Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Apr 1922, p. 4

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£u&SM&£$i&$W^ gflg;,j;? 'â- â- 'â- M'Vj(:";^;£|!M|iiaWj»)Wl'!; JJilliilliORE NEWS, FRIDAY* APRTT. 28. 1928-^^4 iiiiS^si^i»lli£: Show Remarkable -Prowess in Two Impor- tant Branches Awarding of letters to, basketball and swimming teams at New Trier High school this week prompts one £ to reflect briefly upon what was one ^""oT the school's most successful sea- sons in these important branches of competitive athletics. â€" ?~"T5IF members ot both "light "and- ^ heavyweight basketball teams were what in the vernacular is termed "raw recruits." With that in mjlnd we are presented with the remarkable fact that theJdghtw^ght-sauad-holds^ the Suburban championship banner while the "heavyweights finished .as runners-up in the league, won the Oak Park district tournament, and I were tied for fifth place in the Illinois State championship tournament, de- feating all opponents except two. One of these latter is Buchanan High * school/ state champions of West Vir- ginia, and the other, Rbckford, which annexed third^place in the National ; Basketbair cnampiollifilp~Ibtunamen€. The lightweights defeated all their opponents at least one time and lost £but"-tw©=enlou^ter^=thr^gb^ leeason.^--"-^-^ .:.:â- -â-  â- .-â€" 8wim Emblem Winners Emblems lowing swimmers: Senior team: Paul Corbett, captain; Donald Dennett, Graham Marks, Wil- liam Tancher, yurton Atwood, Arch- er Kennedy, Stanley Wheatley, Jack Robertson, Ed. Purnell, ' Winfield Taylor, Herbert Newport, Glenn Wray, Dick Goble. *" Junior team: Elliott Starrett, Roy Welch, Tom Screen, Kenneth Pamsayr Hal Hudson,' Eugene Cheeseman, Ed. Lange, Kenneth Stixrud, Ed. Younk- er, Walter Shattuck, Ed. Wanks. planation of the natural supremacy ♦« *^faI^I of good over evil, of God oyer the to tne^gM^yii ^pflâ€"specifhr directions as to how you and I may utilize the might of good to overthrow the conditions of evil, sin, disease and Anally death. How ignorant most of us have been of this great storehouse of spiritual, health-giving Truth so near at hand. Stevenson haa spoken of the treasures of the Bible as "those truths which we are all courteously supposed to knowFliSd^ail modestly refrain SrOin applying." There is more truth than E Lecturer Asserts Teachings Are ifcropojted ]>£ Truth ^. *vi£v£; Teams ^Records The accompanying table affords a graphic idea of the strength of the wtwo basketball squads. ETeams*'~m \.-::yMgm:^:, â-  .^;<$k£] 'Played Won Lost Heavyweights ....*-. ...35 28 7 "Lightweights , i i....... MZ^M^l-l,2 t Poipts Scored; ' m mmmmm Total N. T. â-  m Total '.â- â- â- â€¢:i-:'::'v;.>^-.Opponents. iHeavyweights 1105 .;,. JJJ ILightweights .657 « Hi f Emblem winners during the 1922 season .werej-rlf^f;"^ fe|Heavy weights: - Lionel A^derion, llaptain; WaUace Leffingwell, Arthur fSelbold, Jack Cullen, eaptainfelect; lEoy Nelson, JLawrenc^ Roth, Edward ISelectmeh and George Budd.§|ffggi§ SPiteLighweights': Harry Fraeeivcaptaln;: stttiHerbeWlVM^ Ralph iiiSWhitsett,. Russell Smith, Brewster SlltK|mliaU, Willis Strong., k>: pfligliilf-Splendld Swin â-  Record .v.^;-;; tifllliln'-swimming, while the Senior team ililost the, championship held at New ^mMrpfter f0Tf fOUr seasons the Juniors re- WM tained their title, thus being: Subuy> Sites ban league champions in their qtn- iHSsion for the fifth consecutive year V&n The Juniors nalleU^the^hlgr^onorg Ifiilby defeating Oak Park 35 to 14 and, in lliif addition, became Cook county cham- i^Spions by tr^u^^hg Harrison Tech 42 gffg^fttO' -18?