1$!$$$$:^^ -^^X^.^y^'f^ . _____ _ : . „.â€"• .-.tt/ntvT? XTT?TXrO " ' â- â- V*^n1& HHt ^'yiffi'1 HMi 2 Former Dry Goods Dealer â- ~ 'MMi Here It Taken by Death Miss Sarfth H. Cramer, for many {years a resident of Bvanston and Wil- mette, and former local dry goods dealer, died at the Bvanston hospital 'Sunday after an Illness of six weeks. Miss Cramer was employed in Lord's department store for many years, after which she conducted a dry goods business in Wilmette. In the Spring -^T^20^shir,w«sr~fOTCBd" to^ Tetire-lre- cause of ill health. :"'"". - Since November she has conducted the store on Central street, "Bvanston, -formerly owned by Miss H. J. Stiles, Funeral services* were conducted at Shelbyville, Illinois, Tuesday after- noon, _______ , THE PUBLIC FORUM Wilmette, 111., April 11. 1922. Editor, The Lake Shore News:â€" ,.- In last week's issue of The Lake #T3hore News there appeared a state- ^menrTy ^Samuer J. Nordorf-which -casts an unwarranted reflection upon 3*the Wilmette Improvement Associa- I ma, and which, we believe, calls for r a reply from accredited representa- tives of that association. # Mr. Nordorf states that he. resigned ^ as a•direetor^^4h%Wilm«tte-X^nprov«- ment Association, because he found 5 that said association was being used ^ to sponsor and further the independ- <mt ticket in the school election of last Saturday." -Tbis statement Is wide of the i^iruthrâ€"^To our -knowledge no officer. director or_jnember^at-any time^or place, used the name of the aasocia that it tion, or made any assertions was interested In supporting the dependent or any other ticket. If any such intimation was given, it was entirely without authority of the asso- ciation. '. â- _ ^i|f, the: original sponsors 6f the inqepeno' ii!fp eat ticket, and was instrumental In Ifflil placing -that, ticket In the field,, no one lillBI knows better** than" he that the Wil- Sfei#3 mette Implrovejdient Associationnaa iHiiil nothing whatever to do wlth.it. Any llflSllf'member ' of. the association who. sup- lSiii-ported;:either -ticket to. the school olec- i*Wlii:tion acted as -an individual, citisen, liiiSW;just as-did-/members .of .any -church SliS§ftw~fnst«a^^ â- â- â- â- â- -â- Sliyp^-. The -wilmette Improvement«AssocIa- SlillS'tion has a definite purpose to its ex- lljltlll isteacei^d that purpose is far re- !tiiil|:mov«^ ifare of any lhdIvIdui|Jnor Tac- MODERATOR THE TAKE SHORE NF-WS. FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1922 Ouilmette K. of C. Holds m Wilmette Pastor Chosen to Direct Activities of Presbyterian De- '"Vy^^pminatloh. in Chicago schedule will be played Fr. O'Connor council field. The first home ^>n Saturdayr'May-fc - Rev. George P. Magill^ Rev, George P. Magill, popular pas- torz^fr^theâ€"fVVttmetteâ€"PresbyteriaiL church, Tuosday of tSsT-weelf was ^elected moderator tor the coming year„ of the Chicago Presbytery, Rev. Magill's election took place at the annual meeting of the .Presbytery held in the Second Presbyterian church, Chicago. e Rev. Magill is regarded as one or the-mest-able-mu_--------------- the Presbyterian denomination. Be- fore coming to Wilmette several fears ago. he was a leading educa- ^er^aEid-held1 Important pastorates in various leading churches of the mid- tfH.6 V^GSlL Ijtev Magill is one of the leading spirits in the Wilmette Church Union jnd has always been deeply interest- ed^ in civic betterment enterprises. His election to the important posi- tion of Moderator Is on recognition 3f exceptional services rendered his ienomination and the community at arge. ciation in givtog^t htm no foundation fact, SlSPi3pi;that.- «w~ â€"â€" -â€"â€"--------â€" â€" -, ... â- ISftSfttoke this opportunity to correct the SiSllllfalse â- Impression that many citizens WSSSIilhave-'received.: ' „^ iHSil "ytaMBJTT®. : IMPROVEMENT. ASSO- Ifilifc<3iATi0N^...........vâ€" -----â€"......