~mr 'ft'ijt'^t^!"^ 2& ifem ikHj THELAK HHS9RSB1 EJ SHORE: ^Pi tfRTDAY. MITTS, 1982 "S5SaSKliP^^ NOIED LEADER SPEAKS IT BAPTIST SESSIOII Dean Shailer Mathews to Assist at Annual Meeting iiijjg Jghajler Mathews, dean of_JJie- Dlvinity School of the University of Chicago and probably the best known man in the Baptist denomination, is to assist in the celebration of the ninth anniversary Wednesday, May 17, of the establishment of the Wilmette Baptist church. Dean Mathews, ten years ago, was instrumental in organizing a group of Wilmette men who later became the founders of -the prosperous J8aimeite_ Baptist church at Forest and Wilmette avenues.-*. ~â€"â€" While he has held every honor in the Baptist denomination, Dean Mathews is a noted figure in the re- ligious world outside the Baptist church. He was for some time presi- dent of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America and in that capacity visited Japan in the In- terest of cementing fraternal rela- tions between the nations. Following Dean Mathews* address the baptist church building commit- tee will give its annual report on the plans for the ensuing year. The an- nual election of officers will be held at this meeting. â- »â- *â- â- *> â- ai.4. .'â- Li, PUUI EUROPEAN TOUR Seven Members of Faculty Go to Continent SqonJ ^^veii^blFNew Trier's teaehersr the Misses Helen Maloney, Irma Moschell, Elizabeth Hadden, Catherine Murphy, Mary King, Marion Goodman and Elizabeth PacKer will spend their summer vacation touring Europe, Misses Maloney, Moschell, Harden and Murphy saf from Montreal June 17, for Glasgow* They will visiti Scot- land, :Englahd#? France, Belgium, Switzerland, Bavaria, and Italy, -and will sail from Sicily Jhr?7h * ® Straits of Gibraltar, and land in New Yorjc about the first of September. They are planning to make a trip from Brussels to Paris by aeroplane. All expect to see the "Passion Play. Miss Goodman leaves. June 17, from Montreal with a party led br Dr. George Scherger of Armon Teen. They will make an eighty-day trip Holland, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, and Germany. ------------Follows Caesar's Trail.------- Miss Packer will sail June 24. She will spend most of her time in France getting some classical atmosphereror Caesar Classes and following up Cae- sar's trail. She will also visit Paris and one or two points in Brittany to become acquainted with the localities which Caesar describes vividly. From Paris she will go southwest to some of the Interesting cathedral towns to the Roman cities neaOheTPyreneBBT from there she will travel through the Pyrenees and up the Rhine valley with a few Stops on the way to Lyons, and then to Dijon for the site of the ancient Alesia. After spending a short time in Geneva and the vicinity of the lake, she will proceed north to Treves, an ancient Roman_border town which is New Trier's mother city. Finally she will go to Hamburg for the re- stored Roman Camp and come back to Paris on her way to Rheims and Cha- teau Thierry and a few Belgium cities befofe sailing from Antwerp. MOTHER'8 DAY SOLOIST 111 Lieut. Harry W. Lait, special gos- pel singer at the Wilmette Presby. tefian church during the Lenten sea- son, is to be the^soloist at the church Sunday, May 14, Mother's Day. Lieu- tenant Lait will ;singvJ'Mottie;r^' ., jyiine.' â- â- â- â- v-^-*â- '•'•-r-v-^'^r^ #llt$v$lPi§jt MMESsSMi ipliiflytii mm&Mmi CEMENT: N important function of this company is the maintaining of its jelose: contact with the Iproblenisof t|iiji^tect. MiWel^tethe^^iu^ â- ^i^'^..... in Marquette Cement Manufacturing Co. Wilmette Ice & Teaming Co. F. MEIER, Prop. DISTILLED WATER ICE Black Soil Lawns Grading Lawn Fertilizer for Cinders . . Building Material General Teaming We Build Drive- ways Sand and Gravel FILLINGâ€"REASONABLE 73&J^U Railroad Ave. Phone Wll^63 LAMP SHADE Made to Orderâ€"Old ones repared and sewing by the dayâ€"Cailk EVANSTON7371 >ckJS^outllandj in be compared to a business conducted without assistance of a bank. "You know it is running; but you cant tdl whether it is fast or slow.** Pay your bilfcM check arid have^a complete record^f every transaction. It will furnish an absolute receipt and Ixwo^Jispu^Mcmsnh. Bank in Wilmette with w# mi The _____5§, CD|g CD DC iramette Stale Bank Your Home Bank &Efc> it •'â- .Pf:' m llf m *r-4HHi Moving iiiSHiWpiExpresMng15 .ong Distance Haulii ^*:*^w?9*^S Style and Qualityl in Tailor-Made Suits