Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Apr 1922, p. 7

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Afden Shore Committee Luncheon Today iiii te4;&%s;----------- RJ3.itiloseph J. giving a luncheon, on Fri- day of this week, for the members of the "WSlmette Arden Shore Committee, of -which she is chairman. This is the occasion also of the annual business meeting and reports of the past year's work will be" given and plans laid for the coming year. The spring drive for funds for the support of the camp at Lake Bluff will take place the first of May. The committe this year includes the following Wilmette women: Mrs*. P. H. Arden Mrs. A. E. Kluncterifi Miss Mary Barrett Mrs. H. J. Leach jfe Mrs. H. L. Beach Miss Edna Lewis 3| Mrs^-A. W; Boylsâ€"--- berg-- ^4^^j|| ton.' :' â- '""-. Mrs. Hayes Mc-iip§« Mrs.^^-S.-.--ClarkfS5r--.v-Kinney- ^::~â€"^^ Mrs. D. J DavisTSMrs. Frank Sint^^ â- Mrs. L. P. Gates f^-mons - ~W% Mrs. E. R. Heins*iMrs. H. J. Smith â- l-.tteimqp^---^;^ ^Mrs^^F^edtirick Tilt Mrs. A. II. iiowara t "mm. Mrs. I(V~iC..rToiinancrr- Myron West \$* Mrs. W. H. Hujson; The wedding of Missâ€"Genevieve Forrester, daughter of Mri and Mrfiu Frank Forrester, 1030 Linden avenue, to Mr. E. Thayor Hemmick, son of Mr; and Mrs. X E Hemmiclf oX Springs field, DLi- tookr-plaee^Saturday after- noon, April 1, at the home of the bride'fr parentsTHev.:^ HUhjert zCaTlettm of St. Augustine's church, officiating. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a gown of white, princess crepe with crystal bead trimmis^ She carried a 'shower bouquet of white sweet peas an<F lilies of the valley. ' Miss Geneva Hemmjck, sister of the t groom, as maldnoThoHorv wore a gown of Fhite net lace, and cirried^ptnlc roses. Mr. Raymorfr Hemmick at- tended his brother as best man. After a trip east, Mr. and Mrs. Hem* mick will make their home with the brides* parents for a time* fgim Long Beach,x <JafcMrs; fcrbnson will make her home with her daughter here in the future, and after an ex- tended visit, Mrs. Burlingame will re- turn to her residence in Long Beach. Prenuptial affairs for Miss Evelyn Lucy Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wells Smith, whose mar- riage to Raymond Briggs LaSelle took place Wednesday evening, included a linen shower given IJonday at the home of Miss Katherine Calhoun of Glencoe and a tea and miscellaneous shower Sunday, when Miss Virginia Thompson of Wilmette was hostess. â- ;.- :ypj||j. Mfes^^sarab^inf ;%afllltt Gallagher will .return from the Uni- versity of Wisconsin on next Tuesday to ^spend the sprinr vacation witii their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Gallagher, 1233 Forest avenue. Miss Margaret Gallagher Is planning that week-end with her roommate, Miss Reinette Douglas in Milwaukee. Mrs. Fred F. Cain and her daughter, Mrs. Addison Burbank of Hubbard Woods, former Wilmette residents, have recently returned from an ex- ,ZW§S&»i4»im '•. q l J»y.ffi4fe^feJ4iSf "Miss Edith Young presented the fol- lowing pupils in Claps Play at the home of Mrs. J. J. Moran, 924 Green- leaf avenue, on Saturday afternoon last, George~Giover; j^irar^an l>o*< en, Muriel Rafalski,Carol Lawrence; Richard Steen, Richard Schuettge, tEdna Cbap^nisiMarjorie Banning, Mable Moran. Throckmorton andte»? Lerby Mr. and Mrs. John R. Nicholson entertained ^hesamembers oftheir briday party at "-&- buffet jmper la^t Sunday evenin^at^taeir h©%ie in Evf anston, in celebratiott of tfcejr first wedding anniversary. â-  Mir s; Iftehpl* son was formerly Miss Virginia Otwiu, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, ^rOlWin, r ^(^ake^^^^^=^^ggg4^^^^ M^anPlTrs*: Fjreo^ll^.