APRIL 7, 1900 BBBOBBBBBBB ' :$i}77{!,. More Classified Ads HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE WANTED â€" SALESMEN FOR THE North Shore, exceptional proposition. Phone Win. R. Singleton, Wil. 2131 for interview, North Shore Combustion Co*......^â- :-,-:^-:-~:.:-^.^..,....- "-â- . L22-ltC FOR SALEâ€" HOUSEHOLD QQOD8 FOR SALEâ€"$400 man. living rm. suite, $200; also complete furnishings for 4 or 6 room house; also Hughes Electric ove. - tAH eomparatively new.__Address 746 Center St. Winpetka, 111. Mr. Svanderlik. ________ Ltg22-ltc FOR SALE AT A BARGAINâ€"MAHOG. dining set; 2 library tables, rocking a^-jihaits; porch set; writing desk,; lamps, S:J? pictures, etc. Apply 199 Linden Ave., lit Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 730. Ltg22-lto I FOR SALEâ€"FURNITURE, RUGS, CAST, s piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, stoves, ^"^-isanything bought, sold and exchanged. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212. Ltgl-tfc V FOR SALEâ€"SOLID MAH. DIN. ROOM table 54x54, Colonial base, 6 extra ~7leaves. Cost $150 new will sell for $40. ^; 519 Laurel. Phone Wil. 1555. LTQ22-ltc FOR SALEâ€"DOUBLE BRASS BED With springs and mattress. Price $18. iTel. Wil. 1167. Lt22-ltc FOR SALEr-SOME Tel. Wil. 983-J. HOUSEHOLD GDS. L22-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUYâ€"SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. -Croat Furniture Store, 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, 111. Phone 189. Ltgl7-tfc i WANTED TO BUYâ€"SMALL WORK Sr bench with vise. Also inexpensive Irish setter dog. Tel. Win. 220. Ltg22-ltc i WANTEDâ€"FOUR WHEEL PONY CARTT i - One with reed body preferred: Tel. Wil. 1395. . ...........,...... L22-ltc = <DOGS, CATS, BIRDS, PETS.) WANTED TO BUY; 200 RABBITS FROM 4 weeks to & months old. The Evanston Pet Store. 1023 Davis St. Evanston 4028. I WANTED TO BUYâ€"SINGING CANARY ? ies. The Evanston Pet Store, 1023 Dav- is St., Evanston 4028. wmmm FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS IfillSfFOR .SALEâ€"SETTING EGGS; BARRED fete Rock and New York Whites; Barred lock cockerels. Phone Wilmette 934-M. „------------___._ LTQffi-ltc MA- ilii overhauled WASHING----- wâ€"««», w___.______"^and guaranteed. Thor, $50; Eden, $65; Federal, $35; other bargains. Patterson Brothers, 828 Davis pt, TOvnTintnn 654. ^___ Ltg21-3tC ttfPlMFOR SALEâ€"USED TALKING- __ mmi&iii^.chines. We always have on hand bar- gains in used talking machines. Pat- ftiplff terson Brothers. 828 Davis SL, Evans. g#ia^:654; •:".â- '--- " 7 â- :.:.:,-.â- â- Ltg21-3t0 iiilllFOR^SALE^HUMPHREY INSTANTA- ^g^jieous- Gas. Water Heater. Good as new. illtlti price $125 cash. Phone Wlhhetka 296. Mm>Mm',*r<--------â- _______ Ltg22-ltc _________HENS, THOR- oughbred S. C. White Leghorns. 260 to 300 eggs per year. Fine foundation tocJc.^kvWJL 1940. L22-ltc ^dFOR SALE CHEAP^2 GOOD CHICKEN ,ml%m houses. Phone Evanston 3618. . Miss ^j|pi;.;-Reeder;^^;-' â- •â- â- ' â- â- â- ...â- .-â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- ..:.:. ..........L22-ltp ******** «- SALEâ€"SET OF mmscmfor- sAiasâ€"smx. uxw -'THE . 71 7. _us>.cT:~ fcii3?matjTer-itTWrnss-- BOOK OF lightly, Here The Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Board of Forest Ptoserte Coimni««oner« made definite reeommemUnoiu which, if foUowod, would ham kept down U«e«, but they were disregarded. __.^___ Do you want an Efficient and Businesslike Administration of County Affairs? .