Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Apr 1922, p. 13

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5WR* M THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL 31,1932 'iii •^.'^â- fjjj^w! [road maintenance. Irs ...•••.......• ••• rer on expenditures. 148.00 iei.«8 108.08 39.56 14.68 112.76 276.81 £ Truck vl ranla J 1 n UJL 1 malnte cons 1 cojwtrtto w>aa< COQfl ^ coa« i const £::i:::, drtving.;-! a â- *-'-- â-  "â-  „ mo.. .....••••.••••• • **! oiling and misc......,,; and misc. labor.i...%...^ and misc. labor.... kcYion and oiling.. 3tion.............. r^sfi '•â- â€¢Â®%; Misc. Uborl fc. labor*. Rep'r. Hauling. -enance dragging'; labor.;^.; -0-. MachhaV repairs, supplier^ dragging. »- Machiner repairs and Misc. rand j»jj"J ........ ;h road con ruction. Jo., Bridges culverts construction.. »mpany, m|, inery purchased >.f Supplies,................. ravel Co., H§-d road maintenance y repairs trd road. I construe LrwalrsJ repajâ€"â- * d; oad ing and instruction road co; ibor h road co ., Express >ad maini construct! nstructlon jonstructl construct!!..........• • • • • • • • • & Misc. la or................. raaintenan i & supplies...... xlcolleetioBi ^Bowed-Treasurer â- d mahttwai je & mlso........r sor...........................• maintehtuu \.............•. • • • • tnaintenaiu................... -trucks....................... , Repairs t« Truck-----•----------- ird road nil ntenance.......... ntenance...............v. y v.. • lintenance..........â- â€¢ • • *_ii# vil I maintenai e........• • • •.-T"..•: maintenanci ............m VV •' -"' ad mainten nee.........m*m. my, Mise.might....... lard toad i laintenance , Upkeep of trucks-----..vr-. laintenance ind dragging.... naintenance and dragging.. lintenance i ad dragging.... maintenanc s.............• • • abor.....................••• ompany, MS chinery repairs. onstructlon.|...........•„• ?'.'.•'•• jquipme; 1.75 49.11 128.70 180.00 64.00 64.80 9.00 88.60 88.60 20.60 37.00 20.60 10.00 24.00 9.00 17.40 9.00 87.00 85.40 19.60 46.00 22.60 22.50 Feb. >«i» «?»»?!« â- #*'?*>#$!§ |:|150 _on and dragging*. construction'............ d ditch cleaning........ f tion and ditch cleaning uction .. *--^r*-•_*-»-.-«-.-.-*m? rges on parts for trucks ce and ditch cleaning?., .1 |ditch cleaning.......... - ditch cleaning........... â- -, 80.90 I 5.40 i: 17.00 m â- ;. . s- 20.09 mm" 86.10 160.70 m'mr :;:*•;#• .42 ~ : 'â- ',"â-  150.00 13.60 42.56- ^I02.70,.l:i^i^,... ^^7.0fr-^r^-^ -. ^6.30 t^-;. 11.50 18.60 120.00 - ' _X2B__^=1^ 8.76 26.40 22.60 22.50 26.00* 15.84 180.00â€" 5.13t 27.004 13.60 27.00K 27.001 : 32.40 i^ 16.75 32.55a -S&O©^ 6.00 lOChas. Helke, Machinery purchased...«.------,.. & Sterling Motor Truck Co., Balance on account......._____,.... Thompson Bros. Co., R. B. Danger Signal.;....,,,,;,....^.. Pag^e-Ohapman Motor Co.. Machinery repairs and supplies.... H.mC. Weinecke. Supplies..v..