^im- tronsr and their two children, who The marriage of Miss Virginia B. Smurr, daughter of Mrs. Maudes. Smurr, to Mr. Frank ^B. Parker of Rogers Tarlc~wasquietly solemnized on Wednesday evening at the family home, 920 Main street, Evanston^ev, Horace Greeley flmttn»_pafltor Of tM have been making their home in North Evanston temporarily; have taken a suite.of rooms at the Edgewater Beach hotel for the next few months. Mrs. Armstrong was formerly Miss 0Aztk _beth_McCu^:?s3?l', â- -:][\;; /^^.;.:,...'/" ^The Ways a^Mifeans comittee of the Wilmette Catholic Woman's club will have a rummage sa)^ in tbre store ^afr fee eoraer-<>fTrairie avenue and Central street, Evanstson, on Friday, Saturday and Monday; April 7, f And at ftil Washington avenue, early next Iwpsjfi tM$i Miss Jessie Robinson, 1026 Ashland avenue, who has been ill for several weeks, ha* recovered and hopes soon to resume her study at the American Conservatory of Music......,,,.,;,,.;; .,,,,;,,;: Mrs. Volney Underhill has sold her home at 701 Washington avenue, to Mr. and Mrs James of the Ravenwood Manor, who will take up their occu- pancy on May 'i*ggg*-:"" '^pmW:: "*•*"' p|.' 'ii^^i^ii^r^°~*i.-..,^-....^...,.-„ """"The'membera'of the First Division of the Ladies' Aid society will meet at the home of Mrs. A. N. Page, 500 Central avenue, Monday, April 10 at ^Mrs. LP. Wilson-%f Evanston, formerly of Wilmette, sailed from San Francisco for Honolulu on March 22, with her son, Ray C. Wilson, first mate on the Matsohia. !§Miss Dorothy MeCoy^ 124^>^H1I1 street, is ill at her home^with measles. nue, recently underwent an operation for appendicitis. ||IIM'#--l#iv?fis||||.! Mrs. James Topp and son, Robert, TS2Q Broaaway avenue, who have been Visiting in Kansas City, Mo., will re- turn home this week. 5P||!|| Dr. and Mrs. Donald M. Gallie, Ulf Elm wood avenue, returned Sunday from a six.week's sojourn in Cali- fornia. â-  ^;;.;:;.,^-" â- â-  ';-'^:""-'-\'h^--^'-^^^-:â-  pJBrwin T. Meierhoff, 1714 Wilmette avenue, will be able to resume his work on Monday after being confined for* two weeks with German measles. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell of Mil- waukee,Wis., were week-ehd guests at the Shurtleff home, 816 Lake ave- nut.,;':;;:,;.'fi :v.;.,:.-;..::,.;;.' .,^W^WwA?v'i-.» i' '^Mre^Marton::Cal^^ avenue has rented her home to Mr. Lloyd I. Snyder of Wilmette. Mrs. Calvert will reside in St Paul, Minn. fc-%r!