-^_, -â- *..:.::-^^a-___l,aBt year, hot including the amounted JKedSOn appropriated for the - redemption of bonds and interest, the Board spent for labor,.salary And all _ other ea^*- penses the sum of 1550,957.60: ~~;: ^ â€"The total expenses of the year 1920 were about $1,142,65730, while our total Income was $9B8t859.46, or a dea- cit last year of $154,297.04, the-nay- rhent of which was made out of bond money. OPPOSE THE Thompson slate? To the Honorable Daniel Ryan, fe- President, and Member of the Board of Forest Preserve Com," mission of Cook County: Gentlemen: As Chairman nance Committee, I have e Prepared.two ordinances, as directed y the vote of a Committee of the Whole sitting with your Finance Com- mittee on Saturday, March 26th, 1921. One ordinance appropriating moneys for the corporate purposes of this Board to be expended during the fiscal year 1921. |> â€"Also an ordinance fixing the number of officers and employes required dur- ing the current fiscal year 1921. . Both ordinances are in accord with the expressed views ot\ majority of the Board, but in direct opposition to my own expressed views and vote. .-on. said Committee. will not give you that amount in taxes, as the County Clerk will only levy for 2-3 of a miiron the assessable property value, which, according to the be»t flgurea_X-CAB^tatajKWiU net us about the sum of H7W8.177.18. It is, therefore, folly to persist in en* deavoring to put this measure over " " 'these conditions. Sixthâ€"Many of the Commissioners are hopeful that the Legislature will frant the Board an increased tax rate, hope so myself, but If they do, and do it with an emergency- clause at- tached, we will not receive this year one cent of that increase to pay this year's bills. Then, why fool ourselves into the belief that we can p|s)t?,doJ- ..lara\out':of.the.air?^:^^^:fe!^rf'":K&,'; I Seventhâ€"In spite of the fact that we had a deficit last year of $164,297.04 that the redemption of bonds and payment of interest this year eats al- most all of our available assets for this year, and In spite of our desperate financial condition, this Board has In this Appropriation Bill acted like the proverbial drunken sailor and thrown the people's money away like rice at : a wedding, and it has JMlen on; Just C^JPBTE^SPN GERTRUDE C. LIEBER This year the appropriation as sen ted, if it should pass, would appro- mi priate the sum of $1,473,745.00, which does not take into consideration the labor or betterment accounts. Our In- .____ come from taxes being only about $1,- etore either one of these^rd*aan^^ is put upon its passage, by this Board, I address you on a matter of personal privilege. * _._.! am, owing to circumstances over which I have no control, compelled to be absent from the Board meeting this penses over income of $375,667.82,gfSeiryer »or and unjust alike. Salary raises have been granted, new jobs have been cre- ated in a most reckless and extrava- if we expect to4"'^Urch^se'""')!^-landS^ gant manner, not with^any idea of^fe this year we must exercise^ the strict- efficiency, not with any business acu- est economy, and I hold that our duty menv but ~ to~satisfy-the demands -of#&to buy lands is paramount.______ political followers and combinations; ; ^ ': I know that anyone who stands in the way of these two essentials of party organization is at once marked for the slaughter. I have no present personal political ambitions except to serve the people honestly and efficient- ly, and with the Board'* financial dls tress so apparent that even a hum man can see, or a very^dull man under stand, I am not going to sit idly by sjand permit jwhat I consider not only? the worst business policy imaginable- tto be fastened upon the. Forest Pre force which, together with last year's de- ficit, makes in two years the sum of $529,864.86 paid out of bond money tor all sorts of expenses. o 7:,,. . , From the above analysis of the'^ftku session, owing to the death oT Tny ~aTic1slnronditton^^hirBoardr^-mr... .„, brother-in-law, Mr. Guy Doty, whose the following objections to the p j||fe| funeral is to be held $hte aftiei^oon at sage of thlsljudget: ; mpk 2:00 o'clock. "â- â- :7*;y<'7 â- â- 'â- :'7'---'0'\. , :-. . ."