Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Mar 1922, p. 6

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,; "-^{§^^^^^^^^^^0^.^, ' Kenilworth Happenings A Birthday Social will be held in the Neighborhood room at Communi- ty House, in Winnetka, on Monday, April 3; commecing at two o'clock, by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and its friends. Those who are interested in World Prohibition are asked to bring or send a sum fepr&- senting theiiTage, this amount to be given to the Jubilee Fund for send- ing speakers and literature to other countries. Miss Ann A. Gordon, Nat- ional President, is now holding a series of successful meetings in Mex- ico. An excellent program consisting of vocal and instrumental music, an address by Mrs. Ira G. Wooden, county corresponding secretary; a' mission ary excercise by eight girls, in charge of Miss Lillian Norton, and a social hour, during which there will be sale of home Jbaked bread and cake. Miss Jane Ridge way, daughter of Mr. and MrsT Grant Ridge way and .Miss Constance Hannalu daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hannah, are home from Bradford academy, for their vacation. Mr and Mrs. Alexander Hannah and children arrived home Friday from New Orleans, La., where they have beerr^penariHg^the~winter. Fr^afld=Mrs^^dgar BurehaFd * and .iughter, Majorie, and Miss Olguita Queeny of St. Louis, Mo., are sojourn- ing at Bermuda. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A^-Foresmau who :Save~heBiFTh New, Orleans, La., -for- the past three weeks, returned to Ken- ilwjirJth,JSundax_Jast Mr. Douglas Crooks, son of Mr. and %rs. Harry Crooks, who is attending Morgan Park academy, has returned home forâ€"the Easter vacation. Miss Emily Foresman, daughter of ^Mi^Tand^Mrs. Hugh Foresman, spent _ithe ! week-end in Burlington, N. J., with Miss Patty Foresman. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Boomer cele- brated their fifty-fifth wedding anni- £jrers.ay informally on Tuesday evening at their^hTimW^112y Lake avenue^,: Mr. an* Mrs. Dwinell Slater enter- tained the members of their Bridge club Monday evening last at their shome*^......^^^:--^.-^^^â€"---^--^:":^......'-â- '-"•-"^-^ Mr and" Mrs. Landdh Hoyt of Win- i6tkaT7]entertainedr their Bridge slub informally on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gerould. who ___iave been in Asheyllle, N. C, for the ^o^^ffl^irintertain ^Tuesday _ afternoon Irs. William Tuesda y and Wednesday, April 4th cmd0tk feUdeureich enter- tained at luncheon and bridge Tues- day at her home on AbbotsforcLroad. Mrs. Roy Hulbert was hostess at a luncheon for members of her Bridge club on, Thursday last. |*-Mrsi- Henrr Everettâ€"iasâ€" as her iguest, Mrs. Vander Voort of Mpline, "yy, â- !-„ uKM.« - ^ town, O., is the guest of Miss Miriam Shattuck. Miss Ruth"Arnold, 1123 Lake av- enue, is confined to her home witb illness. Mrs S. H. Roberts, 613 Central av- enue is ill at the Evanston hospital. ^ Mrs. Bently Mcdoud entertained her Bridge club at luncheon Tuesday. v%* -Missâ€"Miriam Shattuck entertained ^Sihformally at tea on Sunday evening. Mr. Frederick D'Aix left Tuesday t-New-MexiGOr HI All Makes of Phonographs Our Repair Department is fully equipped and In charge of aA experienced man* Everyone regards Easter as a "dress-up" day. IFoTwTll want a n^wlfocK of course", and it ought to be selected immediately from the excellent variety we have here for you. Each -one is an individual style^jtheworjcman and tailoring is excellent, and the trimmings and cplorjngs_in^e^a^_«ise^are very distinctive. Priced from $19.50 to $39.50 Skirts Sm^F^6W~sTcms Ihirapprov^ make these we are showing a very interesting collection indeedT~Here you ^will find trelaine and homespttnrfehriesia fringed, and other styles, assembled for a small, but very complete display. â- â-  " _. - ±„ Realizing that Easter is Fashion's owtbdaj^ the merchandise for this Easter Showing^ on next Tuesday and Wednesday was care- fully arid expertly selected, and has been carefully displayed for your approval. "ant Yow -to visit us on these two days, and if you are not already a customer of this store, to become acquainted with the nice selections, and attracive values, we are able o offer through our connec- tion with"twenty»twoâ€"other -progressive .