matched? in^ all America. All the towns connectedl^l,! so that you can go easily from:;::one^^ to-,anothei^nd-;%Ougi.won'tS:h«^ come iback-':the:' same way you ^went.lil|l 1 know Tthis 'whole,great-^connty'^'UppS and down and east--and:west.£l;5dojnjt^M think, either, that anybody cart :iut;:it.^» -over:^me:-::in-the-Hmattei^-o^:^falr"Orie^ and., good materials, for- roads. :0^-m^"§^m _â- "And^ the county; insti^ionigria^g goTggto^dcT airf^annoTielpThe; .-need^ flip- people in Cook countySi Give the pSi And--it!s-onlyr~falr~| County puor=^ttte^^st care possible. M * I'm "a. plain man" ihyselt:-;jttnd' i::.knov^.S||i way* I think my work as Forest Pre-ls^ mmissiouer ought lu be men< ^onedv^I*to a mc^esT niaW^ heiS,sa3tfWmm with a^ human twinkle in his eye,fjf^ "but T think T-ve had a good with the buying of land for the Forestl^ preserve^ll.'. thmk:. I've:. saved-: -.quite I ajnwj little ^for^Cobk xouhtyns :.That's:;,;all.^ Good-bye!" mm mm. m& QUALITY YOU CANNOT BUY*^^^ - The chief aim in - the V home;, garden^ should be to grow those vegetables In which freshness is the most impiin*!- ant factor. Vegetables which^^a jaj^-^ ... _ deteriorate rapidly should be 'Aet^W^^ will be interesjted^to-^cnow-tiha^HMrr 3 Ringer fought promm^nTIyjon TTB/sj Beans, peas, sweet corn* asparagus"§j ^~ * and lima beans are examples^ ^ vegetables in which freshness is:;the'g.^:: test olf quailty. These can never ^ ^~w procured- In -the-mark^--of:-the-^sami,e..^^ guality_and delicioiis :fi8^or.^as'ithe&« bmegrowh, picked when needed wi^'^l'i,^ ply.igAll:"Of - these lose-, much of ^tbelr-^^ Havbr^s not eobked^shortly=aftertliey| are gathered, peas^andLcorn undergo-4 ing _chemical .'changes wMch^epjilglll =©*:ithete^ugKr^ontâ„¢ election.______________ If CharleS Rlhfer fe^elected it looks as if the neOple_of Cook county would Lea J. Orr, 1002 Grlelileaf thii* week for* an outing Potatoes do not deteriorate and .-..-a |p§ number of the coarser root crops like-gif not be included in the small garden |jff|| where it would.,be. a, waste M spaceito,^^ ^:---tOi^grew-tnem,^-ra#^a^-.-s^ quantity could not be.raised-to ;ma^e.;lt||||| lilrorth: while. mellons, and othe# vegetables whlcli^p occupy considerable space. In genetatizi: crops which iMM!ujpy=smj^,spai^Jtt^»^ malure QriTcfcTFTftre^f J*^* ^W' ^jfjPV-- 'ff**mll' Kardett..'-^ :'v-""^'":-^-:j^^ ' -'js^-.....~~.....; MlsWr George Thelen, 818 Prair^ avenuev 4s conf inejl^ h|^ home ^ttlt