â- â€"- - â€"- . - &8S®&^^ .- - Earl b. Orner, Secretary. Memorial Service April 25. Tuesday evening^ Aprfc^ Wil- mette council, Knights of Columbus, will hold a Memorial service at Jones Lodge hall in honor of departed mem- bers. The oration will be delivered by Jerome Crowley, master of the fourth degree. Musical selections will be ren- dered by the Columbia quartet. Rev. Father Nicholas Kremer will lead the prayers. The service is an impressive one and is the first of its kind *t- tempted-by^Quilmette-council. ^ The baseball manager for the coun- cil team is Marshall O'Connor of 933 Linden avenue. He was elected last week. The first same of the league April 29 \*ith at a Chicago game will be field for the mm IN home encounters will be selected with- in the near future. The council is giving a dance on the same evening at the Kenilworth Assembly hair.â€"Arns^rcfcestra has been engaged to provide the music. : Don't risk your Jewelry, Bonds, Deeds, Securities, Important Papers, Etc. by leaving them unprotected in £>ur house when less than one cent a day :yj rent a box controlled by your own key xn a real Safety De- Vault ':'SS Suit Cases, Trunks or Packages ofSiWer, Clothing, linen, etc, also stored in Fire and Burglar Proof Vault by the rnontli,at moderatej^Ms. Come in and examine our Vault, .vSliSS Armenian Relief Fund are to share equally in the, proceeds of a bateâ€" and candy sale to be held tomorrow at St Augustine's Parish House, _ The Yonug Girls* club of the parish is in charge of the sale; In addition, Mrs. George J. Phillips is to conduct a flower sale. ..._..._'.. â- â- _!„________= •*$$&! â- ^lirMMi.irf^.^iiiiitttiinii»iiflfllllin Ja^?-^^:^ m&ih FROM OUR ST. LOOK 1AB0RATORY iiHi ,;.; u sill * The J*rg*st laboratory under^ffl£^rj3*^n_tiie^worl^ the opening saleâ€"highest quality dru^ merchandise at the lowest price, Read carefully the few items below of thejnany good things we have to offer you. ^VVtth each purchltse^^fa. box ttf Jotiteel Compact and ^ ^box of Rouge a Beaa^fa^ 'SilyC^ Vanity Box Free. |Krmony: ^B -iP: â- â- 'â- â- •â- â- gBw ::GREAMx^Sli sale39c^ Skill fo ^SCiffflhii' ,ATES ||f ;5creamsfâ- Irutto Mdwits. palnti^ "0$i^i$j&. -â- mm SSjK ; It half pound of the same FREE, Chocolate Vanilla^CreaniSf lb. Chocolate Cover Almonds, lb. EASTER SPECIALS ^T^. HERE'S good health in good food and that's exactly w h e..r.evpur_ htead^comes i .n_t_p; prominence- It is a bread that represents^ the highest type of food purity and whole-- someness. -$*M ':H:(iM Your Home Bank :^M l^i'^M WILMEHE E. G. LINDGREN We do expressing to Chicago and adjoining cities The Wilson Bakery "in fa Hteri ofWUmiU" t 1162 Wilmette Ave. Moving Expressing m Phone 40 TAXI SERVICE !*S^;*:ailiSSsSS*';* :v*::;i;;y»,«*:'>:^;S»v Molasses (M^lflN ^MSi'Wii^^M. WM^xM^ ^^â- i^t^i^»^^M^'^^^-m-..^^^\'^yS iptrarf^s <m1rTaSds)i lb^ ll *^'i»j^^;*j»^i«":«iifei#'*:i ^vioc- :OMPANY 28 & 29 S3THE REXALL STORE .l^KkMite *♦•♦♦♦♦•#•♦♦♦♦* &S4 .QJULL Our present quarters are too small! We 'll have to find more room! Our business has i increased so much that we*re^ planning to l^moite^uflie^^ full justice to it. In the short two years that we have been doing work for our patrons on the North ISharewe^^^ satisfac* "WIIVI V> W^* ^^ «^wW«* %ilTr>^ C%* jgiy^ jTMl^gB ff\m%%9W tamp tion as only comes from painstaking service. ;fg^W^iftoii^Hclsanetf and mended our cas- I tomersf rugs and carpets so carefully and M&iharougM^^^ looked as fresh and bright as the day they §?^wereboaghMJ^^ -..... isgffTry ^w. We guarantee to give you W^pletescitisfacHoh^^ COm- Native Cli WUmette 1S4» MM gyiaLMgriC of Oriental Rugs and W Railroad gf_r llfei CV