Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1922, p. 4

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TT^^AJgl^^QR£-NEWS/FRIPAY/ MAY 19, 192& tiSM N SOLDIER BENEFIT Rainbow Division Men To Sponsor Theatre Program "Illinois Troops Under Fire," is the title of 8,000 feet of actual battle front pictures to be shown at the Woods Theater during the week of May 22 un- der the auspices of the Illinois Chapter ot&ainbow Division Veterans. The United States Army Signal Corps pho- tographers took these scenes in } France during the engagements of lerican-troops,-Each scene is titled with thefexact date and location and -those who-have seen^private-showing declare them the most interesting and ^thrilling. Prom the fact that foreign enemies may have gained information Aad they been released duringz^eJju»gii^:TOB^ii^^^€i^ war'department's laboratories andJhis_ Additional Fire Apparatus engagement will be the first public iView. .Some of the regiments shown under the 33rtt Division, "Hre- â- ot- are uiaiiv namely the 129, 130,131 and 132, most ly Cook county boysv although a great many scenes 'show the Rainbow crowd known as Reilly's Bifcks, the 149th, Many^well known citizens are photo- graphed in close rups, several being decorated by King Ge< -Another interesting view shows boys of the 132 and 133 advancing along the battle front ami the 129th^landing HixrWrsatt~~~r~ - .........~......" ^#^-,,;:,wf^-- PROPOSALS ^^•^'â- ^â- â- â- â- 'Wllmette, HI., May 19, 1922. s Sealed proposals from reputable makers <if motor Are apparatus for one gasoline automobile combination service ladder truck with 500 gallon pumping unit at- tached will be received by the Board of Trustees of said village of Wilmette, un- til 7:30 o'clock P. M., on Wednesday* May 31, 1922, at which time said proposals will be piiMteiv nppnM, f^nn^rm* «w* declared by said Board of Trustees, in the Village Hall in said Village of Wil- mette. The specifications for said apparatus are the specifications recommended by the National.Fire Protection Association and the Chicago Board of Underwriters, copies of 'which may be obtained at the office of the Superintendent of Public Works in'the Village Hall in Wilmette, during, all business hours. The-said Board ofâ€"Trustees reserves EDWARD ZIPP^ ..,„â- -,â-  WM. H. ELLIS ^^ FREDERICK TILT ^PWmtwM PAUL -A; HOFFMAN. .-.:. HARRY M. BACHMAN mm S :%:&p.«.CLAUDE E. FITCH LOUIS T. STARKEL ferd of Trustees of « the Village Wilmette. fved have never seen themselves in action, hence they can go through their terrible, experiences this time with members of their family while seated in comfortable chairs with a substantial roof over their heads instead of packing under heavy marching orders through, knee deep mud while a heavy pouring rain is driving against their tired bodies. The strain and strenuous work of army life which could never be told In words is vividly shown in the signal, corps "history. Two performances a day will be given with, an introduction by Corp. R. F. Ingleston who shot most of the films. A fully instructive and Interest- ing." talk throughout the program should «make this the one and only opportunity to obtain the real facts of dur part in the late war. -*-'«--------- The proceeds of this entertainment will go towards helping the ex-service man, therefore the people who pur- chase tickets are 4oing. a two-fold benefit, obtaining first facts and help- ing a worthy cause. ^ Sealed proposals from reputable makers of motor flre~I%pwaTiisT,ar a combination service ladder truck and 500 gallon -pumping unit are to be re- ceived by the