*v...................â- .,?,.•'-â- â- '»•*%'â- ' pillage of Glencoe. Auto Maintenance .for 2 month».f|l.^i^1|l M. K. Herres, Addressing envelopes........,,.......W;v.^^i Jean Christenson."Earth road construction »^;i>.i.v,...Vi..l»'....^? John Carvey, Earth road construction...^.... K D. DanlelBon, Misc. labor...;......*..,;,t:S George Schinler, Earth road construction..... Ben Aulesxi, Earth road constnictlonvv.â€".-.^rrrr Jean Chrlstenaon, Earth road construction..... T.,„..r.,_..._„. Geo. Schmdter'. Earth road construction........ M08&im Jpbn Carvey. Earth road construction........... ®|?I^'P.;D. Danielson, Misc. labor.............^.^ ^mym 24rage Chapman Motor Co., Machinery repairs A supplies.. r^BprvM George Schindler, Earth road construction....._____,• • • • Z,m'!€M Ben Aulezzi, Earth road construction ;........___,...... 'S^M^..'**"* Christenson, Earth road construction.. .............â- ...„„.,______ ^aW^'...'Jphn Carvey>. jja,.^ j^^ constructto*....;.^.:.^!?^ m"m%0: 9. D. Danielson. Misc.' 'hibor...â- ...*............mm7v^..\....'M0MmM M?m§ Mch. Si|8Ben Auleszi, Earth road construction........................UiS|l|20.00 ,:,,;;\,;.^j.i*f ..Jesjoi-^Chrtstenson, Earth road construction K^J0I3 John Carvey, Earth road construction George Schindler, Earth road construction "f&M ">M^!. 28.7$ 180.00 160.88 i2o!oo 2.00 25.50 28.80 12.00 0 8.00 26.60 ^-v^^;,â„¢ g 40.BW yie^.kkf:';,:. i{ifct ^28.80 ^§£:gaSig|ii '.12.00 wirniiM. •178.88 WSIM0I &24.00 25.60 i.............,-..,..â- ....-v..:..|-iii28.8o mm: li'..F. D: Danielson. Misc.' labor................a^4i»-B'fvrr«'iisvj«;â- â- ;â- â- - Page Chapman Motor Co., Machinery reprs. 99.11-100 supplies ^JOGeorgre Schindler, Earth road construction and dragging..... v ^ Jean ChriBtenson, Earth road construction..".................p |ga....Jtohn: Carvey, Dragging........ „ £g.Sl '.p^^MMMlvi^.'.-,.-.â- â- :. />tS ^ '.F..:I>. Danielson, Misc../'labor.^vVl.^*vv.l^-*Â¥.'-v'^i.;â- .â- '..:..-,S Ben Aulezzi, Dragging...........,^......*....;.,.....* 17Ge0rge Schindler, Earth road construction.................... m Ben Aulezzi, Earth road construction and dragging.........^ ;i;^ Jean Christenson, Earth road construction.....i.........n..i m John, Carvey, Earth road construction and dragging.......... F. D. Danielson, Misc. labor..............:___...____.;.....vf 24Ben Aulezzi, Earth road construction......................... 17Page Chapman Motor's Machinery, rep'rs. and supplies....... §1 JwGeorgfe Schindler, Earth road construction-and misc. r^r;;w*i# Jean Christenson, Earth road construction.................... John Carvey, Earth road construction and Misc.. F. D. Danielson, Misc. labor.................... Four Wheel Drive Company^ Ma^jhin^y^^p^irs^**^^. 314.40 S12.00 26.50 171.59 29.78 25.50 38.50 14.40 Total ...