Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Apr 1922, p. 7

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I'll It' i»!I ^ THE LAKE SHORE NEW^ ^^Mg Miss Alice Gallagher! Becomes the Bride of IH is one luncheon and bridge on Wed- nesday of next week at the home of Mrs. Charles Harrison Smith, 919 Forest avenue, and another on the following day, given by Mrs. Richard W. Jordan, at her Vome. 1Q12 Green wood avenue. 'â- &&$' . N attractive wedding took place last Saturday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Prank "'*'â-  Kendry Gallagher, 1233 Forest avenue, when their daughter, Alice Elizabeth, became the bride of William, . Mason^^ Brainhairi>f Austim Revr Steps+*iac^ hen A. Lloyd of the Congregational church reai| the jervice at eight o'clock. ^^$^^^^^.S^^£:>^ The bride, who was givensiw&J& her father, wore a lovely gown of white Canton crepe embroidered in crystal and pearl beads, and carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses and, sweet peas. Instead of the usual veil, there was a dainty wreath of white flowers encircling the head. JOIST Mary Gallagher was her sitter's only attendants She wore #frock qi daffodil yeUow chiffonxand carried an arm bouquet of lavender-weet peas. The Misses Sarah and Margaret riday! Afriafy, 1922 Of interest in the village is the an- nouncement of. the approaching mar- riage of Miss Virginia Hall, of De- troit, Mich., to Mr. Theodore Smith, Jr., of Akron, O., which is to take on Saturday evening of this week. Miss Hall is a former resident of Wilmette and is well known in north shore society. Their future will, .be. in Akron^::,:,,..,,,,^,,,,,:,^;:,,,. Gallagher, two- younger sisters, wore frocks of lavender and pinfe -taffeta, and "stretched the ribbons. __ Mr. Robert Pierce of Menominie, WiBTr^rtt«nde*-MT7-Bramhali as best man. Spring flowers/palms and ferns formed the attractive ho^e^decora- lions.".'", :iSi.^'."•'. -H After a brief .honeymoon, Mr and Mrs. Bramhall will be at home *t 1362 Greenleaf avenue, Rogers Park. ii Members of the active chapter of the Kappa Alpha Theta_f ororlty of NartnweBtern university will usher at the exhibitions of "Treasure'Island" at the Hoyburn theater, Evanston, this, afternoon and evening, and will sell candy between the roolo. The per- formance has been arranged to benefit jtheir^hapter hous*MiWngjrund^ Miss Mary Day, Miss^Iargaret Beagle, Miss Margaret Clayton, Miss Esther Lewis, Miss Eloise Rowen, HfftsB^Madeline^ Brandt; ^MissHBrma Neal, Miss Lenore Slack, Miss Sally O'Neal, Miss Phyllis Tenny, ^TIlsT Louise Ellis and Miss Edna Rowland will usher and sell candy In the after- noon. The evening Bhows will J>eun- der the guidance of Miss Jane Higbee, Miss Helen Bryant, Miss Vivian Warren, Miss Lura Pratt, Miss Marion Copper, Miss-Florence Powettr Miss Lucile Bartling, Miss Alice Beck- with, Miss Josephine Carswell, Miss Katherine Nelson and Miss Beulah *Mr^ and Mrs. Lawrence Hayes, 869 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods, announceTHe marriage of their daugh- ter, Margaret to Joseph Leonard Rose of Evanston, on Wednesday morn- ing, at Sacred Heart Church. Miss Mary Irma Hayes attended her sister as maid of honor, and two cousins, Maryland EileeiiTlayerwere^brides- maids. John Hayes served Mr. Rose as best man, and Messrs. George Rose and Harry Maher were ushers. A wedding breakfast was served at the bride's home following the ceremony. - Miss Ruth Moulding, who just re- f.ftntiy apant a few days as the guest of Miss Mary Louise Scheteenfofarjtt Wellesley college, is visiting the varl- mifl colleges In Philadelphia, Jfoiaton where-slw Alpha Phi Bpyority.;. in Washington, â€" -^^~-i__ . be the guest of Miss MHarecTMcCul- lough. She will re tpijprnil^ehitter - part..