â- "," •â- •â- â- ' . ;:i%/";5:|fci; ^^^^ â€"___^ â€"Eteai.â€"^ natinot pass, because.'--,t^i&fe appropriation exceeds the: revenue of £| the Board. ierefore, request that on these two ordinances, or on such modifica- tions as may be made to them, ex- cept as I hereinafter express, that I Secondâ€"The same fatal error is be granted the privilege of having my being made in this year's appropria- te recorded on the~records=of the tionras was made In last year's. While ^Board in ttw negativev 7^ I made this request for the follow- ing reaaona:::^i77^^7^7^m^-^ â- Firstâ€"Durlni'til Ipiwi year or two I have repeatedly called the attention .of the Board to the fact that we were -----fast approaching a period of shortage. of revenue, owing to the fact that un- der our. law, while we were given a power to issue bonds for the purchase of real estate to the maximum of $17,- 972,457.70.. we^fiftuld never issue that. 1925 FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILE3____ 2 BARGAINS CHANDLER TOURING PT THW loaded with useless and expensive po_ sltlons at the cost of taxpayers ot7 *thls County. |_My recollection is that last year's^ appropriation provided for about 137 iemployes^_anjd_to_the month of June 'during thenperldoToroTirnarreatest^^c- tlvity when tha Preserve was in full swing, I prepared a resolution at the request of the then President, Mrv£ Refnberg, and of several other mem- bers of this Board, abolishing the po- sitions of, and discharging some twen- ty-eight men, reducing the force to about 109 positions, and during the balance of that year these positions were never restored, 'â- â- . nor were the positrons -fitted,*-' yet ^he Board- sur- vived, we got along fine and saved many 'thousands of dollars. ^'vi||g||:;l?3; _________________________,„_ In the pudgetyou have increased Tolicy and exceedingly dan-iSfthe number of positron to about 141, the reason that you have 774and have added to last year's salary Uttjtec^heck on^expenaitures -"of- tHa^llpayrou of $z2^T12^00nhe-sttnrof about kind, and >rv**ing no limitation to gov-W'f $50,178.00 in salary. The amount of ern :'-<>". -U"V\ -t^vptv to overstep thetfithls appropriation* ordinance for sala- mark. rj ;', juries being $279,290.00, to say nothing of the increased amounts for trans- There are many other, reasons that I could use against these ordinances, but I am taking up too much time and perhaps not accomplishing very much. I believei youi will see that from the fact, that the appropriation exceeds our income the further consideration this bill should be postponed. I am satisfied from a careful examl- nation of the laws and discussing the same with the Legal Department, that this measure^jan go ovexv say at leastâ€" one week, at which time I believe we_. can find some solution to the questions I might make this suggestion, that the present budget be passed In the following manner:--------â€"'~7777~7~~'7' Amount >»ftqtilrflA by lawia: J:^£LI2. i be apprlprlated to re- # ^ «-: - tdeem bonds and pay In- ".^-;i o tejrest ..............;... .$1,073,940.00 Salary roll raised fon the Jiresent pay roll, allow- --777m±m~7-C- ng no raises or new po-^ sltlons ....,......______;w 229,112.00 it may not, be necessary to express in the appropriation ordinance " the amount to be paid out for labor or for-betterment, on the theory that it goes into the land and could be paid out of >ond money, It at- least is poor busin $1,303^)52.00 Deduct from this amount the sum of $190,000.00, ^T"777~T~7' being amount approprlat- .