Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1922, p. 7

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!"i?<a»H' ';s*pi8if i^wiWmWvWwM ^59f»j. â- â-  -Wm^M^^ifw^^wW: ll^^^^MISSI^Bs«^WB^^^J| THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY^ MARCH .2#l983: -.....â€" - -mmmsimmmmmmmmammummmmâ€" Spring Weddings And Engagement Make Gay Seal MR.;;.;,ASWfiM^^: George Hughes Duncan « 701 Cen- tral avenue, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Virginia Hope, to Mr. Carl Erlckson of Boston, Mass., and Evanston. Miss Duncan is a student at Northwestern university. Mr. Erikson was a first lieutenant in the Fourth Engineers, prior to the war and served with, distinction through every- major engagement zof^tha-war^ in which the American troops "took part. / ^J':\:^\?P;^;^A Mrs. J. Wetzel of Plymouth, Wis., announces the marriage of her daugh- ter, Irene A. to Mr. Charles S. De Long of 1202 Lake avenue, on Thurs- day, March 9. Mr. and Mrs. De Long returned last Sunday from a wedding journey in Wisconsin, and will be at home after March 26, at 1702 Wil- mette ayen^ , 'â- â- .^^â- .^^'^â- â- ^â- ^â- ^â- â- > . J"MlrT;*van^i:"1*;Mrs.,';:'. Alfred": "Berstiiach, formerly of Wilmette, announce the marriage of their daughter, Mrs. Lil- lian Bersbach Anderson to Mr. Frank Turnbull on Saturday March 11, in Del Mar, California. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull will be at home after May first at 1808 Alta Maria place, San Diego, :^\.*&m&$&*&iW?:Ml ^&i W ___ Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wells Smith of Evanston, formerly of Glencoe, have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Evelyn Lucy, to Mr. Raymond Briggs La Selle, which will take place Wednesday evening, April 5, at 8:30 o'clock air thlr home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pope, 1208 Maple ayenue, Evanston. Owing to a recent death in the groom's family, only' relatives and intimate friends have been invited Ttolthe cerftThohy^ and^the7reiseTrtioTrtofe|^ttette avenige^p ^Further ft^ffiff0^ lowing it. ,_„7 _ •-â- *--* -~ ^-*--^^*=^***~- ^ Miss Virginia Smith, a student at Swarthmore and Miss Winifred Smith, who is attending Highland Hall, Holi- daysburg, Pa., .will return home to at- tend their sister as bridesmaids. Mr. Norman C. Ross of Evanston, will serWWTEaSelle as bestrman* ?- Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their daugh- ters have numerous friends along the shore. An interesting meeting of the Woman's Roosevelt Republican Club afternoon in the home ofMm• Witterd ^i^M^eh 26, with a dinner party H. Thayer, 522 Central avenue speaker of the afternoon, Mrs. Couch Wood, particularly urged importance of every woman in village voting, explained clearly The Ira the the the method of voting and discussed quite fully the qualifications of several of the candidates. â€"â€"r-Tâ€" Word has been received from Mrs. William O. Belt of 501 Washington avenue, who left recently to spend " * ' " * -----gg^Sgejy^p^k with Mrs. B;ifac&B Gaiser Mr. and Mrs. Casse, who were residents of Wilmette for a number of years, have bee inthe Of tent tor^ thw past-year, and have returned to the States only long enough for Mr. Casse to make business trip to New York City. Of interest in university circles is the announcement of the engagement of Miss Barbara Holgate, daughter of Dean and-Mrs^Thomas F. Holgate of Evanston, to George H. Young. Miss Holgate is^a^^eiab^ Phi sorority and a senior at North- western university. Her fiance wa* graduated in the classâ€"ofâ€"1020â€"«- Northwestern and is a member of the Sigma Nu fraternity/ • â€"oâ€" •&Mr. and Mrs. John Spear announce £he birth of a daughter, Mary, Wednesday, March 8, at. St. on JPrands. I hospital. â€"The Speare have-been makiugliheirâ€"home-witlL Mr. and Mrs. huuids M. Knoac, "5-lfr- Forest avenuor for the past few months, but contem- plate moving into their-, newly con- -structed home on Forest avenue iifr Winnetka this week-end. â- â- 'â- â- :â- :-........