Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1922, p. 12

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m ^T7 TAJCf? StrORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MAY 19, im THE LAKE SHORE NEWS Established 1912 v with which Is combined THB WILMETTB LOCAL NEWS „„^ W»tfthllahed 1898 C ISSUfQD FRIDAY OF BACH WEEK -by LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1222 Central Ave.. Wllmette, III. Telephone.............. Wllmette 1920 SUBSCRIPTION.........»2.00 A YEAR All dommunlcations must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach the edltor^byJjTednesday -nooir~to~liisure appearance in current, issue. â€"'â€"â€"~1â„¢-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"i............â€"â€"â€"<yr--»JMB« Resolutions of condolence, cards or thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. Entered at the postofflce at Wllmette, Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of March 3. mm. PRIDAY, MAY 19, 1922 feFl YOUNG DODGE IS There are times when judges â- who sit in judgn^h^oii-eftses^that require a. little different treat- ment from the majority of those that come before them seem to be verily inspired^ Such an instance is the case of young Dodge who J wasi sentenced to work for one "year-at some useful occupation. If anything can save him from the ^te AatjappearsJto»Jie before him, it will be jtcquaintance with the, seii-respect "that comeT^from achievement and the greater in- terest in life that is'found in doing something that is worth doing* â„¢ difficulty inhis -ease-willbe vms not therefore to be wondered at that there" should have been an effort to stampede the convention of the League of Women Voters with a resolution endorsing the League of Nations. It is a mat- ter for congratulation of the wo- men in charge of the session that the effort "was unsuccessful and that the resolution failed. The only reason for being of the League of Women Voters is the service that it may be in develop- ing^puhlicx>pinidiriirnia^ers; that are.needing correction in our own laws and practicesr^^V great na- tional issue such as the attitude of the government towards the League of Nations is not within -itsâ€"pirovinc^aTioT^M rightly refused place there. his own- party^But the fact rer mains and the public will not be otherwise^convinced, that the sav- ing to the tax payers shown by the budget is a real and tangible saving, not the trick of bookkeep- ing that it is chargeAwithbemg^ $14,000 IMPROVEMENTS . Craig B. Ketcham, 611 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, is building an addi- tion to his attractive home^and^ malt- ing other alterations which â„¢---«*. tail a cost of approximately $14,000. ass gttsang- fo^nnd something that he can 4o at all in an acceptable manner that is not so dreary in its doing as to defeat the very purpose, of the judge. Henry Ford^-has otered^td find employment for him, but what that work is to be has not been divulged. If it is taking a place in the mechanical i#ork that goes into the construe-. §ion of the macliihe^^fiatrafe Hirned out for the Ford factory, Mere is little reason to hope that there wittlye-arrything 1> iion |?n the part of the workeiyior the deadly effect of doing the one ^ little Apiece of work that contrib- M citiesto the greatest efficiency of ^^e working forcewill be rpunish- itientl right enough, but not the l|ind Of punishment-tha^tends to toilet defects of character. If, â„¢t|n the other hand, Mr. Ford can HP it in his' heart to;.give. into Mfe'nands of the young maji.