Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Apr 1922, p. 9

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•-'•â- â- :<fP â- â- â- .-! i**o Easter at St. Augustine's was well observed.S| Large congregations, hundreds of communicants, beautiful music" and- ideal weather aU«cohtrlbut- td tojp „^ Ne*jt Sunday*snBerviceS at St. Aug- ?u«t4»e|a will be Holy Communion at 8 A. M;f Morning .prayer and Sermon at 11 A. M. Church "school at 9:45 A. M-i,-.--.'.'--;•. Thet Associated Guilds Will meertot m', FridayT^^ir^iT^wnBrnr^tdB^tF session with informal luncheon for workers at noon. Members Are ask* to come early, as the children's movies wil^ have two showings this .sltexn&QSiJ^cesMtaliag an earlier ad- journment of the Guild than usual.â€" :a|Mrsr W. B. Palmer's class of little p-'^ls held a Bakery sale last Saturday, realizing altogether about $65. They- are sending half of this to the Near F^tst Relief and the other half to St. Mary's Home for Girls. Sin addition they are bending lu the small child- ren in St. Mary's Home a consider- able assortment of clothing made by I themselves during Lent, ilr ^tf C r Many ad utts attended the Child* ren's Easter Flower service in St. Augustine's last Sunday at 4 o'clock The children ofâ€"the^^hurchâ€"school marched in procession to the church led by the Girls vested choir, each child carrying flowers and Lenten -savings.7- A six-foot cross draped in^ Jblack stood at the entrance to^thfiL chancel. The rector explained to the children that this was.the Good Friday Cross of Sadness and Sorrow Jandthat during the services the child- "ren "wouldI change it into a beautiful Easter Cross of Gladness land FloW- _ers and Joy. Each child then brought flowers to the cross which were ar- ranged by the women so as to form a great cross of flowers and beauty. -i-There was an unusually large at- tendance at the Three Hour Memorial service on Good Friday frOm 12 to 3 o'clock. The rector gave seven ad- dresses based on the seven words from the Cross. Devotional periods - intervened ^between each address. - - At yesterday's four showings, of the Children's Movies in StMAugUstine's parish house there were Very large and enthusiastic audiences to view the children^ to '^Black ^ Beauty^- Realizing the popularity of this film, it will be shown again v today at the CTHras^n*§ Movies four times, at 3 and 4130 in the afternoon Sand^ai 7 and 8:30 in the^veningZlAll boys and* girls in Wilmette as well as their friends are welcome free of _ charge. _The films are provided-^y^hore,Ashland and Sheridan dis -the PaT€Ent>Teacher associations of the Central and Logan schools. The Children's Movies next Thurs- day will in all probability he *a full program of comedy of the kind so much beloved by children. There will be several carefully chosen com- edies featuringdifferent favorites. ;The program will be provided by the Wilmette Woman's club. ^ sQ^Q^-pr CONVENTION DELEGATES _At_Jthe Republican ition, held, at. County conven- Hotel. Chi- Ssago, jMLlMondaxL of this week, Harry i?AL McLain and Carlton Prouty were Selected delegates from Winnetka to the State Convention at Springfield. iMt the^same tlmelPeterCftt Hoffman, ifot DesPlaines, was elected to succeed fhimself' as a member of the County Central committee tor t&ft^Third Com Imissioners? district, the-latter compri- sing the townships of New Trier, Northfieldr Niles, Norwood Park, Maine and Leyden^^ ^ Rev, Stephen A. Lloyd, pastor, will ive forthe jiext three wifeks^a group post-Easier addresses to the Church imlly. speaking next Sunday to "The few Children in Our Church Family." 