Wilmette Village Board of Trustees until 7:30 o'clockJWedneSi day evening, May* 31, when proposals received are to be publicly opened. Paul A. Hoffman, an expert on fire usrâ€"and-^nember--of- the Vil- lage Board of Trustees, has been in- vestigating for some time: in the inters est of securing what he considers the :b^^ypB~©f^pafatus To^uTFtlie Heeds of Wilmette. The^request for bids on apparatus- follows several weeks of serious consideration of improving the fire fighting equipment of the village. Lodge Conducts Services ' For New England Member Tho A. T. Sliei man Lodge No. K&2, I. O. O. F., comprising a membership on the north shore, Wednesday, May 10, conducted funeral services for G. S. Smith, of Vesta Lodge No. 166, I. O. O. F;, New Bedford, Mass., who passed away Sunday, May 7, at the North Chicago hospital. r~Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd of the First: Congregational church df~~Wflmetfr read the wr v lefej-There ^was: a large representation of the local lodge. L26- * PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby give, of a hearing to be held by the Board of Ap ^llpeals of the Village of Wilmette on "^Wednesday, Ine 7th day of June, at the Whour of ^i(W o'clock P. M. at the Village IHall, for the purpose of affording all per- S»sbns that may be interested an oppor- tunity to be heard upon the tentative re- port of the Board of Appeals recommend- ing to the Board of Trustees for adop- tion certain variations or amendments to the Zoning Law. Copies of the proposed ivapiations or amendments may be had Upon application to C. C. Schultz, Supt. of Public Works, Village H61L Dated Ma$_M~W^__â€"«-^sssrri^- -----^OARDOF APPEALS Village of Wilmette by S. J. NORDORF â€" -â€"' Secretary .7*rst (Official publication) SSfs iff® fts tileport-of therconditlo^of^-sr^ Wilmette State Bank i»a located at waimette,'ill, State of Ill- inois, at the close of business on the JitlL-day .ot May, 1A22, -aa inaclia-to-the 43l»eck»--an*^ra#tf^-«n^banlar" Auditor _olMP§LMic_^Accou^ „,„Siitiil Resource*___ ani on Keatl^tata j(la).. ns on Collateral Sec * 2S2#3TOT Other Loans (lc) ;....... 454,770.24 Overdraftsi (2) ££ ;>..'.â- Â».,. $ 920.89 U. S. Government Invest^ ments (3) ............ .,.. 168,754.34 IStner Bonds (4) ........ V 3J2,«79.67 Banking House, Furniture ft s | and Fixtures (5) ....v... . 63,944.41 Due from Banks, Cash and * Resources (7,8,9) 246,164.02 ^ Total Resources vU* .$1,724,070.11 :.;;:-.:::i4abilitie8li' ' â-  â-  Capital Stock <iy ...... f K. $100,000.00 Surplus |2) -1.;.- u<&£Vvi*"â- â€¢ •.. 60,000.00 l^aiYia^ Profltg (1^) (3) 18,273^ Time Deposits <4a) Demand Deposits (4b). Dividends Unpaid (51 ..;. 629,823.69 913,202.76 L^JBOJin 12,710.35 (other ___includ- ing War Loan deposit account and deposits of United States disbursing officers .......... LiabUiMear__pjherl_tlumâ€"those- mft i^ryy-Cashler of the ^iqigaisove-^atid^ â- w Reserve.'Accounts' „ !fBl§il-'-"~-";'-:"' "â- '^:\sÂ¥isZii-'-~ i|Sl^Ss-ssaB* mette State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to ri_^JiiaU»egi-of injr Itnowi __ L : and that the items and amounts shoWn above correspond amounts shown in the report made to rtt^-Autlltor of Public Accounts, State jff ^Hitnta, pnranflniu »o 4ftw W. a^ I^eary, Cashier. ]-^i State of IHtoiois4^ ^^mm-wm^m^^ ' -- ^County ..of.' Cook,,./: ^JKtXSBBm - k ^Subscribed and sworn to before me Hfto^ffi a»y ^ Hay, 1922. n : Margaret H. Schinler, WS(Ofnc»al Publication) ^ REPORT OP CONDITION OF^THB First National Bank I ^ of 1 Wilmette i jt Wilmette, in the State of Illinois, at tlRKclose of business on May 5, 1922. RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, acceptances of other banks, and foreign bills of exchange or drafts »sold with indorsement of this bank (ex- cept those shown in b ^n^ â€" â- .