-0*-Majv^,^:0XA%^0Sgl^^M '. S A^ohg ':'^e^tyDimal36fatt» being .given Inhonor of Mrs. George C. Mtn^ doch, who Is leaving early next month for her new fconie in^l^yenpoTV JaM FOX-TROT CONTEST Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mannerud, who recently sold their home at 904 Oakwood avenue, are residing at the Evanston Hotel, temporarily, "until the completion of their apartment at 735% Hinman avenue, Evanston. Miss Marion Mannerud hair taken up her residence, at Miller Hall on the Northwestern university campus. The Woman's Roosevelt Republican club of Wilmette- hehLa Jnost. enthu- siastic : meeting at the hdme of Mrs. Thomas A*. Copeland, dST^hesthut avenue,, oh last Friday afternoon. A number of new members were added to the membership list, and because of the interest and enthusiasm shown, it was voted tiiat^n extra meeting be held in June. ^^iM§miM&&Bsi^ Mftmaittd Mrs. Warren Lusted an- nounce the marriage of their daugh- ter, Ethel to Mr. Edward W, Richard- son, son of Mrs. Louise Richardson of Wilmette, which took placp last eve ning at their home, 714 Prairie ave. Rev. Hubert C. Carleton of St. Aug- ustine's church read the service at Bight o'clock. â-  g;:;:gg;g:--S:;,;^/ Miss Josephine Telfer of Chicago, attendedlier wtrsitfw maid of-honorr and Miss Violet Lusted of Canada, and Miss Marion Van Ness of Chica- go;T^werebridesmaids;UttleEliza- beth Goss and Adele Stern of Evans- Tolf^acted^as-flower girls. Mr. Claud-a Stevens of Winnetka, served Mr. Richardson as best'man. . __Following a short honeymoon trip, Mr. and Mrs. RlcliaTdse^-wilLJbe^at home aftef^uhe first at 1617 Fargo avenue, Rogers Park. The* North Shore alumnae chapter of Chi Omega is sponsoring a card party to be given tomorrow afternoon, at the Evanston Woman's Club, for the benefit of the building fund for their new house to be erected on the campuir ^t Northwestern university. Mrs. George C. Murdoch, is moving out of her home at 1040 Central ave- nue May first, -and previous to her depaffee for Davenport, la., to join; her family, she will spend several days of next week as the guest of Mrs. R. WTTordan, 1012 Green^wbod^venue^^^ I^Mrs. Arthur Taylor of $35 Central avenue, entertained the members -_pt her Luncheon^ and__Bridge cliib on Tuesday afternoon, at the final meet- ing of the yearl? The club has ad- journed for the summer months. ^M* and MraTEa^ard^rtJaThKra-ef^ «_„ „ r ,., «^«*«„ Hubbard Woods ^-announce the en- dus colleges In Philadelphiafe_Bpaton i &.pt ot meir daughter, Ethel and Baltlniore^as-a-delegatft from the ^r^rmim^miffittrimnr ^oT Mr. and Mrs. Leroy B. Hammond, 1427 Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods, are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a daughter, Shirley May, on April 20. Mrs. Hammond was formerly JII91 PorothyNortham. â- .^ Jjj^^-'"jJ^ A â- â-  K;;:'ShurtlefF'fand family, have sold their home at 619 Greenleat^av^nue, and are .moving this week Ic^their t^wl^^urchjused .homeJn^^ieva^ IU. ||||g||^^|i â-  Board is being held at the home of Mrs. Frank J. Scheidenhelm, 804 For- est avenue, this morning. The mem- bers .are working surgical dressings, 'Mrs. Guy Burlingame returned last Friday to her home in Long Beach, Cal., after spending several weeks as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles McCue,* 631 Washington avenue. §Mr. and Mrs. H. HE. Beckwith, and Miss Isabel Beckwith have returned to their home in Brookline, Mass., after a visit of several days with Mr. and Mrs. George W> Kirby,,, 835 Ljke jfcYeMja..^. .,:.