11 those who became members of the lurch during 1921 and through Eas- sr, 1922, including the forty-nine who iined the fellowship on Easter morn- g, are particularly invited ana" urged lattend these services. Morning Wor- |p begins at 11 o'clock. Miss Mary elch, soloist. - Ithe North End Circle, Mrs. W. H. tsen, chairman, will hold its regu- meeting Monday with Mrs. John A. eDean, 924 Greenwood avenue, Mrs neon at 12:30. order A large attendance finish all The lake smqei: MMms^jmm^&hm^ Jdjrn yiiSllili riiki ^'Wiiarii^iii^-k & 9 uue, and Mr Oliver of The Continent. R, Williamson, The Home Missionary Society will hold its Annual Thank Offering meet- ing in the church parlors at 8 o'clock, Wednesday, April 26. Dean Margaret Taylor, from the Chicago Congrega- tional Training school for Women, will be the speaker. tl^he Washington Avenue Circle, Mrs. II- fc§nidw^cjttaii3n*n,j will hold an all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. Charles McCue, 631 Washington ave- nue, Friday, April ^8, ' Saturday, April 29, turn your clock back one hour. Services Sunday, April 30, will be held on Daylight Saving Time. ., At the most largely attended week meeting in the history Dr. Magic's subject for the Sunday morning service will be "After Easter â€"What?" '"^Wi â-  ^,^:^^^if.^i:-"' The Woman% Miss1ohai^iiSclety%ni have for a speaker Tuesday afternoon, April 25, Mrs. Paul Hinkhouse who taught in the United Presbyterian school in Cairo, Egypt, seven or eight years. She brings an authentic mes- sage from her own experience. The Rebecca Chapter of the West- minister Guild will take up the study of "The Kingdom and The Nations" at its next meeting, Tuesday evening, ""IJApril 25. Dinner at 6:30 o'clock.-____ At the regular monthly dinner of the Men's club this evening at 6:30 o'clock, Mrs. Vesta Murray Watkins will present an interesting program of of Mid- the church last Wednesday evening defln- ite plans were formulated for the completion of the present unit of the* church building. The church edifice committee submitted plans to com- plete the work by this fall which plan was freely discussed. The date of the Annual meeting was set for Wed- nesday, May 10, at which time the endorsement of the entire body of the church will be asked.^';-"C' 'â- C::-:-^' Budgets for both the current ex- penses ofthe church and its bene- volences were submitted and ap- proved and an enthusiastic spirit pre- vailedâ€"such as has characteristical marked the progress of the church through the nine years of its history. Sub-committees are at work on the details of the auditorium which is yet to be completed and further Plans for the-beautifying of the property-were-t discussed ' at the meeting. The pastor spoke briefly of the additional unit- of the building which will be located to the north of the present structure and _ which will provide for the educational, social and recre- ational needs of the growing Bible school and congregation;-â€"-;- The weekly- dinners at the church continue to grow in popularity. The entire equipment of the kitchen and dining room is taxed to capacityâ€"each week. Dinner is served at 40 cents for adults, 25 cents for children, at 6 o'clock. Board and committee meet- ings at ? and thre Weekly Prayer meet- ing, at l& o'clock. Reservations for dinner should be given to Mrs. P. H. Arden, 900-M, before Monday noon. The Fellowship class will hold! its annual banquet tonight at the church. Dinner wfflri)^ servedat 6:30 o'dockr The annual election of officers will precede the program of the evening. The Women's society will meeet this afternoon in two divisions for Vhite Cross sewing. Those in the North tricts will meet for luncheon with Mrs. A. J. Archambault, 1450 Lake avenue. T'hoseâ€"attending are- asked to -bring thimbles. The Junior and Intermediate Young People's societies will meet at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The Sen- ior society meets at 5:30 o'clock. Bible school at 9:45; graded curriculum. with a fully Morning worship at 11 o'clock with sermon byf: the pastor. The Wilmette Baptist located at Forest and avenues. , -_,_T-__ r church is Wilmette ^OHNS HITHERAN Linden and Prairie^ aves., Wilmette^ =rHeTffiaia W: Meyer.rM; A^^Pastorsf 406 Prairie A\e. Phone 139JL SERVICES 9:15 a. m. Sunday school and Bible class at Library Hall. 11 a. m.