Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1922, p. 6

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â- ^TOa^KSs â- :â- â-  -oiy.'V *-â- â- :â- â-  vV; •â- ;> *. ; . i^W» TTS^ t X^ c^n^K NEWS, FRIDAY. MAY 5, 1932 Kenilworth Happenings Mrs. Henry Taylor has gone to New York to visit her daughter, Mrs. Frank Gerould. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marx are be- ing congratulated on the birth of a • daughter. â€"The Bridge. Club met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Geo. Keehn. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gerould are visiting at the home of Mrs. Gerould's mother, Mrs. Henry Taylor. The Evening Club were entertained at dinner^Ioj^y^jev^ningL^aJ;â€"the^ ------ftolne^ri^cIbT^iid'Mmr^olp. Mr and Mrs. Charles Chandler are ____fn ^yiatttic City visiUng-thelr-dauglu ter Mrs; Walter Bew. ~ Samuel L. Hypes sailed for home ------on Wednesday from Cherbourg. Ruth Woodward left Thursday even- ing for Atlantic City for two weeks, after which she will visit her aunt, __ Mrs. J. H. Karns in Rj[e^Njw^ork, â€""TEoT a month. ___ » Mr. and Mrs. ToTin^TllaThhone will leave June first to spend the summer in California. The Burnham children have been quarantined for . two weeks with mumps. Ray W. Fruit of the Kenilworth Inn- is convalescing at Augustana Hos-v pital, Chicago, after an operation for appendicitis. Ruth Watt has just returned from a two weeks' visit to St. Louis where she was the guest of Miss Hancock "aid Miss Stuart. Mrs. Fred. Bulled Mrs. J. H. Jones ==itntr^rsr^arnECe1th-speTit the week end at OifHiBeis^â€"as the guests of their sons^for Mothers Day. . Wee. MarK Cresap entertained the retiring and new Board of the Neigh- bors Club on Tuesday. The Julius Sengs have - returned from Leesburg, Florida, where they Mr. P. B. Eckhart is visiting friends in Ashevillg, North Carolina. Mrs. J. A. Smale is moving to Rock- ton, Illinois, this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Pafmelee are paving on Sunday for an extended motor trip through the East. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Rathbone are giving a small dinner party at the Union League Club Saturday eve- ning. g Mrs,**. H. Everett has returned from a motor trip to Vincennes, In- diana. ------- - Mr. Bentley McCloud has returned from a business trip to Seattle* Wash- ington. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap enter- tained foui^eii^^ttests--at--dinner-tnr|] Saturday evening. Henry Everett has gone to Peoria to_&ttend- the,^rain Dealers^ Coven- tion, where he will represent a Radio for the Odell and Nash Company. The Frank C. Nasons have moved to Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Maulsby Forrest re- turned Monday from Excelsior Springs, and are with JMj^_ForresLs splmTT^h1e~wThlelMiss Helen Cresap spent last week- -end inPhiladelphia^ where she assist- ed in receiving at the debut of Miss â€" Ann Harvey,..- „^_â€">~-'i?s*~~*r~rr*TTTZ ^-^Miss Catharine Merrill speent last week-end in Boston with Mr. and Mrs. 1 R> B. Stearns, formerly of Kenilworth. Miss Elizabeth Merrill is attending ; tlie Dartmouth Hanover this week end. ^^ There .will be_ an_Jnierestin^JBEp^ 1 gram at the Kenilworth Assembly I Hall on Sunday evening. Mr. Lew W< Barrett of Northwestern university P will read and the Du Moullin tr|o will Ite an added attraction. .â- -•â- â-  4Wa mm Mrs. 8. L. Hypes entertained the I Bridge Club at luncheon on Tuesday. 'i^ Mrs. McClintock's last Reading il Class was held on Wednesday at -the sIS home of Mrs-Darling. . itf Miss Catharine Slater arrived on is^jp^iday^from California and Is f the ^ enest ofJier brother and sister-in-law, II Mr. and Mrs. Louis Slater of Evans- ;i 9Mrs. Frank Ely spent the week-end Sit with her son, Robert,, at Madison, lit Mrs. John Everett and ten friends fiSsfcent the week-end at Waukazoo,. parents for a short time^ Mrs. H. R Rathbone rturned last week from a ten days' motor trip with friends to Wisconsin. _. ~._. Isabel Cline left Thursday for Mount Vernon, where she will attend the May Festival. • . \ Mrs. Sidney Eastman is entertain- ing: on Friday at bridge for the Misses Florence and Beatrice Pease. Plans for the summer were dis- cussed at a meeting of the Garden Club held on Friday at the home of Mrs. Ruf. JEWETT SOLD AND SERVICED TRACY HOLMES MOTOR CO. 1027 Davis St. Evanston, 111. Phonei*: - - - - 4903 fliWjYI. JBERNHART, Prop? Choice Greeting CarM â- h>. f^turej**1^^ Framing Repairing andTBegilding Frames rorsKeiuvei Leaves Local Tea Store . •;'â-  to Repiesent Hcing Go> Carl A. Lindstrom, for several years the enterprising* and genia.1 manager of the National Tea Company store on West Railroad avenue, has resigned to accept a position with H. J. Heinz and Company, producers of the cele brated "&7 varieties." He will repre sent the company on the north shore. H Hanson, veteran inrthe company, succeeds Mr. Lindstrom as manager of the local Tea emporium. -TMr. Lindstrom* resides at 1806 wal nut avenue. tWlQOT^ST ^^SHOP WILMETTE Lafties' and Misses9 Ready-to-wear___ Phon^2403 1126 Central Ave Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician Phone WiL 2«i 1150 Wilroette Ave, RESIDENT PHONE 537 Make Mother's Day Hoover Day. Make your gift this year one which will long be remembered. The cost can be distributed in easy monthly payments, and $6.25 is your only immediate outlay. Inexpensive, it is athorougj^^actical^ftjofanL efficient servant. DANNEMARK'S SHOP OPP. VILLAGE T HEATRE "Profit by Our Service" PHONE WIL. 214 ^Fastc is a matter of tobacco quality We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chesterfield are of finer ^uaKty-j(and hence of better taste) than in any other cigarette at the price* ~" Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. 20 now 18c 10 now 9c (Two 10'Sâ€"-18c) Chesterfield CIGARETTES of Turkish and Dom^iwioBa^os^bhndei :._:_......â€"3__â€"......--.'-..............â- -:-......;..........; r............t* ' Sherman Avenue Phone Evanston 2720 Evanston â€"HIinois Learn to Bay All Your Meats Here^IT WILL MEANA SAVING Very Best Sirloin SteakeLper lb Very Best Porterhouse Steak, lb. Best Roui^^ KorTSteaSTI^ teg^cO^eal^ Shoulder Lamb Roast, lb. ShouWer^VeaFRoast, lb. Peacock jBacQiijJbl Native Rib Roast of Beef, lb. jFresh Calves' Sweetbreads, lb. ?Very'. Best.. Rib .Lamb'Chops, ;ljte*g^$$^ Hindquarter Spring Lamb, from 6 lbs., per lb. |||Faney-Leg^>fHLaa^

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