Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Apr 1922, p. 5

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Itt^ One House' to .the Lot, ^' 50 Foot Lots, Ruling ^^^yjL^' ^^m accordancewith a recommenda- tion' by the Wilmette Plan Commis- sion the Village Board Tuesday eve- ning adopted a resolution looking to- ward amendment of a Village ordi- nance relating to the intensity of use iof • lot areas in "A" residence jlisi ^lCt8^^SJ»&&^^ r ' :'p.~ The"!'5lsoIiin:':;';iSpiii*i that; pending the adoption of the amended ordinance, ho permits will be grant- ed to construct more than one dwell- ing on oaoh lot and that in subdivi- sions and re-subdivisions there; shall, be no lots smaller than fifty feet in width and in no case more than five â- "lots to' the acre. â- :^^^-^^M^'r}f-:H ICHE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL 38. J923 B ICAMP UFE Being a Bit of Human Interest ^JJlaterlai Gathered at the ?..x0r$ Arden .Shore -Camp. 'B^M WWW With the purpose of making more practical the instructions at the school, members of the faculty at New Trier High schoolare taking their, classes on visits to industrial plants in Chi- cago. Thursday evening Miss Van Horn's class in cookery made a tour of'inspection in the Case and Martin Pie tplant^ TUesdav "w* Edwards? class visited the steel mills in South ^hicagor^-r^::;:^ "fi/ri^8lON SOCIETY MEETING The regular monthly meetimTof the JW_oman'sMissionary society of the Wilmette English. Lutheran church will be^held at the home of Mrs. Louis F. Mueller, 619 Gregory avenue, Thursday; May 4 at 2 o'clock. Meeting at School May 1 I Tffie^Anhual TM^Btinff of the Logan fschooi Parent-Teacher association will |be held Monday evening. May 1 at 8 fo'clock. ....... .......â€"â€" _^.__..:.;-..; ^ t Annual reports will be read and I there will be an election of officers. iMrs. William E. Beazley, a most tal- ented member of the organization, will give a reading. Jhaere wili tie: jtent^4a Boy^lle,:Jry^aidJiot toJook too proud of the honors they have won. $ hasn't been easy always to. keep their tent ready for inspection with so much happening around them •â€"ball games, boxing, etc. It is mar- velousJiow much inspiration is in,., a 'music and refreshments, |_A_ tree-planting ceremomy will be held under auspices of the association iat 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the School grounds^ The children of the School will sing and all residents of |the village are invited to attend the exercises. .' * E. Jr Belrose^who has been engaged 'in the barber ^business at 'Central {avenue and Electric place over a period iot seven years, announces that on May â- ?1 mE piaeg^f business wilt be in the store space just three doors north of itha present location. Excessive rental charged for the old location is given as the reason for the change. The =new shop is located on the former site of the Wilmette News Agency at 6 Electric place. ...:_.'; A. W. Plant Joins Forces ^ of Hill and Wheeler Co. A. W. Plant, 1218 Isabella street, formerly manager for Paul Schroeder and company, has accepted the. posi- tion of manager of the Hill and IWJneeier, real estate offices at 401 "Linden avenue, Wilmette. Mr. Plant is well known along the north shore, haying been active in sal estate business in this vlcin- ity^or^s^reral-FearsT ?