Boys Bac^ at Camp lor Re- union Answer Questions £ proving "Stay Helped -&*^:^'^-m> 6tIJt,S ttELPEDlALSO THELAKESHQRB FRIDAY, >\?RIL; 38; "193 8 Bffl tained for Motherless * -"^Editor's Note: This Is the last in the series of Arden Shore articles. It gives abrier summary of the. work done at the camp and was written by the president of the Association. These articles have been published so that the people of the North Shore may have information concerning the charity 4ol which they ^witUbe asked ,to contribute next week. '% BY MRS. CARL LATHAM ;S~ For many years Arden Shore has maintained a summer camp, with all the ordinary advantages found in sum- mer outing places, and a few special ^nesof its own,^itke Lake Michigan: All the dwellerB in Chicago's con- gested districts who are given the privilege of a vacation here enjoy the lake bathing, and all who will learn â€"are taugfrt-to ^wimr-^Ifltorfentswim- . ming teachers and innumerable bath- ing suits are just as essential a part of the equipment as the trained nurse. - =-~- Parking Place for Babies : Each year the camp life suggests ^new needs, and we try to suply these as we see them. For instance, it was found -that when the mothers-^ook their babies with them to meals they could not resist the temptation to give the babies a sip of coffee or a bite of the famous Arden Shore doughnuts. So the Baby-fold was born, an at- tractive little building on the way to the dining room, where all the babies, untier two years of age, must be "parked^-whtle-Mother eats, thereby often obviating as many as twenty* seven^caseaolindigeeition per meal. The trained nurse in charge gives In- struction to the mothers about baby's diet and bath. ' Another need that made itself clear was a department for motherless little girls, so last year we inaugurated a cottage called Cinderella Lodge, where a, group^bir twenty-eight little girls flocked together under the protect- ing care of a most sympathetic foster- mother. ^--^^einaiii Until......weil^^^ff- Molt of the vacations are for a period of two weeks, but that-time lean always^be= trended in case of special need; and certain 8p*cialized groups, like the four groups of con- valescents and the group of under- nourished girls, from the Vocational bureau, stay all summer. A:- t; These I under-nourished children, whom our pitiless civilization and in- dividual hard luck force prematurely into the role of bread-winner for a family, have grown to be more and more Arden Shore's special care. The I work of building ^hemrup ts carried ion with the greatest skill, in accor- Idance with therrbestTBcientiflc thought » _. thr^ay^Ar weekly group record-is \ kept of the advance of each lndivdual child, and the group of girls at Arden Shore last summer surpassed In their gains all other groups on record at Ithai time^lTJie^boya. rejrfdjlntjn ^it Iwinter camp are surpassing even that i. record; ~h * " : :^^-m^^. |;_,,, â- '*;« The Revelation ^§m&i?Â¥- - KfeOhce a year there is a home-coming 'I day, when all the boys who have ^•graduated" from the winter camp aTe asked to return for a reunion, and thereby give us a chance to tally up on our product. This year 78- boys made tfce trip to Lake Bluff to renew old memories. They were asked var- ious questions: 67 were at work; 6 were in school. 45 had kept the same job ever since starting to work; 43 had been advanced in responsibility; 43 had money in the bank; U'were going to night school. One of our boys had helped to pay off a mortgage on his homerirniBlplng his mother run a bakery, and putting his brother through high school. From the sick- ly, under-nourished pitiful little de- pendents/they were when they enter- ed Arden Shore, they have been trans- formed into sturdy, self-reliant, self- respecting citizens, responsible mem- bers of society, each one representing a family assisted towards a state of independences There would be some- thing discouraging in trying to help leone who either eeuld notâ€"or- ~of~ would not stay helped Arden Shore puts these children on their feet In such a way that they are not ojily able to take care of themselves, but to remove their families from the need of charityâ€"and Arden Shore's work stays â- . done. «^*^^^^ Miss Etta Sullivan, of Milwaukee, Wis., was a week-end guest at the Frank H. Gallagher home, 1233 Forest avenue.., . ..... KNIGHTS TEMPLAR i AT WORLD â- !)$fjfclj,i)-lL Paul A. Hoffman 1638 Washington avenue, and W. H. Ohristensen, 801 Fernleaf avenue, left the village Sun- day to attend the Tri-Annual conclave of tfa, KitighmS^PtoUteJ^ leant, â- , ^:'â- .. â- ,;, ;&?&$M . ^'^l^ia*:;;^i$£- ,â- ,' â- They proceeded to.. New Orleans on a special train chartered by Columbia Commadery of Chicago. Several Pj^inti^j^iatggej^jglll be^ ir|flitej| :on the return journey. Hoffman, who 'l#1£t"TOfinelte'Vfl- lage trustee, is a French-horn player In the brass band of 100 pieces which was to take part in the conclave pro- cession and in the competition concert the world. The Columbia band is the largest Knight Templar band in the world and possesses the largest bass drum ever manufactured and which is conveyed in Processions by means of an .especially built vehicle. iLi^d Ohristensen is the Generalissimo of Columbia Commandery and is also captain of their crack drill company which was entered in the competitive drills at the conclave. This company won. first prize this year. mess on Coi^ its ^IcemenC^a i:eafopablcr : price--a purpose to which w ^ spT maamum :|^'M#S^'"*rl '0WM iSpSSilundreds of homes will be built in thw beautiful suburb ^Ipduring this â- and the" next year, !§g^il^^ slSipfhe Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. has deskside *# large! for=the:imancing4Df -V^^jf^^^^^^!, these funds in Wilmette. J^^^M^j^:;-im^i-m\i\^"iS^ loans";are venient, tne plan resembling in way of payment the plan of a are most *Gon|tl ung|n4/.toan^ Melt^u^ ^~help in Imildirig a home, and provide for their paying off theife ^MMsMMMM <4m indebtedness in '.easy- payments. %Wy!$L$_ yon obntet^ and let uOTefl ';yotip about this plan. v,;t.-^- ' â- â- â- â- â- l\^^0^m<d^M^i^^XB ret National Bank ^OFWliMETTBn ^emberoftheHF^eral^ ^^^ ills rti$&^ .":,,.'.-'-t:--.:!;r;;iJ;:^^.';:«*»"Jt.^: M >•/>i'-~lf^pfil0^!$0 and mxty fit well and yet be.Mdl^aekwij^ S^^^SIS *n' Wearing qualities 'W$S^M§^^M Then, of course, there are shoes that have the lasting qualities, but lack style, and make no pretensions to a.....fitSifcilliilMM' lYou ;want\none:of..,theser^g|^ You can have shoes that combine all of these desirable qual^ •Ities,' and you*fl â- find them inâ€" m â- â- â- # â- ;' WM§M:W§SStS Simplex Oxfords for Women, Rice and Hutchins rOiMi<m^ •:?"-'|-:â- â- •â- â- .<â- '.v-':fryh./t&r^$fcsi.. €fe; •' 'â- : â- â- -:' *Or• Menâ- .;â- • ^vs: *0:â- •^^^^^^^^SSi^feis^S^I '7~'y--^M^:m&t--pM . High^ Grade£Shoe Repairing 'â- mmm^mimMmmM PNHE wmm. Nil' mg, preparatory iq $iirnmer usp. ^Vfuch depends on the thorougbnessr of. the wovkJ^-^ SS*5K.S Vvhen, whether yom^-car- lms.,been.|||^J active or inactive during the longfllllSl wiiifi^-iPshluId' BPliy<8Hf â- thSr||^^ ough. overhauling, cleaning^and _ oi.l-|§||^ :;M^m^^^m Mm-------........._....._