Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Apr 1922, p. 7

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PHH r7':""r; Ail <>,â-  ' j rri c^'.'*',ffi'|&T&>ff^ ' ..' ^ " ;' ',' ",'.." ..'..... . , S|^as»rt$* " ' ' ; if â- â-  - • -. • " 'iWi THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1923 gear Mrs. John Mannerud ads Woman's Club in at the home of the bride's parents, Wilmette avenue, followed. The bridal HE annual business meeting of the Woman's club of Wilmette Ml ^he held on Wednseday, April 19, at 2:30 o'clock. At this time the election of officers his^TJlub's-^iratlS'"^ will take place and reports from the different departments will be heard. The nominating committee report the following names for election; Mrs. John C. Mannerudf presidents Mrs. Frank J. Scheidenhelm, first vice-pres- ident; Mrs. Ralph P. Potter, second vice-president; Mrs. Charles A. Eld- ridge, third vice-president; Mrs. J. J^ Siddall, recordings«secretary; Mrs. Hayes McKinney, corresponding sec- retary; Mrs. Frederick M. Bowes, treasurer; Mrs. James A.' Burrill, Chairman, Art and Literature; Mrs. Arthur H. Howard, Chairman, Child | mj^-p^ fWriiscaviah and Arthur and Home. Mrs. Wttlai^ TE-^TtteTerr ^ Xathrop of Winnetka asHI)ridesinaidsH^ee-UnderMlH«- Ne^York^ho-wiM ___Home. ____ _______ __.___. ^ Chairman, Civics and Legislation; Mrs. R. E. P. Kline, Chairman, Music; Mrs. C. P. Evans, Chairman, philanthropy; Mrs. R. D. Burtner, Chairman, Young Woman's Auxiliary; Mrs. Herbert_B. Mttlford, Chairman, Program; Mrs. Charles J. Moore, Chairman, Social; Mrs. M. H. McMillen, Chairman, House. The annual luncheon and Musicale will take place on April 26, and a very attractive program has been arranged for the closlng^pf the club year. Society women in North Shore towns were most enthusiastic iiLJtheir sup- port of the "wfcttezejephant" sale for the benefit of Grove House in Evans- ton held on Thursday and Friday of Ithis^week^ Seventy-five women, re- covering their strength after opera accommodated â€" tions or illneso are at the Grove House, Evanston. 1729 Livingston They are ad- street,-------------- -----», - - -____ mitted through recommendations from | avenue, churches, hospitals and employers and - - - - • are cared for free of charge if they are unable to pay a "nominal f ee to- ii£ warcT thofeown ____ ___expenses. It is. the onlyhome of this sort in this vicinity, where women who ar€Ljapt subjects for hospital care may bfr tended until they regain, sufllulent strength to go bax*-4e*,wbrk. Among^ the manjr^women who are interested in Grove House are Mrs; The Presbyterian church was the scene of a lovely wedding on last Sat- urday evening, when Miss Isabella Corruscavish, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. W. L. Corruscavish, was united in marriage to Mr. Herman Wuke of Cecil, Wis.' The service_was_read at elkght o'clock by Rev. George p. Ma- gill, pastor of the church. A reception gown was of white oan- with- pearls, -<a»d-|^iUa8fi the veil of tulle fell from a stiff frill held in place on ,the head by a band of pearls£S!The bridal bouquet was a shower of white roses and lilies of the valley. The bride was attended by her sister- in-law, Mrs. William Corruscavish, as matron of honor, and Miss Alma Mad son of Menominee, Mich.,and Miss Hazel Their costumes were of pink, peach and rose canton crepe, trimmed with black jet. Mr. William Corruscavish served Mr. Wuke as best man, and the ushers were Messrs. Nicholas Meyers. After a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Wuke will reside In Milwaukee, Wis____:____â€"â€":_-.....- -r-^r-.