â€"Services ahcl sermon at the church. _ __ .. ... ^The pastor will preach next Sunday on the appearances of the Risen Christ among His disciplesTaisi "ThePrince Of Peace." This sermon will" be based on the gospel for the Sunday,: John 20, -'19-31. ^&i^^^^^~^^^ On Monday evening the regular iheet- ing of the Sunday school teachers? place readings and songs. Following this Chief Forester Mr. Kennicott of the Cook County Forest Preserves . will give a steropticon lecture in the church auditorium, to which all are cordially .Invited.' ^S3W$&^^^ Church services.........11:00 a. m. Junior C. E.............3:30 p. m. Senior C E...............5:30 p. m. Mid-week service^ Wednesday, § p.m. The church Is located at the corner of Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue. Mr, and Mrs. William A. Nitze of Chicago, announce the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth, to Walter Paul Paepcke, son of Mrs. Hermann Paepcke of Glencoe, which took place Easter â- wf H LUTHERAN Mrs. ffl Park • NOTICE Bertrand will remodel your Ave.. Tel. Wll. 8U-J. hats. L34-lto Services every Sunday at the Wilt matte Woman's club, Greenleaf avenue and Tenth street. â- â- â€¢-./^ *"* â-  : Sunday •. school at 9:49, .p'«l<M*ii;viv;i; ' 'Chtirch'Servicesj*4t^W^M-^^ â- â- ---â- ^tten^ithe:-Bible'-elftw.:^;^--;^ Attend the Sunday sdhqot, « The Ladies' Society will conduct * ike sale next week. Further announcem* iater.:.^gi4-;^'v.:;f..-,:: Thomas M. Knox entertained at lutt- cheon at the Chicago Athletic club fol- lowed by a matinee party on Wednes- day In honor of Miss G^0^^-*?1^ Jftoch, wb> U leaving f»| ' "" within a short time. training 'class takes place at ihe uchâ€"as-a- redi vision of classes^n^*heii£Sunday school^must again/be effected owing to the large number of children, it is requested that every teacher and^pfllcer bepres- ent without fail. W^W-:M^M£^-± The Building Committee now meets every Tuesday evening in the assem- assisttag^JBoJL i>ly roffln below^ the jch^rc^ TJ^ tonr. ^^^ Mrs. B. L. esired in order to as this iB the last work meeting season. S=-',;" e Chicago^ssociation of Congre^ Churches will hold ite €9th^ ual Meeting Tuesday in the Mon- street church, Chicago. Delegates the Wilmette Church are: Mr. ScheWehhemt; Mfc-and gregation hasengaged[theifirinTof^Lowe and Bollenbacher, architects, to draw up plans and specifications for thfcpra posed isew" church.- It is expected that building operations may begin^ about the middle of the summer. Olasses for the religious instruction of children will be renewed on Mon- day afternoon, April 24, at 4 o'clock. QME^idple are iff the habit;;lf jj^Sf ing religion during the Summer ihohths^^ this should not||he.::the,; casePfog ;stantlyiMcfo,^ of Church e Church jneedsg yourflconstant ||attendanc^ and support ^Wilmet^ Churches':8alklpf•^pffit^wl^-aiSe^ brief hoiir each Sunday; then with the rest! andphe refreshmenP and|the||nspiration| you are the better fitt^ your pleasures of that week. Say to yourself, and to your family, and to ^our-neighfeorr-^^^ "LET'S GO" Go whenB* Every Go where? Mfo Ghurcri^ Wliich^Grnircfil youi* cnoice â- jftztf- S000&M000 A Wilmette Churc Go and Hear the Good Message ^ Hoiir ofServWe e s tpisco Rev. Hubert Carteon w The First Presbytenan Reo.Gco. ELMagitt &&^^m St John s Lather ah XhfircD Ret. Herman W. Meyer &-;%;• ..-lis :-;ii^^|;|?;t\> fii-,,..,. First Congregational Rcc, Slephtn A. Lloyd

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