$35,6107 ST ATE OF ILLINOIS . County of Cook Town of New Trier SS. â€" -â€" â€"-â€"OFFKJE^OF TOWN?SUPERVlSOKr~^ "^ The following is a statement by Gertrude M. Thurston, Supervisor of the Town of 32.40" 13.50 ~^7.06v 32.40 198.00 64.40 90.72 ; 27.00^ 82.40 fT82.40' 13.60 10.60 4 -l-.«0-: qt61;56^ ^109.66^ ^27.00 4.50 27.00 ? ! 9.00 4 16.50 160.00 4 10.00 3.60 1.57 New Trier, in the County and State aforesaid, of the amount of public funds receive e£E?nd,?d b.y her during the fiscal year just closed, ending on the 28th day of March, A. D. 1922, showing the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of said fiscal year, the amount of public funds received and from what sources received, the amount of public funds expended and for what; purpose expended, during said fiscal year, ending as ; The sa'ld Gertrude M Thurston, being duly oworn, doth depose and say, that the fol^- lowing statomont by her BUbacribed Is a correct statement of^ther^mount of public funds 19 N.. Lincoln Rogers, Judge Dist, 4.. j'0^$0h^^» Ellen'G. Regan, Judge Dist. 4.................. H..-..D....Gruner, Judge Dist.- 4.^m%*,v.ii>^t*t»;if^'wsitwjwisâ„¢^ Hannah'G. Johanneson, Clerk W-t, A,m0mmM^^^§i Margaret E* Hayes,. Clerk Dist. 4. A L. R.. â- ^^HfT'-Tv G, 24 5.40 2.25 f40 oaintenana & dragging............. ad maintei nee & dragging........ malntenu i and miscellaneous, oad maint< mce and miscellaneous aalntenane^nd miscellaneous.:.... x>r., ^ifachli ads. uck Co., Mfchinery repairs... 3o., Hardi ad maintenance, bor... t constructfn.. oad conste stion. ........ *~f~*~gf- supplies.... 80.96 153.72 167.86 3.20 74.50 29.65 *16.00 22.60 27.00 27.00 ^12.50 27.00 27.00 25.60 24.25 $ 25.00 elOvOO K79.68 148.00 26.46 42.94 10.00 1*0*00 5.40 5.40 onstruction ... Machinery epairs & supplies, ionstructioi & grading .... ad constni ion & grading. constructl i and ionstructioi and dr . labor ......... .V.. «*.â- ; id constro§ion. urchased. â-º., Machim*/ repairs.. », Machinei supplies .. A^onatrm 'mt= constructs oad const! ction...... constructl n..... onstructioi MP. jollectlona onstrucW ad com ^fe!7.2R Sv,24.00 M18.25 l|i 8.76. !li0.68 construe >nstructii xnainj liaebwery >.. Hard [and dragging... and supplies.... maintenance..... 1 construction and dragging ...... -- tad construction... ♦................. istructlon and dragging..........» 28.80 19.20 18,76 62.54 .99.60 ; 8.M 16.00 25.80 26.26 auto a • • •'.* • • • • • •'• ••••'•••••' «.'.r.,, Nov. 1st to Dec. 81st "Village ai d construction and jmisc. structlon «.nd misc................ conistrtfcti^ id construction ......../;... onstr uction...... *....:»•....... • instruction and misc........ Eachinery repairs and misc. achinerrrepaiiw and supplies Misc..................... com tstruotion. <.. Hard road maintenance. I Cft'., HaVd r: trldge & culvert construction feSict,â„¢......... tstruction......... construction...... A construction., tstruction.. . ,., construction..../... .