-stores.: Jyke~believe you wiirenjoy finding1 out these thing for yourself. .^ ^ EZasterfor Children t Easter means a lot to the children too, and in addition to the many "dress-up" togs we_haye^ ^for th^"younger^IMt^ZyjojlJ^U, JSM here very necessary articles such as Rabbits, Eggs to be filled with^candy, Egg Dyes, and other JEaster Novelties. And we do not^ doubt a little "trip* of inspection will prove very"tnterestihgforyotr, "aiTwell as for themT-^ ...*.; Things, Too, /-â-  â-  -'â-  *>.<â- â- â- â- â- >,!*-.,-•..â- *â-  â- -. ... â-  .;./m^-^n^^^>:^;""' Krttted Jacket Suits „___ , ____._ ....... . . , ^mffi^--;^, new, and different, jacket suits of knitted fafcrics and flannels. The skirt are"pieated togive them required fultn^^^^ jackets are perfectly trimmed in contrasting colors. Priced at $24.50 jl. for Easter Little things that serve to complete your costume, are herein generous^ quantifiesT Florentine jewelry, silk, med- al and bead girdles, ear drops, eta., are both interesting and ""â„¢nccessaryr~ ~ '- "•'." /â- â- -"-' ..'^ Handkerchiefs Nor should these perky hand- kerchiefs of pastel shade lin- ens or ginghams be over- looked. They matchmp with the new Easter costumes so nicely. They too are an r*a ___t Hr . ... * This New Neckwear Will ^B*j$ttmtJp YourJSwior Froc^Z Dainty vestees, collars or sets, of filet, gmgnamTHpo^ee, nets or linens will add just the ^oucTT you heed to brighten up your suit or frock. You will find only one or two of a kind, that's why the selection we have is so large. Choose just those: that strike your fancy, as many as you can use, because they really are unusual values. â€":---------.- '.'-. ,;â- '; â- â- /â-  â-  '"â- '."--------â€"~-----------~~~ " Gollm and Vestee l^aee* ^Qr it you prefer,-here' yomwilLnnd a. nice ^selection-^of laces Jand vestings by the yard, from whidh you can make you own ltrimmings^_Especially attractive are thej>rgandie vestings with laces to match, with many-colored embroidered designs. : muLVeihng^ -indeed are these new ^eilsr-bf French-dotted veiling. with "French blue, henna, cactus and grey dots^^;Tft6ie= witt^7-" _create a bit of Easter itself, for^ yo.u. Not expensively either, for they are specially priced at *95c to 7 $1.95 each. EasterBte^e^ easonal ^T^uly?^hesl^s1^n^^ Easter, ^Fany other tinte.. The quaint- charm of the quiet styles, or the full I, gaily embroidered'[.^^^^j^J^tJ?^. y°ur admiration. Jfe !^i^ J^RlOh^^^^^ ^ftould it b^ tub ^wH8#^hat^in^ loves We handle only Kayser silk and chamouiseude gloves, be- cause these are always of uni- form and dependable quality. -The-new-TSpring^ colors of mastic, covert, and beaver are here in all sizes and sev- eral styles, priced at 85c and -.A-fine^quality silk, fashJone)(Lhos ^ularHsize^d-Tib^b^-toVrT-Q^ljrthrn^-'fortanate"" purchase of many dozens for our 23 stores are we^jibJ^to^feiL_th€se^__ Colors: black, nude, and pearl grey. ^Underwear & Hosiery These special prices are for two days onlyâ€" April 4th and 5th. They are real values, at a seasonable time. As there is only a limited quantity of each, we suggest you come in the first day if possible. ... -. All sizes, hose, special two days only, at.. '2.Zl'::r^:^:v:r.. ^^V/^'^.:. -$X A $1.65 95il Children sfJose! Children's cotton hose, well woven and a good aH-rourtd quality. Iliey will give ex- cellent service. Colors black and white, and -ariew browns, sizes 6 to 9. Regular |A 30c value, toTlhese^ two days" at J^ J^C frnon Suit Ladies' summer weight union suits, both loOse and tight knee, with bodice or regular top. An evenly woven suit of good quality. Each style comes in all sizes, 36 to 44, special price these two days at, TWO for $1.00 Med$Jios& delighted with these new nujnbfers_w^e^.re_shQ'ging. Strongly and serviceably made from dimity and other materials; they are trimmed in ginghams and other materials to .give^jlie^n^^lor. Reasonably | priced from $2.50 to;.$3;90'â- â- :m*?r-m?<^^ ...... Men's real silk hose, closely and evenly wove from gpod quality yarns. This would he a good value at 75c pair. We have black oftly, in sizes 9% to 11, special these f]»vo days; per pairT 50c Mlil^ ^SJBIi?.;. ^iaiiftgi^^^^^ucsgf^^ ^**~-^ii l^tectte^l Um&^^Mm^ wmMmm£ Ig^-' '"*'

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