Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1922, p. 2

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:^,®m$ $H^ ;#§3l;|^ jHHW^^i1 liSilfi: :sfs$|±; "V^f'S?/*^? '&£& *'ff Mf®^:;'^' Jatl^i I^ii.^-' wYS*sSn mm& m'â- â- â- 'â- > mi :>Mi&% XHTrSyR^ •,<i:Mj) iffl^ Make Shrubs Most in Plant i Treed Count for Editor's note: The accompanying -article is the first of a series dealing yglth^&mtag,m?&*t^to the Vegetable garden, the flower garden, landscaping and the planting of trees and shrubbery. -3*he articles, written by an expert on the subject, should be of real assistance to the prospective gardener and the home owner who desires to make more at- tractive the surrounding of his home. r~~-~-T:::- By F. F. Rockwell:.....r-â€"â- â- -â- -'-;- (Horticultural editor, "Farm and#: ^2'".J.:^..^-^±o:-Fireside">. ^:^;_ y^Lu "I have often tried to figure out, for my own satisfaction, why so many good, substantial homes in both town and country are left unbeautifledâ€"- unplanted. . ..^ill,: :.:^^J^t0^i^ Certainly it is not because the own- ers do not appreciate the added charm and air of "homlness" which the sime ulest planting, tastefully arranged, al- ways gives. * I have seen people of all kinds stop and exclaim over an attractively planted place. People whom I knew owned houses costing considerably more than the ones they were stop- ping to admire. They themselves could have had places just as beauti- ful, and they would have appreciated -themr-r--1-------â€"â€"^iW------------ Why then, did they fail to provide beautiful homes for themselve&Iâ€" that these are safe guideposts to fol- low: I should say that the very first rule to use in planning to make the home more homelike and attractive by planting around it, is^j^ Jiaye a few big trees. _ Of course, you may have these al- ready; but if you have not, then by all means set out some. Nothing quite takes the place of evergreens, and ~even~1T~you "dff not: plant more thajr two or three of them, they will make a wonderful change in the appearance of the place. In addition to these, if the grounds around the house arfr not too limited in size, some good, fairly fast growing American trees like the Elm, Maple, Beach, Birch, or Ameri- can Linden, will form the foundation for future charm and added value to the places..'>\;?;-^:'ir:c^:-â- :â- ;.:.•'.. '^": "/-:â-  In selecting a location for any of touch each other,, and a "borderV of shrubs aI5ttg~the sides of the yard, or around the edges of the lawn, is al- ways attractive. But single shrubs, spotted here and there over the lawn, are almost worse than- none to all^ to say nothing of the fact that it is an almost endless task to keep the grass looking neat around them. - These three very simple rules are a safe guide to follow in making plans for such planting as you may do next spring. MOre detailed information about the different kinds of shrubs, plants and flowers will be given in the following articles on this page. But keep in naind that the most im- portant thing is to make your plan^r\i;*i&;:;J;£iM â-  â- .-/â- â€¢â- â-  -;V'::r-:-^~y^^^~= QUILMECTiK. G'STO Motion pictures depicting scenes surrounding the death of Pope Bener diet XV, and the election'and coro- nation of Pope Pius XI, are to be » serums « iuu»viuU lW »«, v* shown at the meeting of the^Ouilmette these, it should be kept in mind tha4^ CiJUiiciU - - -- - day evening, March 28, at Jones hall. There will pictures taken in Glacier NationalJPsxk^ while they may be small-â€"6 to 10 ft highâ€"when you get themâ€"they will eventually need plenty of room, ©o not set them too near the house or driveways or walks. Second, plant around the base of the house. â- "'â-  The secret I am satisfied, after many years of intimate contact with this problem, that the reason is a very simple one. -It is merely that most folks do not 4*»arn-Hiai^tHft ^ftttrftt^of eettlngSUiJfe: tractive^ planting: about their homes is to plan in advance of the planting :- season. - - 'â-  â-  ..... - ......