- *------- '§| BY ANNA BELLE FERRieiTp (Superintendent Arden Shore Camp) At the United' Charities before camp opensi^igggr. "Please sign me up for Arden Shore Camp. .We always have jnicn good times there." "What do yon mean by good" times 7"*m1pSre1ttâ„¢the outing sec- retary. "Oh, they have a mothers' club whereHhey all play games like the kids. The last day we have a party with coffee and cake and they always give you a bundle of clothes to tâ€"cm gave me something for everybody in the family. Katie never seen such a pretty dress before, and you ought to see Jimmy Moore all dressed up in the pants we made him at the beach house. The old ones'we cut up come from Marshall Fields too." %; â-  In the Baby-fold: | I*No I won't give him no more, coffee; Miss B-â€"-, but I sure hate to hear a baby cry." An interested listener might have heard the friendly nurse in the Baby-fold explaining to the inexperienced young mother what and when and how to feed the sad- eyed 4baby that seemed to be always eating yet never satisfied. In Boyvilie: _^^2-â€"â€"â€"^ "'We got the prizel^We^got the watermelon!" The excited winners in tiny white pennant bearing the single word PRIZE. Even the mothers covet one above their tent flaps. Oh thei beach: " - *-„,_v::râ€"- At rwft.thl»ry P M-^m-njamprHBennr strangely deserted. On the bluff hun- dreds of pair's of eyes are turned to- ward the lake, ears are alert for the signalâ€"a bell rings, a whistle blows and a mad, merry race of young and' old ends at the beach. Some are clad in gorgeouflLbatSing^^ults^Jome in faded fragments, some in overalls and some in little dresses, but all are keen tor the jolly water Jtrolic Jftat is the most attractiveJteature of camp life: In the Amusement Hall: The Arden Shore piano works real magic. The shy girl with large feet, the supercilious- Jlapper-with infinite knowledge of the latest steps, the life- Ies8~girl with no ambition, are all shortly skipping through.the mazes of an intricate folk daiice^ ^With-fuiraiid laughter the breathless hour comes to an end and the warning bell summons ^he dancers to supper-in the big open dining room. When. Winter Comes: "Up and at 'em" in joyous chorus from every corner of the big open air dormitory and another day has begun, Extra milk, a long rest, period,, Tregular living sounds like a monotonous routine, but make it the daily program of forty boys and it becomes a living, vital force. It transforms skinny, lifeless, irritable boys, unable to get a working certifi- cate, into brighfreyed, rosy-cheeked, laughing, young soldiers, eager foiLjt Ury at-lif«?s~battles; ^ _^_____ : Storm of Applause Opens Village Year ; (Continued from page 1) as, Superintendent of Public Works. MrV'Schfiiti, though tt««ti0tttiy not i» the best of health, the result of ser- ious illness a year ago last winter, has labored ceaselessly at his herculean task of directing the business affairs of the village. Under his able manage- ment Wilmette today justly boasts the most efficient business administration tn-itrirtBtoiry.- With installation ceremonies /and the formality of appointments conclud- ed, the Village Board proceeded to regular business and, Incidentally, had one: of the busiest, albeit brief, ses- recorded In many weeks. Name Standing Committees Among the important items was the appointmefltrand approval of standing committees ; on the Village Board. These were announced as follows: Finance committee: William H. Ellis, Frederick Tilt, Harry M. Bach- man. Public Service committee: Paul A. Hoffman, William H. Ellis, Claude E. Fitch. Fire and Police committee: Frederick Tilt, Louis T. Starkel, Paul ^ArrHoffman. Sewer and Water com- mittee: Claude E. Fitch, Louis T. Starkel, Paul A. Hoffman. Streets andvjAlleys committee: Louis T. Stakpl, William H. Ellis, Harry M. BacHfaan. Judiciary committee: Harry M. Bachman, Frederick Tilt, Claude â- -Ik-Fitch;, â- 'â-  "â- '•â- â€¢â-  Appointment and approval of the Board of Local Improvements follow- ed, comprising the names, William H. Ellis,' Louis T. Starkel, Frederick Tilt and Harry M. Bachman, together with Villaget President Zipfy ex-offlcio 2-52= New Location After May 1st BELROSE BARBER SHOP at Central Aire. & 6 Electric PI. Near Wilmette State Bank rfe At Your Sereiee 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. 