Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Apr 1922, p. 18

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â- ^Mf^'i^Xi^lW^IWfi^^-v- ;>m?i> m the ;-i^^Kdm~^E^^^^ afri£ 1> m2 WILMETTE CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS PARISH-NEWS r PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH h] The Presbyterian church presents a very attractive program for the pre- Baster Services. It has been arranged to have a se- ries of gospel addresses especially ap- propriate to the Easter season and in ag with tho program- of tho rPieteBUnt-chnrches for the ingather- ing of new members. The special speaker will be the Rev. James H. Larson, D. D., for a number ,of years a successful pastor in New York and the New England states. _• During the past several years he has been engaged in evangelistic work throughout the country, in which he jJiasJtxeen-4tery-»uceessful. During the war he was one of the speakers rep resenting the National Bureau in its RedJ3ross and Near East Relief cam- paign. Dr. Larson has traveled ex- tensively, both in this country and abroad, having spent two years in special study in Europe. Two years ago Dr. Larson was re- quested by W. E. Biederwolf and Ottoer noted evangelists, a number of prominent ministers and business and professional men to take charge of the "work of the National Federated Evangelistic Committee which has for its object a nation-wide campaign for arousing the churches to a new in- - -Brian* ^nrn terest m evangelism. Pr,:«ed«i^ says of him, "Mr. Larson has been a e is a man very successful pastor, of magnetic personality* desperately -in earnest and thoroughly consecrated >to the Lord. It is a pleasure to commend him." 5 Dr. Larson will be. the speaker next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, and in the afternoon at 5 o'clock, and each evening of the week excepting Thurs- day and. Saturday. Lieutenant Harry W. Lait, the noted "soldier singer," will be the special soloist and song leader for all these services. ; Lieutenant Lait was formerly a Canadian, having served five years in the British Army, and has a most re- markable record as a soldier. He participated in nearly all the leading During Holy Week, special evening Wednesday afternoons during Leni to at'a special ^j***^^^ serDvC^mL g?veA aPt 8 o'clock m sew for St. Mary's Home for Chil- jJildre^^St Agitt^-t J-* dren. the church parlor. Mr. Lloyd will be the speaker and the general theme will be "Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." The subjects for each day are as follows: Monday, "The Proph- et"- Tuesday "The Priest"; Wednes- day, "The King"; Friday, "The Signi- ficance of the Cross." A Union service will be held Thurs- day evening at the' Methodist church, and Dr. Stansell will be the speak- er. The Lord's Supper will be ad- ministered by the ministers from the other churches. Services begin at eight o'clock. A Good Friday Service will be held for Young People at 4:15 in Pilgrim Hall, all young people of the Church and Church School invited. Mr. Clar- ence Wolstead of Chicago, a young man under appointment to India, will be the speaker, and Miss Marjorie' Mann wiir^Ming: Tuesday morning at 10:30 a Book Review of the New Testament. Mr. Lloyd will speak next Tuesday on "The New Testament Messages to Persecuted and Discouraged Chris- tians." 7 -------- The Womans Guild will hold its April luncheon at 1 o'clock at the ^The-Gozy Corner Circle will serve. Directly after the luncheon there will be a Business Meeting. Reservations should be sent to Mrs. W. A. Mann, Telephone 957 W. before Thursday night. The Crescent Circle, Mrs^ Ralph Potter chairman, will hold an all- day meeting at the Church, Tuesday, April 11. Mrs. Charles Mohr, host- ess, wiirbe assisted by Mrs. Vowell, Mrs. Caldwell, and Mrs. Douglass. engagements of the Canadian forces, jpth manyZthrillingL experiences _Anor* escapes. After being seriously wound- ed and returned to the hospital in London he was personally, visited by ^oratil^b^^eKtog of Belgium, twice cited for unusual bravery by the British war office and won the dis- tinguished war service medal. Lieut. Lait-was^one of the~eigfifjr -ncoffiffiissioned"by the~ British Army to tour this country in behalf of the allied armies and our Liberty Loan -^eampaignrftSe^was asociated with the late Chas. M. Alexander, tbe noted gospel singer, in his last campaign in J)etroit, Mich. He has consecrated bis life; tojthis work and is reputed W be one of the leading gospel solo- ists in his country. He bringswith him his special accompanist. II l;f This church will join others in the sairfv union Communion Service to be held k" in the Methodist Church, Thursday |si^L evening, April 13* at 8 o'clock. IlfipS As stated above, in addition to the §§lllrregular Sunday morning. 11 o'clock service and the afternoon 5 o'doete Service there will be special meetings ««i« each evening during the week at 8 :k, hi the Preabvieriag ^_, Everyone is invited. V 7 ***- The Woman's Society will meet Tuesday, April 11. The morning hours mmm will be devoted, to sewing. At 2 p. m. lfel» there will be a Home Missions pro- gram. Luncheon will be served at noon, m ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARISH The Children's Movies held_in_ St. Augustine's Parish House every Thursday is ittdeed-fortunate to have secured for its Holy Week showings the remarkable picture "From the Manger to the Cross" depicting the Hfg: of Christ in seven reels. In order to allow as many as pos- sible, both children and adults, to see this unusual Vitagraph production, filmed in the Holy Land, there will lezfojir ahowings onifte^Thursday in Holy Week, at 3:00 and 4:30 in the afterndoh, and at 7:00 and 8:30 in the