ffiWT'Wffiftpffj â€".- igriy^iy" ^p^^»j i?^pip^|S^pi' '^ail^^^MISiJlSli^lSlS Wv HSHf?*. * NEW TRIER WINS MUSIC ;MEMORY|fflMINARy Liasi 'vi^EuMGI]r afternoon the pre- liminary Music Memory Contest for the north shore was held in the New Trier High school assembly hall. High school teams of twenty students each were present from New Trier and Deerfield. Grammar school teams from Evanston, Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe and Highland Park also at- -, tended... ;~â€".^-â€"--â- -â€":-^:~..^^^â€"~:.....ff* In this inter-school cqmpetition New Trier won in the high school sec- tion and Evanston won in the gram- mar schol section with Wilmette and Glencoeifollowing in order Sixteen members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, under the di- rection of George Dasche, played twenty-five of the contest numbers in part during the^ontest,„andL several numbers irl~rull during the intermis slon while the judges'were going over the papers. The following New Trier students tie for first place, and five out of the -sixâ€"wiHâ€"repreaont tho «efaoeJ~at-Or^ chestra HaU^on April 15 r Marie Levy, Wallace Muehlberg, Lillian Fitch, Dorothy Clyde, Pauline Manchester, jrad Katharine Hamilton. ~~ Wilmette school children who had perfect scores were: May Elizabeth Sturtevant, Homes Flentye, Pauline Billow, Ruth Caldwell, Anna M. Stan- sell, Louise McCoy, Alice Sanderson. Wilmette'8 average score was 191 as compared with Evanston's 192. UNCLE SAM SCHOOLS bookkeeping knowledge and experi- ence. In the school they receive six weeks' intensive training in the technicalities of the income tax law, by means of lectures and individual instruction by experts. They are paid full salary while under instruction, f g # ,i Positions are Open. The Civil Service Commission has announced that it (will hold an ex- amination on May 3 throughout the United States to test the qualifications of applicants for positions of auditor and Inspector under the Income Tax Unit of the Bureau of Internal Rev- enue. The entrance salaries ottered rage from $1,800 to $3,000 a year. Full information and application blanks may be obtained from the llnitedzStatesrCJtyil Service Commis^ sion, Washington, i). C., or from the Civil Service Board at the post office or customhouse in any city. Washington, D. C.â€"Uncle Sam con^ ducts a school at Washington in which he trains auditors and* inspectors for the express-purpose of checking up income tax returns. Each month a new class of 125 "goes to school." They must first pass certain civil service requirements of WATCH for the FULL PAGE NEXT WEEK PAGE THREE , APffiL 7, tm â- &â- Â¥ iSMlila QUALITY YOU CANNOT BUY The chief aim in the home garden should be to grow those vegetables in which freshness is the most import ant factor. Vegetables which do not deteriorate rapidly should be left for the larger gardens if soace is limited. Beans, peas, sweet corn, asparagus and lima beans are examples of vegetables in which freshness is the test of quality. These can never be procured in the market of the same quality and delicious flavor as the home-grown, picked when needed sup* ply. All of these lose much of their flavor is not cooked shortly after they are gathered, peas and corn undergo- ing chemical changes which deprive -!,â- ., .