------......-;-.-- When spring- comes and the "plant- ing fever" is in the air, they would like to plant Somethingâ€"to join Na- ture in making the old world, and particularly their little nook of it, more beautiful. But, having no plans, and not having provided for anything to plant in advance, they do not know which way to turn or what to put in, sand by the time they have their minds made up, it is again too late. £ Thu Ciitt Step P&If you have made up your mind that you want to have a home that lis more beautiful and more attractive | in its surroundings, the time to take iSttaJftrjs^yfce^-lfe^osi ^r^eventffi^ tight this minute while you have the thing in mind. I Just draw a rough plan of the house or the front yard or grounds around it. Just a rough sketch, on the back of an old envelope, or on one of the â- *ggjj1_____ _____ Mark in such^-ttees, stone walls, lllfences or other permanent features as t! Sphere may be. . .:..;;.../,...:.......\...:i.:_: " â-  .. ... S After that, just mark in where the â- trees, shrubs, or other things that you ? think there ought to be, should go to help make more of a picture of your place. Or to give more shade(In sum- mer or protection form cold winds in Winter. *â- """; \^}.^~m^d- 'â- â- /::;y. Three-'. Simple: Rules -;iMMm In planning, as in anything else, there are a few simple rules which should be foliowed^-Th^experlwnctt Of others who have planted has proved WMMk iiOFFlClAL PUBLICATION ^ ^ ItheIwilmette ;1 state bank! Bfftsi $%8v st Report of the eottditfoft of T»r wnmette ® State Bank, located at wnmette. State Ml of IUlnols, at the close of business on the » ^10th day of March, 1922, as made to the fSimuditor '.of Public Accounts of the State Iff |£>f r.niinbls, 'pursuant â-  ^^w.^s^^smm- RBSQURCES: If^Loans on Real Estate (la).. ;$l?8t574.0fr Â¥2. Loans on- Collateral Security^- Invest* aw § '&. Other Loans (lc).. I 4. Overdrafts (2)......i ? 5. U. S. Govewgment $ merits ($) i..... • • •.....• • >i bother Bonds and Stocks (4) i 7. Banking House, Furniture %V>:;>v*jid Fixtures (6)..;...*..*.£ i^M^puti from Banks, Cash ana miM^.Other-/Cash.' Resources (7, mMm:- -a ay â-  :-&â- â- â- : â- â-  ; . '.â- â- â- :-• ,.-..: x^' 334,040.24 375,398.17 362.37 140,544.66 338,416.11 201,645.27 LIABILITIES i.iJCapital Stockâ- ; (3 >-.«,'; StL::.:%, Surplus (2) ........â- *.â- *;;.£tn gs 3. Undivided Profits (Ket) |f .4 Time Deposits (4a) m 6. Demand Deposits (4b).. 7. Dividends UnpaM, (6)ig*u!^*i 50,000.00 "14,004;0& . 623;i34.67 » 836,990.50 «*.,,. 12.00 8,324.11 lz^Tot^^IJal4ntlA«^~â„¢~~-Utfi32.465^ ^^S^^DF^eary» caabier^Fffie **««»«» jStat* Bank, *«o soleinniy mreut thit- the above statement ii true to the best of my knowledge and belteft and that ygjtenar , and amounts shown ><$3m* ^cowespond Wltii the items aaa,^inottnt*Bnown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts,.Stater^f^lBlttOis, -pursuant .trJ iaw. i3.,14Bart. :.: HI Cashier^ l8£ "jse. j anticipated. Prank Marnell of the This does not mean that the entire qy^^i Northe foundation should be covered from sight. It is generally a mistake to do that. But use few flowering shrubs of drooping, graceful habit, such as Golden Bell, Spireas, Deutzias, etc.; or jome dwarf growing evergreens. These grouped on either side of thfr main entrance or in front of the