y^f^mrWa -*"""; t u"w ^r^^vir^*-" SWIMS SMILE ON -SIXTIETH BIRTHDAY Man Shows Prowess in Tank at Three Score Years Si â- â- ->â- XIJEXAKBiSHORE NEWS. FRIDAY. MAY-^lpa^ili,^^ â- •'â- â- . mmm »- -I George- Ruby, J>21 . Sheridan road, came in for a bit of mention in the public print last week when he cele- brated his sixtieth birthday by swim- ming a mile in the Illinois Atnletic club tank. Norman Ross, famous I. A. C. swimmer, has the following to 3a^-^Jtmut^JJie-JHaim«t,tftâ€"nwnâ€"iwâ€"a= recent tegue_of the Chicago Daily jjournai:_..:..-_-;;.:^.:^il-.^i...:.J:^.,-.. v.,---,. . ~ "There art many ways of celebrat- ing birthdays, but not mauy persons observe their sixtieth anniversary in the fashion George Ruby of the Illinois Athletic club plans. "Tomorrow he reaches three score years. He plans to swim a mile at the regular noon meeting of the.-Otters, the I. A, C. business men's swimming club. Prom past performance? he is -weH able to cover the distance, a teat well out of the reach of. the majority of swimmers of any age. "Mr. Ruby enjoys a dual distinction. He has twfce been elected president of the^OtterSj. an honor heretofore con- ferred on no other, and he is the most- regular attendsnt at the noo; $wimmlljg ^aaa TflvAry rt^y ha la in the water, swimming a few lengths, living from the high board, and play- ing a rough game of polo with the younger members. -2 "His agility from the board is amaz- ing; If back flips, front and back jack- knivea and an occasional somersault being his daily routine. In the friend- ly polo matches hiS~\adversaries be- ware of his clutches^ibr he does not seem to have heard that aged bones are brittle^ He is as^ careless of others' bones as he is of his own. " 'How do I dp It?* "he said in reply to a question, "Why, it's simple. I have found-that-there-is nothing like a dip in the old pool at noon to keep me in form. I am able to keep going at a faster clip all day, cm account of my regular, exercise."' *:M§^0:m '; "Mr. Ruby, has not been swimming all his life, but became interested in recentyears: He "is on&«f the most enthusiastic of the followers1 of the sport who make the I. A. C. champion- ship teams possible. J His name appears at the head of every subscription list, whether it is to send a clhb team to Chraa or to bliy a couple of new teeth annift atar may have lost in a polo match.**,:';,,^W^+ -':' J>y^ â- ^.?P::r£^7.:;*â- â- ,. --tM0fW' Tne EVANSTON RSte Our Summer Rugs asm is already known for its ease and comfort in hundreds of homes here; it is a sturdy, rustic affair; you will want pne the niiiiu^e 'you see it; ;;: â- â- •'â- •:-:. .â- :. â- •â- &Mt- â- !>^^ii;-^H^r: m ?m A Fibre Tea Cart jvjHJ^jLjveic^aiej^^ its burden of tall glasses and pitchers, accompanied by the chinjr of rrarkfid 4ai^ffin atmosphere M coolness and quiet; the pat^^ terns are soft and restful; you will spend much mofe - |jj time on your porch with one of these rugs helping to ^ make .it. attractive.,.-c:^#^^ ^The KIMLARK fibre rugs are made by a special pro- f cess which combines durability with great lightness; j they are' inexpensive and most satisfactoiy.i^^^^pf ^â- â- â- ^ c^:-,±J^C . ...................... .'â- â- â- â- 'â- -'^.j-r-r'^.'v-W'^ " â- ^m0M '"â- •'â- â- * --' .jfl " T :. â- â- ;,..',:liv'-:v;'.' ,'.â- ./,,â- .»..â- â- ;: '•:'0^,â- ;:'v^:^^'^!â- vâ- ^<^:~;^â- ^.5^^-^:';•^.^'v^^^'â- ^?:?:^i'â- ^>^^ #%g.j^Si^-.'^sji^^ Mrs. Frieda Tansor, who has been making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Charles E.. Ummach; 1236 Forest avenue, for sometime, is leaving June :_l_to spend the summer with her son, j-in Philadelphia.-'•.â- ': :-;^>;,.^,........v,,ff^..... ^Miss Grace Maddock of 1005 Green- leaf avenue, is ill at the Evanston h^spilatr^^A consultation or pnysicians resuitedin a diagnosisof^ulcers of the^ stomach,. fr..... . ,^,^'t^,-.