-.-,•,-,,.:â- â- .!:,... .'..â- â- â- . â- ,.'â- ,â- :.,j-iMyrt-* them of their sugar â- amtmt.:^0;^:*^:: Potatoes do not deteriorate and a number of the coarser root crops like- wise are-good keepers, so they should hot be included in the small garden where It would be a waste of space to try to grow them, as a sufficient quantity could not be raised to make It worth ..while.;,;.:, COMMITTEE ~~ 12th Precinct Geo. R. Harbaugh (Chr.) Harry G. Clark i M^ -tt-4a_ the organic . iron in your __ blood that takes up oxygen from your lunga. This oxygenated organic iron unites with your digested food as it is absorbed into your blood, like Are unites with coal or wood, and by jg d<Mng '* creates tremendous power &rougin?ouFocKi jTwitliout doing you any good. Organic iron, like the iron in your blood and like the iron in spinach, lentils and apples may be had from M»y jdjuMisjLjuMier_the name- of Nuxated Iron". O^er four miUion people are using Nuxated Iron annually, their experi ence proving that it increases the strength and endurance of the weak nervous, run-down people, in many cafes, in two weeks' time. If you want that virile force, that stamina and strength so necessary to great success in practically . every undertaking in life, ^ you owe it to your- self to commence trying Nux- ated Iron . today. Sample Line Bicycles Indian^ Henderson, Rollfast- and other high grade makes â€"tires and accessories. Frank R. Eager ~ Dr. Lester R. Mee Leland V. Pierson iJadsoW^r^toiie Frank G. Watson Max ^V. Zabel I3th Precinct Ralph W. Faupel (Chr.) Paul Bradley Wajaren Ewer [chard W. Jordan ? Edward F. Kelley :; (4 Frank Kutten i I8th Precinct John R. Cochran (Chr.) H. J. Burbach Charles N. Roberts f.: lith Precinct Lyman M. Drake (Chr^) George S. Dalgety Fred D. Buckman Dear Neighbor: COMMITTEE Each year brings to the citizens of our commonwealth • I7th Precinct a more enlightened and aroused civic mind.! Tfietax payefS~Trubert Jordan (ChR) are beginning to realizee that their civic affairs have too long Wm. H. Wilson ? beendominated by inefficient or corrupt jrojessionaj polttt- Ed A. Ztamerman|| cians. Our taxes are needlessly high, due to the "wasteful ~ methods of those in public office; the attempted abolition of the "civil jerviee" system is merely an attempt to perfect the p^fiticaT ~^ the ability to perform the duties of office have been too often ignored in selecting our candidates, with the result that those who have made politics their business have prospered at the expense of the taxpayers. As a result, the voters are now ready to take control of affairs and they expect to Jipeak through the power of the ballot. At the primaries on Aprli llth you will nominate two Republicans for the office of State Representative Jto_ the General Assembly. Inhere are nine Republi running for those two places and you must determine who Peter F. McNamee^ 0Wt< i»th â- Prwtaetfi A. A. Faupel (Chr.) ' Harry Bachman W?;l|| HP. M......BtoghaW:2*4^ Charles V. Burghart William F. Crawford Herbert R. Dahncke Haack ~~Sg those two shall be. Roy-Maleolm- Mc Henry J. Frank C. Huffman grcharr fifth <>& the ballot,- who T'la. Ht$H. John D. Couffer Wm. H. Ellis Alfred Hirseh idson â- ssiisaoth.