porch, with some taller, things such as cedars, or thg-iarger growing shrubs like Dogwood*r Butter£ly_Bu8h^QrJLii^ lacs at or nearâ€"t^e-corners, will be sufficient. The difference which even a dozen shrubs, when used in this way,^wilt~make in the appearance of a house is almost unbelievable. Thirdly, if you wish to use, still more shrubs/plant around the edges or bor- ders of the place. Shrubs grow naturally quite close together so close, in fact, that they HaveYouNoticed of New Brunswick &iys of the Druggist? tiintHimnnimuHiiiiimtnimimiiiniiiiiininnniniiinniiiiiniiiiini ^CmirirfciLluk m 4^ Mt. is more than -a. :'y«SihahtMf*cb] ^ll^v warned scientist, ah ^ ^?pOTS^e^g^M|r^. \^6ie life-wojdd&lhe^11 5ure'.-.'S communit m9§ll â- â-  make this yburrhotto;... Ii"i^J^YSTRYTHE fl DRUG^STORE;. llT'IRSTa?'"liiii I^HaiiWMuiiwinmniiiaHiHmtmiffliuuniiiimiiiiiiiniiiiiuiHiHiitii. ^gft'-'r " v ;fy'.":;':. ;,',:";â- ;;:."'"â- :"";':'".â-  .• â- .:^pmM HISIS'A REM WB^swm THE REXALL STORE Tuesday's program promises ta be one of the most interesting of the season's social activities in the Ouil- mette Council and a record attendance Great Northernr-Rai mve^ charge of the motion picture program. Following the "movies" the mem- bers will enjoy an "exceptional feed" provided by George \VMte, well known north shore grocer. S^l^:^^^^^^ KEPT HOME BY ILLNESS C C. Schultz, l^ilmette Village manager, was away from ^his offlce early this week because jofjiilness. He was^back-at^the-VillageJiall Wednes=- dayjnorning. iii 'SAFElDElOSITiPOXES Ii less than ONE CENT PJSR v.J^AY.lm^^i^; mmw-^in our MODERN-BURGLAR and FIRE;,||^ ^^^0^^SM_ FROOF:.- VAUMtll^^B^^^S.:. ....... O. A T7X7 v,^^;-^v-»^^^-:,-..,.^-.-.,-^;.^'^'^ iS^UREl^EVENiN0^ER^^^ ' -Private-'-rBobthsllg^liigfi S5SSR^iE:iJ-i*i: ~m ||||:'.i State Yow^tiome Bank s»i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday the Eighteenth day of Apraktcxt, at theA^Hage^iaMriii^tht first precinct; at the Village Hall in the second precincti 4hircl^^^ corner of Wilmette and Park Ayenues^livdie fourth pre-^ precinct; County of Cook and State of Illinois, an election will be held for the following Village Officero, vizr^^ -ONE-VILIJlCiEr^^KRKMB^ ONE VILLAGE TREASURER! THREE VILLAGE TRUSTEE! TWO DIRECTORS OF THE FREE PUBLIC :^LIBI^ ONEraRE^ Also, the requisite petition having been filed in the office of the^undersigrned clerk, in proper time requesting the queston of acquisition and equipment of the following de- scribed public play^rounoTat cost :n^VfmSSSa^wS^-^^^s^^ M Thousand Dollars ($20,000) to be submitted to the voters at the next general election in accordance with an act of :::;"f;- the general assembly of the State of Illinois approved June Playground Proposition or question for vote will be sub- mitted to voters at said election: Ifeftil^^ ^•S^sâ€"ifr; & "*'For:or against the adoption of an.ord^;acquire^^^l^ and equip a puMic:pli^ii^^ Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, as follows: Lots, 5, 81PHHB and 9 except the East 548 83-100 feet thereof and except ^ the South 156 feet of said Lot 9 and except the North 75 193 feet of said Lot 5 and except the South ; . m feet of the North 110 J feet of West 183 Lot 8 and except the West 183 feet of thajipgrefc^ ^^^^1 County .Clerk's Division of the Northeast fractional % ^fm life:? ;;,'5S Which Election will be opened at 7:00 o'clock in the and will continue open until 5:00 o'clock in the '"* iilflllji' morning, " afternoon of the same d^4^£Mi^^i^^^^^pSB^^^^^^^' m Given under my hand at Wilmette, Illinois, the four- - teenth day of March, A. P. 1922. ^^^ m Miis&SiS^

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