-^ on hand at the commencment of the fiscal year above stated, the amount of public funds received, and the sources from which received, and'the amount expended, and purposes for which expended, as set forth in said statement. GERTRUDE M. THURSTON' Subscribed and Sworn to before me. this 28th day of March, A. D. 1922 ,. fc?^ :/:^.\s' :--"'-""-.'^-';.'-:^;..-;,;";':'.:â- :';-"; -:v.^; â- â- -:;. "" david m. mickey^- --:â- -';:-â- â- /:i;............;.^.,..,~^i-..â€" ^..â- ;-..;..... Justice-of the Peace. Date 1921-22 Funds Received and From What Souroes Received Amount therine Gruner, Clerk Dist H. Windes, Judge Dist. 5. Boulter, Judge Dist. 5.. Welmestock, Judge "Dist Windes. Clerk Dist, 5.. Weinestock. Clerk Dist, Boulter, Clerk Dist. 5.......... _. _ Gillette, Judge Dist. 14.......... Florence J.. Buts, Judge Dist. 14*.iv.. SiFred W. Gillette, Judge Dist. 44vW^* Annie E. Blake, Clerk Dist. 14......... Edith H. Barnes, Clerk Dist. 14....... M. F. Gillette, Clerk Dist. 14. IT BT Springef, Judge Dist. 16 ... V. Harry w. Hoff, Judge Dist. 15....... W. T. Blasdell, Judge Dist: 15 .-•.': F. Ii. Springer, Clerk Dist. 15......; Harry M. Hoff, Clerk Dist. 15...... Chas. P. Dahnake, Clerk. Dist. 15... H. W. Roberts, Judge Dist. 7...... F. T. Richardson, Judge Dist. 7..... Geo. McKinney, Judge Dist. 7...... Loretta Roberts, Clerk Dist. 7...... Elfreda Kloepfer, Clerk Diet 7.v....* Katherine McKinney, Clerk Dist. 7. MabeUe S. Burke. Judge Dist. 8...... Robert Kolb, Judge Dist. 8........ .*. Victoria C. Barber, Judge. Dist. 8... Luce O. Kolb, Clerk Dist. 8.......... Effa K. Blair, Clerk Dist. 8. v^i; Aurelia S. Cooke,rClerk Dist. 8*..;. C. S. Thurne, Judge Dist. 9 ....* Jones H. Madsen, Judge Dist. 0.. Dorothy M. Madsen, Judge Dist. Mabelle R. Snith, Clerk. Dist. 9 .. Peter I. Johannesen, Clerk Dist. Fannie A. Thurne, Clerk-Dist.^9^ C. A. Thorsen, Judge in-©istr-0 William Mahoney, Judge in Dist. 10... D. C. Ames, Judge in Dist. 10...i>..,. J. Fischer, Clerk in Dist, 10......:;â- ;>?> Ebra Southward, Clerk, In Dist. 10 ..«k Wrl>. ^heTfnppTXJIerTtWTMs^ ??. J. H. Foster, Judge in Dist. 16.......'. &.M. *H. Blekham, Judge in Dist. 16..... Chas. C. Prescbtt, Judge in Dist. 16.:â- â€ž. . Jos. E: Shantz,-Clerk in Dist. 16...... 'i Edith R. Biekham, Clerk In Dist. 16^ t Margaret Stallman. Clerk In, Dist. S E. J. Hoffman, Judge in Dist. 17...... 2- Walter H. Zibble. Judge in Dist. 17. ; : Joseph Helnzen, Judge in Dist. 17.... ' L. G. Schlldgen, Clerk in Dist. 17.;; Edw. Aschbacher, Clerk In Dist. .17.. j; H. Heinzen, CIerk-irr~Distr 17.... v 3 H, M, BachttMih^ Judge in-JDlst^l& W. F. Crawford, Judge in Dist. 18... Margaret Weidlen, Judge in Dist 18. M. L. Bachman. Clerk in Dist. 18.... V. W. Hill, Clerk in Disk 18......... i E. S. Woodruff, Clerk in Dist; 18.... John J. Huerter, Judge in Dist. 19 t Peter Schaefgen, Judge JnlDist. 19.. : Harry Hasselberg, Judge in Dist. 19. Edw. Schneider, Clerk in Dist,- 19, 4.00 Too 8.50 00 6.00 . . ........... .... .