------â- ----------â€" Of interest in university circles is the announcement of the approaching marriage *==©* MIss^^fargaTet Bulettor daughter of Mrs. C. H. Eulette of Bv. anston, to Mr. Edwin W. (Buddy) Lane, which is to take place at the Eulette home on Saturday, April 29? Miss Eulette and Mr. Lane are former Northwestern students, Miss Eulette being a .member of the Delta Gamma sorority and Mr. Lane, a Scribbler and a well known football star, i^i Miss Jeanette Rankin was a week- end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.- JHPi Comee, 1612 Forest avenue. Since leaving Congress Miss Rankin has ben devoting her time to the bet- terment of social and Industrial con- ditions for women.' 1M-M!S:M^MMm^MM Mr. and Mrs; Fred A. Smith, 72* Eighth street, havei returned frota >*g 'six'^weeka^^rtp-throttgh' â- tb»i'-so«ta|s:u.;:; Miss Ruth King, daughter and Mrs. W. X King, Wf- avenue, is ill with measles. of Mr. Forest Invitations have been issued bf Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lusted for the mar- 1315^ riage of their daughter, Miss* Ethel Lusted^ to Mr. Edward W. Richardson, son of Mrs. Louise Richardson of this ________^he; aervicjt. wULJbe re^ofe the evening of Thursday, April 27, at eight o'clock, in the Lusted home at 714 PrairieE'fiavenue. IRev. Hubert Carlton will officiate. W&kt'M^mi^^ Mrs. Volnev Underhill of 701 Wash- ington avenue, ^will aeoompany her Son, Mr. Lee Underhill, on a tri£ east tomorrow where they will join Mrs. A vaudeville will be given by the alumni of the Northwestern School of Music, Tuesday, May 2, for the bene- flt of a^new school building. The success or tne recent musical- given by the senior class was ah TndicatioTar of the general interest in the campaign for a new music school building. The need is a real one and .those backing the movement earnestly solicit the patronage-^>f-*llHErlendfl^of-4hte-musi school. The program will consist of seven vaudeville acts given by the alumni of the school of music and various talented people of the north The hospitable home of Mr. jand Mrs. Orville D. Jones, 1615 Forest presented a festive scene of social activity last Saturday evening, when nine families in the immediate neighborhood, gathered- there to pay a friendly tribute to the family of J. R. Gathercoal, who are soon to move to their new home on a farm west of thelHllage^^Th^ Gathercoal family has lived In thio oommunity for Qver sail April 22 on the Olympic for Italy to contniue her voice study. Mrs7 Volney -Underhill will proceed \to/ Washington where she will visit for severa"f weeks with old friends. a,^^ ^Mrs. Percy Skillin, 1019 Sixth street, was chairman of theLCpmmittee for the exhibit and Easter Sale held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday^ of this week by the Vocational Society for Shut-Ins at their headquarters in Chicago. The articles offered for sale were the exquisite handiwork of the handicapped people of the society. Miss Isabel Sehildbach who is at- tending school at Battle Creek, Mich., returned home yesterday to spend the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George* HLJ3childbach, 1606 Mrs. Lorin Hall his rented her home at lOOR-Greftnleaf avenue, to Mr. and Mrs. G. Ross Stewart and will reside temporarily with Brer ItRughter, Mra liiiiliiliiiiiftirt Eugene R.Selleck in Chicago Heights. twenty years, and will be greatly missed by their many friends, B. Jones, Mrs. Warner Baird, Mrs. John E. Wilder, Mrs. Chester Brlc- son, Mrs. John D. Town^rMrs. Fred- *Hc5=GoJbiii?iii-= Mrs. Morris Wilson, Mrs. Alexander Smith, Mm-Franeis Butler, Mrs. Morgan Butler, Mrs. Frederick Scott, Mrs. Leslie Wheeler, Mrs. Gretta Fuller, Dr. Sarah H. Bray- ton, Mrs. O. C. Eastman, Mrs. Herman Butler, Mrs. Cutberth Adams, Mrs. Ar* jthur F^ Gaultt Mrs. Hale Holden, Mrs. ]Auygj^ajr ^^^od^5^rs^^^mes-^ Houghteling; jr., i«rs. TleyTIger^&r deWindt, Mrs. John Stewart, Mrs. ^ErnestJReekitt, Mrs. J. Allen Haines rfl Mrs. Wr^r^lcllvajner "Milady's Mirror," the reflection of campus life at Northwestern in mus- ical revue, proved tfrbe-a-musicnl riol dirPrlaayLand jSaturday evenings of last week when it^was presented in Now Trier's auditorium. The event- ing was the most successful that any collegiate entertainment has provided. ^Itr was more -professionals than ^Ah& usual run of amateur productions, and the flew slip-ups served only tolem- phftfli^o the-uaiform excellence of the production. â-  Any number of high spots were to l>e seen; bur the Turple Shimmy, ^a rdainty dance feature, was perhaps the most to be remembered number. It was a dancing show and all evening s long, the dancers were encored and \ encored. Vaudeville, with characterl- ----------------------iprisecu the ^greater part of the program. Take- ifSffs on all the plays given on the igcampus pro^eff to he ^rwhelm^ Si funny to those who had seen them. li Burlesques on bicycling Professors, iS«'Du Pink's Pantry" and other Evans- 'm ton peculiarities.were cleverly sketch- ed There were some ninety-five peo- ' in the AftHtf and^it would be dlffl> out aH the praise due, m mmi- Some of the specialty inTislcTra^bers WHwere composed by Miss Ethel Plenty illland special costumes wer€> ^signed byv iiilMiss Margaret Couffer and Miss Ellaa- g^beth.^€utler:sai||:.......â-  §^sMmss^mm^^ •^The North Side Alumnae^ of Chi ftomega announces a card party UMW «glven=oÂ¥=Saturday afternoon, April alJ^at^o-o'clock, atihe Jyan?to^ Swoinan's club, tor the benefit otthe ^Sding fund for the new_ sorority IhouK be erected on ihe campus* ^ TqArthwesterTt nnlverslty^- Mrs, kbox ^°n^ - ^Bvanston^^ IsL grej#^ of of m tus MSociatlonraSff^^^K^Ln*., ^ rt#ii«r north shore memoere wt_ *» i Other_iior^ss^_are_^fig8r_HaWl ~W§ alumnae BRassell, the fRshurtletf, and [elen and Bernlce iwin M. Hawes. rabbit napkin rings, made up especial- ly for Easter, you've let a glorious op- portunity slip by, according to Mrs. Mortimer B. Skinner and some of the other women workers at, the Shop these~aays. All proceeds of the Shop are devoted to Philanthropy and charity^l^;^.:::l::I.:..:..L::^-.c;::\...... .' -,; '^ available for d±E;m)L EASTER II 7Smlm6. PIANIST 779 Foxdale Ave., Wnmetka Wednewiay afternoon Saturday forenoon Townsend Fitzgerald Studios Brown Bidg., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 12«M) - Pupils accepted. Announce an Dance wvm Â¥. Watson's Ale6-Artists (Colored Wonders) Wnes HAt^Wttmme Tickets Fifty-five Cents jpoi! YourJ^irfa Crucifix Largo (From Xerxes) _ (Handell Hosanna! In French ^ ||H The Crucifix In French Stabat Materâ€"Quis est Homo Christ Arose ^â- ..-.:. .v>i.5r: BeautlfuLIsle ot aoraewl The Holy Clty--Part 1 the Holy Cityâ€"Part 2. The Palms -.: MM&M The Holy City r^Xn^cCormacfe.vvr^ 64712 TO $1.25 Vlelin Krelsler-74384. .18 ^JL75_ 1&0&&^0 Caruso*Journet 8905* 12 ""2.00" Homer-Homer 89158 12 2.00 In Latin Hay den Quartet! Harold Jarvls) 16008 Harry Macdonauph) Harry Maedonough) Wm. Robyn) f^Harry Maedonough 16184 e^C^me^^Flihlllieli Fidellil Holy Cityâ€"-Bye Hath Not Seen ,, HoiJ cityisjtfyiSoulJs Athirst tor Qodf Trinity Choir) 1fiQQfi ^Trinity Choir) 1y96 it Elsie Baker) 3545^ :tm Reed Miller) 3S*00 -#'**-*- TALKING MACHINE CQ jy^jfej^|»j^^iji*vy-- ffsSS^?'?P |\meri<^!^.L<^ In Readings and Recitations^ fiwn His Own .. P^SiJ0~: Delightful:. VersiSl|lll||3ll t£L m^MmtWnM^odm i3;fS-|ISiS^^ Kiti i& ^>HurcH Saturday Night, April 22, 8 p. m. I i^iaagigg^^lgg^l^; t^n^ §tsM$i%^^

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