^,;.r:..;s,.:;., B^M^,ritt,MS*;i§lill' iMrst,'fi'tA^"DT"'^arlassr"';:'w^"'"te ast two months has been a guest at he home of Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Olin. 618 Washington avenue, has returned o her home in Janesville, Wls||f|| ^ Mrsv Arthur W. Allen entertained at luncheon and bridge on Saturday of last week, in honor of Mrs. George C. Murdoch, who is moving to Davon-^ port, la., May 1. -\ â-  ^m:,^X^sMM. PlMrs, Edward Mendsen, 531 Eighth street was a luncheon hostess oa Sat- urday, April 15, in honor of Mrs. George C. Murdoch. irtunity :': Spring -Summer - Autumn - Winter §| EACH® season ha#ftlits| charms.^ny-a-Kodak^ and rcatch th^; atmos- phere • of the season. A ^hoto of a place, a friend, or^ group of friends, recalls' in a n y pleasant memories and enables one to enjoy a journey over again with the^ home folks. Special Brick Ice Cream zzgor Sunday Fresh Strawberry and! :V;| -^„-_^ i,: j.^,;;^;^aniHa-'iayeiP SNIDER & CAZEL The Wilmette Pharmacy! JBUlmatte-andXentraLAxcniicft- Wllmetf 400 at Wllm.tU, 111. ssam Mr. and Mr*. H. 0^ Boydenr 310 Park avenue, who purchased the Man- nerud house this spring, at 904- Oak- wood avenue, have moved into their new home. ^amaaamBrnmsssaassssssseaBssesssaasamaB â- "' Mr. Victor H. Thiele of 821 Sheridan road, has purchased the Albert E. Campbell residence at 618 Vernon avenue, Glencoe, .j$^^m^mm^f^i same, "May; li.: "^x:/ â- â- :â- -â- â- *?<";;-â- â-  ^'V:'H »â-  lipjigii^- â- â-  .-ig.^ '-'A i"v', â- â-  â- â-  < â-  : " ' . â- -. mcMmm REPAIRING plLEAKY 'roOFS, GUTTERS, SPOUTS, SLATE, TILE, TIN WORK :ifr> #m ^M6' FURNACES AND PARTS Shopâ€"1124 Greenleaf Ave. Phoneâ€"WUmette 158 or SPRING JHOUSEGLEANING ? JP|; '.VACIJTIM â- â-  â-  CLEANERSâ€"If the Siiill.â-  cl-eaner you have .doesn't;do th©;' â- wortC turn it in on one that Will. SWBBPE3R-VAC, HOOVBRi S Removes hair, threadV Hut and|| ; emliedded dirt. r r y;M^:; i^:'w$ "WAFERS.-'-^!%6: more-wasiiS board wear and tear on those valued curtains; no more Wan||i kets washed at the public laui£ r< â-º 'dry/^EtiEN^j^S^MQ^A^^^^ IRONERar^For^hedsprfa^iPlii^ ens, curtains, aprons, ^hlldre^8|ir* * romperis and * dresses^ ihien*s shirts, in^ lactr 95% of the fam| ily washing. SlMPI^EX, TOCJ|^ HORTON. Ask for a demonf stration. ;M OPP. VILLAGE THEATRE Ili"Profit by Our Service^ ELECTRIC DAN^^^^ PHONEW1L. 2I*fi I - "â- â- -â- â- â- â- â- â- "â- "â- â- â- 'â- â- â- â- â- 'â- 'ii|* OPEN EVENING^ {I M1LLIMRY m DRY:GOdDS^^^^!l ,%WSI ISifilSi P§8" To be held at Jones* Hall, Wilmette, Thursday Eve., May 4, By the DELWOOD CLUB of EVANSTON Tâ€"Miisic^by the? Royal Gorden Orchestra N. MMergenihaler Plumbing and Heating J2W DOYLB COURT C f l^Set^hon^2DMMf^Wilmette, ill. For lawns and landscape me Winnetka j|gg^|l NOW Tiran^r XKTE GASH AND CARR^ TREES SHRUBS FRUITS PLANTS. Big reduction in price when you "come to our nursery for them. * All stock hardyâ€"freshly duoâ€"roots hot dried out. ^ How to get to our nursery. v| Peterson Ave. is the north line of RosehiU Cemetery. Go West about 2 miles to nursery, Just across the canal. Fine roads. Sixty-six years in this location. We also make- estimates, and plant the. stock,-when. desiredr:..g^^K#si.m^, â- â-  |>EfERS0N|NURSERY fir^EflaollQKTH LA SALLE ST? TELEPHONE MAIN 3613 Hemstitching as Pleating Machine Scollop and Hand Embroidery. ^hSla^ fine line of Imported Brussels i^wmmwm: Venetian Point Reasonable prices. "/w:: High Clas»Work*s Quick Personal Service â-  1131 Greenleaf Avenue New WObhSU Avn EketrieSmioo &*0 ......-,|,,t' â- """»»' â-  J:w>^^','ii"iVll'iiV•'~"^^^ iUkJ&MM', "Sfe Phone Wilmette 2354 Qoâ€"d Saturdays 4 P.

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