-..«.>-.. .:,»... ... .'..,., Frank Engals, Oletk in Dist. 19>.. 27 April 5 April 5 March- Feb. r June lAnjo^t of public funds on hand at the commencement of the-^ ftscaryearf commencing the 28th~oiy--or"March, A.D.192Tr:\: It Received from Hoyt King on tax collections.................... Received from Hoyt King, interest^.........^.^ i Received from '.interest on:' funds;.;.;...W^'&iiti;.-v;^."i-/.:i"l,r.;v-- Received from M. White on Psychopathic Case. .V..............J • l,i28T67^ 6,596.41 785.96 £ 94.35 'â- â- m$M Jos. Schantz, .Clerk in Dist. 19 Glencoe Union Church Polling place Dist. Village of Glencoe, Polling place Dist. 2.1,.... v.. C. X.. Wyman,- Polling place Dist. 3....7.,.....,. F. A. Reid, Polling place Dist. 4........;...-.... "^9Tnnetka Conimunity_jHouse, Polling place Dist. Winnetka Public Library, PoiltagriPTaw^iitr 67 Star Taxi Serviee, Polling place Dist. â-  7........ -Horth Shore CounU^y Day Sdwul, Polling place ^moh-Brosi, ^PoUing-^^laee HDistr 9r ^ir^vi. â- .:.-â- *'**â- *•<- Harry I»ynn, Polling place Dist. lOw^a... • • ^. {• * Villagft of Wllmctto, Polling plnrn 11th A Iftth i May Mch. 81 29 April 5 May June July Aug. 27 28 28 29 29 Balance on hand ..;.;v...v.....â- .•....';............. ... Interest on checking account fi.;^...................".*• Received from Hoyt King on tax collections...........", Interest on same.....;........ .7..................... Interest on checking account in Wilmette State Bank.;:! Interest on checking account in Wilmette State Bank.... Interest on checking account in Wilmette State Bank... Interest on checking account in Wilmette State Bank..., Interest on checking account in Wilmette,State Bank.. (Semi-audit) Voucher issued 1,128.57 1.91 6,696*41 785.96 10.43 V 10.82 10.68 *9.10 9.35 $8,563.23 3,166.55 Aug. 30 Sept. 29 Oct. 28 Nov. 28 Dec. 31 Jan. 31 Feb. 28 Paid to Township on account Psycopathic Case. Interest on checking account.......... ^.......... Interest on checking account .....*....... v.;.___ Interest on checking account............ .;. â- .... Interest on checking account... ___............. Interest on checking account.......;.. .V.7I v££. Interest on checking account. .^.^._.,„_„..; .i^,^, Vouchers issued 26,396.68. 5.00 --v.-ti9.27- 7.75 7.43 â- Â«5W6.61. 25.443.74 2,826.52 Missing vouchers loir Septr^aTiditTT^TTT^v; Balance in Bank Recapitulation Funds received...vS 12*617,21; 5.00- 2.611.22 29 Ottd Fatk; Audltljng Town 1 R. & B. accounts .. W. D. M. Mickey, Auditing Town 1 R. & B. accounts.;.. J. R. Crocker, Auditing Town 1 R. & B. accounts'rr-.-. G. M. Thurjston.x AuditingJTown %_R. A tb. a^mmt. r. |SiilM=S Amount 3.60jfi&?: 3.60W 3.50#^P Fiersonu^iuflitinglTown l^R. A B. accounts" er^Sv Salary Highway Commissioner.". M. Thurston, Salary Supervisor .....