*SP<3f 'Coltoni v6oo£;t^trai^'ay6-' nue, who has been ill at the Evanston hospital for sometime, has returned to his Tiome and "Is Teported to hef rapidly improving. -,^~ ^s ,; ^ i^MrsriJCrlK Roberts, 808^6reehwood avenue, and her daughter, Jane, are both recovering from a siege of the gripPt^;-;T---';- - Hemenway Methodist church read the service at eight O'clock in the^pres man, both • of Chicago, were Ihe sonly attendants. Among the put-of* town guests were Mrs. Smurr*s sister ^and^tn-otheriSMrsr Harry ^almer-of f ^-o- 'â- !W^®0W^I-0$!0§ '•â-  ,*w igMrs^Kerry^Meag^ €Kv^landT-0^and-Br^ay4M)nJHoy^^ ^"'â€" the guardianshlp^or Mrsr^^ Alfred Dv Herrman, held a ceremonial meeting at the home of Eleanor Buckman last Thursday ^Eleanor Thayer became a memher^"'""^^-^'-"^"""'"F'F. S^kfP^&^T Hoopst&n, HI. Until a few years ago, the Smurr family were residents of this Village. ^Misl Helew l>oty of SS XJrescent place. Wilmette, is one of the chair- men for "Tea in Thibet" to be present- ed by the Student Opera Company of Grotto on Saturday aftenioon iffla evening, April 16 under the auspices of the Illini club. â-  ^. â-  This is the first opportunity Cnlcar goans have had to see a P^oductitmby -^the~StudeTit^pew^CoinT»^ "theater as this is the initial appearance of the company outside the iTJfctorersity. The entirer pTay7both^boo^?B^auBic, am l r.„ â- ,:J,.a-. Who also de- _________________effects. her of Chicago boys are in which is composed castT entirelyTc^r; mm students. li Ut Wednesday's meeting of ge ^Economy Shop^ eemmittee^the nrofits Ifor the quarter .were divided among "the organizations to be benefited. Arden Shore, -Infant Welfare. and ^Woman's Club philanthropies^ttlfJJ^ ^receive $50; Local Board of Charities - ^ ice*lJJM each. $25 will be given to^he Health JPenter ifor the automobile fund. agi'here is urgeut jae _ ... ..._.._. iiousers in the Thrift Department, |The. call is constant, ^ifi^i^.lif f^.: I Mrs. Henry B. .Gates hae Teturned ltd her home at 1126 Wilmette avenue, -after a four months' visit with ^la- tives and friends in the "west.^ «rs, iGates spent Cliristma8j^her^a«gh. Iter, Mrs. Monitor in Port Smith, Ark., land later ylstted her son, CapJ^J iWarner-Oates, niid-Jiis^te-AlJ^ inome in Arcadia, Oaf On the return lixip she stopped In ^Denver with friends for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Monroe are at home at 1220 ForeBt^yenue. Jlrs. Monroe was formerly Miss Mary Henderson Drury, her marriage having taken place the latter part of Feb- ruary.' :W ;' 'f;/:K^-~ Mr. and Mri: Arthur Southworth have returned from Florida and are making an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. Bodine Southworth in Eenil. worth before going to their home at Lake Geneva, .. ., 77,.,::i:^;:.aiS;. -TS^PS. VIOLINIST EASTER gCUM,COKtliailECIIUI, El«. W*-- : -â- â- <rH .,.^-elso â-  7 PIANIST 1, BARITONE Wmâ- â- 'â- â- â- â- â- â- J- â- ' "â- "" 'â€" -----------"^ Saturday forenoon Fitzgerald â- fpi:l Set'YourpP fPlrn Eg^ Priies! i^oir^oui^lf^airrgs^r^^ jj^ititer's egg prices now. ^Ho^FSiinply b^torlng egg^ ^aiway ini RIJTX-AND Egg f ***â- ':â-  server Vhile egg prices are rea- sonabie; In winter you'll have^ all the eggs you want at those reasonable prlcesw^,,,^....i:.^.,.)