evening. Perhaps in no other way can tbe children be given such: a realistic idea of the life of our Lord and Saviour as in seeing such a reverently produced picture as this. Mr .and Mrs. Royal D. "Smith, 706 Elmwood Avenue, Wilmette, are pay- ing for thiaproductionr thus enabling us to present it to the boys and girls of Wttmette. All are welcome. There is no admission charge^â€" â€" Next Sunday will be Palm Sunday and the beginning vof Holy Week. On Palm Sunday there will be Holy Communion at 8 A. M., Church Sunday School at 9:45, and Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11. On Mondayr-Tuesday^â€" Wednesday *5- The Presbyterian Union will hold its concluding banquet of the season at Wi$W'i U'the. Morrison hotel, Thursday even J^^Anrii^O^T^MSHafl^^vansr^PreS' ldent of Ripon College, Ripon. Wia^ " be the speaker. and Thursday in Holy Week there will. On Maunday Thursaay there will be Celebrations of the Holy Communion at 8:00 and at 10:00, With Litany and Penitential Office in the Church at' 8:00 P. M. On Good Friday there will be the 3-hour Memorial Service from 12:00 to 3:00 o'clock, and Evening Service at 8rOOo*clock, when tfcff Str Augustine'jr Boys' Choir will sing part__Qf the Crucifixion. The Pioneers, St. Augustine's Club for younger boys, will meet this after- noon in the Parish House at 3:30. Mr. W. W. White's Club for older boys meets in the Rector's Study every Tuesday evening from 8:00 to aus.___---------------------â€"â€"â€"- The Children's Lenten Offering which the children of the^-Church Sunday School have been accumu- lating during Lent, will be presented M. Easter Day. This money is used entirely for foreign missions. At the Children's Movies in St. Augustine's Parish House yesterday a remarkable 3-reel Biblical picture was shown picturing the evil influ- ence of Satan in the world, beginning with the fallen Angel, through Gene- •fflFT firt*"* piKfo *nA Grinding indd- ents in our Lord's life. There was also a short religious story suitable for children.,______________________ On Thursday and Friday in Easter Week the Children's Movies will show the moving picture which is the most ^J popular of all among children, "Black |fp Beauty," a Vitagraph special produce ^1 tion. In order that every-, boy and'"Iffifif girl in Wilmette may have an oppoi* * j lunity of seeing it, there will be mM six showings in all of this beautiful'pfe picture, at 3:00 and 4:30 Thursday ^ and Friday afternoons, and at 7:00 feii and 8:30 Friday .veulugs.---------------fuM The Parent-TJeachersr '. Association 5;jp of the Central School are paying for |Jjf 4he Thnrsdayshowlnt3-and-13ie~Par- till ent-Terfchers' Association of the L<k=:':t§f gan School for the Friday showings. ^1 , rNext Sunday. Rev* Stephen A; Lloyd, pastor, will complete his series of _^P^#ree-Easter sermons on"The Platform dTCh____Jaiit_y^_^ aH=faig=BUfe^ Ject, "Fraternity." The Primary de- partment, iinder the direction of Miss Wheeiock, superintendent, will attend 3aaB3ffi.yart of the morning service. „_.;._.. . «f-At 10.45 Mrs.- Von Bitter, organist,, * « will i^ay *^alm Sunday/* by Mailly fl5__j_ld "Prelude in X3 Sharp/* by Rach- iv v-^Manla^Eiiiiâ„¢;; -.....i^y^M^i^k7^-r* £ At 4 o'clock thoro will be a Palm fl^toy^yesper^ aerviee^eonductedHby^ tb»-eirarc_ -Bimorfc^nitilnclimtollln yf^prjjp>inv~ special TCawtfir mnflf<v the baptism of little children, and the exnnilnnNo All parents and friends of members «f the Church school are cordially :|tt-' .â- â- â- ->..... "•y;':'.â€" -.v.-.. â-  â-  . :..---\---m^J&m£s$4^ij â-  -On Saturday there w Ul "be-floly Bap- iism-at 4:30 p. m, The preacher at the Wednesday evening Service was Rev; E. J. Batty, Rector of St. Lawrence's, Libertyville, Dr. Carleton preaching ^n Liberly^ viHeT the same evening. ^ On last Sunday morning, Passion Sunday, the Rector preached from the text "There^g-azLjajT Here." drawing the-attention of the congregation to the unusual development of the work at St. Augustine's amonf the boys of Wilmette, asking the men of the con- gregation specially, to aid individually in every way they could in making St. Augustine's a Church for boys. There> will "be a.Celebration of the Holy^Communion inl^the Church this morning. April 7thr' at 10:00 attended by the^ladiee of the Associated Guilds and others. Immediately following the Service there will be an all-day session of the Guild with IWtfs. ^ B. Palmer's club of young girls'has been meeting regularly on In the Shadow of the Cross ^The Christian ______, 4 ^ in honorojthe Criu^ US n€ctQ Even as Me was going^downjo Jerusalem to^ascend the cross, carrying the^rvliot^^ sin ^md^ribubtionron HirlieirtrHrwa^ ttian passing Uti the road. The disciples^ought to silence the man, fearing that the Masters trials were then all he could bear. But how mistaken they were. Though burdened with an anxiety such as no man before or since has, experienced, Jesus called the stricken man to him and gave him back-his sight."â- â-  â€"â€"-â€" We was not too burdened or too busy to be kind. ~The incident simply reveals one of the inspiring lessons of the Easter season that should strike home to every man and his neighbor. T*he c^ re- _charging of souls^Jnbe^erviccs arc^Jaimed with beau- : »t 1 • 1 .1 â-  â- â€¢ i» • .a 4ifu|^egard^oHiie^^______^ v.______..........^v unrivaled in its influence on the destiny of Manlrind! The First Methodist Church ---. Rev. Gilbert Stansell St. Augustine's Episcopal Church ifci». Hubert Carleton : The First Pwsty^^ The Wilmette Baptist Church Rev. Francis C.""SK^'P^^'^^;T:; St. John's Lutheran Church Rev, Herrnan^^ First Congregational Ckrch Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd â- -~~M

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