*........; V. Pierson, Salary Clerk... i&m â- Mi JSLi Sharer, Expenses 4n-trucks prircfilulisaTr -X«gal Adviser Pubi Co; election supplies.. Cora Queen, Tp. health nurse............... F. »B. Crossley, auditor.................... Otto Falk, Auditor ............ ;-K.......... D. M. Mickey, auditor i;v.....n.*y*........ G. M. Thurstoii, auditor ..... v...... \:V. 3E». V. pierson, auditor ..T...rr.^T,:.Tr...T; E. V. Pierson, Salary as clerk. ...^.i^.^^ -Er-B Moore, services health officer 2 mo. S150.001 t 56.451 MA ,iia.'.2.€_... ^H69.25l 26.001 1.501 1.501 1.50" 1.50i G. M. Thurston, Judge of election (Dist. 6) G. Anderson, clerk of election (Dist. 6) ............. 14 Villagfi_ol-Wilmette, fumigating supplies............. - â- Peter It. Schaefer, posting quarantine cards......... Herbon Bros., taxt^clerk posting election notices... 1.50* 44v30f 25.00 8.50 6.00 s 3.65? 4.00 S|gsiS3|i#;f| ^ , . . _ -1T751 Lake Shore Pub. Co., insertion of election notices............ 35.00 Lake Shore Pub. Co., printing election ballots................ 164.25 Lake Shore Pub. Co., printing letters and notices to judges.. 19.00 Leland V. Pierson, judge of election, Dist. 11......;.....----- 8.50 George Harbaugh, judge of election, Dist. ll.v.;v.;.v....^v^r^- 6.00- E. R. James, judge of election, Dicfc--ll.. .4.v.Hv;'^..; .:>;;;:.>::;.^£; 6.00" Harold L. Brown, clerk of election, Dist. 11..Zs.".".:........^i -; 6.00 -Raymond L. Kief I, clerk of election. Dist. 11................ 6.00 Howard Bowen, clerk of election, Dist. 11...-----.............. ; 6.001 W. J. Carey, judge of election, Dist 3...^..\^M'i'-^'^^%l^^Q 6.00 A. F. Welnstock, judge of election, Dist. 6..vvi^........:-.S^ i 6.00? H%yf ta Mrillny, f-lftric nf election TMst 6 ------, ...t 6.00 Naomi Welnstock, clerk of election, Dis^-Ov^wT _ R. R. Hurford, judge of Dist. 1 and posting notices.. A. W Lorens, judge of Dist. 1.,..................... A. Crosier, judge of Dist. 1. .........fl..>^.,....... Nell M. Jeffrey, clerk of Dist. 1. G. Dennis, -:clerkr of- Dist 'â- â- :m 8.505 m: 6.00;; ;m qm 8.00 f Henry Schroeder, clerk of Dist. - Tt7~Hnrford. Judge of Dist. H^L, Wleder, iudge of Dist. ____ H. N. Culver, judge ^na postfng-notices Norman Hurford, clerk ............. IMay L.ZShetwJtt» :33&lC±7in£ZZ£3Zi Claire Welder, â-  clerk .; v ,^y ;y^r^ K. F. McLain, judge. lMst.8....^v,vA Jdhn-^Dahli-iudger^Dlst. =8; tax coJtectlon for 1920.... d cjisflptctfluw.... ""*m... . .:mm^-f â- â€¢' #^«.^iv^'»• • •ill' %!*â- &'â-  >inmifllionei*B Report, constmctlon... ^r^t? I cbnstriictioniivv^'ii?;' natruction..^ nstructlon. .> tj, ^ 1A es &. cute for Com'rs. Report ^ Highway's report XB.*.A.»:.M*.»»i-»'..« • .«:â- .. 21.25 42.00"-^^- Gretchen M. Cole, judge, Dtetr % FrahCes" X McLaln, cleric, Dist; 0..,. ^>,. Cecelia Klahke, clerk, Dist. 8... ...... Ella S. Parker, clerk, Dist 3............ Ford Jones, judge, Dtet. ^••"••;a"' •" F. A. Waidner, Jr, Judge, Dist. 12....*.. prGTTest^ judge, Dist.^12..-............ R. H, APderaon^Caer JDlsJk lt^ George Turner, Cleric 1 â-  â-  ' '^4^'^iv 6.00 6.00 8.60 6.00 pfiife^S; 8.00. Hlli|teiMf 6.00 133 6.00 C. A. Mdridge. qerk IMst^ 12... Bdw^^ «&€**««,-Judge Dist. 18.. immm Chas. JV Miehelet, Judge pist. 18. ^^^m C G. Miehelet, judge Dist. IS ... ~~ ark Dist. 13......,...'/%<*,* tMt 10 JByron Stolp^School,- Polling place^lSth & 14th.. W. F. Blasdell, Polling place Dist. 15th ...... . Economy Shop, Polling place" Dist^ 16th ... Village of Wilmeete, Polling place 17th di8t..;.v Public Library, Polling place 18th dist...>...... Village of Gross Point, Polling place 19th dist. D. M. Mickey, auditor-----....................... Otto Falk, .- auditor........,,>. r-;•:••• '-i'• :>m.â- *££ J. M. Dickensen, auditor- • .,> Geo. W. Tapper, auditor..v^>>^g^$^^^ G.-'M. Thurston, auditor........;--n-;v.*it. L. V. Pierson, auditor....;.... v............y. G. M. Thurston, Salary Supervisor....... .v. • i>- H. H. Sherer, Salary Highway Commissioner Leland V. Pierson, Salary Tp. clerk.......... American Surety Co., Premidms on Supervisors' June__6â€"Gertrude M„ Thurston^â€"Auditor^-adj^ meetingâ€" D. M. Mickey, Auditor adj. meeting........... Geo. W. Tapper,'Jr., Auditor adj. meeting..,.. 1 Otto Falk, Auditor adj. meeting.............. HxVL. V. Pierson, Auditor adj. meeting.......----- U E. E. Moore, Tp. Health office........^...V.... s^G. M, Thurston, Salary Supervisor r#mmt L. N. Pierson, Salary Clerk-....... -. ____,___ -â- tmmm H. H. Sherer, Salary Highway Conunlssioner .. ^Wst^k:Kotth Shore Motor Livery, Taxi for Supervisor.. * rgfioE. M. Curran, Taxi for Supervisor............>/.,.; Ml ft Winnetka Garage & Auto Livery Supervisor. ...^ ?f?w S 1 Cora Queen, Tp. Nurse....".. â€" •«•â- â€¢â€¢â€¢;••â- â€¢*'â- Â£Â£ ^afe Peter Schaef er, Posting health cards, etc. .-t^rrr mm a- Wifanette-Ice <r Teaming-Co^-Burial of horsev ^'â- ^M'.village of Wilmette, Fumigating supplies July 6 Goorgo W. Tapper. Jr., Audltoi.......... "^ ^ D. M. Mickey, Auditor..-.........%... ..*. umm'MM-Q. T&. Thurston, Auditorâ- .:.;.....w^c^Ltis^: -mmmmk'Ij. â- â-  V. â- â-  Pierson, Auditor. .*.. k^...,;;. .........-.../i.'...^........... §:Mmmo,4. M. Thurston, Salary of Supervisor................*.^, '^MmsM,Leland. V. Pierson, Salary of .Clerk....................>,|fIlls â- MmS^0M>\ H.. Sherer,.: Salary of Highway^Carami^oneF^-^t^^^^^^ -m&msiMcora: Queen,' .Tp- Nurse.......\.^...mmm<-.mmmiim Aug. 2 Otto Falk, Adjourned board maettotr;....; i.. u;.A^i.-v.M. ^ rnmmms.-TA. Dickenson, Adjourned board -meeting. kmpU^^0^$m^^0m^^'6O " Mickey, Adjourned board meeting...^^^^^.^â- ^m^ilB^.LB â- â€" «fc5^ouraeC:boojd--^tteetin^ I^V^Pierson,~ Adjourned board meetteg^rv.^.^^^ a Mi, Thurston, Supervisor's Salary...^,>M...v...>-'oi.,.:fe.,li: ?i?lf lis^Tj^V^J^erson/^TClerk'aft,.; Saku M. 6.00 6.00 1.50 f..,.'.-...-'..,..;^.1.-».V«Vr.T.SySii:_J,-i? .,+..:mm:$mm-iM .... .....^ 82.97 ....i....i.