^. < ?xhe government highly rec- ommends saving eggs in water glaSSr-JCJsing^th^ "I^2^Dp|FthsteadT: dT^rpafcing" «faan«ei!Rrith' unkscis^^j^pre- â€"servers; ihsiires complete sa^is* factionr Those Important suecess^of^ttt E^^«r^oatia»c; depends upon the, selection of Accessories-p^This store is ready with excellent as- sortm en t s at attractive Saturday and Sunday Chocolate Peanut Cluster - --: - >â-  i^b. 35c 3 IhvBox A^s# Chocolates - «^ *, ^tMT Our own special packed Chocolates Wilmette Wllm«H« and C»ntjr«l Ar«mwi^ Both silfc;':iijS'li^'SI?oyi3*|^^ in gauntlet styles or long is.:-#T;liey.....^-coffleif ;Shades|S^;«"'..... '" ;"1 --^'â- â€¢^.......â€"â- '•-"-â-  â- mt Mosm^ ;An2Easter^icOsliin^ silk hosiery â€" impossible! The new hosiery comes in sheer weaves, either plaan or with clocks; in black, beige and gray*- w-mmmsm SATURDAY, APRIL 22 mountains. ESTES PARK, CQLORADOill _ M rik X "conference grounds. ifiWonaerl^I v#we ^ snow *IH completely furnished for housekeeping. Fireplace, sleeping POf<*, ^ modern bathroom, garage, For further .information address Sv D. 111. : â- â- '"• r StoheTBox i»e, uiencoe, Miss Helen Phelps* accompanied by ftftr nfrn^ Mia? T^nia Phelns. will spend the Easter vacattonTTn RockfSrd, at the home of their parents and grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sebrlng Phelps. ^'Thuredayf April "13, af^u":it1Mock, The Babies' Friendly Society will meet atT414 Forest avenue to sew for needy babies and young sgjhildren. New members are always welcome. ®Mm lEIdward L. Scheldenhelm has issued «sards for a musicale to be given mr her home, 704^£«*e avenue, j)n Thursday, April 20, between the hours t^etocte *%r. Frank J. Baker, who has been ill at the Presbyterian hospital since his return from the west, is now con- valescing at his home, 50l7Lake ave« ^nue^^7'777 ^â- '"^^T"---jr^;i^^ . ilr. and Mrs. B. P. Patch, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wlgglesworth in Miami, Jta, tor sev- eralweeltsy will retunrto their home iSltfiner-eoburn^son of Mr. and Mrs. illAlonzo Coburn, 915 Linden a^nu^ t^**C31arehce,r^iiJte g^en at-flie lOvanSr jggS^-&& prompt «tt«a^^ psaturday evenings, April 20 and £& by ifememhers of the Round Table of the pii^ i*iwBby^ewan mston. H7 grohson an| her daogfr- ter, Mrs, JQ. H. Burlingame,Jiave ar- i&T&m®i^ot firt. «SS iMfBVKMOTON,Hi. Hh». Br. MO hiMsGii^r^^^^^^^ Proper pruningf remerMte^.proper pruning destroys, faveyow Vâ„¢**** Â¥rutt«H» ^â€" the growing season „ „^.X Is g^en carefulr prompt attenttoa. Fullness ot foliage and Pfofttsion ot blossom depends upon this Important wfrkSkdito time,it is done, â-  ' " "â€" '" ' â- â-  â-  â- â-  "'iMMMIs, Carpenter and ^wlI^j te> No job too small or toolarge^iillt !IllilFir«t-€(a88 Work: Only^lifiil! You can have Vestees tike ese to wear with your new iSttit,i4r~you^ l» â- â€¢â- â- â-  a number of other styles lli^ eluding the new ^nghatn sets with l^eter I*an?«olJjMPs. 1126 Linden Ave. ^IIJIETTE illsl^SI Phone 871 ymmmm â- Iâ€"Hill Sra^ ^^MmW^Sii xrtiT â- Sj-^i^ 'iMSM^. £>WawvG$QMM iSfelggigp fi,!t'^^(^^t^&^) â- â-  ISm l^rullld Sffie and Cemiil Diffllijyf an< unshed i igg^R^ *w ^_ iif 11^^^ so IWINNETKA, the things that go under- neath the Easter costume of silk. We offer several styles olfine silk un^erweir, dainty ily trimmed with lace and McAllister CMRTHENGJJ :IKM--B T ? B ifefllSSllr^-1

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