Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 May 1922, p. 7

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i^«S^|il?i -:.;:-.;4l.W.' mst< f llJilS^SIrHE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1922**'**"~*'x"**i:':" Pf|:; Announce Marriage of T^f^^mrFulton To . ... 3*fr Lake avenue, announces the marriage of her daughter, Naomi, to Hugh Bradford Price, of Evanston, on Wednesday, April 26, at St. Luke's Chapel, Evanston. Miss Judith Cattell of Chicago attended the bride as maid of honor, and Mr. P. S. Stone or Indianapolis, served Mr. Price as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Price 'are taking an extended honey- moon trip through the south. i. Of interest to all housewives will be the Food Sale which is to be held on Saturday of this week, beginning at 10:30 in the morning, in Pilgrim Hall of the First Congregational church. All five groups of Camp Fire, Tatapochon, Miss Alice Clague, guard- ian, and Miss Dorothy Anderson, as- sistant; A-Ki-Yu-Ha-Pi, Miss Pauline Pettibone, guardian; Shuimala, Miss Eloise Wright, guardian; A-O-Ki-Ya, Mrs. A. D. Herrmann, guardian; and Ga-Be-She-Win, Miss Grace DeBerard, guardian, Mrs. R. L. Roberts, as- sistant, are working hard and en- thusiastically in preparation for a splendid showing- of cakes, cookies, pies, breads, candies and other good tea. Each group will have a booth all WUmette felrt and Fowwer C»etf Becomes Bride of College Classmate its own, which is to be filled and decorated by its members. Then there will be a fancy-work booth, to which all of the groups will con- tribute. ?^Ona honor is to" be awarded every girl and the guardian in the r group which exhibits the best all- round display; also there will, be one honor for the girl who has the best article of food. Mrs. R. D. Burther and Mrs. M. R. Venables will assist. The girls are'more than anxious that their sale be patronized as far as possible, for the proceeds are to be devoted to a fund for the purchase of a cottage, to be known as "Ouil- mette." at Camp Kiwanis.-Nav/akwa, at South Haven, Mich., the summer Camp Fire camp. -â€"â-  - -#Â¥......^rr^râ€"^ti^t;'^^^- "His, Majesty, Bunker Bean," will be presented by the Campus Players of Northwestern university on Friday and Saturday, May 12 and 13, at the Evanston Woman's Club house. Dale Smith, son of Dr. and Mrs. Charles 6. Smith, 1325, Greenwood avenue, is iwnnftff"*' »* *he Players this season. and ^hram M^nd«nhall^whose-4»layL ^eed«-ftom-Uhe_card^pAByZliven car 'The Tangle" proved such a success, is coaching this production. The lead, that of Bunker, is being taken by Frederick Scott, nephew of Prexy "Scott, and Miss Dorothea Frye is ap- -â€"pearing in the feminrae role.â€"Others who support these two include Wil- liam Grimm, Ivy Mae Smith, Elsie Hobson and Lois Wfetfct • Of interest in musical circles is the recent announcement that Miss Pearl â€"^-Marte- Barkerr^who is superintendent of the Wilmette Branch of the Colum- bia School of Music, recently was awarded the prize in the Prize Song contest of the Mu Phi Epsilon_jia- tional musical sorority*1" Miss Barier studied with Q. Cyril Graham andi â€"Adolph Brune and took up her piano rrâ€"instruction with Mjs. Clare Osborne B^dT ^he-played>ih~thes«aint concert with the Chicago symph< orchestraat the Illinois theatre on the occasTolr' of the Columbia School of Musicrcommencement. Miss Bark- er's song Vlll be used at all gatherings of musical sororities in the country. ~- br. and Mrs. H. O. Weishaar, 816 Oakwood avenue, announce the birth of & daughter, Nancy, on Monday, A|^ 24. â-  â- â- . "=^- -â-  --; â-  •: • â-  ' â-  Invitationsl