----------'-----:â€"----- -*-0------'. â-  ' *Mrs. Robert C. Ross of 929 Central avenue, was a luncheon and bridge hostess on St. Patrick's Day. Instead of seating her twenty guests around one large table, Mrs. Ross used the small card' tables, and each one was artistically decorated in the time-old green. As far as possible each course of the luncheon was carried out tire same fashion. ..... * ^;,..,v^.^_^,..^:_:. Imr- q^ c,- Meleney x>fRipon, Cat, near has been the guest for several days of his daughter^Mrf,John C. Mannerud, 904 Oakwood avenue. Mr. Meleney is planning to divide his time among his children, all of whom reside in and Chicago. l«r. J. L* Meleney a brother of Mrs. Mannerud, who re- sides at 1105 Lake avenue, is ill with the grippe this week. "^Tomorrow evening will be Guest night at the Qullmette Country club, when a sterling silver tournament of bridge will be played. The commit- afi6^1ii.J!^r«ft-.of^he_.evenln|t*B "faftVffl)ftnt tncluu^sirjarizzagd: Harry G. Clark, ^Mr^ and Mrs. A. J, MouatTMr. and Mrs. R. E. Petit and Mr and Mrftr&t At Bowery rj&'icn" Bnurtle' nue, left last Friday for Richmond, Ind., where she has accepted a posi- tion as instructor in the JRichmond high- school Joj^ihellr^alnAer^ofJhe season.;;;: ' "*' re. Charles Q. ,.«.. arehTtef^expected^tore* soon from avisftJKith the Seng fami- lies a°d a 80Journ iia Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crossley, 600 Washington avenue, were hosts to the "H. and W." club at dinner on Tues- day evening last. In celebration of the birthday anniversary of one of the members, Mr. Charles McCue, a large birthday cake, candles and all, adorned the center of the table»-lX^ The Gross Point Health Center an- nounces that on Tuesday, March 28, at 10 a. m. Dr. G. E. Beard of the Chicago Tuberculosis Institute will hold his regular monthly clinic at the Health Center, Ridge avenue near Wil- Mrs. W. B. Davies, 530 Forest avenue, has returned from a three month's slay in California. En route home she spent two days with Mrs. John D. Couffer at Colorado Springs, £olo. Mrs. Henry E. fllfeierhoff entertained at bunco on Thursday at her home, 1650 Wilmette avenue, in celebration of her birthday anniversary and that of her twin sister, Mrs. Joseph Wag- ner. .;.;;-,*.';;•;/; C,;-v;H, Mrs. Joseph Wagner entertained at dinner on Sunday at her home, 1202 Lake avenue, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. DeLong, who have just re- turned from their wedding journey. It Mr. Frank J. Baker, 507 Lake avenue, returned home from California and a trip down the Panama Canal, on Tues- day. His family will remain in the â- ^estTaT^f^-'^^e-lonpr,^'.,,,,.,,:,.;.-,. " Mrs-J. P. Thelen, 818 Prairie ave- nue, who has been convalescing at Sacred Heart Sanitarium, In Milwau- kee, for several weeks, w$U return home â-  tomorrow.-t;;^;r^;;*^'|li;ili^vf-. may be had by^ teIepB6hlhg~Mi»arQiieen7 Wilmette; 882. ... â- â- â- â- .. --^.r^W^ . Next Friday evening, March 31, the regular monthly dancing party for the Juniors will be givenr under the aus- pices of the Junior Auxiliary commit- tee, composed, of Mr. and Mrs Hi W. Lester, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. H. Higbee and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas joyer. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wheelock, S22 Central avenue, who returned last Friday from Florida where they have spent the winter season, will celebrate for their tives. family immediate What Makes i Dress a Frock? I F YOU kppreciati the little deft and artistic touches that distinguish a frock from aa dress we urge you to -r^see our new ,Sprin$f fCd i s pi ay,.fe£. .^vp;-;ft?ir TrUe they follow (or lead) gythe prevailing modes but I;% bit of insertion here^ a ^ribbbn there, or a little ^hemstitching in the: rightT " £lace-^that*s whefreift, tfrej Please come early, as we ^nake4t^a~px>int ^to carry only one of each model- And you should make your Ljdiile„QiuLjdi^^ is complete- I The McAllister sWORTHEN C0^ 3Â¥ilm©ttc MlMr. and Mrs. George W. Hess, 6385 Magnolia avenue. Rogers JPark/ for- merly of this^illage, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Grace, to Mr. John M. White of QWcago....^;i-J--^- The Woman's Associated Guilds of St. Augustine's church will hold a Rummage Sale in the parish house on Wednesday, March 20^^^,.,,^;,..^,^^ . There will be a meeting of the Woman's Catholic Club of Wilmette this afternoon at two o'clock:, at the Wilmette Woman's club. ? Mrs. George C. Murdoch was hos- tess to the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge jilub this week _at her home, 1010 Central avenue. ;T Mrs. to the Sumner Mason Comanci Club will be hostess on Tuesday 0t III next week at her honw street..:...... . .........................(................jvw â- - ..Mrs. Edward Zipf, 926 Lake wrettue^f left Tuesday evening to Join her dau| ter. Miss Prances Zlpf, in St. Peten burg, ,^-^.11,.: j^v.'-^gg Twelfth street, returned Tuesday from ip a fortnight's stay :|u Biloxt,; W^immtm â- '" Mr.": and;' MrB. Lyman ;:pkk^if&c Lake avenue, have returned from ajs week's stay at Signal Mountain, T«nn|pf Mrs. Donald Payne, 815 Forest avji ^ue, has returned from a ten days| vimrmm^^ frtends^ in Taw^Paw^Mlcl Mr. stnd W Burbach and small son, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Burbach, 1020 Linden avenue for some time, left yesterday for their home In Wyoming. Ill A very interesting business meeting of the Woman's Bible Class of the Wilmette Methodist. church was held Tuesday afternoon at the-home-of Mrs, Harry Mons, 921 Oakwood avenue, hs 4 Mrs. Harry W. Mons, 921 Oakwood avenue, wiH entertain the Fifth .-.Divi- sion of the Wilmette Methodist church at an aH-day meeting at her home next Friday, March 31.- ":l^...^iLJ*,^M^, .'â-  Mr. Frank B. King, Who> was forced to return to his home at 829 Greenleaf avenue,, last week, on ac- count of illness, is reported improv- ing. -'&^i&":;4:?:<.'".-i '-.-.,/â-  .-;^i ?â- : v;Cw'..fe;.^ ".'.-^'f^jpSii.^ A Safe Investment You take no chances when you buy ..ft:3;:;;:';::i?f;i»:.;,:fe.!one of our*-Siiif '"»|*S| Hart Schaffneil&lMaixIBuiK Stop in and look them overiâ€"-You'll be pi I fine values we are offering in Spring clothes. I'UiJiitjjaji mM Open Tuea^Tkura^andSft^ BURNSl isTHe\ WUniette;iSt<D*e ^o* ;l;IilllilSJl Phone Wil. 2435 P8 you want your shoes repaired you would -nltllild theiri*tdsVliressmaker ssf^Mck^PftK ;,^|SSKff, SIP i^^«.i.'.....-,J-fan„aa«:-] ^ou want your sluri^wi^^ not send them to a blacksmith shop - mms t*^w% yblii1 suits cleaned, or m HSSS53 &S=i; â- WW$$ £i30& v'::gip SS*il;; ^;^":s«;;"â- '?&z^--^4±?i ^S^fcSpS;;* Wilmette §§m ^SMffi" ;H^ft|i

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