-; 77bS, which,,, although pro-'. :<7:777777m >â- ;,vided~""'fdr,' wlir'"ndt;"'be"":'^;::v^S^';^-'; m used, as only $45,000.00 i«^=-^? ^r will be actually paid out 190f000.00 Add the amount of mlscel- ^jw^% - â€"^laneous expenses In ^pres---*Mi^SiSS >ent budget for printing, '&M7U furniture, supplies, etc.. 92,225.00 ^ChteJ&cjti very best condition. Owned by private party. This car has an excellent set of tires, one extra. Bumper, and stop iightSTr^Car can be seen by appoint- L»]Se MODEL 88-4 WILLY tlPWGHT 7 passenger touring; In the very \best mechanical condition; * goods seti§ol tires; this car is just out of our paint Shop and is finished In beautiful Prus- sian blue with black running-gear. It is honestly represented and is good for thousands.of miles. Price $750. 562 Lincoln Ave. sTei. Winn. 166. LTG22-ltc .7ft0gt FOR SALEâ€"OAKLAND 6 PASSENGER touring car; very good mechanical con* f=Tifltfeni-four-^good tireaaaD^sjatfft*~bodr :• fenders and top excellent. Ait economi- cal little car at a bargain. 662 Lincom;.Ave^\.SiSlli|. Tel "Win. 166 'â- r~: :7r~;-.-â€"----«•.---~.-_r-._-------'-â€""^te^Z-ltc W&R SALBS-FOHD bELIVlilRX t3AK. Grooery body. Guaranteed condition. l3heaife?:^vj|;:;Vami^)>SttB*ttf 1154 Central ^Ltg|I;ltC SALEâ€"COLE 8, AERO- 7 PASS. Westenhouse Shock, prime cond. ne-fourth cost. Tel. WIL 966-R. Ltg22-lto Wmm LOSTâ€"PAIR OF TORTOISE SHELL |i|^^rlmmed glasses .between .the School and 1 Village. ^Returnâ€"to 603. Central Ave. Camme Coffey. rTel. WW. J22-R. (. war* " '"•â- -- -:^^:;r-.â- '.'-- -'â- ;"- .: TLSZJltiQ tOSTâ€"DOG. BOSTON BULL PUPPY, r, short tall, red eyes, white face; no W&7-MH collar. Finder please call Win. 1425. &mM'- " (Reward), ;' :.Lt22-ltc mmmmmmim/OTE- â- ' TOMORROW! â- * ^^^^g7A!^^oting-'-cithiena-^rM^m^^- Bftflrged to go to the polls Saturday, April 8, In the annual School Board 777 â- election. The polling' place is at the Village hall. Polls are open from p. m. to 5 p. m lis iiiii' = iWB»..-BMILOS' $18,000 .HOME' ington street, Chicago, has received" permission from the Kenilworth De- partment of Public Works to erect and $18,000 residence at 220 Raleigh roal, Kenilworth. FULL PAGE^ iffiXT^wfar«p= V :v__.__:. ppi! PAGE THREE -expre'm: â- §^W:^M^M^^!iJ7§^^." H.205,277.00 ;« ire~- -*a- labor alone, -bas.^d;. cw last. deemed. If 20-year bonds, 1-20 each year interest on the entire issue must he paid annually. Theâ€"Board has -ffieTatrwitfi"noapWbprlatlon to author- ize It, and that fact accounts in a large measure- for the deficiency of n54,297.04 of last year, which had lo be taken out of bond money. This? last-June, the earnest contention, anc I thought the honest desire of those wllo supported the resolution, was one of economy, and yet. Imagine my awe' "prise when In the face of all the Inâ€" formation as to sour desperate con- Deduct President's Contin- gent Fund ............. $1,228,077.00 10,000.00 acutally Issued $9,000,000.00 of 'bonds, ^ it^O^O^I^bonds^seriS ^f?^1^ 8hould not *• USed 1^In|f|dltlpn,Jiiipres8ed^W^^ after '%}," in&ii mSoSoooovSrto m^ke^^018 yea^* fr^ time. I see these seM-same^Conmils- the sale of these bonds legal, and to 1f% Thirdâ€"In my opinion money real-lRif^fâ„¢ ^ °n«T X0"^^0!* "JffitSE!? provide., for the redemption of the «|ised from the sale^ of bonds should bel^ ^Tf1?*^?^,.°ih^^f^o ^i?0^J i22S bondr^rst^matoring, two seriea ^' |ft|used only for the purpose of the pw-& gJ JJf1^J^ye! Truly^Ae wayaLof men are wonderful to behold, and I and Ihe^nTeresl thereon, Itlrneces sary to appropriate the further sum of $100,000.00 principal and $135,000.00 Interest or a total of $235,000.00 for Series "G" bonds, thus making an ap- propriation for this year, or redemp- tion of bonds, $640,000.00 and interest $4477000ie0i-or the aUm of ^$1,087,000.00, iQhase of real estate. Taxes and other receipts should be used for all other- of the Preserve. am forced to exclaim, "Oh, consistency, thou are a vlr^er -f $1,108.177.1^ Btartothr^n5l ^"^^l^^^^^Kmlalel^^ for rents;r expenses Fourthâ€"If this appropriation goes through, as voted upon by the Com-: mitteeL of_ihe Whole, jwith jBiore^ap^ _____ propriated than will be received from? ^^^^^ ftaken from bond money goes to thef-ff?