^,,;,....,/i,;.,^- â- ' iMrs. Richard J. Cody will entertain the mtembers^>f the Thursday launch- zeon ^luht -at^heYJB^ Thursday of next week. yyy%..^;^y^;,>;p.' l&fo aad^Mrs. i'ereival N»-C»tter ^entertain at dinner for twelve guests tomorrow evening a^ their home, 1016 tS^ABMaTid^aremie. sflfMr. and Mrs. Frank A. Brown;' 612 Lake avenue, are in St. Louis this week attending the Wholesale Gro- !cers' -convention. â- , .m^-mmmm&m â- Miss Jane Grelner. 6^1 Lake avenue, s, was hostess-to^the^-A^>KtÂ¥a^Camp iFire Group, at their regular weekly -meeting last Thursday afternoon. r, liThe Reading Circle met Monday af- ternoon witfr~Mrs7^Fhxjma^Mou^ ilOM Greenwood avenue. â€" r : ice;; most reasonably priced at f §.od Q X y ~ # #" #Y:".'~^'.~ /v".' .- »Jy'T"« • .»:5fe. » • *y0i *â€" m^^ 8-3*^0-6 17.21 Summer Porck Glass "Ware M Covered lemonade^ pitcher, - lead-- blown .^..>•;â- « v; â- â- >"» l.^'^.tjl' »Ul•!?•*• ^Colonial Ice Tea Glasses, 12 oz.; spe- I 111 ^l^^cial at, per doz. .... *... .â- â- .... .$1.35 ft|jfce,TeaGlasses, plain blown, 10 oz.;Sii3 .M^l^per-doz. -- .-â- â- . w-.-,-w» »:„-.-*-„:, .^..^,]jjJ8.75.: G^ doz.. .$1.25 1 Star or grape eiit water tankard ,... $1.25 . *â- â- •â- •.. 'y^SvO^t.^v-. • ;â- •>'â- â- â- ::. "â- : * â- :'yy â- â- â- :::-^-'^-',- â- ' vv?M â- â- â- 'â- .:â- 'â- â- .â- . ' %^MiSMB^MM. grade floor .coverings for' sumn^r^^iSiPSp^l^i^i &*m*m&i'Qâ- â- -%r .i'o»-.*..- â- â- •â- â- .*&• • "S«L;Sv;,.iS^|^e,:.;..^i.^S|-.40:.<>cHHfiY<;: GRASS RUGS are somewhat slighter m shade and perhaps ;# trifle more summery in appearance; sotnej>f ^hese Jfrass rugs^ ^ai^i^versible-^hiat"^ p^te1rnf6n l>oth sides|^J -54 in. x 90 -far:>;.,♦,.,.:..,,:^..:,:..-^.-v.^y,.-7J?5 and^8^,^^ y-6- ft.......is^-'ft^i^tes^^ fSBOTSffii PRIVACY Wooden Garden Swings They make an attractive addition to any lawn;% they *^*£^^ are no end of fun for the youngsters and comfort for porch shades; the venti- .r. .. %. â- ,y!>;,; ;.r,:-^---::-T7--------:---:-T---.....-•â- ---tâ- - vv^^'.:^^â„¢^"â€"- for summer curtains lor fiifniture jgov^ns â€"•-*----*'^J^»i-"'••â- â- â- ill lating feature e n a b 1 e s you to take advantage of every^reeze^Y^ •;"" "^7 The Only Shade Made Wu1iA\fentnator irEi^IeW^ Attracts the kiddies now that, warm weather is here. SfiSI^!.WS'^;i-SSe J '. ii|: Mapy-:-pW^^-";'^^fftg"^^: furniture cail be made doubly ij^^ctivjTjor summer^Jb^v^he 7 use~6T^rijK^olorluTlE^o^^ o*F~ cretonne j you will find here a rnost complete line in floral and conventional patterns. In 3^ in. width, they are priced, Mm® :yard'irom|||i| iP^tiiSiii l|tlff3^^ m ^sh, frogs, crabs^ turtles, star-^^^nd clam ZSANJSdMO^ in conventidn^tpatternsL"j^^i53^^^^.cfi.-^wings.,-:. The striped SAND PAII^ AND SHOVELS||k^^,^ SHEBOYGAN COASTER WAGONS--^v«i^boy^wiE wan^ "one of these sturdy, speedy, light-rolling wagons; they are ness^to these c^erings; 36-in| rubb^r-t^pd, and Ahe wheels^run on regular roller bearings; width, per yard If fjea|y steering.- Priced from||.;....'.,>,............ •$11-^,;t°,J?|||j|iii||^ 1111 p. S â€"A lot of the"girls .are..ge|t|ngu|hgn^too.ltlI /..,.:... .. .. .OTHERr COASTERS FROM '.'â- â- ^m^mmm $8.50 to $11.50 m Tw^ai^OJ^jGfasL ^-.^^^%^:^?5^y. s^^^^^^^^^i-L^^iS^ poGO STICKSâ€"You might as well learn the-namc now, for in 40-in. width ma^es exceUe %k Size for CV&ry porch, 0M every ypungster will have one* before summer is half over;;;:gJ^^1g^^^^^ 1 they^re 4h& spjingy^jts^y^ theJt>oulevardsL'osuimmm- â- '.â- *fo :; ?^^t:fegi^:-?#;:^':^^'":^'.^:^^%!^:;tonnes^-.a6-Jn>-jddtlu-tha yrd, ftlO "â- â- :/-"--â- •'â- â- ""â- â- â- -"â- "-""â- ""'"•"•â- "â- 'â- 'â- ^./^nd .$1.66 ' . - r.«i.~.'â- 'â- -â- â- â- f p lleavy Crash, 30-itt^width, per lOUHT. ^^^^S^s^^^^^^^^^^^tel^Si! ^jS»-K»^{.^l*iStBrgV