-spme P§pn£;^ ffpffig i^Rource^jmjaKe^iie4iiaiias-jaPz Win his â-  intellect, inspire interest,. ^jfr^yfll be'possible a complete ^ettera^btt^atlmay turn into a Useful citizen a man who has just e^nublic. HJ-itient* -â- :â-  It was to be expected that there should be criticism of the work that has been done by Director of the Budget Dawes, because of the^prevailing opinion as to the demands of political life. It is not quite comtne il faut to expect approval of whaCis done by any- body in the opppsite party, no matter how obvious is the benefit resultant from it. If the demo- cratic leader should have done otherwise than he did do in his expression; of opinion^eoncerning the appropriation measure there W6ul<rtave MeTTtfie^severestTsdrf of criticism of him by members^of '-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiltiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiHifituiiiiiiifuiiiiutniiiitiiMitii'- PAIGE JEWETT CHE^LET SOLD AND SERVICED â- â€"--........By..... r ............: TRAtY MOTOR CO. H AYNES CH|U|PS EVANSTON MOTOR SALES, Inc. â-  Formerly; '• ^ jws-UMiriinnwiiE^ â- i Wt â- $8k> -4013-1017 DAVIS ST. PHONE 4250-6020 EVANSTON "Deliveries are exceptionally hard at this time. If you are anticipating a now car this spring we would suggest placing your order M this time. v D. D. PATTISON onas §9M .. ien the people of Dayton and thelt Ohio^towas were^i^fering ^WitM^J^ods^°^|^eaI^ ie hearts of thesrwnoIe public le j&untry went out in sympa^ id l^eslrirto he^Today^Kere ISp'ft Aany people who are suffer- â- Q& fe£ ^Y^re discomfort and-SfimeJ. ^^SS®rcV of: privation .'because' of ^-:-IH^;;l&gfr waters .- whichfjfhave "ii*l|rtve^ them from their homes into ^Wints': 'â-  provided "iforiitheir shel- •f^ifll^rhere must be-ample place m: Wllse- anything 'that can be. pro- N|Mdedfor th^nBettermenT of the p Condition which, although it af- m fects a relatively small number m Of people, is nevertheless as sen- Sous lor them as if many were l£lfcricfcen in .the ^same way.w$^gj S^g:6tyARREtlNO; AMONG 1§| $BM^ 0 THEMSELVES ::J&. !-i&D«Jsension within the ranks is 0f^e most demoralizing of pm St- 'i^es^^BuT also' the most .coiriraonr II is no surprise to the world to ^;: r|ad/of strife between the leaders «S thev Irish cause! It occasions :M tip '^affl^y^L^^tgaifl^S^fe Mf^^5^it:^ the ^nei^ atid to be^ ^^Sj^ected thiiig la tK>t"j^prtsiiig i when it is discovered within an organization effected with only the most lofty purposes* It FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 67 YEARS 612 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON, ILL. PHONE EVANSTON 449 164 N. MICHIGAN AVE.,CHICAG0 PHONES RANDOLPH 1346^1347 £V North Shore Line Comfort! Yoii Unci it In! the swift, even , , â- â€¢;â- â- '.'â- â- '--.".; . â- â- â- 'vV'. .â-  â- .r;;-:--'--,.::,:.-i'--,,"-^__:- ."-^'â- -â- 'â- X': '::>':V"V';)^ '"; 'â- ;"â- "â- -'•......"------~ irictfic Mini; in 1A dean, roomy eai^^hd-^o^ in tfee attentioiFortl|e courteous employes. 1S Dwrn iSfc"': g^' $Tan«lmi............. MATINEES 2 and 4. EVENINGS 7 and 9 NJEXT WEEK MONDATXM) TUESDAY MAT 22 AND 23 # C«el B. OeMiBe'c SaprMiw AchieT«ra«nt ITOOL'S PARADISE" *ttli Dwothy Dthoo, Mildred HiiU, Conrad Nagel Theodora Kosloff ui other* . D/«m«--!Uniwic«--BMi^~T1»iIUâ€"Spkndw' i~;:-i^ A Wonderful £ntert«inm«nt :- â-  WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY May 24 and 25 l^'Tbe Law and tb^Woinaii0 *§£' FraraClydeFitcb'«CtmISUgeSmcms |p*the Woman in the Caie" The Cart IbcIihIcs â€" DcUj Cmhwhi, Clw> Rldgely and '*^^1|ftii.W|iL..JMirieloii......A0§- TS to try to put over some- w nexpected in a meeting, a part of the fun and a means of impressing one's importance upon those who are in attendance. It CO] AY TEARLE IN "A Wide Open Tmn^ to everySj*^^ safety and conve- nience; in the knowledge that you will'arrive at^cwir destiiiation-fel^ Shore Line, and the con terminal lo- cations, remove, for * the JpOT|Ier over this route, jnany of thip tendant upon railroad travel. "~~~ If: Railroad Connections In jQhte lake you witiiin easy reach of all transpor- tation linesâ€"electric and steam railroads. Grandi r 'Opera1 , r. CHICK-C' . â- a^ imtinininn Baggage Checked W to All Poirtis.:^ umininiinmffliinniuuuninntiiintiiinmiiiiimHiBHflnim Limited Trains for Chicago leave Wiimette eveiyhdui from 6:45 a. m. to 1:15 a. m.| These trains operate! direct to 63rd and Dorchester.^id^-^^^rw^m^S Express Trains for Chicago leave Wiimette every hnite hour from 7:04 a. m. 10^8:04 am., then 8:38^m. land every fatif-hotir^o^iC^ li IjiBJ.^ xeei lSfe|^iM^«lE $ a lWi â- :'*m :-râ€"-fpj®0& ;:---i|I|: K^^^^M^^ilSft

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