Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1922, p. 13

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imiti TOE LAKE SHORE ^ ^-^^ _i HATCHING YOUNG ONIONS Young onions are a standby of al- most, every spring vegetable garden and there is just one way to get them early. That is to plant onion sets! While the seed onions are com- ing on to give a later crop of young onions and through the thinning pro- cess to give the plants room to mature the big bulbs to be stored for,winter, the set onions are coming along and furnishing the tender young onions for the table. The onion set is made for the chief purpose of producing young^ onions. It is better not to tryjto_grQw_big onions from sets, as the set has com- FROM SETS pleted most of its life work, although an abbreviated and arrested career, when it is put into the ground, and out^of tenTfnam pulled in its young and tender nine cases and eaten growth will shoot up to seed Onion sets are merely prematurely matured onion of any type. The crop is produced in this manner. The seed is sown thickly and on poorer soil than would be used ordinarily for onion growing. The thick sowing and poor soil is used in order that they may reach the limit of their growth in their surroundings quickly. They, of course, are sown later than ordi- narily. As soon as they have matured their growth they are dug and har- vested, to be planted the following spring. Small sets are better than the larger ones, for the larger the set the more quickly it will finish its life cycle by sending up a seed stalk which ends its edible career. Onion uelu come in yellow, whiter and red, all dependent upon the vari- ety of onion seed which was sown for the sets. ^The most convenient thing about onion sets for young'onions is that they are not so particular about soil conditions and a gardener can har- vest young onions from them long be- fore a crop can be gathered from seed. Growth starts almost as soon as they are planted and they can be planted an inch apart. They need only be planted deep enough so that the neck is barely covered with soil: A lit- tle deeper planting, however, gives a better length of edible white young onion. . '~ Any variety of onion seed will pro- duce sets, but the seed from sets is worthless and should not be harvested as it will produce inferior onions. Plenty of pebbles, broken flower pots, crockery or rough fibrous earth should be at hand to provide drain- age, for" good drainage is one of the secrets of success in indoor boxes. Bore holes in the bottom of the box. Over these scatter the pebbles or pot shreds and upon this place the coarser soil^ The surface soil must be sifted carefully- through a sieve, levelled down and firmed. The soif used here must be leaf mould or its equivalent in texture. - 'm?mmm^^^^'r'-:^:im!^^m: Plant the seeds in rows, crosswise of the box. Broadcast sowing in win- dow boxes is wasteful. * A large por- tion of the plants are destroyed in wa- tering and transplanting and often they are so thick they never have a fair chance to develop. A cloth over the surface'of the soil, or better still, a pane of glass will help to keep a more even temper- ature and retard evaporation. Wy§M Red Top Steel Drive Fence Postsâ€" Chfeaper Than Wood Red Tops cost less than wood fence posts and last twice as long. You drive them into the ground with a sledgeVno holes to digâ€"no tampingâ€"no mussâ€"no dirt. : /_ ~3: The Red Top fence is always neat and clean in appearance. It harmonizes with the most artistic surroundings. It protects your property without detracting from it. HIT THE LUMPS • When you are doing your spading, this spring, remember that every lump of earth you break up fine is adding fertility to the-soil. Soil should be worked fine. Pulverizing the soil is almost equivalent to adding a supply of fertilizer. _ The lumps lock up the plant food and the tiny roots will creep around in the finer softer soil and avoid the lumps, failing to penetrate ^hemjlf they are too hard. The fir^the soil, the more available is the plant food so that every additional bit of pulverizing given the soif^make^ it that TnuiSh" more fertile. The plants must find their food in liquid form, the rains or artificial wa- tering furnishing the solution to leach out the food elements. With the soil in fine tilth the moisture -penetrates evenly. Hard lumps it will not pene- trate except slowly. Break up the lumps. With' the soil well pulverized, the to a foot depth, even a poor soil will showrc surprising: Increase in growth coarsely dug and in which the lumps have not been well broken up. With the soil well pulverized, the task of hoeing or working with a hand cultivator to keep down the weeds is much easier. Then when the dry weather comes it is ea"sy to keep the surface stirred and establish a dust mulch which is the finest protection against- dry weather, keeps the soil moist so the roots can work, and ameliorate the scorching rays of the midsummer sun which otherwise wouliLbake and crack the soil. *. . '* ........ r Garden Incubator Perhaps for a majority of home gar- deners the cigar box or "flat" in a south window answers the purpose of a hotbed or cold frame. It is a thor- oughly-tried and tested device of cen- tury-long use. â€"^f-Uoxes have not beenr stored in advance with a supply of earth, it will be necessary to acquire them novr and over the same soil which has 'Ti i to go out with a pickaxe or mattock and" pry loose some frozen clods of been earth to place in the cellar Ho thaw. NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT CASH AND CARRY TREES SHRUBS FRUITS PLANTS. ^^igl^auctlonTm price~when yoir come to our nursery for them. ____ hardyâ€"frcahlv duoâ€"roots not dried ouT How to get to our nursery. Rosehlll Cemetery. Go west about 2 nvtiPfl tn mirnerv. lust acrrffes the canal. Fine roads. Sixty*six years in tms location. We also make estimate* and plant the stock when desired.___ PETERSON NURSERY OFFICE so" NORTH LA SALLE ST._________TELEPHONE MAIN S61S Red Top Installation Service Any handy-man can quickly and easily install Red Tops. Or if you desire we can take care of the complete installation for you. Our men are expert fence builders. Our prices are right. Our service will please. â- ,,,.„„: ... Catt or Write RED TOP STEEL POST COMPANY 38 South Dearborn St, Room 734 Chicago ents on Noit!^ FOR Electric and Stand Your^old machine taken in trade. -- Always get our pricesbe- :^ fore|you Twy^ZI Open Tuesday, Thursday andlSa vemngs -pjnmr Wilmette 526, no toll. 'Who ran to help me when I fell, -Amiwmtdwmw^ef^Woryhtell^ OrJktSJLthj^placeJatitake it'weML. My Mother." by Long Distance ] '._"â- _'_..... "â- â-  on . â- /'""" Mothers' Day, M^14th Let her hear the sound of your voice over the wire. 4i will make a better day for you both Dear Kiddie NooIR .Though E am iiir Ask operator for rates and other infbr-^ mation. "Station-to-station" calls are -ahQiifctwentyvfive per cent less than « person-to-person" calls. On a "station- to*-station" call you talk to anyone who telepKone. U£ answers course that person can call mother, to the telephone. â-  \;v-r ;,...,.: r"TT rT?lven i ngTainfl" n I mz: station^ to-station"c^llsir^stillfurther4reduced. ILLIN =*F*rELEPHGN£ COMPANY ^~I^ seventy-five years old, I am still a boy. Many's the time P linger at your window, just as a little fellow would gaze wistfully at the trea- sures within. Then my imagination is revived, the years recede, and I am ab- sorbed in make-believe af- fairs, which are among the delightful pastimes of youth. I see a fancy suit which I shall wear to* a party, and there is a fairy-like frock which wjll adorn my little' partner, We are having a grand march. How proudly I walk, with her at my side, Of all the pretty children there, none seem to appear happier or smarter than we. So my fancies run from one dream to another, and I can appreciate the inspiration of IrmTdfen who~ store* vi siF __our Would that we could have h#d such an ideal store :n "our' 'childhood'tetSSlli^ii. ~ sThere waa someone, how-? ever, who helped to make â- v^ â- â-  "-^ms come Vtrueâ€"r MOTHER! I still seem to hold her careful hand, a^s I did when we went shopping -â-  together. She bought me romething I loved, no mat- fe-Jiow little it cost, and I t-^asured it long afterwards. I just want to remind every Vy rri4 s^irl that MOTHER :;.;Vry- i'o-t. friend, and we; ~> *. fororet her espe- * 11* on May 14th, for that ts her day, which we have set aside just to show how much we love and appreciate her! . .. . Vz^mim Some pretty Cards and Gifts ifor Mother have been-on sale at Thc-Store For Children. Did you let " With the approach of summer, We present an innovation for girls from two to fourteen yearsâ€" BUTTERFLY DRESSES For particulars, call and see them. y--WM Hi More pretty Organdies and Graduate have come in. Dresses Many new Suits, Blouses, and other wear for boys 4t4seepfr us^bus =after=thed it! mm I8S1 tlii tin §§§§f§| fill ^£*^1& jssisi •H Si"

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