10 p. m. Saturday Children $ Hair Cutting anJPoUing A, Specialty Closed Wednesday Afternoon Instructorâ€"Piano- Voice andjp v â-  .,:,;,: Hannony . Miss Adelaide C. Jones Graduate of the American Con- servatory of Music, Chicago Tel. WiL 2SS8- 1530 Central Ave; LAMP SHADE Made to orderâ€"Old ones repaired and sewing by the dayâ€"Caill ^EVANSTQN 7371^: J>r. Cbarles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician ^ Phone Wil. 2u52 4150 Wilmette Ave. RESIDENCE PHONE 537 Guest.....Scores Tremendous ii ' II Hit in Appearance Here As was true on every occasion of his appearance on the north shore last week, Edgar A. Guest, affection- ately termed the "poet laureate of the fireside," scored a tremendous hit when he gave readings from his many poems before a large audience last Friday at the Wilmette Method- ist church. .â- â- *â- â- â-  Guest proved to the audience his right to the title of the second Riley. His homely philosophy and apt com- parisons brought his hearers closer to him. His own poem written on July 16, 1916, the day of Riley's death, brought tears to the ejes of many. Guest gave the settings of all his pieces, the occasion of writing them> which were almost as gripping as the themselves. 3 Days Of iiii MADE IN ST. LOUIS ItSALEff We never ex^^ other sale where we can ofFer you the exceptionally * low ^>rices^ for^quality merchandise as we are offering you in this sale. Come in and look the items over. |Chey are^too numerous to list here^l^^?sf flJSpecial Saturday;|| Good Old Fashioned Choco- la^ejt Vanilla Oeam Droj^yj 39c a pound Renneckar Drug C. E. and C. C. RENNECKAR,R.Ph..Pw»* Phones 29 and 28 WUiaiette, 111. %Vbmejk «n the Wilmette Bngltoh Lutheran church will hold a Bakery sale, Saturday, April Jt at tj» â- A.-Sr Van Deusen Grocery and Market at Twelfth street; and Central avenue; $1.00 PACKAGE OF GENUINE YEAST V1TAMINE TABLETS from 1-.^ 'â- â-  ; â- â-  your druggist; today. WMMm:, If yon are thin and emaciated and wish aometliing to kelp you put on f leah and increase your weight, Yeart Vitamine Tablets should be used in connection with orgsalc Nazated Iron. Wttn- outorganic Icon, both foodand Vitamtnesam abtoiutelynselcss,asyoqrbadycannotchaoajia- inert. lifeless food into Urlng cells and tissue antess yon have plenty of organic Iron In yonr blood.Organic iron takes up oxygen from yonr lungs. This oxygenated organic iron unites with yonr digested food asltisabsorbed into yonr blood just as fire unites with coal or wood, and by so doing it creates tremendous poVer and energy; without organic iron in your blond your food merely passes thru your body without doing you any good. Arrangements have been made with the druggists of this city to give every reader of this paper a large n.00 package of Genuine Yeast Vitamine Tablets absolutely free with every purchase of a bottle of Nuxated Iron* NUXATEDIRON ^â- triialUiaiid tiMMflf Wiliiietl iiilT. M|1IER, Prop.:ri:^ DI8TILLED WATER ICE .Black': -Soil: for Cinders /; ~. Jlf -^t-awhassasasisi Bulldl^Jlattrla^ Grading P«#|lfif| ~ derieraf Teaming Lawn Fertlllzef We Build Drive- Sand and Gravel ways - ' .J *$. FILLINGâ€"REASONABLE* 7*3 *'. Railroad Ave. Phone WIU 68 -^ ANEWtAR FOR YOUR OLD ONE L. Pi BAKER & GOl Automobile Painting, Trimming and Repairing Phone 986- Glancoe* III. AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-if. Continental Motor 13; ^ $1695 F. O. B.. FACTORY -MM ^C.H. BRXGS Evanston 140 ' 15* Sherman Avenut iafeis ^inat^et"of g tobacco 4t^it3ES ^Wrstate it as-OBr honest belief that the tobaccos used lin Chestei^ld are of finer f; hence 61 better quality ^ taste) thanriu any other REAL HELPFUL SERVICE AJI Your Paint Problemt HAI Plil 4 Ordinary irons make lliliisad â-  ironing day*. Ilt'lti Possibly that's why. they are called sad ;*!l^ irons*?; J| Butia great many have been driven in- Do you know that millions of Electric Irons have been sold? pliance is So widely distributed w^iifSmsm whyf-ask any user oi one, whom you know. ;©fT|[oj^h^^

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