- '^fe^g^^ - fillipi The beavywel^^ ^frlenied honors, though outside the reg i|il ular league championship. They took ififi -the Cook county I. A. C. Interschol- â- &$ astic event and defeated Allegheny HISS High sc^oofol Pittsburgh^ one of the SW- strongest aggregations in the country, pSidt4"-to. m â-  . -â-  %&'â- - iSiHSpl New-' Trier swam in a total of 24 l^j|>ftfttar scoring a total of 897 pointsto their opponents' 437 BY PAUL STARK SEELEY, C. S. B. (Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.) For their brothers of differing re- ligious , beliefs Christian Scientists have nothing but good-will. They be- lieve that through the enlightened thought of Christian peoples the world will be led ever forward. They re- joice in good' wherever manifest and Join^^th^h^r^whj^e^JieartSrrinrriher p/wnnrnui grayer7 of Christendom/ to there should be in his statement. Christian science shows-eviL to be nothing but a negative state of thought. It Is like ignorance. We can all see that there is no such thing to reality as ignorance. Ignorance is but a negative state of thought, the absence " larsâ€"to* stantly when intelligence appears. So every phase of evil is but a phase of spiritual ignorance, and absence of the understanding of good, the affirma- tive, spiritual Truth of being, and it dissappears before the light of splr. tonal intelligence as the darkness flees before the dawn. ^ . ^Application of Christian Science ^Let is now consider some specific application of Christian Science. Sup* pSse an upright business man is con- fronted with a temptation to profit through a dishonest transaction. He thinks to himself, "No, I will^not 4p, that dishonest act for it Is not right. It is not according to my standard of manhood." What has he done here? He has mentally repudiated an evil suggestion that whispered to him, be- cause his higher sense 0t Hf^knows That it is wrong, is erroneous and un- worthy of a place in his thought or life. He takes his stand^ mentally for what is right and true. Now this is just exactly what a Christian Scien- ttet-doesi-onl* be iroes further_and ri(F^=the evil sugestion to be sick, tor the latter has no more legitimate place in the life and thought of man than the former. , Both are the pression of the evil mind while man mentally repudiates the suggestions of evil nrv mntt«»- â„¢*"«* their nature may be, If the mental method is usable to get rid of the sinful suggestion to ue dishonest it is equally usable to get i8 made to express God, the divine mind. ............ lil'v"" So when evil whispers, "I'm catch«i ' ing cold. My feet are wet and I'm afraid I will soon have a cold in my ^^ head," the Christian Scientist says in^iP substance, "God, godd, Is my life, thelfe Simrce^ ^iid^anpport of, my^^helagMP Sickness Is not of God and has n« relationship to Him or to His expres-li sibn man. Mortal mind and,.its evlilt:3:;- manifestations ha^e no TeaT^exlstenealli and cannot for an instant deprive manl'^P of his God-appointed condition or destiny. My true selfhood as dei« termined by God, is harmonious^ s^ healthy and free: I therefore refuse! Sl^ to" be dominated or controlled by any argument of cold^.or.,:8ickne^Ml<flilii mm has no authority from God in and bJP^ whom I live, an^^ mpyer and have myl being."" irar~conimon Father God, "' . dom come. Thy will be done In earth, as it is in heaven." In her Message to The Mother Church in Boston In 1902, Mary Baker Eddy, the Discover- er and Founder of Christian Science, expressed that loving regard for the church of her youth which Is so frequently found in her writings. She said, "It was an inherent character- istic of my nature, a kind of birth- mark to love: the Church; and the Church once loved me. Then why not remainr friends, or at least agree to disagree, in love;â€"part fair foes. I never left the Church, either in heart or in doctrine; I but began where the Church left off." Thoreau writes, "It is never too late to give up bur prejudices. -No way of thinking or doing, however ancient, can be trastedPwithout proof."g The teachings of Christian Science rest on reason, and they are supported by proof. So in a spirit of right reason- ing and honest consideration let us ap- proach the subject before us, with our thought open to all that is true and good. â€" ~ â€" Founded on the Bible. ^ The teachings of Christian Science ar^tnggparable from the Bible. They ]^S. Van SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Grocery Telephones 510, 511, 512 & Meat Telephone 514 . 