- Preelnetii Bart E. Orner (CltttXa ... •â- .,..y';lpjMg AllWI'^|fi|p||||M Children's automobiles, wa- gons, coasters, velocipedes, doll "carriages, and "other wheeled toy$.^ ^ 7 At Bargain Prices While They Last Chandler's A + fountain, Square.*- At *T E, V >V W =3 T O N Y ;*>).v*x/*;v>7>v>>>>w ..r>'^*" Clothes at Wholesale longet* a privilege limited Ifo a few people of special in- fluence; it is now an oppor- tunity in which you may share Dae to conditions which/nave ihfldeour out-of-town customers unable to contract for our en- tire output, we are now open. ing our salesrooms to the retail trade. For the first time we wilt sell singtegarments at wholesale prices. This applies to our en- Coats, Suits <tpd Dresses TxmU Marlr We are conveniendy located in the wholesale *-«â€"â- *- Our fitting rooms ate plain, but ample. Our styles have been approye£T>f critical buyers. - Our prices will speak for ^themselves when you call. FI s hI^Earm e n t Idqm ,^'S?.iv; J& lijSft^! Charles H. Jackson Edward Klrchberg ias...l£JK>TiCsass candidate from; Wilmette, is well qualified for the duties of legislator. H^ is a successful lawyer of known integrity, of unusliaT~p^rsogat~forceirof"~titttiring mduetiyy-and~-ar-fearless fighter, He Was an officef in the Army during the World George J. Warrand is the uuly ex=serviceman runningfor -this office pin^^-jw^^Mas^ ;SÂ¥fe^ in our Senatorial-^istrictr -We need such a man to represent- Wttllana .SSBtam^r^^^^ us in the legislature. He has the personal endorsement of ^Ed:; Holrwan Sifil^ a hqst^of the citi^eo^jof ou^ Holfinjan^^liiiii^ i|S« lonn j. Tuomas Charles W. Triggs â€"â€"â€"3l6th~ Precinct __ F. B. Crossley (Chr.> Richard E. Bruns ^~ Wm. E. DUif -Sam Ai-HaU^r~ â€" - Charles McCue lrvln Olin ^ â€"â€". Willand^H. Thayer 16th Precinct D. C. Moore (Chr.) Lewis S. Becker Col. Sam H. Vowell State and Community at heart This committee is pledged *& put forth every possible effort to secure his nomination and election, and it asks you to vote for him and to use your efforts to induce others to do""the same. â- â- ;';;' â- '"/r"! Yours for better government, ft^m^'H*ffnfeyerv .. J. t.. Huebner j H. E. MetenHoffM John M. ^teffens '^| ' â- â- 2l8t Precuiot HARRY BACHMAN, ':"â- ^^ttâ€" FREDERIC^Bv GRGSSLEY, ss^w HENRY FOWLER, GEO. A^HARBAUGH, r Eacecutive Cpmtnittee. Additional Endorsements Henry Fowler (Chr.) ^Dr.......ti. G^Ajgpee=£gi J. B. Qathercoal ?GT F. â- "â- ^ellmttth-"^! Orvllle D. Jonee iS Hugh W. Lefflngwell ^Robert S. McCreadle 'â- $'M fits "*â- â- Out of the several hundred endorsements of McKerchar's candidacyrt"^i^firlwftiSiiffit print because of lack of space) we print the following names of Voters of the fth Senatorial ^fl District who have endorsed his candidacy in the following form': ^U^^yf^-â- â- .-..^< i :'m.^. :m^, sis P0i:> "We, the undersigned, Voters of the Seventh Senatorial District of Cook County, Illinois, beihfcnterested in clean legislation, endorse ami approve the candidacy of ROY MALCOLM McKERCHAR for the Republican Nomination for State Representative in the jteneral.Assem^ .bly^of Illinois." .. .-.,,,,: „.,,.'. y* . . ... s ,:, ,„::..;."