-€)â-  ....................... .$213,439.41 Overdrafts, unsecured Tiv.... v 87.16 U. S. Government securlties^^^^â„¢ owned; All other United States Govern- ment securities (including king House; fixturesâ€".....". rawful reserve Reserve Bank Cash in vault and amount with "^front=nationai-hanks AinountJue^ftnnitState-banksr bankers^ and trust companies in the United States (other than included in Items 8, 9, 155,910.59 2lt9,712,70 14,391.15 35,624.77 43,283.28 and 10) Checks on other i banks In the 5,725.94 same c% ingr bai 12). or town as report- (other than Item 2,720.45 iPVrteral -Reserve^ (including ~~Bank) located outside of city or town of reporting bank .. 1,315.09 Other assets, if any.......... 3,973.85 Total stock paid In ....... .$ 50,000.00 .......... 10,000.00 Capital Surplus fund Undivided profits ..'........... Certified checks outstanding.. Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Re- serve, (deposits payable with' In 30 days): Individual deposits subject to -CbeolCâ€"-mnrVv .................. Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed)........ State, county, or other munici- pal deposits secured by pledge of assets of thisr bank or oth- erwise ....^^al*^. ;..,.... Dividends^-unpaiaFT...........r Certiflcates of deposit (other than for money borrowod).. 1,^ 18,162.52 44.00 346,615.52 5,262.00 25,000.00 ioo Other time deposits Postal -savings deposits United States deposits ±han--postal- savings), ftt& 217,799.13 86.83 18,930.25 """. Total ...,.»t,n State of nijnois, 3Sounty~e4r Gookr^f 2,350.88 .^v.. $696,224.88 I, Rs W. Webber, Cashier of 4he above- witbJttfi itema ^naUnft""^ bank^do-aolemnly^^ swear-aigrjffist Jabove naUitement ia twie td~the best of' ~ my knowledge and belief.--------â€" • ;'::-â-  Correct--A ttest: DAVID NELSON, ^~ GEO. W. SPRINGER, J. M.1SPPLE, Directors. '"Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of May, 1922. MARGARET H. SCB^MT*^ *^ (Seal): ,â€"-•• smt^w-mm?*'- Jsotaxy Public Players Acclnimftd Star* H' in Benefit Performance Funds of the Wilmette Board of Local Charities were considerably en- hanced Saturday evening in the ap- pearance of the North Shore Players at the Wnniette Roman's club In three well-portrayed one-act playlets. A crowded house greeted the pro- duction of "Mansions," starring Miss Elizabeth Duffy, "The Last Rehearsal" and "Hbme for Lunch." The Players held the-audienee-in- terest from the prologue to the final curtain and the evening's performance was as smoothly done as could be viewed on any professional stage The absolute lack of the so-called ama- teurish ' type" of acting positively astounded many members of the audi- ence who may have felt a bit skep- tical at the outset of the evening. Proceeds from the production were directed into the coffers of the local charities fund. â€"~ Local Welfare Worker k Honored By German Mrs. Franfc Schaedler, 301 Sheridan place, Wilmette, was *e gueat oi honor at a reception in Berlin Monday given by Prau Ebert, wife of the presi- dent of the German Republic. Mrs. Schaedler is chairman of tne Gerinan-wax^EPham'^ei^lJ^rh: and JiireclOT^"he^^ the reception FrauEbertconveyed to Chicago and vicinity Germany's appre- ciation of the welfare work, it was ';said.. ' 1ilz_;, 1.1-::^ :":X:'^h££:':/i\ -; -^â- - TO REALTORS' CONVENTION H H. Brown^ president of the North Shore Real Estate Board of Suburban Chicago, leaves soon to attend the con- vention of the Natmnal association of Real Estate boards to be held at San Francisco, Cal., on May 31. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hopp are to^ accomprfny Mr. Brown on the' trip. ^;IU: tyM^;. Copper's Keen Eye Saves _ Logan SchoolFrom Flames Albert Borre, in charge of the night squad of Wilmette police probably saved the Logan school from complete destruction by fire early Tuesday morning. / ,- • ^ .. , Borre, while passing^ the r school ^hortJyLJb^foj?a_o^e^i)'clQcJE_Jio^ ^ear door of the structure was in flames. He immediately turned in an alarm. * Quick work of the fire department confined the blaze to the basement and a rear stairway, although the in- tense heat burst several windows in adjacent rooms. Damage caused by smoke will necessitate redecoration of practically the entire building, it was said.-. ^~~. --^e--r--^ -^^-^^^ mm Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Levy of Chestnut avenue, have moved Rogers Park boiel;>.£-::££ki^ 826 to the SUGARâ€"fhe^riest§tandard, Eastern cane granjdajed. mal profit goods. No cash discount. 10 lbs. ................... •.,«.*â- -»--• '• • • • • • • • • ^ • • • • • • •.â„¢.. * - VAUGHAN'S SEEDSâ€"Agent for Wilmette. They are the most satisfactory of all seeds, sell you anything in Vaughari's catalogue at the ^catalogue price, dlrassrseed for sunny lawns, grass seed for shady places^ Fertilizers plants^ â- FLOUR Grocery Telephones 510, 511, 512 & 513 Meat Telephone 514 SELLER OF GOOD F^ Wilmette-Central Ave. and 12th St CASH DISeOUNT CadiandCwry - - - '- 5% Discount On orders of $1.00 or more of normal Profit Goods. Cash and Defivered - - - - 2% Discount ___These do not apply to Meat Department,. 51___________________ SPECIAL PRICE DOWN SALE MAY 19th to MAY B27tt With an order of $1.50 of ridr-^ -Pillsbury, Washburn and Ceresota. No cash discount. 1-8 bl..........................v.. FAIRY SOAP FLAKESâ€"You will receive, in the mail, a coupon for Fairy Soap Flakes, from The N. K. Fairbank Co. Don't throw it away. Bring it to us and ivlswill give you 2 pkgs. for the price of one. Pkg. POWDIITH ROCK PRESERVESâ€"Pure, berry, Plum, Apricot.^ Large_16:oz1jar. .28 from 10c Fruit and sugar only. Doz^!L65^_Jai^-~-~-t^ Strawberry, Logan- 1-lb. can. Doz RICHELIEU SHRIMPSâ€"The finest quality and very cheap. Can ........ *'*.... • • •...............................^- • t-----------•'.....•-• •;•â- / COFFEEâ€"My own blend. 38c regular. Equal to any coffee in cans at 45c. ^jlo^asit^itscount. 3 lbs. ;..............•• •..................•• ••••..... POWDERED SUGARâ€" Confeetibnerst 4x. Lb. ... .8 1-Zc COFFEEâ€" , Roast-Santos. A mild sweet cot; fee, at^a-bargain price. Lb. ..26c LIPTON'S YELLOW LABfiL TEA-" -^Orange Pekoe, % lb. can 421-2c MEAT DEPARTMENT Native Rib Roast Beef 6th and 7tK rib, lb.......... .38c Shoulder of Veal, Milk Fed, lb.. .35c Native Chuck Pot Roast, lb. ....24c Kerber Squares of Bacon --by the piecc^Lb............20c Breast of Spring Lamb, lb. ....10c __^As^fou-k«owT-tWs-4s-oae-ofpth^ ^finestnprodticed, Qt can .,.. f 1.5(r MAZOLA SALAD^ OILâ€" - Qt. can .^.^^^-^j^jj^-i*?0 WRIGHTS^Stn»REMBr^~--- JflAXONNATSE SALAD-^^^^ DRESSING-^ __•_ ^ 8% oz. jar..................&c RUMEORD'S PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDERâ€" - H lb. can .......... KIRK'S AMERICAN FAMILY SOAPâ€" ^ 66 bars^in box....... ^... $3.90 10 bars................... «60c No cash discount. -ARMOUR'S START^ RITET^ SOA^CHIPS^ â€"~â€"r=â€"â€" 1-lb. pkg. ^ . . .TT • -*-mf-i .TTTil8C=^ GOLD DUSTâ€" Large No. 4 pkg. ............30c^ ARMOUR'S POTTED MEAT«= For sandwiches. No. % can.. 10c PLYMOUTH ROCK; TUNA FISH-^... Large No. 1 can............ .35c No. % can..................20c BRAVO SMOKED NORWEG--3 IAN SARDINESâ€" ^ %s. can .. .>.............12 J-2c PIERRETTE^BONELESS^^^^ SARDINESâ€" Fancy. In olive oil. Large can 30«r RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLEâ€" ^^M-I=i This is the highest grade that can be pflpduced. j!Jo 2 can^MM^-M â€" doz., $3.60; can .. .1.. .>s,; .^30c ASPARAGUS DR. PRICE'S PHOSPHATE KITCHEN KLENZERâ€" FAIRY _j2-roz^canE5^es!iP3*r»"......... .22c NUTRI MEAL-^ â- ' _ Pure whole wheat meal. For brjeads,--4>ancakesr porridge -and^ â€"pgddinga, 2ntn-Tft^-^rT7rrrr^25c- RICHELIEU ROLLED OATS- WHITE FLOATING - TOILET SOAPâ€" . 10 jcakes ...........i........65c MONSOON BROOMSn. Extra quality. Fine broom corn. 4 sewed. Each ..............75c 4ff»ISK DROOMS==â€"â€"-----p" Well made, and the finest quality, of broom corn^__Each^~.. • .35c The finest^raafhV^nia^er^le^i^'lCANDL^^ No chaff. . Large, 3-lb. 7-oz. pkg. ..... .20c A new cereal. Rich in food iron and food lime. Pkg...........20c BEECHNUT, PEANUT BUTTERâ€" '* >HLarge 10-oz. jar .... .'../•• • • .27c NEW YORK CHEESES .^ ^ Whole milk. Finest made. Ola, . snappy. Lb............«»«..37c WISCONSIN BRICK CHEESEâ€" Lb. .....................♦••25c -Wzx^- Any- color. Self-fitting. 8 or 12 in box............•• ..44c JOHNSON'S FLOOR WAXâ€" 1-lb. can, solid ..............57c Pint bottle, fluid............50c ©'CEDAR FLOOR MOP-f Large, fine floor dusting oil mop. Each......................$1.25 LUXURY TOILET PAPERâ€" Crepe, large 6%-ozrToll, at a bar- gain priceâ€"Dozt-.. ..wvttttvSSjt MONSOON SPICED MONSOON POINTSâ€" Buy now. The wholesale price has been raised. No. 1 square Can ..................... V37%c SUNBEAM SWEET CORNâ€" ^-Is a-WoT^erTtr*^^^ T^everyone; doz. S2.1Q: can_^^.. 18c CARMELO SWEET GARDEN PEASâ€" - Tendeivvsweet*and very" reason^ able. Doz. ., Can .. RICHELIEU TOMATOES- Only red, ripe tomatoes of se- lected quality used. Solid pack. Large No. 21-4 call, doz. ..$2.35 Can .. .-.;..â- ............,...,.^0c PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMATOESâ€" ,V Extra standard No. 2 can, doz. ..............'....... .$1.65 __CajL^ji*^i-. ^... ^^. .^^^^..,. ,44câ€" BE VEAUX MUSHROOM^ Buttons, can 59c REGAL GINGER ALE ANJDl ROOT BEERâ€"--------------- CANTALOUPE PRESERVESâ€" Large 21-oz. jar............35c YOUNG AMERICA CHEESE-â€"J2ALTFORNT A-POPPY PRE- â€"r- Lb. ...________...........-29c SERVEDFIGSâ€" _^ VPAT?r«i QA^inxxrTCH-^----â€"^------lJb^ar-^^w-rT^TTVTTTTTTrHOe- 50c doz. rebatOor bottles. ^^f^^^TT^in^ PRESERVED FIGS- PHIZ LOGANBERRY -Lb.'-...... f...... • •.. ^I^SJ&Ll 10-°zv can ,.ft,-----.. .-^^^^z^JBintrltez?^^ Fancy quality. Doz. qts. ....$2.00 WALTER BAKERSlPRfiMIUML IJHOCOLATE^-. :-;-t-:- Lb. ....... •'•"*.... »v....... .35C, 10-oz. can ENGLISH WALNUTS â- ^WiasTER^BAKER'SXOCOA^ %4br SHELLED^r==^ c; Extra^ fancy halves, lb. JAN^~SHELLEDâ€"^ Extra fancy, lb. •85c -z^EL^EtCONCOKteGRSPET JUICE-- ^iwrtj-^c^Fmte.^^7773^1 90C MEIER'S WHIWl-PATiWRl- -=^ COCOAâ€" SupsrJiML^iuallty^JBnlk^ SCUDDER'S SYRUPâ€" ^ a 1|A delicious blend of maple syrup> iiand...rock .candy, syrup.yMM-M$- . I |€FuU.^arixaajJM«Jr«-^^..7.7 rMBO^SALTED PEANUTS-^ dway^^eshHb.-rTTrrTTT77772Tc PgANUTS^-Iu sheflr^-Tâ€"~-~â€" Fresh roasted, lb. *;i ^..... .J6c ENGLISH WALNUTSâ€" ; I California^ ^Budded. The finest ^quality grown;-ferriir^vv.i^J0ri:. GRAPE JUICEâ€" 12%q5zT"bottIe •25c ^tEINAr No. 13 oz. bottle ....30c REINA MANZANILLA DEV- ILED OLIVESâ€" _â-  _/,^nm-

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