513 Wilmette-Central Ave. ^12fifSt 5% GASH DISCOUNT Caih and Cury - - - - 5% Discount On orders of $1.00 or more of normal Profit Goods. Cash and DeBtcred - - - - 2% Discount Ttw do not apply to Meat Department (, SPECIAL of normal 61c GRANULATED SUGARâ€"The firiest quality. With an order for $1.50 profit gOOds. NO Cash diSCOUnt. 10 lbs.. . . ... . . .... ..fvvrrrrrrrrrtvrn VAUGHAN'S SEEDSâ€"Agent for^Wilmette. ^They are the most satisfactory of all seeds. I will sell you anvlhmfTn Vaughan's catalogue at the catalogue price. FLOUR-^Pillsbury, Washburn and Ceresota. No cash discount. 1-8 bl.^»..... T..., $1.28 Jc regular. -Equal to any eof^fc-iftcans at 45c. jETF No cash discount, a lbs,.r|..... vr.,. .A. ,r.... ............. ."TA....-----.....-----vl« COFFEEâ€"My own blend. '.'.'â- ;â-  ... v :' 'â- â-  .i" A GOLDEN EAGLE PEACHES^Yellowr fra^^ sh^iiscounirr^Large^ Nor ^^^can. Doz; $3.75. Can..-,. CRYSTAL WHITE LAUNDRY SOAPâ€"No cash 10 bars'........................ discbunt. 100 bars in box $5.40. _«_«..-»-»:-.4»i*-»-« 55c RUMFORD'S PHOSPHATE BAKING POW DER. Half pound can . *-w;......... »v;-.............. .;.... opp______ ___ _^-. ^New^^^Trler^riiospeBsea^^^^ swimming material to form four com- plete teams; having more swimmers ^e stffads than any higp-SgLOfiLto Ine^middle* west7 In Tview TJf thiff wealth ot good material prospects tor the^ext season-are very bright _anfl the school seems assured a high place competitions. are founded upon-Jthe^ of being which that book of the ages contains. "The Bible was my only textbook," writes Mrs. Bddy in Science and Health, page 110. where she out- lines the footsteps which ledhup to her discovery of Christian Science^ But Christian Scientists do not accept the Bible" blindly, nor to the narrow- ness of its letter. Their acceptance is basM 6u the fact, prover inr^heir lives, that within J^pajge^is^to^be f6und the highest^lnspiralion that came to men concerning God's Jaw of life and health, during a period of some 4,000 years; -â€"- _„ U you are a sceptic and nave douDt- ed the authenticity of the Bible you may prove for yourself,â€"through Christian Science, that the teachings ^p^sgSfst^Jesus^were^ curate and scientific statements of the laws of lifeltodjiealth^a^jttalthere was nothing nt them^^ that-was super- naturaT." Rather were they-the exH ~^^M. m We are in a position to majce delivery on JAMRADl^nd CtAF-EASTMAN RA- ^IVe also carry a complete lineTof parts and [upplies Io£ tose^yrticfwish^ iliei£jp55^i outfits. IIM CHEESEâ€"(Young Lb.............. LE Lb CHEESE (Swiss). Lb. ........... • raCHELIEU^ROI.LED 'he finest tpialiti OATSâ€" â€"â€"HEAT No chaff. Large, 3-lb. 7-oz. pkg>..... .20c SWEET GARDEN Hamburger Steak, lb. .-----.; .25c _____.„. M.MM..VM. Breast of Spring Lamb, lb..... 10c SHREDDED WHEAT BUCUTT JTrankfurter Sausage, lb^,,^ ^22c -Package BATTLE CREEK CORN ZUl FLAKESâ€" - ;r~^::-r-: -^-V^-.-r-.-..... ^Package ............ .••â- â€¢.... • '9c CREAM OF WHEATâ€" - Package j^^_^_>;^.;:.,.^^^-^«.!2Sc- Pot Roast of Beef" Lamb Patties, lb. , lb..T^v;.f^24c ............30c NUTRIMEALâ€" Pure whole wheat meal. For ^breads, pancakes, porridge and TOBEY FURNITURE POLISHâ€" , _ I 12-oz. bottle *..............48c %EIERiWHITE CATAWBA GRAPEJUICEâ€" 12%-oz. bottle .25c Bngsr2 lbrifc^^^ GRAPE CARMELO Tendeiv^weet and very reason- abte. :' Doz. ...;^..v..v..vv,;;m.