will be issued next week -for the marriageof Miss Borothear Bull, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wi Bull of 524 Maple avenue, to Mr. Wallace Blanchard Befinke, son of Mrs. Eugenie Behnke of Chicago, which is to take place on Thursday evening, June l^at St. liUke's church, in Evanston. '^k>:*^j^^-i^ ^-Miss Bull-te a memher_of the Delta Gamma pnmHty and attended Norths western university, and her fiance, ^who alsaatteldM Northwestern, is^a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. §| Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Miss Hortense Krolik, dW- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J^y Krolik ofVDe- troit, Mich., to Mr. Walter LilienflWd, son of Mr. and J^rs, Mward Ulien: field; of 816 Michigan avenue. The ^wedding wasâ€"quietlyâ€"celebrated the evening of March 2T at th^home -oflthe bride's parents,,JO&JUUgggM and his brtde areexpected to re^ura Saturday from an extended honey moon whichin^Ujdjedj^^^ot^ C^n^T^T^ffi'r^dllatthe North Shore hote^Bvanstonr P Miss Clementine ^^^^ Elmwood" avenue, returned home Wea- JS^ew b. ^ral^el^vis^ east, as the guest of Mrs. FranK «erOTSn^in-Ne^ Yorkr^nd-Misa^MU, drid McCfinough in Washington Pr c. M rs. Will lam Bramhal I Before her marriage on April 22 Mrs. William Bramhall was Miss Alice Gallagher, daughter of Mr. and rank H. Gattgner, 1233 ForesiFave- nue, a former Northwestern univer- sity student of the class of 1922 and a member of the Delta Gamma soror- ity. Mr. Bramhall is a member of the Delta Taur^9etta~fraternity^ Mrs. M. L. Paterson, 925 Chestnut avenue, has as her house-guest, Mrs. C. J. McLean of Holland, Mich., for- merly Miss Jean Jamieson of this vil- lage. Mrs. McLean will be the guest of honor at several parties this week, including a dinner and theater party given by the Bookworm clu&, of which she was formerly a member, last eve- ning; an informal afternoon at Mrs. Paterson's this afternoon, and a lunch- eon on Saturday given by Miss Maude Taylor, 835 Central avenue. turned The sum of $350 wlir~he over to the St. Francis Hospital build ing fanrt early next week, asjhej>ro- Monday at the Wilmette Woman's club. The party was considered a great success, socially as well as finan- cially, for there were at least fifty- three tables in the room filled. Any- one who^wishes to further contribute to the fund is asked to send her con- tribution to Mrs. H. J. Richter,*707 Greenwood avenue. -â-  . The alumnae of Bradford, academy are greatly interested in a drive which is being launched for the increased funds for their school. On Friday of last week, a silver tea was given at the home of Mrs. Warren C; Agry in Evanston, and on Monday^there was a meeting of all alumnae-at the South ^hore Country club for *e^ purpose of finding new and attractive ways in ^^^ to eat4^ mQnw foj>their^oK â- lege/v.^i------ ' *• â-  '~. ^B^amitf-pTAfflfeek has*TOgh*-a home at 696 Lincoln avenue, Winnefe ka, to which he and his family moved last week. Mr. Affleck lived in Wil- mette for nine years until 1919, since which time he lias lived at 222 East Delaware pi., Chicago. Miss Mildred Affleck, who attended New Trier Township High: school, is now-Body- ing at the Finch school, New York. City. ____. j^j_- -â- ^2ii ° " " â€"'*-â- 'â- --' v'- The pledges of chapter of Delta the AlfBa=Aiphi w „ «*____Zeta sorority~enter^ tained the initiated members recently at the home of Miss Vivyenne Morin, 635 Maple avenue. After some amus- ing games were played, several tab- leaus were enacted by the hostesses, and litttePatsy Krafthefer of Wilmette won the heart of all by her dancing. t Last Saturday evening. Mrs. Eliz beth Hoth was guest of honor at a birthday party given in celebration of her seventy-ninth birthday, by a group of friends and relatives. Mrs. Hoth is still enjoying good health, and is -the"mother of eight cnimren, has eighteen grandchildren and twenty- one great-grandchildren. Mrs. F. _L.