mmmmMtt m â- i inn American Legion wm lifbi IWImetfe Post No. 46 â- â- M Friday afternoon, April |5, at the Central school, an Elm tree, donated by Irvaln,Nelson and Sons nursery, wag pTantetfTn nteniory of the WH- inette men who died in the service of their country , jba the <3reat war. The entire school turned out and, with the assistance o? MrrSchumacu- er and the school board, several patri- otic numbers were rendered, after which followed brief addresses by 'Superintendent Harper and Wilmette Legion Commander Irwin Olih. Joseph 9hantz andâ€"Harry Flohtyc, ^Wilmette â- Vt&^o.--ty>fo-<-ii&rtm& a real Spring dance at the» Jones Wil- mette hall Friday evening, April 28. A good time is in store for everybody. The membership drive 1» on and already the membership committee reports:.a large increase.' â- ,, <.m $Npi ' :' " .' 'â- '.".â- ":"â- â- . â- '»'â- â- â- â- â- : -'"P'/^F^WffwW Episcopal church, Evanston, Monday of this week. The topic was "The Boy as a Factor in^the Social Problem". SPEAKS ON BOY QUC8TPI6N " S. X Duncan-Clark, 228 Wood court, noted journalist and lecturer, spoke before the Men's club of St. Mark's PURCHA8ES WILMETTE HOME R. M. Johnston & Company this week reported the stile of the nine room, Lloyd Wright type home at 1224 Ashland avenue for B. S. Edmunds to Burton Sk Powell,of the firm of Powell MiyiftPftr^J^^ ers. .-. ' .«i^*vt-;;^'#/li$«IMil^^^iS'-' Region men, ass^ • At the Byron C. Stolp school, Mon- day -night, through the kindness of Colonel Siqueland of the Intelligence service in Northern Europe during the war, the films showing the Ger- man U-Boat 35 in action were shown; Sidney Spiegel of Winnetka operated the projector, I â- ,-.â- .â- '.'â- 'â- .>â- " ' â- ';::-' .','â- ' '.':""';' â- â- -:i,--' "â- -";'â- â- p'~ 'â- â- â- ' â- '•• V4'^i0:% ;i§ll|tilfl p^^MM^aMa^^s-â- •*!»• ^b^.o.',wjr ^*jm+m m :. â- mm&WMWsMiM^M U LEAKY ROOFS, GUTTERS, SPOUTS, SLATE, TILE, TIN WORK fi ?jp|W6i»AIRlN<3g FURNACES AND PARTS gShbp--llz4;-Gre«iU«fiAv<^^*^P|^| PhohW-Wllmette 1S8 or -|ps iAjOvMiIC^'Mkst^ian":^ tig and Repairing ||i»|gg^M Native Cleaning Oriental Rugs and Carpets ETII^^tSfiSil^ ^tf£ l$r Railloaa Av^i iH8^ WILMETTE IH|g|^i'Gross . .Point are getting the benefit. :|o|ptjs^^ Jji^^Iaj^'rund'set aside for the biwlci^oFh<m^ llilfilby: the'Metropol ^â„¢-'^;'^ 'tturrundhei^ f"'â- â- : ••"•â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- •'-^ you contemplate building a; ".KS&S^^ dfc&Sk*^ ;fitffc;;#S; HHM< ofWilmettb ...JS^I Member of the Federal Reserve Bank IHgi mil t,..if.l>,.,r,,,^.v.f„.,,.wm^.',,);)t,^,lrw.......â- y.:'g';fe§jgjr •â- DELIVERED AT YOUR HOME AT PRICE QUOTED Brougham, 5 Pass. Sedan 7 Pass. Suburban 7 Pass. 3465 ^^^^^^^^^^m^^^m^^^^§^^^^^^^^^^^j&^ STANDARD EQUIPMENT 31 x 4 Oversize Cord Tires. Disc Steel Wheels. Alemite Lubrication. Pennine Xeather Upholstery. Substantial Fenders. Turkish Cushions. Plate Glass Window in Rear Curtain. Drum Type Headlights. "GOOD" I MAXWELL 1922 81, COLUMBIA LIGHT SIX 8TANDARD EQUIPMENT 31 x 4 Oversize Cord Tires 1 Wheels. 6-Cyl. 46 H. P.4?»ed SeaT' Motor. Timken Axlee. uiPMENT mmm â- •â- â- â- v&SI&Ssl^S0MM^Mi Wheel Base, 1CF9 Inches. MODELS Roadster - .^- $ 965 Touring ^ ? J#f 965 Coupe (4 pass.) -^ 1485 ^^ec WtPmG^^tJOTBO DEtlVER^ETAT YOUlHOMEâ- â- â- £^-fK^f^^SSb--^^^^ ' ^:MMQ fe l. l'V â- 'ffip^*^"^ Eibh Sf thdiilars has been chosen with the peculiar demands oi^Soi^^hop tJse well in min^is North Shore^cars usua run up a large mileljgrei.'in* %h^exceptionally sho^|Umeg ea*s ^ve^H>ro^d^ -r-<,::i^Mrp-';-W ^:SfM;f"-f^MPv^:li:^ cotistant use^ street." Qiir whole biisiness has been built on the ideal o ' tisfacloii.,| ::We;Wlof 1^ car but:.vM expect to slell many more cars to your family^ in Hill Our interest does not cease when you drive away your car. "K We have built u|l remarkable "Satisractiori Service^organ^ ^. __ __ |rou^"€ars-corAStantlvrfeon-.thfe Tfit^riol'convenient fW y^ii tbldome to our show rodriisfwe phail be fiad IS ca :aiHfc>r tioir^ ajp^oinlrnejffiL you. I'pCirudly phone-us at onte for pljl â- *»5i^^^.p -rS"7-^7!--'» â€"â€"--------- â€" ----- - â- .-.- â€"_ -.