$2.00 Can ... *....................18c RlCHELIEtf COLOSSAL 3 i GREEN ASPARAGUS TIPSâ€"6 Highest grade, No. 1 square can, doz. $4.80; can..............40c SUNBEAM-SWEET^eORNâ€"â€" Is a wonderful seller. It pleases everyone; doz. $2.10; can ....18c RICHELIEU TOMATOESâ€" Only red, ripe tomatoesg of se- -lected qualisgised. Solid-pack. Mi M ^ FLOUR (Pure) iTT............6C BUCKWHEAT Pound ....... _______ RICHELIEU ENTIRE WHEAT FLOURâ€"-= JUICED â€"Qtr-bottle-OSc; pint ••••••••iOvC Large No. 2 Can ... .^ can, doz. ...$2.35 ...20c ^COCOA:(Bulk)â€" ^ery fine quality, lb. .......18c PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMATOESâ€" - Extra standard zNois ~^5c I 5-n>: bag .......... jGRAHAMdF^LOURfe^ 21 5 lbs, i.- i-......" ^^j_.-.,.. RICHELIEU PA$TRY FLOUR S 5 lbs. ......... .^........ •. • .25c SWANSDOWNCAlKE FLOURâ€" ^Z^IbT ^RICHELIEIT COCOAâ€" â- i__Dntrb Process, %-lb. can ^5c^ Ipkg. YELLOW COR 5 lbs. 5IC]HELIEU1CATSIJPâ€"â€"; Try one bottle and you will it is the best made. I pt. 1 oz. bottle..........27!4c ..-«l$1.65L ...14c RICHELIEU LIMA BEANSâ€"» ^^T^^&diunv Green, doz. .;... .$3.25 say^^Can........................28c RICHELIEU STRINGLESS ....39c MEALâ€" BUT^I . .'•.-.... .12J4c DR. PRICES FLAVORING^ EXTRACTSâ€" --------- â€"^~^ jyanilla^Lemon^Almond, Orange. 2-oz. bottle . .....>,•... * .*......35c =H3 2-lb. jar "...........___.... .45c; RANDOLPH CALIFORNIA ~~^~ :.OLIVES^;--"^5^^t:#-L'-^ Large olives. Qt^canâ€"^w, 45c ^.$3^5 ...28c BEANSâ€" J4rstl quality^Doz, SCan .. .I........ .";â- ; DEL MONTE SLICED} Sii' yPiNEAPPLE^- mm â- â- -â-  *&£ --Mm. First quality, large No. 2% calti. DR. PRICE'S PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDERâ€" ^ lf^2^o HEINZ SPAGHETTIâ€" v % Medium can ................16c ScRJFF'STaOLASSE^^Llght) ~~W: I] No. 2% can...............27J^ic1 CHEESE. CREAM Made last NEW YORK FULLl hGLEN WILD ^(Dark)â€" $ No. 2% can . MOLASSES Mel flavor, lb. jM^^m^SmKi^Bi^ElJ^iMMA^am_MM ./.. * ..37c ^SPAGHETTI CHEESEâ€"(Wisconsin Brick)â€" Lb..........................25c f» ;;;^ America)â€" ..............32c Sandwich)â€" r.,..v..37c This is Richelieu quality, which is always the finest, and a large 12 oz. pkg^ ..................1214c -doz. $4.50; can .......... ..ZV/zc RICHEUEELSLICED ^ ^piNEAPPLE^â€"^a '-â- mm*mm MWJio. 1 flat can, doz. $2.15; can 18c IPLYMOUTH ROCK; lilMISl BARTLETT PEARS â€" .â-  ^1 - j^^Very fipe, large No. 2% can. ^Do2..^lsjl«..^.".... .......?... .$4.50 |iiCan^v^:. :.'.".â- ..............37|4c fi&U W-iP IvAim 1*tKU XTr'8A'i,«AiD|'"iM 'SS*' ^Assorted fruits for salad. Large ! SNo. 2% can, doz. ......... .$5JO ^ Can iSM ::.^fii 111 :/liM *.^'.v.^.vv;.^2c ^GOLDEN EAGLE APRICOTS- L Heavy, rich syrupy Fancy fruit. ||| Large No. 2% can, doz. ... .$4.10 ..._.v*aili.:»......-:.. i'v...-» *,.-.i^"»... . .. . .. • . .OvC PIERRETTE SARDINESâ€" rpbneless. Extra " ^%s. Large can KS CARNATION MILK- ^ ^s JOHNSON'S FLOOR WAXâ€" » 1 lb. can, Solid ..............57c, Pint, bot., Fluid ............ .50c ^XEDAR^FLOOR^MOP^IitlB line floor^usting^iiio©s=^= â- :nacn ...»...»»....»..â- â€¢>»'•«»â- Â»â€"â- ti<b5 JELLO (any flavor)â€" mi - ...Packagei2%4-.'.T-^.-. .a ^ANTONINI OmVE dlLâ€" I© ,g Everyone knows this to be 61 the,........ * highest quality. Qt. Can . w$l;50^| WALTER BAKER'S PREMIUM^ ^s- L»W can ....... Wft^SOc CHOCOLATfi^ JliftC^T^lsi^PTi^^ q|j Mk-Jkd^-MjuL*jL±m+u^'£^i£^^ "... i~, *. .T7« ^35c->- I CANTON PRESERVED * l^g* «^-ALAMCA SAXMON- GINGERâ€" H;> m^-m^m^MmM No- I tall-can, doz. $3.75, 'can 32c m Small pot ...,..%.v...Z^Wc!^SEASANT CORNED BEEFâ€" ^NZA COFFEEâ€" : -^ â-  ":-mm WM" w>. 1 can...................23c The culture ripened cbf^ AllilB. &. M. CLAM CHOWDER- LUXURY TOILET PAPERâ€" """Crepe; large eftHr-dozr free acids eliminated. The manu- facturers claim that anyone can jnnkit wife no ill results. TJuart can ........./....,...30c CANADA KIgPERED

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