Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1922, p. 10

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|,-„.4 10 THTM^VKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY,J\f£Y CALLS OUI ELMS ^ BEST SHADE TREES John P. Gage Shows "Sprig" He Took4o^Iew^Jersey - The American Rim leads-its- JOk mette's finest shade tree, according to John P. Gage of Vineland, N. J., for- merly a resident^©* this village, "-â- â- â- -- By way of clinchihg his argument Mr. Gage -sends a E|otograph to The lake Shore News ^showing a Wil- mette Elm, taken when a mere sprig to the Gage estate in Vineland and transplanted 4a488kThe photograph shows the sprig as it is today. "I believe I once saw something in The Lake Shore News about shade trees for Wilmette," Mr. Gage writes. they sprouted-in the Gage Addition to Wilmette. ~ ~"~~: "The little tfeeai were carefully packed and utmost care was taken in the transplanting in« order not to mutilate them or permit the roots to dry out. "The main trunk of this tree now is 62 inches in circumference under the limb against which my son is leaning, 51 inches from the ground. /'The smaller trunk, growing from the same root, is 34 inches in circum- ference, 51 inches above the ground. The distance around the entire tree where the trunks join is 83 inches, 24 inches from the ground. "A seedling from the tree is grow lug 30 feet from-tfae-parent tree and, at a height of 42 inches from the ground, is 25 inches in circumference. Its limbs extend to within 6 inches of the ground, this low growth adding to its beauty." Mr. Gage .is a regular subscriber to The Lake Shore News and maintains a keen interest in local affairs.-----â€" , â-  _________________ â-  â-  t* 8KOKIE CLUfi OPENS Commencing Saturday, May 13, .all departments of the Skokie Country club are to be in full operation for the summer season. JEtegular__jneals_ are to be aerved beginning on. that date.' '.'".â- â-  " ....._-----...... ' -------------------------_=i -â€"7-7-- WMM-" Hj liili- ipi^ijj^dS. fl#!vf'. RUGS IMPORTED ancl DO^ffiST'IG It would be to the interest of the North Shore residents to acquaint themselves with the prices offered on floorâ€"coverings of every description before ordering else- where. In addition to the pride in deal- ing with a NorthShore merchantwould be the added interest of furthering the community jpirjt ancLadvancement--------- H believe the Mm fillSLthe bill since it is beautiful, fast-growifeg, long lived, ^ easy, to o)itain^^d^otaj|ifJteult_^ iSSfi 7*,^m^...«.« ^roor? or^tne rapfdlty^ot^the S^frowth'- of :an'"Elm,' I am . sending a ^ photo of an Mm growing in my yard ^...and which,:!: .receivei;,1frpm.,,iWlmette. It|§ . and-. â-  set out in 188fM I â-  • â- -,.'.â-  ;,sp^â€"â-  â- 'â- ' P$l|f|;«'The-tree -came with a little bunch. iiM'W seedling Elms about 6 or 8 inches pit Ring" and one year old, which were liS pulled up with-i&e^eafanoald where- â- -mmmmGgBBBgBsaBSjiasmm^ CLEANING and REPAIRING^ DAVID G. BARRY EVANSTON 614 Davis Street Phone Evanston 5712 â- 11 uiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _ Remember MotherTB Sunday, May 14th, HE people of all nations have set aside this day each year in her honor. Make it her hapfgest^^ zziiii^~^Xteii^ Appreciation "Say iiwith Flowers yy Blooming Plants Hydrangeas, Begonias, Baby Rambler ilose Bushes, Primroses, Spi- raea, Cinerarias, Ge- nistas. - $2.00, $3.00, $5.00 up Arrangements Baskets of Blooming plants. Special Gift Box Cut Flowers, Pans of old-fashioned garden flowering plants. $3.00, $5.00, $10.00 up Jjjyour^rnother is in another city, we can senJ£TtdwersT)fwire JOHN WEILAND Wilmette Store ~ 1161 Wilmette Ave. Ph.i Wilmette 2128 Evanston Store 1614 Sherman Ave. Ph.: Evanston 502 Argue WHkYoa Sil^|Tliere are shoes that argue with you fip'over -.every step and there are shefes ^g that work with~3?graHHtt^tay long. The Cantilever Shoe is designed, first or all, like your own foot, with a flexible aa^p^r^gia^"8®p"oT'steel; sucE as is embedded in the shanks of or- dinary shoes, disputes-every stepiâ€" ^The Cantilever Shoe also has a snug heel seat, the gracefully rounded toe and the lower heel to_yojgfLjgith the smartest women ot-ttday.;--w~» ^^Comlort-'Is a Hdpfilf - mTo wear Cantilever Shoes is to be iflfiasediwitlL the trim appearance of your feet and to know snpreme com- fort the long day through. Their &peciall£jdeeigj^ other features work with you all day lOngr^Ybur ligaments anoTinuscTeS are allowed the froo action-and exercise they actually need in order to main- ta their strength and spare you m that prevalent condition known * 'weak foot*' or "tired toot." Foot to the people? oFtHeTNorth Shore that lii^^rx3iased|the Jans-Mriike Motor Co. and will continue the bu^ine^under the personal management bi^Mr#lMDiiWtisonf 1^ ^r^^tire^^ ESS pip aSfSSS ^S-Soubles-,are: prevented aid cojrrected. I|8i|wh©n yeu lace up Cantilever Shoes â- â- -â- 3m their flexible shanks draw up to sup- gS8 ply just the degree of support you re- pp quire each day under each arch.g||. l^:livSlip^your„.ieet into _CMtileyer|2- Still > 'â-  }.« 'â- â€¢ • V£" 'â-  f."-T-.'- â- â- â- .'â- 'â- â- â- ' â-  â- *'â-  -^ â- 'â- â- ' â- %&&:'â- â-  Iferliaiii on Uie North Shore only by 0RTH SHORE B00TERY -mss±M BVANsnroN mmm phone ev; - T& injure &&&#**%$ â„¢ **** fatng This service to Itom^mhovt andiservicdlfor three famous makes of automobilesâ„¢ nai&ylr^ |nlithese thpe lines we feelythat§^ Ivhich will man s taste." ':?Si^:: I In om^mm<B^^ 2fj;-repair. shopi:service.;";)S^BSSX^^S^^^ ^^^"'if^iW^^^^^vM^^'^'^k IttlB <l Oui['ap£te ^ â- $&$^&&&""- â- ^•^j^rff^' Jans^Lamke Motor Co., aild th'e/"n^;tlienteId'"Wfiic:h we hope; ta;^i^|^li||pi â- â- wjdcqmc#;.jiiriUJb(g^ MtHMS? ^Mz&tlM-^: ^GRM&tt; '?4-fefet::'rir'ltj' am^ggfrnngMOTeEB^^ D. iDIW^TTISONpi^esidegf C.::;FAWGETX?;Vice-P^g =*', â- â€¢= **^S3fer*s;>;f<s«fss!•:«&;-â-  v«.' -m,^^ sifeswj^w-Hi Ev^MSTONFM^Pa^esEvahsto1^50-6Q2(l â- â- 'i^^tStV/iirfHsi;^*;-; iiii^^£3giiii^^ «sev "MlS; ........3ilter

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