^ ; 168.00 ...... -„.mM>£:" ^ 64.40- bonds..vie ^162.00 North Shore Motor Livery> Taxi for Supervisor..........v... If 6.00 r.turat Arlvlser IMlb Co.. SUDPlieS. ..........'. .................i'i.W H^on^K Taxbof CletS Cora Queen, Tp. Health Nurse. y.. .^.........-----•.. .â- â- â€¢>....• mV%P5.00 E50 Ta ^9.90 ijp;; Sept. Winnetka^Garage ^Auto~XWeryr^raxrfor Tp. work............. Rufus B. Stolp, Service on health work....v^*...#.*^...v.:; Corar'Queen, Tp. Nurse........-................................. Otto Falk, Semi-Annual Audit Town & R. & B. Fund......, D. M. Mickey, Semi-Annual Audit Town & R. & B. Fund.... M. Dickenson. Semi-Annual'Audit Town & R. & B. Fund W. Tapper, Jr., Semi-Annual Audit Town ft R. ft B. Fui M. Thurston, semi-Annual Audit Town R> :<&.;B.__ V. Pierson, Semi-Ahnual Audit Town ft Rr & B. Ft H. Sherer, Salary Highway Ctonimlssloner*.^^ H. Sherer^ Salary Highway Commisslotter...^;.,.; » IJ. 'G. 5L." IH. H. sG.. "L. SE^-Er M. Thurston, Salary Supervisor., V, Pierson, Salary Clerk....... _ Moore, Health Office, 8-Mow-. Oct. 6 Cora Queen, Health Nurse ............;..-*... ....-i-ii.; ^Village of Wilmette, Fumigating supplies............v.> Peter Schaefer, Posting quarantine cards............... Stolp & Weishaas, Throat culturer during epidemic .... Dr. FVank Blatchford, JEbtamihing patient (insane)..... 'Dr. Fred Patton, Medical services^v...v.....^...4...... iWinnetka Garage ft Auto Livery. Taxi JQt Supervisor ^L.egal_ Adviser Puh. Company^Cpejfc^s^^ Otto Falk, Auditor............ &*'-*}%$%^-*f$&^**.;• • •â- â€¢â- Â», m*-?*^ George W. Tappeiv Jr. .....;. .â-  â- miiii? -;. ^ • •. • • • •. • > • m * • ID. M. Mickey, Auditor.....-.... ,;;••>.................... & M. Thurston, Auditor...v. Ii: V. "Piariwihf AudjtQE is|3.60 13.60 :^1.6u: 1.50 120.00 162.00 72.80 25.00 17.25 «6.00 18.00 vliltp.00. .' ;s'gtf'Bi^00 -: ..............i,oo.... fit. H. Sherer, Salary Highway Commissioner J& M. Thurston, Salary Supetvwor............. L. V. Pierson, Salary clerk..................j.. dCora Queen. Tp. Health^Nurse.,,.^-i---^^ â- WfT»r.atywT rtoMigAr ypafet tn Dunning with escanefl Dr. F. P. Patton, Medical services.•<--,. North Shore Motor Livery, Tn,Tl forâ€"Tp. work.. Otto Falk, Auditor;;... ~€kW.-Tapper,- Jr., Auditor G. M. Thurston, Auditor.. JLmV. Pierson, Auditor.T.x,,-.-.-_ _, . _ -Sfâ€"Hr Sherer, Salary Highway CwmmisslonMtsjc^ji&t^^ -;Gertrude'-M.- -Thurstonv- Salary. Supervisor>xss^^gfipS^W3^«ii ^^lxnAidX^ Pierson. Salary^Clerk :. â-  -..-... .viixrrrrz^ 186.0O:=:|^:::---. Dec. Gertrude M. Thurston. Salary 8upervisor, Leland V. Pierson, Salary Clerk....;...,* Cora Queen, Tp. Nurse...,..•., H: «. Sherer, R. R. Ticket.. ____„ JferHM. CurranT-Taxl-for^upervIsiseT; ::®$mmmm l^k^M:;!!".^::*^* ^Sotto Falk, Audi^r.v.:.^..^. ££~GV M7^*ut«tonr AudItor.r, r i>. v. Pierson, Auditor. 'rSt^'i^^^^^^i^^^^^^&'^^ii^^^^

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