^r',;:^'---, " r:^jJ^W^}M^i0^^^^^^^t! __JLiOUis Abrahams Ay i'ft s etc; Harry M. Bachman Minnie L. Bachman Dr. M: R. Barker Matthew Beaton Elmer D. Becker L. S. Becker William J. Bell J. C. Blaylock a Albert Borre Paul R. Bradley Edward Harter liv 'it. Ha mmanii George R. Harbougrh Schuyler Harvey F. F, Parsons (Winnetka) A. jC. A. C. Ha^Bsmauer- Fred Brinkman William Brinkman George I. Brown -.^ ' :â- "â- -"â- ;?>:â- â- Lorna Brownr^ "7"v. W._H. Brown â- ;â- â- ,â- ;• . :• 'â- -'- F. O. Bruske Mrs. Carrie B. Buck F. A. Buck Francis p. Butler (Winnetka) ~J.: E. Cain (Wltuietka)-----===== Anna M. Gary E. C. Cazel John R. Cochran - John F. Comjou _ William Cronin Frederick B. Crossley J. F, Crowley __ George S. Dalgetyri=| •.- ^..^m^m 7Dv"S;'"Din«ee.....f--^i-%-^w^J^: ___Erank._St Dolan !-:.:^&j-s ••r-^.-j;vP? J. C. Drake . ~~~ ~~~-~z _^13harles J. Eastman (Winnetka) Henderson Julius H. Herbon â- â- >â- â- â- ": .-,., Lester Herold - v ^~ ~TT E. F. Hess Justus Hess E. J. Hoffman ^: C. E. Hotze Charles L. Hosken -v- ?- Clare C. Hosmer Arthur H. Howard F. C. Houghton J. It. Huebner Emily nil Charles H. Jackson ~ ; ; Mrs. M. Jacobson Garrett F. Johnston •â- â- •â- â- -.â- ^•-^.-: P. C. Johnson â- Charles E. Jones â- ..-.^^.....â- ,..... D. Jones (LaGrange): :-~rr_,... ; ;_ Orville D. Jones Cliff H. Keith Lulu P. Keith Wm. H. King, Jr.v (Winnetka) T. C. Knlefsâ€"â€"-----â€":---------- Mable S. Kniefs â„¢r Charles Knobel'^ .-^r^xr-n^â€"r Thomas M. Knox A, R. Krauae Francis W. Peterson (LaGrange) Leland V. Pierson Augusta Plant ',-*m^^: ^^-^^ -"Daisy J. 'Pruden -^^^^giM -H.-P..Pruden. . â- ' '. '.'-'spfe F."S. JReade^Maywood^i^fBtfliSSf:^^ -Carl C. Renneckar :-...-^-'.v.«v«^«,.«^ d. E. Renneckar Edward P. Reuter James E. Rich •â- George J. Schaefer Peter Schaefer R. D. Schuettge W. A. Schuler I C. C. Schulta Dtt-W; FpSchur s Chief E. G. Sieber H. Maude Segsworth D. F. Simmons F. M. Simmons Gen. J. M. Eddy (Glencoe) Mr. Bhrlich CjH^rEldred --fv^tt Dr. Ralph1 M: Evams^st^ Dan Feltmann H. F. Field ' ^'-'^wmmW- Margaret --IL- Filer â- &4£^&&4g$&i W. T. Fifer Edward- â- :Flyhn -rwm^&s^-c-- - â- â€" - â- â- - -'•«-'--'«-'-1 Frank 8. Fulton (Winne jg, H. Gathercoal wi®sm~* R.'"Qathercoal |=#^s ___R. Gathercoal, Jr. Dr. CTB. ^Qgi&sff W. C. Gibson^ (Maywood) Fred WTGillette^S Mary E. Goodhueii rang^888 C. T. Gormonds (Kenilworth) John Green (Whinetka) Sam A. Hatt Rev. Dr. Stephen A. HuycT (Congregational Church)^--* Walter S: MauLeaii Av^T^Mayj^rd^-Sa^^^•'-:;;-;â- â- ': â- â- â- â- W. A. Maynard * 1 ^±jr-^^_ Ararat. Mestjian John MUlen â€" â€" John R. Montgomery^ Ex-Pres. Chgo. Helen 'McCreadle::-^-^.^^^^.^.-..,.^ R. S. McCreadie' ^S^SSrfts Alice M. Mclntyre :%??^:\%:;t:'^ G. E. McKana . iM^m^^m-m K. F. McLain (Hubbard Woodn) Chai'l Chas. F» Hi Starkhouee JF^G^-Stecker- (Glencoe) Bar Ass'n Earl E. Orner Lee J.,Orr __ Raymond L. Orwig (Winnetka) Benjamin J. Off G. Papagfiorge, Edwin West i^-George^HEL-Weat Sadie H. West R. 8. Simmonsâ€"â€" Jos. C. Shantz Mrs. J. C. Shantz H. K. Smltejr Frank Smith â- George D. Smith It. W. Smithâ€"â€" Rev. Dr. Gilbert H. Staii«att~^ti (First Methodist Church) Rev.~Dr. FranciB C. Stifler (First Baptist Church) J. S. Steffens Hut- J». JSteffena Whitman Taylor Raymond E. Thatcher William Taylor Hope Thompson % ? James Topp 'â- -&^*£&k George Turner" Dr. Arthur H. Tuttle -.B. Wannemack v Frank JV^Ward R. W. Webber ^Alfred^H^^WeeksSHs Frank A. ^Wilson?} I „ ^%S2 Jehn J. Weishel (LaGrange).