^1^1 JKF?h?* rfeJ0*!^*^?^ i Redemption of bonds and payment of$ tend to aid this Board in its effort a#|interest.:i \ â- ': ' .-. § lount to be ap- â€"'â€" -7.......â- . propriated for ..........$1,218,077.00 RECEIPTS as follows: Taxes year 1920...........$1,108,177.18 Based on.......$1,198,177.18 Less, the loss V;, for collection"":"*^ '^' : "â- â- 7i7^^'7777- ; and dellnq'nt 90,000.00 v v :s f^>; the number of employes or in salary Tra1sesâ„¢atâ„¢t*isâ„¢timerr when- the Board is at the end of its rope, and in such 060.00, or a total of $1,078,940.00. The assessed valuation j>f property from taxes for the year 19Z0 bring the figures which we must use In figuring on taxes to $1,797,265,770.00. On the interest and concessions, â„¢etc^-^tcr .^fiivii^v;....... 85.000.00 Estimated income from spectid fund to be turned. ?£â- %777 7S-â€" 77 over to Preserve In June 78,800.00 to obtain from raise desired. the Legislature the If it:^oesliSju^Mlls^T»e^2,tW0T-_ _ .., ^, taxes coraine to the Forest Preserve '77 000.00 already issued; It will at leasl t Ninthâ€"-The-most essential-duty this wlPbe^Spfro^^ wmljw H.wlvAiu,alo., #i, 5^,^rr*oi~-chouse hop ^^ will want to depend Is to acquire the forest lands that are $1,221,977.18 »07J.< Deducilng the sum of $100,000.00, a carefully estimated figure for â€"tlon of bonds^$64Gv0Q0lM and interest taxes, leayes Us the sum of $1,098^- ,177.18. lrl^frolli#w^^ Tong^looked-for upon the payment of interest and the redemption ofjthelr bonds from mon -! ^ ieys recelvedTirbnvthe sale of either^* their own bonds or other bonds. This is "borrowing from Peter to pays to me, _.. yet condition, Where our income for the payment of -salaries and maintenance of Preserve, etc., after/the payment of principal d interest on redemption of honds. Is the magnificent sum of ab0Mt_824, - business undertaking, and certain! should not h© sanctl^ed; s3 by K, r thlsj 'Board. i Fifth^-^When It comes to^the^sprefid^S ing of the tax levy to meet this^ bud-a get, -the fact that you place a figure $1,473,745.00 as an appropriation| available for forest preserve uses. 0Tbj&uJ2ampaigii-of^ _ at early dates to forestall the increased can be legally char] prices that follow delays must be ap- and paid for parent to all, and every dollar of bond monw-that is= twed-for any=other pur« posfr^than in the purchase of forest lands is just that much land lost to the district or that much money squandered by reason of" increased prTces. This Board cannot afford to have any deficits that must be met out of bond money -Appropriate monntrTiveT^^nd^^bove"^ appropriation balance 'SS;*'~'"'"*vr on hand............. ,$BM 8,900.18 If laboriand improvement of land, soTup to therBuid" _ bond money then this ordinance will stand as suggested. ="~I, therefol^ requesirthatuthe fur^ter- consideration be postponed one week. If not, that my vote be recorded in the negative. , , ';^7-. Tous respeetfully|S^'|p$S;s;:'*;. illlgf-eHARLBS 'N. :QOOJ^<XW^'7st:.: Commissioner. a^^iSEORGE-F. HAND JAMES HARPER ICHAEL SCHIESSLE ipOWARP^KOE: mm- .â- â- 7 77'-'" .-"":::v,.i;;^ . ..... --For Pr49id*nt ofthe Boord of County Commissioners ml CHARLES S; PETERSON GEORGE F. HAND • Trustee of Sanitary DittrictTi ROBERT ISHAM RANDOLPH MICHAEL SCHIESSLE p-^g â- ^^,.......mr^ â- . â- â- -* . â- msmjm^^ ....... . . . ppj^|j|^^:-,r'lllll^^^^grl:':;?-mi>"v:liii**8!i â- â- â- *-â- - OlllVSlll r*" ^::" "'"â- "â- " 'â- """"â- "' H^-BSt-li Brundage and Deneen Urgaiiizations. m^M7"i:â- -,.â- •. 7^Mfe.~77^:7S-7'J777~ v^~":-.;ife"â- •; v.7 ";....\ 7::7.Mfy^&7:7 7siB z^&sf&gr