^Joy will entertain the Travel Study Class at luncheon next Tuesday at her home, 812 Central ave- nue. An interesting paper oh "Fa- mous Men and Famous Women of the Scandinavian Peninsula" will be read by Mrs. E. B. Wheelock. An interesting announcement was made at an open cozy held last Fri- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. E. Jones, in Evanston, when the engagement was announced of Miss Lillian Widmayer to Mr. Edwin Ray- mond Schuler, both of Chicago. V Announcement - is made by Mr. anil Mrs. Louis N. Burns of St. Louis. Mo., of the engagement of their daughter, Miss Florence Dorothy Burns, to Mr. Kingsley Louis Rice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Rice, of 518 Central avenue. Ni JrMefgenthaler Plumbing and Heating ^ 210 DOYLE COURT Telephone 2004 Wilmette, III. MIbb Esther Dunshee, 1029 Lake avenue, returned this week from Bal- timore, Md., where she attended the National Women's Voter's League, as a delegate, and also the Illinois Na- tional Congress of Women, which con- vened there at 1M same time. Mr. O. W. Russell has sold his home at 1009 Elmwood avenue, to Mr. John Blair Whidden. of 1249 Gregory ave- ^f^MfrTOSBeTf^fto^irir^faT^^ pect to move to California, early in September,,;.;;:;(,-, ^/.^y^^^y:^^- Mrs. Bonniwell, who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. P. M. Bowes in Winnetka, for several weeks, will return to her home in Kansas City, Mo., the first of next week. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Poronto, and son, H. Earl, jr., of Elmwood avenue, have returned from a several weeks* visit in California, stopping at Grand Canon, Los Angeles, Del Monte. Salt Lake City, on their return. Mr. Frank B. King, 829 Greenleaf®*^ avenue, returned Wednesday from a.* .husiness-.tnp.:......UiL^UimmtS^LM^ J^: Kansas City.-.......,-.â- â- .-â- â- .-:;â- â€¢.--........... PHONES: WllmetU 708-J Harrison 6803 EDNA E.HUGHES Graduate Swedish Meeeeuee • evening Appointment . ,v- pop Ladlee at Home Dn LESLIE W. JONES • ^- pif SICIANâ€"CHIROPRACTOR-OCULIST ±±-^^°^mmmm^ office...................... Room WBrowii Bimin^^ Telephone Wilmette 2557 NEW ^H5H5fasa5H5a5a5a5HSZ525HSH5aSH5E5HSH5HSa5a5HSE5iSE5H5 Silk Dresses Grea10 RidM^I We have many silk dresses left from our pre-Easter selling and to> clear these mgW* lv they will be placed on sale Saturday, May 6th., at greatly reduced pnees.-^^^^ dresses are all new-^they^^ include such popular materials as crepekmts, crepes,^ well as tS^MM. A limited number is here of course, but they are well worth your m- spectioiit Priced from $12.60 up to $29.50. ; J^ThoseW Atiyone^eise w^rwantSito^Mg^eiUl^feigr^ home for Spring, will find everything nec- essary tdTassis^themr at this storer^Belowâ€" lire listed a few reminders: "v"5 p'cedar ptolish.........80c Miller's wax polish .-----50c Sprustex Mop with 50c bottle polish $1 Gem large size oil Mop.$ 1 ...^ «0c Practical and goojOookinjgjtf^ garments telcliildren, ^They are^dreises, made wife bloomers attachedâ€"the little misses "just steps right in and buttons them up." Theyi are_made in a variety of percale and gingham patterns. Priced from $1.65 to $3.15^;T ,.\::-.:-M Bees Wax, doz. Cord, floor each v.. Mops, heavy, .............29c DorttOvaf^^ Round!' T%Wttim^ is popular^ little department is always

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